Leon Trotsky (poster)


– Survey –

Introductory notes

The subject of this chapter of our TrotskyanaNet site is not the Trotskyist press in general, i.e. the serials (or, periodicals) produced and disseminated by the numerous national parties and groups or international bodies claiming adherence to Trotsky and/or to Trotskyist positions in past and present. Those publications were dealt with in our Trotskyist Serials Bibliography compiled around 1990 and published in print format in 1993.

In this chapter we provide features about a small number of journals and a small selection of monographic series which are exclusively or principally devoted to studies on Trotsky and Trotskyism. Most of the featured serials were (or are still) issued by those research centres and working archives presented also on TrotskyanaNet. The journal/series descriptions consist of essential bibliographic information, notes on publication history, on authors, subjects, availability, prices, etc.

It should be mentioned here that the contents of almost all journals and series mentioned below has been systematically analysed for our Trotsky database from which we generate our Leon Trotsky Bibliography, in which are cited (as at Winter 2018/19) some 400 items which appeared in Cahiers Léon Trotsky, some 320 in Revolutionary History, some 100 in Dissidences–BLEMR (from 2005 called Dissidences) and 27 in Journal of Trotsky Studies. This alone demonstrates the very relevance of all those journals as top sources and goldmines of information with regard to Trotsky/Trotskyism research.

Les Cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I.

[ISSN 0292–4943]

From 1977 to 2014, C.E.R.M.T.R.I. (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Mouvements Trotskyste et Révolutionnaires Internationaux), a well–known working archive, library and documentation centre set up by French Trotskyist scholars at Paris, issued a valuable quarterly bulletin series titled Les cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. The first eleven numbers were undated, the first four issues were lacking a numbering. Until Autumn 2014, altogether 155 numbers of Les Cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I., each bearing a distinctive title, have been published, containing inventories relating to the rich archival and library collections preserved at C.E.R.M.T.R.I. (e.g. nos. 1, 5–23, 30), selected material from those archives, i.e. chiefly compilations of contemporaneous original documents on very specific subjects (e.g. nos. 27, 29, 49, 67, 79), or analytical tables of contents of journals and bulletins housed at C.E.R.M.T.R.I. (e.g. nos. 2, 24, 31, 46, 48).

From 2015 to 2016, Les Cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. were incorporated as Dossier du C.E.R.M.T.R.I. into a quarterly serial issued by C.E.R.M.T.R.I., namely the Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier [ISSN 1287-2598] which were published from no. 1 (1998) to no. 85 (2020).

For further details contact C.E.R.M.T.R.I. at its new address: 3, rue Meisonnier, F 93500 Pantin, France, or by e–mail at cermtri@wanadoo.fr.

Here you can find a short title list of all published issues (as at 2021) of Les cahiers du C.E.R.M.T.R.I.:

Cahiers Léon Trotsky : revue édité par
l'Institut Léon Trotsky

[ISSN 0181-0790]

The Cahiers Léon Trotsky (CLT, for short) [Leon Trotsky Notebooks] began publication in January 1979 and ceased in 2003. At the beginning, CLT was published in Paris, later in Grenoble; the address of the editorial board (as at 2003) was: CLT, BP 276, 38407 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France, the ordering/subscription address (as at 2003) was: Luc Aujane, 477 chemin du Puits, 69210 Fleurieux sur l'Arbresle, France.

Altogether 80 issues of CLT were published; the average scope of the issues was some 130 pages, the format 15x21.5 cm.

The Cahiers Léon Trotsky were edited by the Institut Léon Trotsky (ILT), featured within TrotskyanaNet's chapter about Research Centres and Working Archives. The ILT was set up in 1977 chiefly to fulfill the task of publishing Trotsky's works in French. Cahiers Léon Trotsky was launched in order to establish a link between the institute and interested scholars and Trotsky researchers worldwide. CLT were always independent from any existing Trotskyist organization, persuing a strictly non–sectarian, pretentious and consistent editorial policy. Cahiers Léon Trotsky published a considerable number of valuable documents (in French translation) collected through the research and archival work relating to the preparation of the French edition of Trotsky's writings. CLT was a prime quality scholarly journal containing many letters, circulars, memoirs, reports etc. by Trotsky's close collaborators, secretaries and people with whom he corresponded, as well as rare and never before published archival material related to the history of Trotskyist organizations or to the fate of certain Trotskyist resistance groups. Furthermore, innumerable well–researched and exhaustively annotated articles by French and international Trotsky scholars, either as original contributions or as translations from English, German, Russian and other sources, were featured on CLTs pages. Additionally, CLT provided a large number of excellent biographical sketches, historical vignettes, obituaries, book reviews, letters, and reports about relevant conferences, archival discoveries and scholarly controversies.

Thus, the Cahiers Léon Trotsky functioned as an outstanding platform and reference organ of international Trotsky scholarship, a cornerstone of an unofficial international network of individuals and institutions devoted to the research on the life and work of Leon Trotsky, his co–fighters and of the entire Trotskyist movement. Reflecting recent results and the topical state–of–the–art with regard to Trotsky research, CLT continually stimulated and furthered such research work in France and beyond the country's boundaries where – following CLT's example – similar journals were launched during the 1980s and 1990s such as for example Revolutionary History in Britain and Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies) in Japan.

At the time of its launching in 1979, CLT's editorial board consisted of professor Pierre Broué (1926–2005), the moving spirit of both the CLT and the Institut Léon Trotsky, and of Marguerite Bonnet, Michel Dreyfus, Anna Libera, Jean Risacher, Jean René, Jean–François Godchau, Francis Jolivet, Michel Kehrnon [i.e. Le Guevel], and Nat London.

In 1990, a complete list of the tables of contents (nos. 1–39, 1979–89) was published separately by the Institut Léon Trotsky (26 pp.)

Unfortunately, the publication of Cahiers Léon Trotsky was first interrupted and then eventually ceased with issue no. 80 (March 2003), as a possible consequence of Pierre Broué's severe illness and passing away. Pierre Broué's death as well as the end of the Cahiers undoubtedly meant a heavy loss to the whole international Trotsky research community.

Fortunately, today digitized versions of CLT are online available free of charge within the framework of the French-language section of the Marxists Internet Archive (MIA)

Some literature about CLT:

– Breitman, George: 'Cahiers Leon Trotsky' begins publication in France, in: Intercontinental Press, 17.1979 (14), pp.387–388.

– Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Le supplice de Tantale? : Pierre Broué, les Cahiers Léon Trotsky et l'histoire du trotskysme après 1940, in: Pierre Broué, un historien engagé dans le siècle, Lormont, 2012 (=Dissidences : [new series], 11.2012), pp. 93-103.

– Prager, Rodolphe: Big step toward Trotsky's collected works in French, in: Intercontinental Press, 16.1978 (29), pp. 894–895.

Here we present a List of all published issues of Cahiers Léon Trotsky (with links to the digitized items available free of charge in the World Wide Web, as mentioned above). Please note, that only those articles etc. are mentioned which have a special relevance relating to Trotsky and Trotskyism research and that very short articles, notes, correspondence, and miscellaneous documents have not been considered here in detail. Below we provide an index of authors, an index of obituaries, and an index of reviews

Cahiers Léon Trotsky – Index of authors

Cahiers Léon Trotsky  –  Index of books [on Trotsky / Trotskyism] reviewed:

Abosch, Heinz: Trotzki und der Bolschewismus (1975): 4

Alexander, Robert J.: International Trotskyism 1929-1985 (1991): 52

Bensaïd, Daniel: Moi, la révolution (1989): 38

Bensaïd, Daniel: Les trotskysmes (2002): 79

Besancenot, Olivier: Tout est à nous (2002): 79

Broué, Pierre: L'assassinat de Trotsky (1980): 9

Buschak, Willy: Das Londoner Büro : Europäischer Linkssozialismus in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1985): 31

Calvès, Alain: Sans bottes ni médailles (1984): 23

Campinchi, Philippe: Les lambertistes, un courant trotskiste (2000): 74, 79

Durand, Damien: La naissance de l'opposition de gauche internationale (1984): 22

Elleinstein, Jean: Staline–Trotsky (1979): 2

Geduld, Carolyn: Bernard Wolfe (1972): 19

Gluckstein, Daniel et Pierre Lambert. Itinéraires (2002): 79

Greenland, Hall: Red hot : the life and time of Nick Origlass (1998): 71

Herrera, Hayden: Frida, the life of Frida Kahlo (1983): 29

Howe, Irving: Trotsky (1978): 2

Journès, Claude: L'extrême gauche en Grande–Bretagne (1977): 2

Kondratieva, Tamara: Bolcheviks et Jacobins (1989): 38

Laguiller, Arlette: Mon communisme (2002): 79

Lubitz, Wolfgang and Petra: Trotsky bibliography. 3. ed. (1999): 67

Marie, Jean–Jacques: Trotsky, le trotskysme et la Quatrième Internationale (1980): 9

Marie, Jean–Jacques: Le trotskysme etles trotskystes (2002): 79

Marazzi, Antonella: Trotsky in Italia (1980): 9

Mendel, Hersh: Mémoires d'un révolutionnaire juif (1982): 22

Ngo Van: Viêt–nam 1920-1945, révolution et contre–révolution sous la domination coloniale (1995): 57

Payne, Robert: The life and death of Trotsky (1977): 19

Plenel, Edwy: Secrets de jeunesse (2001): 79

Pluet–Despatin: La presse trotskyste en France de 1926 à 1968 (1978): 2

Rühle–Gerstel, Alice: Kein Gedicht für Trotzki (1979): 5

Serke, Jürgen: Portrait d'Hugo Sonnenschein (1990): 47

Sinclair, Louis: Leon Trotsky, a bibliography (1972): 4

Stinas, Agis: Mémoires (1990): 44

Thalmann, Pavel et Clara: Combats pour la liberté (1983): 27

Tichelman, Fritjof: Henk Sneevliet (1988): 45

Tosstorff, Reiner: Die POUM während des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs (Diss. 1985): 29

Trockij nel movimento operaio del XX secolo (Il Ponte, 36.1980,11/12): 9

Trotsky, 100 years after his birth (Survey, vol. 24.1979,1): 4

Trotzki, Leo: Schriften. Bd. 1, Sowjetgesellschaft und stalinistische Diktatur (1988): 45

Vogelsanger, David: Trotzkismus in der Schweiz (1979): 4

Wald, Alan: The New York intellectuals (1987): 35

Wald, Alan: The revolutionary imagination (1983): 19

Zur Mühlen, Patrik von: Spanien und ihre Hoffnung (1983): 27

Cahiers Léon Trotsky – Index of obituaries: **)


*) Pierre Broué (1926–2005), founder and editor of CLT and one of the most renowned Trotsky scholars worldwide, contributed to almost all issues of CLT as author, editor, compiler of documents, reviewer, etc. A considerable portion of his contributions (particularly editorials, introductions, annotations, book reviews, obituaries and biographical sketches) were published anonymously or signed by P.B.

**) As a rule, only obituaries published within the CLT sections titled Les départs (or, Nos morts) have been considered with regard to our index. You should keep in mind that CLT also contains a very considerbale number of biographical sketches and similar items about deceased Trotskyists; these sketches and the like are contained in articles or form part of the Documents section of the CLT issues. Most of the obituaries published in CLT are unsigned; it is very likely that the bulk of them were written by Pierre Broué.

Revolutionary History

[ISSN 0953–2382]

Revolutionary History (RH, for short) was set up in 1988 by Socialist Platform Ltd., an independent socialist publishing venture located in London. Revolutionary History is a magazine dealing with the history of the revolutionary socialist movement and its protagonists, from a chiefly Trotskyist viewpoint, not belonging to or supporting any of the existing currents within the British and international Trotskyist movements. All socialist tendencies and individuals are welcome to support RH and to send a representative to its editorial board.

Revolutionary History in a way has been the English–language counterpart of the French Cahiers Léon Trotsky from which RH has taken several articles, thus making them available to non–francophone readers. It is a distinguished scholarly journal, featuring well–researched and meticulously annotated articles and documents chiefly appearing - at least in English language - for the very first time.

At the beginning, the journal appears roughly quarterly, later semi-annually, then annually; the issues were designated by volume and number (for details see below), the format changed several times (for details see below); the average number of pages per issue raised during the last years to some 320 pp. Each issue of RH focuses on a specific subject and bears a distinct title, thus standing as a book in its own (many issues are bearing an ISBN additionally to the ISSN). However, regular columns were also provided, in almost all issues: editorial, work(s) in progress, reviews and review articles, letters, obituaries (also appreciations, biographical sketches, vignettes), and of course errata; furthermore, many issues contained also reader's notes, i.e. short and partially annotated bibliographical informations relating to articles on various aspects of socialist history, obituaries etc. recently published in the socialist as well as in the mainstream bourgeois press.

Revolutionary History is a very valuable and quite unique source of information for people looking for thorough and alternative explanations and background information relating to the repeated – often disastrous – defeats suffered by the twentieth century working–class movement. In this context RH's motto should be mentioned: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. One of the main purposes of Revolutionary History is to write back into the historical records the (often forgotten, neglected or suppressed) fact that there were always small (and often too tiny) groups of  devoted and courageous men and women who fought to the best of their abilities for alternative strategies which could have result in a different outcome. Thus Revolutionary History has exhaustively presented the viewpoints and analyses of various non–Stalinist and non–reformist left minority groups and individuals with regard to the Spanish popular front strategy or in view of the rise of Hitlerism and the Second World War, to mention only a few examples. The material about these topics presented on the pages of RH includes recent results of scholarly research as well as English translations of contemporaneous documents, long unavailable or never before published archival material, eye–witness accounts, etc. RH not at all confines itself to a narrow definition of Trotskyism, but has opened its pages to writings by and about other (non–Trotskyist) authentic anti–Stalinist and anti–reformist revolutionaries and theoreticians, such as for example Victor Serge or Boris Souvarine.

Thanks to the non–sectarian and independent editorial policy of Revolutionary History, its  readers are profiting from the absence of being confronted with a history of Trotskyism lapsing into esoteric and trivial narratives of never-ending splits, denunciations, expulsions and apostolic succession struggles unfortunately characterizing many of those small groups isolated from any real class struggles.

The editorial board of Revolutionary History consisted of a considerable number of renowned British (and some non–British) Trotskyist activists and left–wing historians, both academic and non–academic, some of them adhering to various tendencies and groups of the radical left, others lacking such an affiliation. The founder, editor/director and moving spirit of Revolutionary History was the late Al Richardson (1941–2003), an outstanding Marxist historian and revolutionary socialist scholar, whose life, work, and meaning has recently been appreciated in a long biographical essay by John McIlroy (in RH vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 3-18). Al Richardson was not only the editor of RH but at the same time the author of a very considerable portion of the book reviews, obituaries and reader's notes published in RH.  When RH starting some 28 years ago, the editorial board was composed of John Archer, Sam Bornstein, David Bruce, Keith Hassell, Ravi Jamieson, George Leslie, Sam Levy, Bruce Robinson and Ernest Rogers. Al Richardson was named as editor, Ted Crawford and Mike Howgate as deputy editors, Barry Buitekant functioned as business manager and Paul Flewers as production and design manager. As at Autumn 2015, the following persons have been mentioned: Al Richardson (†) as founding editor; Ted Crawford, Paul Flewers, Esther Leslie, and John Plant as editorial coordinating team; John Plant as reviews and obituaries editor; Alun Morgan as website coordinator; Fritz Keller as continental contributing editor. The editorial board (as at Autumn 2015) consisted of: Toby Abse, Ian Birchall, Tony Borton, David Broder, Barry Buitekant, Bill Crane, Mildred Gordon, Chris Gray, Simon Hardy, Dave Renton, Mike Jones, Stuart King, Richard Kirkwood, Sheila Leslie, Ben Lewis, Mike Pearn, Jim Ring, and Alejandra Rios. Additionally, Andy Durgan, Rick Kuhn, Staffan Lindhé, Jean-Jacques Marie, Einde O'Callaghan, Tom O'Lincoln, and Reiner Tosstorff were listed as foreign advisory board.

For the mirror website of Revolutionary History click here.

The first series of Revolutionary History ended with vol. 11, no. 1 (2013); in 2015 a new series began with no. 1 (published in Autumn 2015); this issue at the same time is the last one which could be found (as at Autumn 2020), thus it seemed unfortunately that the journal has ceased publication.

As at 2015, single back issues of RH may be ordered from Merlin Press Ltd., London

Sources used for our article:
Revolutionary History's website
– Birchall, Ian: Revolutionary History, in: Newsletter / London Socialist Historians Group,  2001 (11)
– Richardson, Al: Saving our history from academics and sects : John McIlroy interviews Al Richardson, editor of the magazine Revolutionary History, in: Workers Liberty (London), 1995 (23), pp. 22-24.

What follows is a short

Survey about all published issues of Revolutionary History (as at Winter 2015/16).

[Note: For more details (and for links to articles which are available online) please consult the alreday mentioned Revolutionary History (mirror) website]

Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1988). [No distinct title] From the contents: chiefly contributions about British pre–war Trotskyist history; biographical items about Rudolf Klement and Paul Lafargue. Authors: Albert Glotzer, Harry Ratner, Harry Selby, Reg Groves, Sam Bornstein, Al Richardson, Sam Gordon, Ernest Rogers, Karl Kautsky, Pierre Broué et al. 28 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 1, no. 2 (Summer 1988). The hidden history of the Spanish civil war. From the contents: contributions about Stalinism and Spain, Trotsky and the POUM, the May Days in Barcelona 1937, etc.; memories and biographical sketches of Walter Held (Heinz Epe) and C. Frank Glass (Li Fu–jen); contemporaneous documents from the Spanish civil war (POUM documents, eye–witness reports, etc.), letters, reader's notes. Authors: Baruch Hirson, Pierre Broué, Walter Held (Heinz Epe), Keith Hassell, Hugo Oehler, Kurt Landau, Paul Flewers, Nils–Kåre Dahl et al. 58 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1988) War and revolution in Europe 1939-1945. From the contents: contributions about revolutionary defeatism, proletarian military policy, the Fourth International and Trotsky in view of the Second World War, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Jean–Paul Joubert, Sam Levy, Rodolphe Prager, Daniel Guérin et al. 50 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 1, no. 4 (Winter 1988/89) Against all odds: Dutch, French and Indian Trotskyism during the Second World War. From the contents: contributions about the history of the Trotskyist movement in The Netherlands, France and India with focus on WW II, the Walter Held file (a series of letters on the fate of Walter Held=Heinz Epe), reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Wim Bot, Charles Wesley Ervin, Ian Birchall, Al Richardson, Ernest Rogers, Sam Levy et al. 50 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 1989). Strikes & leadership – Trotskyists and major class struggles. From the contents: contributions about the Renault strike of 1947 (with English translation of various original documents by Lutte Ouvrière, La Voix des Travailleurs, Parti Communiste Internationaliste ...) and about the Minneapolis teamster strike of 1934, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Pierre Bois, Ernest Rogers, Colvin R. de Silva et al. 50 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1989). Nationalism, resistance and imperialist war – Trotskyism in Argentina and Scandinavia. From the contents: contributions about Liborio Justo, the history of Trotskyism in Argentina and Denmark, Trotsky's uphold in Norway 1935/36, obituaries of Grandizo Munis, Harry Wicks and C.L.R. James, a survey of recent works by and about Trotsky published in the USSR, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Osvaldo Coggiola, John Sullivan, Nils–Kåre Dahl, Børge Trolle, Ernest Rogers, Judith Shapiro, Bob Archer. 70 pp. Format: A4

Vol. 2, no. 3 (Autumn 1989). The German Left 1919 to 1935. Contents: contributions on the decline and decomposition of a leadership, the German Left and the Russian Opposition 1926–28, German Trotskyism in the 1930s, obituary of C.L.R. James, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Mike Jones, Pierre Broué, Wolfgang Alles, Anna Grimshaw et al. 54 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 2, no. 4 (Spring 1990). The tragedy of the Chinese revolution. From the contents: contributions on the Chinese revolution, the Chinese pre–war workers movement, Chen Duxiu, Chinese Trotskyism, obituaries of Sam Bornstein and Paula Kitty Watson, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Paul Collin, Damien Durand, Pierre Broué, C. Frank Glass, Zheng Chaolin, Peng Shuzi, Wang Fanxi et al. 58 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 3, no. 1 (Summer 1990). Stalinism & communism in Eastern Europe. From the contents: contributions by and about Ludwik Hass and the Trotskyist movement in Poland, about Stalinism and Trotskyism in Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia, reminiscences of Fred Kissin, statements and comments on the death of Gerry Healy, obituaries of Oskar Hippe, a report on the Wuppertal Trotsky Conference 1990, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Fred Kissin, Ludwik Hass, W. Jedlicki, Sadik Premtaj, Barta (David Korner), Balacz Nagy, Ted Crawford et al. 54 pp. Format. A4.

Vol. 3, no. 2 (Autumn 1990). Vietnam – workers' revolution and national independence. From the contents: contributions about the Trotskyist movement in Vietnam in the 1930s and 1940s, on its leader Ta Thu Thau, on their organ La Lutte etc., a contribution on the Ukrainian question, obituary of Joe Thomas, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Hugo Oehler, Simon Pirani, Daniel Hémery, Ngo Van Xuyet et al. 54 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 3, no. 3 (Spring 1991). Trotskyism and Stalinism in Greece. From the contents: chiefly contributions by Greek Trotskyists on the fate of the Greek Trotskyists and  contemporaneous documents, obituaries of Tamara Deutscher, Louis Sinclair and Pat Wall, a report on a Trotsky Symposium held at Aberdeen in 1990, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Loukas Karliaftis, Raymond Molinier et al. 58 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 3, no. 4 (Autumn 1991) Imperialist war and national resistance. From the contents: contributions about how Trotsky and the Trotskyists confronted the Second World War, a feature about CERMTRI, obituaries of Dave Hughes and Frank Ward, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Pierre Broué, Daniel Guérin, André Frankin, Ian Birchall, Paul Flewers, Al Richardson et al. 50 pp. Format: A4.

Vol. 4, no. 1/2 (Winter 1991/92, dedicated to the memory of Sam Bornstein). The Spanish civil war – the view from the Left. From the contents: contributions (recent research results and many documents from the 1930s) about the Spanish revolution and civil war with special emphasis on the role and fate of the Spanish left oppositionists. Authors: Andy Durgan, Hans Schafranek, Kurt Landau, Mieczyslaw Bortenstein, Nicola di Bartolomeo, Domenico Sedran, August Thalheimer, Sherry Mangan, Hans David Freund, Jean Rous et al. 402 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 0–9508423–7–0

Vol. 4, no. 3 (Summer 1992) Bolivia – the revolution derailed? From the contents: contributions about the crisis of 1952 and the Trotskyist movement in Bolivia, obituaries of Edmund Samarakoddy and Martha Phillips, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Juan Robles, Guillermo Lora, Pierre Broué, Liborio Justo, José Villa, Mike Jones, Walter Kendall, Ted Crawford et al. 160 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Vol. 4, no. 4 (Spring 1993). Colour and class – the origins of South African Trotskyism. From the contents: contributions on the early history and development of South African Trotskyism, its pioneers and leaders including documents, work in progress, obituaries of Andreu Nin and Wolfgang Vaclav Salus, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Baruch Hirson, Ian Hunter et al. 224 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Vol. 5, no. 1 (Autumn 1993). Eyewitness to disaster – the German labour movement and the rise of Hitler 1929–33. From the contents: chiefly contemporaneous eyewitness reports from Germany at the end of the Weimar Republic, a biographical sketch of Sam Gordon, obituaries of Prins Rajasooriya and Louis Bondy, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Sam Gordon, Mildred Gordon, Mike Jones, Mika Etchebehere, Ernest Rogers, Ted Crawford, Al Richardson et al. 160 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Vol. 5, no. 2 (Spring 1994). Germany 1918–23 – from the November revolution to the failed October. From the contents: contributions dealing with the communist movement and the struggle for a united front in Germany, with Paul Levi, with Trotsky's Lessons of October and with the situation in 1923, work in progress, reviews, letters. Authors: Jakob Reich, Arthur Rosenberg, Udo Winkel, Paul Levi, Ernest Rogers, August Thalheimer, Jacob Walcher, Victor Serge, Mike Jones et al. 192 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Vol. 5, no. 3 (Autumn 1994). Victor Serge – the century of the unexpected. Essays on revolution and counter–revolution. From the contents: besides articles by and about Victor Serge, this issue includes an appreciation of F.A. Ridley (1897-1994), work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Victor Serge, Richard Greeman, Ernest Rogers, Julian Gorkin et al. 288 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Vol. 5, no. 4 (Spring 1995). The Italian Left – through fascism, war and revolution. From the contents: contributions about Trotskyism and left communism/Bordighism in Italy with focus on the years prior to 1945 and on pioneering Trotskyists like Di Bartolomeo, Tresso, Leonetti, including several historical vignettes and biographical sketches about Italian Trotskyists. The issue contains also obituaries of Margaret Dewar, William Campbell Tait and Adam Westoby, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Paolo Casciola, Alfonso Leonetti, Pierre Broué, Arturo Peregalli et al. 256 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Volume 6, no. 1 (Winter 1995/96). Trotskyism in Poland. From the contents: chiefly containing rich material by and about Ludwik Hass and the history of Trotskyism in Poland up to 1945, obituaries of Ernest Mandel, Kenneth John Tarbuck and Bernard Dix, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Ludwik Hass, Leon Trotsky, G. Soltysiak et al. 224 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Volume 6, no. 2/3 (Summer 1996). Essays on revolutionary Marxism in Britain and Ireland from the 1930s to the 1960s. From the contents: contributions about the origins of Trotskyism in Ireland, on C.L.R. James in Britain, the Trotskyists' intervention into the class struggle in 1945 etc., about recently discovered material on Rosa Luxemburg and Leo Jogiches, obituaries of Ellis Hillman and Michel Pablo, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Ciaran Crossey, James Monaghan, John Archer, Paul Flewers, John McIlroy, Sam Levy, Mike Jones et al. 320 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm.

Volume 6, no. 4 (1997). Blows against the Empire – Trotskyism in Ceylon. From the contents: chiefly contributions by Sri Lankan authors on the once strongest party of the Fourth International, the Lanka Sama Samaja Party, on Trotskyism in India, obituaries of Alex Acheson and Nils Kåre Dahl, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Kumari Jayawardene, Leslie Goonewardene, Philip Gunawardena, Colvin R. de Silva, N.M. Perera, Reggie Perera, M. Grannum, Y.R. Amarasinghe, V. Karalasingham, Charles Wesley Ervin, Bob Pitt et al. 318 pp. Format: 14.5x23 cm. ISBN 1–89943–826–2

Volume 7, no. 1 (1998). A paradise for capitalism? Class and leadership in twentieth century Belgium. From the contents: contributions about the history of Belgian Trotskyism, about the Belgian general strike of 1960/61, historical vignettes, obituaries of David Rousset, Bernard Soysa, Georg Scheuer, Fred Bumby, Michael Tippett. Reviews, letters, reader's notes. Authors: Catherine Legien, Pierre Broué, Leon Trotsky, Harry Ratner, Serge Simon, John McIlroy et al. 254 pp. Format: 14.5x23 cm. ISBN 1–89943–829–7

Volume 7, no. 2 (Spring 1999). Culture and revolution in the thought of Leon Trotsky. From the contents: a selection of Leon Trotsky's writings on literature, literature criticism, culture and arts, as well as comments and analyses by Fritz Keller, John Plant, Pierre Naville, Richard Greeman, James T. Farrell, Maurice Nadeau et al., obituaries of Cornelius Castoriadis, Morris Lewit, Sal Santen, Bob Wilsker, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 316 pp. Format: 14.5x23 cm. ISBN 1–89943–832–7

Volume 7, no. 3 (Spring 2000). The hidden pearl of the Caribbean – Trotskyism in Cuba. From the contents: almost a revised version of Gary Tennant's exhaustive dissertation on the history and fate of Cuban Trotskyism. Also contained in this issue: obituaries of Baruch Hirson, Morry Sollof, Jim Allen, Staff Cottman, Louis Rigaudias and Albert Glotzer, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 364 pp. Format: 14.5x23 cm. ISBN 1–89943–833–5

Volume 7, no. 4 (Winter 2000/01) From syndicalism to Trotskyism. From the contents: writings by Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer, three appraisals of Tony Cliff (1917–2000), obituaries of Tony Cliff and Mattie Merrigan, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 252 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–89943–835-1

Volume 8, no. 1 (Summer 2001) The Comintern and its critics. From the contents: contributions by John McIlroy on Arthur Reade, by Fritz Keller on Trotskyism in Austria, by Charles W. Ervin on Philip Gunawardena, by Walter Kendall on Comintern's turn from social fascism to popular frontism, by Augustín Guillamón on the investigation of the Spanish Bolshevik–Leninists 1938, by Jean–Jacques Marie on the journal of Georgi Dimitrov, etc.; the issue also contains an appreciation of John Archer (1909–2000), obituaries of Frank Maitland, Sean Hallahan and Stuart Kirby, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 316 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–89943–838–6

Volume 8, no. 2 (Summer 2002) Mutiny – disaffection and unrest in the armed forces. From the contents: contributions by Ted Crawford, Julian Putkowski, Ian Birchall, Karl Radek, Christian Rakovsky, Tico Jossifort, David Renton, Duncan Hallas et al. Also: obituaries of Brian Crookes, Sol Dollinger, Ray Gibbon, Jean–Pierre Hirou, Ann Keen, Arturo Peregalli, Oscar Pereira, Bill Turner and Charlie van Gelderen, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 308 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–89943–839–4

Volume 8, no. 3 (Autumn 2003). The Balkan socialist tradition. From the contents: writings on the origins of the Balkan socialist tradition – between populism and Marxism, on Marxism and the Eastern question – challenging the orthodoxy 1896–97, on Bulgarian socialism and the Macedonian national liberation movement, 1903–08, on the revolution in Turkey and the Balkan Federation, on the annexation of Bosnia by Austria–Hungary in 1908, on the Balkan Federation and Balkan social democracy, on the Balkan wars of 1912-13 and the Balkan Federation, and on the First World War and the Balkan Federation. Among the authors are Otto Bauer, Rosa Luxemburg, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Karl Kautsky, Eduard Benstein, Christian Rakovsky, and a lot of lesser–known authors from Bulgaria, Serbia and other Balkan countries. The issue also contains obituaries of Pierre Bois, Jimmy Deane, Pat Jordan, Michael Kidron, John Lawrence and Silvio Paolicchi, work in progress, reviews, letters, reader's notes. 402 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–9523648–5–9

Volume 8, no. 4 (Dec. 2004). August Thalheimer and German communism. From the contents: an appreciation of Al Richardson (1941–2003) by John McIlroy, contributions by Ottokar Luban and Karl Retzlaw about the KPD policy in 1919 and 1920, contributions by August Thalheimer about problems of German communist policy in the 1920s, by Alexander Vatlin about the programme discussion in the Comintern, and by Paolo Sensini about Bruno Rizzi; the issue also contains obituaries of Duncan Hallas, Fred Jackson, Paul Siegel and Walter Kendall, work in progress, reviews, and letters. 320 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–9523648–7–5

Vol. 9, no. 1 (Autumn 2005). The Russian revolution of 1905. From the contents: introduction by Pete Glatter, The road to bloody sunday [from various contemporaneous and later sources], introduced by Pete Glatter, A revolution takes shape [from various contemporaneous and later sources], introduced by Pete Glatter, The decisive days [from various contemporaneous and later sources], introduced by Pete Glatter and Philip Ruff, Rosa Luxemburg and the 1905 revolution, introduced by Mark Thomas, Patterns of conflict in the 1905 revolution by Mike Haynes. The issue also contains obituaries of Saul Bellow, Brian Manning, Ernest Rogers, and Ngo Van, work in progress, reviews, and letters. 312 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–9551127–0–2

Vol. 9, no. 2 (Summer 2006). Stalinism, revolution and counter–revolution. From the contents: 'Comrade Thomas' and the secret activity of the Comintern in Germany 1919-1925, by Alexander Vatlin; Marxism, war and revolution: Trotsky and the POUM, by Andy Durgan; Two pages from Indian Trotskyist history, by Charles Wesley Ervin; The revolutionary odyssey of John Lawrence, by John McIlroy; Daniel Guérin's dialogue with Leninism, by Ian Birchall. The issue also contains an obituary of Vlady Kibalchich and some reviews. 256 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–9551127-1–3

Vol. 9, no. 3 (Autumn 2006). Remembering 1956. From the contents: On the fiftieth anniversary of 1956, by John McIlroy; The unexpected denunciation, by Paul Flewers; The Brian Pearce dossier; A communist historian in 1956, by John McIlroy; Beyond the boundary of Leninism?, by Christian Hogsbjerg; Nineteen Fifty–Six and the French Left, by Ian Birchall; Palmiro Togliatti and the Italian Communist Party in 1956, by Tobias Abse; Remembering 1956, by Harry Ratner. The issue also contains the sections "Archive", "Obituaries", "Work in progress", and "Reviews". 276 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 1–9551127–2–0

Vol. 9, no. 4 (Autumn 2007). Pierre Broué : revolutionary historian. From the contents: Pierre Broué (1926–2005), by Vincent Présumey; 9 pieces from Pierre Broué's work, transl. into Engl. for the first time [Remarks on the history of the Bolshevik Party, Spartacism, Bolshevism and ultra–leftism in face of the problems of the proletarian revolution in Germany (1918-1923), Five years on, The "bloc" of the oppositions against Stalin in the USSR in 1932, The Bolshevik–Leninist faction, The Socialist Youth in Spain (1934-1936), Kurt Landau, In Germany for the International, Van Heijenoort – a Trotskyist in New York in the Second World War]; The historiography of German Trotskyism, by Reiner Tosstorff. The issue also contains the sections "Obituaries" (Ted Grant, Meryl Fernando, Peter Fryer, Mary Low, Sydney Wanasinghe, Wesley Muthiah, Yves Dechezelles), "Work in progress", and "Reviews". 360 pp. Format: 14.5x21 cm. ISBN 0–9551127–3–7

Vol. 10, no. 1 (Spring 2009). Rosa Luxemburg: Selected political and literary writings. From the contents: Selected writings by Rosa Luxemburg on biographical and literary topics, on political issues, on problems of party organisation and on Russian affairs [most of the assembled items were never before published in English language]; Selina Perera, by Charles Wesley Ervin; Pierre Lambert (1920–2008), by Vincent Présumey. The issue also contains 10 obituaries (Karuppiah Appanraj, Peter 'Pedro' Miguel Camejo, Pete Glatter, Jorge Guidobono, Celia Hart Santamaria, Ludwik Hass, Sy Landy, Brian Pearce, Dov Shas, BJ Widick), and last not least the sections "Work in progress" (2 review articles), "Reviews" (14 single reviews), and "Letters". 290 pp. Format: 15.2x23.5 cm. ISBN 978–0–85036–693–8 ; 0–9551127–4–5

Vol. 10, no. 2 (2010). The Left in Iran 1905-1940. 457 pp. Format: 15.2x23.5 cm. ISBN 978–0–85036–672–3

Vol. 10, no. 3 (2011). The Left in Iran 1941-1957. 520 pp. Format: 15.2x23.5 cm. ISBN 978–0–85036–656–3

Vol. 10, no. 4 (2012). European revolutionaries and Algerian independence.. From the contents: Introduction, by Ian Birchall; The comrades of the brothers, by Sylvain Pattieu; Additional material, by Pierre Lambert, Ian Birchall, Voix ouvrière; Aspects of the War; Solidarity in Europe, by Fritz Keller and John Plant; Past and Future; Bibliography; Work in progress; Obituaries (R.J. Alexander, R. Barcia, J.-R. Chauvin, M.C. Cook, R.V. Daniels, E. Kovacs, C. Lefort, M. Lewin, J. Moneta, H. Gonzales Moscoso, C. Redgrave, W. Solano et al.); Reviews; Letters. 418 pp. Format: 15.2x23.5 cm. ISBN 978–0–85036–665–5

Vol. 11, no. 1 (2013). Trotsky and his critics. From the contents: Editorial; Letter to Leon Trotsky (1929), by Boris Souvarine; Trotsky and the German communist opposition; Soviet foreign policy and world revolution (1935), by Jay Lovestone; Christian Stalinism and Trotskyism (two articles from "The Christian Left", 1938); Revolutionary tactics in Spain (1938/39), by Senex [i.e. Mark Schmidt]; Trotsky and Spain: the POUM's assessment, by Wilebaldo Solano and Ignacio Iglesias; Work in progress; Obituaries (H. Abaywrdena, B. Gould, G. Leslie, T. Liddle, T. Melville, D. Packer, D. Spencer, A. Woodward, J.D. Young et al.); High theory for the Marxian chattering classes, by Ron Heisler; Making sense of Trotskyism in the United States (review article), by Paul Le Blanc; Reviews; Letters. 362 pp. Format: 15.5x23.2 cm. ISBN 978–0–85036–612–9

New series no. 1 (2015). Clara Zetkin : letters and writings. From the contents: Editorial; Letters and writings by Clara Zetkin; Writings about Clara Zetkin; Select bibliography; Obituaries; Work in progress; Reviews; Letters. 339 pp. Format: 15.5x23.2 cm. ISBN 978-0-85036-720-1

Revolutionary history – Index of authors *)

*) Please note that, as a rule, only authors of major articles, research notes, obituaries and reviews [but not, for example, authors of letters and of cited documents] have been considered here. Corporate authors have generally not been considered. For obituaries see the list of contents above. "1/1" means volume 1, number 1; "4/1–2" refers to the double issue vol. 4, no. 1/2; "6/2–3" refers to double issue vol. 6, no. 2/3; "n.s.1" means New series number 1.

Journal of Trotsky Studies

[ISSN 1358–1295]

The Journal of Trotsky Studies (JTS) was launched in 1993 as a scholarly journal dedicated to the life and work of Leon Trotsky, aiming to encourage the furtherance of Trotsky studies through the publication of relevant articles and hitherto untranslated works, both primary and secondary sources, in English. No. 1 of Journal of Trotsky Studies appeared in July 1993; with no. 4 (Autumn 1996) the journal ceased publication. It was published under the name and with some financial support of the Institute of Russian and East European Studies (IREES), Glasgow University. Ian D. Thatcher and James D. White, both staff members of the IREES, functioned as editors. The editorial board consisted of American, British, and Israeli Trotskyist and non–Trotskyist scholars and other people particularly devoted to Trotsky research. The average number of pages per issue was 166, the format was 14.5x20.5 cm, the price £ 5.00.

The contents of Journal of Trotsky Studies consisted of articles (both original publications and translations of articles previously published elsewhere), research notes, translations, bibliographical items and book reviews.

Here you can find a (partial) list of contents of the 4 issues published (see also here):

Some literature about Journal of Trotsky Studies:

– Callesen, Gerd: [Review], in: Arbejderhistorie. 1994 (42), p. 101.

– Callesen, Gerd: Nyt (?) om Trotsky, in: Arbejderhistorie, 1995 (1), p. 83.

– Fryer, Peter: For students of Trotsky, in: Workers Press, 1995 (480), p. 6.

– Fryer, Peter: A new Trotsky journal, in: Workers Press, 1993 (Nov. 20), p. 6.

– Marot, John Eric: A new Trotsky journal, in: Europe–Asia Studies, 49.1997 (7), pp. 1361-1362.

– Robertson, Edna: The Trotsky connection, in: The Herald (Glasgow), 211.1993 (163), p. 8.

– Thatcher, Ian D.: Trotsky studies – a new development, in: Coexistence, 30.1993 (4), pp. 349–350.

Journal of Trotsky Studies – Index of authors

Notebooks for study and research (NSR)

[ISSN 0298–7902] and

Cahier(s) d'étude et de recherche (CER)

[ISSN 0298–7899]

Notebooks for study and research (NSR, for short) is the title of a (monographic) series which has been issued by the IIRE, the International Institute of Research and Education, featured elsewhere on our TrotskyanaNet site, a research and educational centre closely affiliated with the Fourth International and located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Publishing of this series began in 1986, and as at 2020 several dozen issues have been published - with a scope ranging from some 30 to some 300 pages and varying in format.

The authors or editors are fellows of the IIRE, almost all are (or, were) long–time members or close sympathizers of the Fourth International (United Secretariat), strongly influenced by its long-time leader Ernest Mandel (1923-1995). Many issues of the series are at the same time part of one of the three following unnumbered series: lectures series (edited transcripts of classes given under the auspices of the IIRE or other institutions, including appendices and supplementary reading material), studies series (systematic studies of either a particular experience in a given country or a particular theme), or documents and debates series (collections of documents, articles and interviews designed to update a controversial question. Please note that many issues have been published in parallel editions (English and French), the French editions bearing the series title Cahier(s) d'étude et de recherche (CER for short) (see below); however, some titles were published only in the English–language or in the French–language series. A few items were published in German, too, with series title Studienhefte des Internationalen Instituts für Forschung und Schulung (ISSN 0935–3119). Most items are still available from IIRE, Lombokstraat 40, 1094 AL Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Since 1998 (no. 27/28) the Notebooks for study and research series has been published in collaboration with various British commercial publishing houses such as Pluto Press, Resistance Books, Merlin Press, Gardners Books...

Here you can find a list of the hitherto published issues of Notebooks for study and research (incomplete, as at 2023):

Here you can find a list of the hitherto published issues of Cahier(s) d'étude et de recherche (incomplete, as at 2015):

Working papers of the International Institute
of Research and Education
= Documents de travail de l'Institut International
de Recherche et de la Formation
= Documentos de trabajo del Instituto Internacional
de Investigación y Formación

Working Papers of the International Institute for Research and Education (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, no ISSN) is the title of a monographic series issued by IIRE which began in 1988; until Winter 2013/14, 35 issues were published, chiefly in English, some in French and one in Spanish. Most issues are bearing parallel titles. The series is designed to announce works in progress and circulate early drafts and materials, presenting in particular reworked transcripts of oral educational reports. The studies presented in this format generally retain an unfinished character. The scope of the issues varies, the format is A4.

Here you can find a list of the hitherto published issues of the Working papers of the International Institute of Research and Education (as at 2016).

Note: 'F' behind the year of publication means 'French', 'S' means 'Spanish':

Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso

In March 1986 the Centro Studi Pietro Tresso (CSPT, Pietro Tresso Study Centre, located at Foligno, later at Florence) launched two numbered series of the magazine Quaderni del Centro Pietro Tresso [Notebooks of the CSPT], called "Dagli archivi del bolscevismo" ["From the archives of Bolshevism"] and "Studi e ricerche" ["Studies and researches"], each issue of them being monographic and bearing a distinct title.

When both Quaderni series ceased publication in July 1996, 19 and 40 issues, respectively, had been issued altogether. In September 1996, a new one–sigle series of the magazine started, called Quaderni Pietro Tresso, which was just a continuation of the two previous series, with one relevant change: any reference to the study centre had been dropped since in Summer 1996 the CSPT eventually had been dissolved because of several legal and political reasons.

The director of all three series has been Paolo Casciola, the moving spirit of the CSPT and the magazine and an outstanding activist and historian of Italian Trotskyism. The very majority of the Quaderni issues have been either written or translated, annotated or otherwise edited by Casciola who is fluent in various European languages. A good portion of the Quaderni can be regarded as very valuable source or relevant study material relating to the history of Trotskyism in general and to Italian Trotskyism during the 1930–50s and its protagonists in particular. A considerable part of the Quaderni, however, has also dealt with non–Trotskyist subjects, and a "literary sub–series" has been started in 2000 (featuring works by Panait Istrati, Victor Serge, Benjamin Péret, Ernst Toller, Ante Ciliga et al.). Some issues of the Quaderni have also been featuring reprints of old and rare publications of the workers movement (e.g., a reprint of journals and bulletins published by the Italian Trotskyists in 1934–36, or of archival material relating to the so–called "Barta group" from its origins in 1935 to 1950), several writings of Leon Trotsky previously unpublished in Italian or memorial issues devoted to deceased Trotskyist and non–Trotskyist activists (e.g. Jeannine Morel, Jacques Ramboz, Sadik Premtaj, Arturo Peregalli, Louis Rigaudias, Rodolphe Prager).

The format of the Quaderni is 20.5x28.5 cm, the number of pages varies between 12 and 88. While most Quaderni volumes are in Italian language, a considerable part of them is in French, some are bilingual (French/Italian, Spanish/French) and one is in Russian.

The Quaderni Pietro Tresso are published by Edizioni Bi–Elle in Florence (the two precursor series were published by CSPT in Foligno). Many issues are still available. Orders and enquiries should be addressed to Paolo Casciola, CP 154, 50100 Firenze (Florence), Italy; e–mail: paolo.casciola@gmail.com. Within the framework of Paolo Casciola's WWW site called Associazione Pietro Tresso : per lo studio della storia e delle idee del movimento operaio italiano e internazionale (which went online in 2014), digitized versions of certain Quaderni issues have been (or, will be) published in PDF format.

Here is a list of all published issues of Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso : Serie Dagli archivi del bolscevismo:

Here is a list of all published issues of Quaderni del Centro Studi Pietro Tresso : Serie Studi e ricerche:

Quaderni Pietro Tresso

For introductory notes see above.
Here is a list of all hitherto published issues of Quaderni Pietro Tresso (as at Dec. 2010):

  1. Reich, Wilhelm: La lotta sessuale dei giovani (1932). [Nota introduttiva di Nicola Paoli.] 1996. 52 pp.
    Reprint of the ed. Roma : La Nuova Sinistra, Ed. Samonà e Savelli, 1972.
  2. Casciola, Paolo: Paris 1956 : la naissance du Comité pour la Révision des Procès Staliniens ; (avec deux textes inéd. d'André Breton). 1996. 24 pp.
  3. Peregalli, Arturo – Sandro Saggioro: Amadeo Bordiga : gli anni oscuri (1926-1945). Con app. documentaria. 1997. 72 pp.
  4. Radek, Carlo: Dittatura proletaria e terrorismo (1921). 1997. 24 pp.
    Reprint of the ed. Milano : Soc. Ed. Avanti!, 1921. On cover: Karl Radek.
  5. Ramboz, Jacques: Contribution à l'histoire de l'Union Communiste (Trotskyste), 1940-1950. 1997. 60 pp.
  6. Samonà, Giuseppe Paolo: La formazione politica di un intellettuale rivoluzionario : note autobiografiche (1950-1968). Introd. di Livio Maitan. Pres. e cura di Diego Giachetti. 1997. 52 pp.
  7. Radek, Carlo: Rosa Luxemburg, Carlo Liebknecht, Leo Jogisches [sic!]. 1997. 36 pp.
    Reprint of the ed. Roma, 1922. On cover: Karl Radek.
  8. La Nostra Parola : giornale comunista-internazionalista ; (n. 1, agosto 1934 – n. 2, dicembre 1934). [Introd. di Fausto Bucci e Paolo Casciola.] 1997. 60 p.
  9. Trotsky, Lev: Lev Sedov : figlio, amico, combattente ; dedicato alla gioventù proletaria (20 febbraio 1938). [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 1998. 40 pp.
  10. Dumas, Charles – C. Racovski: Les socialistes et la guerre : (discussion entre socialistes français et socialistes roumains). 1998. 28 pp.
    Reprint of the 2. ed. Bucaresti : Cercul de Editura Socialista, 1915. On cover: Charles Dumas – Christian Rakovsky.
  11. Korner, David (Barta) – Victor Mares: La lutte des trotskystes contre le capitalisme et le stalinisme en Roumanie : textes (1933-1936). [Introd. e cura di Paolo Casciola.] 1998. 36 pp.
  12. Tacchinardi, Riccardo: Amadeo Bordiga : intellettuali e socialismo (1912-1926). 1998. 32 pp.
  13. Matteoni, Donatella: George Orwell e la guerra civile spagnola. In app. un articolo ined. di Orwell sulle "Giornate di maggio" del 1937. 1998. 36 pp.
  14. Bordiga, Amadeo: Lettere a Bruno Bibbi, Piero Corradi, Eugenio Moruzzo, Michelangelo Pappalardi e Lodovico Rossi (1925-1926). A cura di Fausto Bucci e Paolo Casciola. 1998. 40 pp.
  15. Hommage à Jeannine Morel (1921-1998). [A cura di Paolo Casciola e Claudine Pelletier–Benmansour.] 1999. 40 pp.
  16. Quaderni di critica proletaria (n. 1, novembre 1935). [Introd. di Paolo Casciola.] 1999. 28 pp.
  17. Ramboz, Jacques: L'Union Communiste et les autres groupes trotskystes français (1943-1947). En annexe les procès–verbaux des rencontres entre l'Union Communiste et le Parti Communiste Internationaliste 1945-1947. [Ed. francese cura di Paolo Casciola.] 1999. 40 pp.
  18. Korsch, Hedda: Ricordi su Karl Korsch : intervista realizzata da Fred Hailliday. [Trad. dall'originale inglese a cura di Paolo Casciola.] 1999. 24 pp.
  19. Gorter, Herman: La rivoluzione mondiale (1919). 1999. 48 pp.
    Reprint of the ed. Milano : Soc. Ed. Avanti, 1919.
  20. Serge, Victor: Socialismo e psicologia (marzo 1947). [La presente trad. integrale dal francese è stata curata da Paolo Casciola.] 1999. 20 pp.
  21. Bollettino "interno" della Corrente Bolscevico–Leninista Internazionalista (n. 1, gennaio 1936 – n. 2, febbraio 1936 e supplemento non datato). [Introd. di Fausto Bucci e Paolo Casciola.] 2000. 52 pp.
  22. Hommage à Jacques Ramboz (1917-1999) : militant communiste internationaliste (trotskyste). [A cura di Marie–José Ramboz e Paolo Casciola.] 2000. 68 pp.
  23. Premtaj, Sadik: Les gangsters d'Enver Hoxha à l'oeuvre : la lutte entre stalinisme et trotskysme en Albanie. Avec textes de Guy Prévan, Michel Raptis et Agim Musta. Dossier établi et ann. par Paolo Casciola. 2000. 40 pp.
  24. Istrati, Panait: I cardi del Baragan: romanzo. Introd. di Monique Jutrin–Klener. Con una lettera di Romain Rolland. [Trad. ital. a cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2000. 72 pp.
  25. Quaderno del bolscevismo–leninismo (s.n., s.d., maggio 1936). [Introd. di Fausto Bucci e Paolo Casciola]. 2000. 27 pp.
  26. Trotsky, Lev: Uno stato non operaio né borghese? (25 novembre 1937). [A cura di Paolo Casciola]. 2000. 36 pp.
  27. Peregalli, Arturo: PCI 1946-1970 : donna, famiglia, morale sessuale. 2001. 36 pp.
  28. Mathiez, Albert: Le bolchévisme et le jacobinisme. (1920). Suivi de Lénine et Robespierre. 2001. 20 pp.
    Reprint of the ed. Paris : Librairie du Parti Socialiste et de l'Humanité, 1920.
  29. Des internationalistes face à la deuxième guerre mondiale: textes du Groupe Communiste (IVème Internationale), 1941-1944. [A cura di Paolo Casciola. Pres. di Richard Moyon]. 2001
  30. Serge, Victor: Resistenza : poesie. [Trad. ital. a cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2001. 68 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 2)
  31. Omaggio ad Arturo Peregalli (1948–2001). [A cura di Paolo Casciola e Sandro Saggioro.] 2001. 60 pp.
  32. Prévan, Guy: Poésie et circonstances. 2001. 24 pp.
  33. Bollettino d'informazione : edito dai bolscevichi–leninisti italiani adherenti alla IV Internazionale (n. 1, 25 giugno 1936 – n. 2, 7 agosto 1936). [Introd. di Paolo Casciola.] 2002. 60 pp.
  34. Rigaudias, Louis: Trotskysme, capitalisme d'Etat, luttes créatrices des masses : choix d'écrits politiques 1937-1978. Précédés d'un Hommage à Louis Rigaudias (1911-1999) par Paolo Casciola. [A cura di Gretl Glogau e Paolo Casciola.] 2002. 88 pp.
  35. Simenon, Georges: Intervista a Lev Trotsky (7 giugno 1933). In app.: "Ancora al servizio dell'Unione Sovietica..." : quattro testi inediti di Trotsky (marzo–giugno 1933). [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2002. 24 pp.
  36. Péret, Benjamin: Io non mangio di quel pane. Trad. ital. e cura di Carmine Mangone. 2002. 60 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 3)
  37. Ciampi, Alberto: Vinicio Paladini fra arte e politica : 1922–26, scampoli d' avanguardia. 2002. 40 pp.
  38. Trotsky, Lev: Ancora una volta : l'URSS e la sua difesa (4 novembre 1937). Con testi di Yvan Craipeau e Pierre Naville. [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2002. 64 pp.
  39. Parodi, Giovanni – Batista Santhià – Vicenzo Bianco: Settembre 1920 : l'occupazione delle fabbriche ; tre testimonianze. [Reprint.] 2003. 56 pp.
  40. Hommage à Louis Bonnel (1914–2002). [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2003. 56 pp.
  41. Des révolutionnaires à l'aube de la Guerre froide : textes de l'Union Communiste (IVème Internationale), 1944-1946. [A cura di Paolo Casciola. Pres. di Richard Moyon.] 2003. 72 pp.
    [Sequel to Quaderni no. 29.]
  42. Toller, Ernst: Hinkemann il mutilato : tragedia in tre atti. 2003. 52 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 4)
  43. Duilio Remondino futurista internazionalista. [Contributions by Carlo Cordiè et al.] 2003. 52 pp.
  44. Ngo Van: Con Maximilien Rubel, 1954-1996 : un'amicizia, una lotta comune. [Trad. dall'orig. francese e cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2003. 32 pp.
  45. Gerland, Brigitte: La mia vita nei campi di lavoro sovietici (1946-1953). [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2004. 56 pp.
  46. Prager, Rodolphe: Quelques regards sur l'histoire du mouvement trotskyste. Précédés d'un Hommage à Rodolphe Prager (1918–2002) par Paolo Casciola. [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2004. 84 pp.
  47. Au lendemain de la grande grève Renault : textes de l'Union Communiste (Trotskyste), 1947-1949. [A cura di Paolo Casciola. Pres. di Richard Moyon.] 2004. 68 pp.
    [Sequel to Quaderni no. 29 and 41.]
  48. Tresca, Carlo: L'attentato a Mussolini ovvero il segreto di Pulcinella. [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2004. 48 pp.
  49. Zinoviev, Grigori: Les problèmes de la révolution allemande (1923). Reprint. 2004. 36 pp.
  50. Ngo Van: Ho chi Minh e la riconquista coloniale del Vietnam (1945-1946). 2004. 28 pp.
  51. Schiappa, Jean-Marc: Babeuf e Trotsky : l'"immagine" di Gracchus Babeuf nell'azione e nel pensiero di Lev Trotsky. [Trad. d'all orig. francese e cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2005. 24 pp.
  52. Pour la défense des travailleurs vietnamiens. [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2005. 32 pp.
  53. Korsch, Karl e Hedda: Lettere a Michelangelo Pappalardi (1926-1929). [A cura di Francesco Aloe e Corrado Basile.] 2005. 64 pp.
  54. Rafanelli, Leda: L'eroe della falla : romanzo. [Introd. di Mattia Granata.] 2005. 72 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 2)
  55. Boukharine, Nikolai: Contre la papauté (1930). Reprint. 2005. 36 pp.
  56. Deutscher Isaac, Alfonso Leonetti: Trotsky e l'opposizione di sinistra : carteggio (1965-1966). [A cura di Attilio Chitarin]. Con una lettera di Bruno Rizzi. 2006. 52 pp.
  57. Saggioro, Sandro: Gli ultimi anni di Victor Serge (1940-1947). 2006. 60 pp.
  58. Ciliga, Ante: I folli di Parigi : un dramma dei nostri tempi. [Introd. di Ilario Salucci.] 2006. 40 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 7)
  59. Girault, Ernest: Pourquoi les anarchistes–communistes français ont rallié la IIIe Internationale (1926) [Introd. di Michel Roger.] 2006. 36 pp.
  60. Gramsci, Antoniuo: Contro la legge fascista sulle associazioni segrete (e contro la massoneria) : discorso palamentare del 16 maggio 1925. [Saggio introd. di Palmiro Tagliatti... (1962)]. 2007. 40 pp.
  61. Souvarine, Boris: Eloge des bolcheviks (1919). 2007. 52 pp.
  62. Valpreda, Pietro: Poesie dal carcere. [Introd. di Nicola Lombardi. Pref. di Adele Cambria.] 2007. 72 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 8)
  63. Manias, Giuseppe Andrea: Antonio Gramsci e il movimento anarchico nel periodo de "L'Ordine Nuovo". [Introd. di Aldo Borghesi.] 2007. 44 pp.
  64. Saggioro, Sandro: Scienza e politica in Amadeo Bordiga. 2008. 36 pp.
  65. Fabbri, Luigi: Carlo Piscacane : la vita, le opere, l'azione rivoluzionaria (1904). [Introd. di Roberto Giulianelli.] 2008. 48 pp.
  66. Cianciulli, Ferdinando: Verso la vita : dramma sociale in tre atti. [Introd. di Paolo Casciola. Pref. di Amadeo Bordiga.] 2008. 64 pp. (Letteratura ribelle ; 9)
  67. Landau, Kurt: La guerre civile en Autriche (1935). 2008. 56 pp.
  68. Prévan, Guy: Benjamin Péret, rivoluzionario permanente : una biografia politica. [Trad., adatt. e cura di Paolo Casciola.] 2009. 60 pp.
  69. Demazière, Albert: Devoir de mémoire, poursuite de la vérité : textes sur l'assassinat de Pietro Tresso et de ses camarades par la Mafia stalinienne. [A cura di Paolo Casciola.] P. 1: 1943-1985. 2009. 52 pp.

In addition to the Quaderni series mentioned above, some smaller booklets have been published by CSPT from which the following are of special interest to Trotskyana research:

Cuadernos : revista del Centro de Estudios,
Investigaciones y Publicaciones 'León Trotsky'

The journal Cuadernos (subtitle: revista del Centro de Estudios, Investigaciones y Publicaciones 'León Trotsky' de Argentina) has been published in Buenos Aires by the C.E.I.P. (or, CEIPLT), featured within the chapter Research Facilities : Research Centres and Working Archives of our TrotskyanaNet. CEIP is an unaffiliated study and research centre which was set up by Argentine scholars and adherents of various currents of Argentine Trotskyism in 1998. The first Cuadernos issue was published in 2001. Many articles published in the Cuadernos in the meanwhile have become available online within the framework of CEIPLT's website. Director of this publication is Christian Castillo. No information is provided relating to subscription price and ordering.

Here's a short survey about the first three printed issues of Cuadernos (as at Summer 2004):

Education for socialists

Education for socialists is the series title of some dozens of unnumbered bulletins (each bearing a distinct title, and most an ISBN) issued in 8.5x11 inches format by the National Education Department of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) [USA] and distributed by SWP's publishing venture, Pathfinder Press (New York, NY). The scope of the bulletins is ranging from 7 to more than 200 pages, the prices varies from issue to issue.

The SWP for many decades was one of the strongest and most influential sections – although not officially affiliated because of a reactionary U.S. legal prohibition – of the Fourth International (United Secretariat) before fundamentally dissenting and eventually parting from it.

Education for socialists bulletins contain rich source material, primarily compiled from internal bulletins and other papers documenting the internal life, discussions and debates of the SWP and the Fourth International. Thus, some of the issues listed below are highly relevant to research relating to the history of the Trotskyist movement since they are containing documents hardly to find elsewhere except in certain archival depositories; a very highlight with regard to the bulletin series is the multi-volume sollection titled "Towards a history of the Fourth International" (see below). Although most of the bulletins were originally published in the 1960s and 1970s, a considerable portion of them is still available from Pathfinder Press – as a rule in form of later editions (reprints), but without any alteration with regard to the contents and scope. This is to appreciate insofar as the positions reflected in many bulletins have little in common with those positions represented by the SWP leadership since the mid-1980s. By the way it should be mentioned that this bulletin series should not be confused with a series of exact the same title but issued by the British Socialist Workers Party.

Here's a fairly complete list of almost all published Education for socialists bulletins (as at 2004), arranged by title
Note: for many of the bulletins we provide links to digitized versions which are online available free of charge within the framework of The comprehensive MIA/ETOL website

Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies)

[Please note: the following is an unaltered text written in 2005:]

Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies) is a Japanese–language high–level scholarly journal issued by the Torotsuki Kenkyushu (Trotsky Institute of Japan), Tokyo. It can be regarded as the Japanese counterpart of distinguished European journals like Cahiers Léon Trotsky or Revolutionary History. The journal was launched in Autumn 1991; as at Spring 2005, altogether 46 issues (some appearing as double–issues) have been published. While all articles, reviews etc. are in Japanese only, tables of contents are both in Japanese and English. The average scope of the journal is some 200 pages per issue. The format - with exception of the very first issue - is 12.5x18.5 cm.

Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies) contains almost entirely articles, letters and other writings by Leon Trotsky - a considerable portion of which is appearing in Japanese translation (from English and Russian sources) for the first time - , articles about Leon Trotsky's life and work and about various aspects of the history of Trotskyism, as well as book reviews and obituaries. The authors are Japanese as well as European, American and Chinese (see author index below), amongst them numerous renowned Western and Russian Trotsky scholars like for example Broué, Mandel, Benton, Breitman, Semenenko. Most of the contributions by non–Japanese authors are translations of articles, obituaries etc. which previously had been published elsewhere, for example in Cahiers Léon Trotsky or Revolutionary History.

Some numbers of the journal are designated as special issues, many numbers are bearing distinct titles and ISBN. A considerable portion of the articles and other contributions published in Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies) have been uploaded by the Trotsky Institute, thus hundreds of primary and secondary texts relating to Trotsky are available in Japanese language on the WWW now, most of them linked with corresponding on–line versions in English, Russian etc.

Correspondence relating to Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies) can be sent to The Trotsky Institute of Japan, Atorie Mi–Yu, Bira 4 No. 105, Kumagawa 510, Fussa–city, Tokyo 197, Japan; the journal is distributed by Tsugeshobo shinsha, Publishers, 1-14-1 Koishikawa, Bunkyo–ku, Tokyo 112, Japan. The price of a single issue is ¥ 2,000. For more details about the Trotsky Institute of Japan you may consult the feature devoted to it within the framework of TrotskyanaNet.

What follows is a short survey about the published issues (as at Spring 2005) of Torotsuki Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies):

Author index to nos. 1–44 (1991–2004) of Torotsuki–Kenkyu (Trotsky Studies):

Dissidences : bulletin de liaison des études
sur les mouvements révolutionnaires

[ISSN 1292–5799  –  ISSN 1764–1462]
[new series: ISSN 1779–7624  –  ISSN 1959–5670  –  ISSN 2118–6057 (by error)]

The French–language journal Dissidences was founded 1997/98. The inaugural issue appeared in December 1998. The first 5 issues were published with title Bulletin de liaison des études sur les mouvements  révolutionnaires (BLEMR) which from number 6 (Sept. 2000) became the subtitle. Dissidences had a numbering by année (year, volume) and by running number (numéro); as of Spring 2004, altogether six volumes containing numbers 1-14/15 were published, including two double issues [see listing below].
The journal (old series) appeared in Nancy.

A relevant change took place at the end of 2005: Dissidences – now without subtitle – began to be published by a well–known publishing house: L'Harmattan (Paris), starting with a new numbering (vol. 1, ISBN 2–7475–9718–0), a new format and distinct titles. – Another change in publisher took place in 2007: beginning with vol. 3 (publ. in Autumn 2007), Dissidences has been published by Le Bord de l'Eau (Latresne, later: Lormont). For more information about the journal and for many relevant amendments not contained in the printed issues (e.g. Revue des revues, Notes de lecture, Textes inédits), you should visit Dissidences' website). A Lettre des amis de Dissidences has been disseminated to subscribers as e–mail.

Dissidences is edited and funded by Les Amis de Dissidences, an association (association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901). The scientific committee consists of French and foreign historians and social scientists, most of them being well–known in the field of Trotsky(ism) research, as for example Matéo Alaluf, Paul Alliès, Roberto Bianchi, Michel Dreyfus, Eros Francescangeli, Michael Löwy, Claude Pennetier, Enzo Traverso, Marcel van der Linden. The editorial board board consists (as at 2009) of Y. Beaulieu, C. Beuvain, H. Chalton, V. Chambarlhac, S. Delouvée, F. Gaudichaud, D. Hamelin, O. Neveux, S. Moulain, S. Paquelin, S. Rizet, J.–P. Salles, F. Schoumacher, F. Thomas. Jean–Guillaume Lanuque, co–founder of BLEMR–Dissidences, and Georges Ubbiali are functioning as directors

Dissidences is conceived by its founders and editors as an independent, non–sectarian forum for collection and exchange of information and opinion, aiming at the furtherance of interdisciplinary research (historical, sociological, psychological ...) on the revolutionary movements of the 19th and 20th centuries – with special focus on Trotskyism – and particularly intends to co–ordinate all those research work done by individuals at various universities and related facilities. As its motto, Dissidences cites Marc Bloch (Apologie pour l'histoire): "Isolé, aucun spécialiste ne comprendra jamais rien qu'à demi, fût–ce à son propre champ d'études. [L'histoire] ne peut se faire que par entr'aide."

Thus, Dissidences from its very beginning has been busy – and successful – in building a network of scholars, students, amateurs and other people sharing a special interest in research and sources about the revolutionary movements, both French and international. In accordance with its just–mentioned tasks, the editors of  Dissidences' lay special emphasis on book reviews (including a considerable number of reviews of relevant academic works such as dissertations, master theses and of similar 'unpublished' works), special subject bibliographies and chronologies, features of archives and related research facilities, lists of people engaged in relevant research (mentioning their particular fields of research, their works–in–progress, etc.), list of recent publications (both dependently and independently published writings) and debates.

Most issues of the 'old series' of Dissidences were arranged into the following regular columns: editorial, archive centres, actuality, debates, dossier (special subject features with contributions by various authors and provided with chronologies, documentary appendices, etc.), book reviews and reader's notes, review of reviews, and (occasionally) list of obituaries.

It should be mentioned, too, that since 2011 there exists also an electronic version of Dissidences (revue électronique Dissidences) containing a selection of articles from the printed edition as well as additional (hitherto unpublished) contributions, amendments, and updates only available as electronic resources. As at Summer 2012, 3 issues of the electronic Dissidences [ISSN 2118-6057} have been published in the WWW.

Undoubtedly, Dissidences can be considered a very valuable source of information about the topical state–of–the–art with regard to research on Trotskyism and related leftist movements, particularly in France.

Unfortunately, in 2014 Dissidences seems to have ceased publication.

For more information see:
Lanuque, Jean-Guillaume: Qu'est–ce que Dissidences–BLEMR?, in: Cahiers Léon Trotsky, 2002 (79), pp. 91-104.

What follows is a list of all published issues (as at Sept. 2012) and a (partial) author index of Dissidences:

(Partial) Author index of Dissidences (note: "[n.s.]" refers to vols. of the new series)

Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz, 2004
last (slightly) rev. October 2023

https://www.trotskyana.net © by Wolfgang & Petra Lubitz