This Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography (LLTB) is part of Lubitz' TrotskyanaNet (LTN)
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Contents of Chapter 5

[IDN 07827-10502]
5.1 Comprehensive works and collections
5.2 Generalities, outlines and surveys
5.3 Single periods and major topics
5.3.01. The pre-1917 factional struggles
5.3.02 From the October revolution to the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1917-18)
5.3.03 War communism, trade union debate, Kronstadt rebelllion and the beginnings of the NEP (1919-1922)
5.3.04 The Trotskyist Left Opposition and its controversy with the 'triumvirate' (1923-25). Lenin's death and the succession struggle Comprehensive works, collections, generalities The 'literary debate'. (The party controversy about Trotsky's New course, Lessons of October, etc.) See also → 5.4 The struggle against the Left Opposition in the youth- and student federations, at the universities, in the trade unions and in the press Varia and miscellaneous
5.3.05 The Joint (New) Opposition (Trotskyist-Zinovievist Opposition) and its controversy with the Stalin-Bukharin majority faction (1925-27) Comprehensive works, collections, generalities The ideological foundations of the Joint Opposition, its platform, its leaders The controversy about Stalin's 'socialism in one country'. See also → The controversy about the economic and agricultural policy, about the means and methods of socialist reconstruction The controversy about the class nature of the Soviet Union, about state and bureaucracy, 'Thermidor' and 'Bonapartism'. See also → 3.3.04 The controversy about problems of foreign and security policy and the question of war danger The controversy about Comintern affairs The controversy about party democracy and the inner-party regime The struggle against the Joint Opposition in the youth- and student federations, at the universities, in the trade unions and in the press The defeat of the Joint Opposition The Joint Opposition as ostensible ally of interior and foreign counter-revolution Varia and miscellaneous
5.3.06 The Trotskyist Opposition after its defeat in 1927. The fight against Trotsky and the underground opposition in the USSR 1928-36
5.4 Leading figures of the CPSU (1920s and 1930s) about Trotsky and the Trotskyist Opposition
5.5 CPSU and Comintern resolutions relating to Trotsky and the Trotskyist Opposition
5.6 Area studies relating to the Trotskyist Opposition and the struggle against it

LLTB Chapter  5.1

IDN  07827         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Against Trotskyism
: the struggle of Lenin and the CPSU against Trotskyism ; a coll. of documents / Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the CPSU. [Comp. by B.S. Vlasov]. - Moscow : Progress Publ., 1972. - 405 pp.
Table of contents: p.9 Preface -- p.23 Lenin's criticism of the opportunist views of the Trotskyites and exposure of their subversive activities in 1903-1917 -- p.128 The struggle Lenin and the Bolshevik party waged against Trotskyism in 1918-1922 -- p.235 The struggle waged by the Bolshevik party against Trotskyism in 1923-1925 -- p.258 The struggle waged by the Bolshevik party against Trotskyism in 1926-1927 -- p.289 Resolutions of local party organisations on the struggle against Trotskyism -- p.313 Decisions of the Communist International in support of the CPSU against Trotskyism -- p.348 Notes
Notes: 156
Orig.: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: Contra el trotskismo

IDN  07828        Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1920-e - načalo 1930-ch gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  07829         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Archiv Trockogo
: kommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR, 1923-1927 / red.-sost. Ju. Fel'štinskij. - [Reprintnoe vosproizvedenie]. - 1-4. - Moskva : Terra, 1990. - 255 + 252 + 256 + 280 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Kommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR 1923-1927
Comp. by Yuri Felshtinsky from the Trotsky Archive at Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (chiefly letters, memoranda etc. by L. Trotsky)
Angl.: Trotsky's archives : communist opposition in the USSR, 1923-27

IDN  07830         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Archiv Trockogo
: iz archivov revoljucii, 1927-1928 / [red.: Jurij Georgievič Fel'štinskij et al.]. - 1-2. - Char'kov : Oko, 1999
ISBN 966-526-031-6

1. 454 pp. - ISBN 966-526-054-5
2. 487 pp. - ISBN 966-526-063-4
Angl.: Trotsky's archives : from the archives of the revolution, 1927-28

IDN  07831         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Balaev, Petr Grigor'evič: Trockizm protiv bol'ševizma
: o restavracii kapitalizma pod lozungami postroenija kommunizma. - Ekaterinburg : IP Čekasin, 2020. - 558 pp.
ISBN 978-5-6044881-0-2

Angl.: Trotskyism against Bolshevism

IDN  07832         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Balaev, Petr Grigor'evič: Trockizm protiv bol'ševizma
: o restavracii kapitalizma pod lozungami postroenija kommunizma. - 2. izd., ispr. i dop.. - Ekaterinburg : IP Čekasin, 2023. - 572 pp.
ISBN 978-5-6044881-0-2

IDN  07833         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Björkman, Hans: Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjetunionens Kommunistiska Parti 1923-27
/ Hans Björkman ; Peter Widén. - [Örebro], 1971. - II, 82 pp.
Table of contents: p.I Bilageförteckning -- p.II Käll- och litteraturförteckning -- p.1 Inledning -- p.8 Revolutionens utveckling 1917-23 -- p.16 Oppositionernas historia -- p.34 Analys och slutsatser -- p.61 Bil. 1-5
Angl.: The left Opposition in the CP of the Soviet Union, 1923-27

IDN  07834         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Björkman, Hans: Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjetunionens Kommunistiska Parti 1923-27
/ Hans Björkman ; Peter Widén. - 2. uppl. - [Örebro], [197?]. - II, 82 pp.

IDN  07835         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism in the post-October period / [transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov]. - Moscow : Progress Publ., 1970. - 270 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period
Other ed., versions, transl.: La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo ; Le parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (après Octobre)

IDN  07836        Bor'ba kommunistov protiv ideologii trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  07837         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period
/ Akademija Obščestvennych Nauk pri CK KPSS, Kafedra Istorii KPSS. [Pod obšč. red. V.I. Ignat'eva]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1969. - 293 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie/V.L. Ignat'ev -- p.10 Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste/N.A. Slamichin -- p.51 Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chostjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu (1920-1921 gg.)/F.B. Esieva -- p.108 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov za leninizm, protiv trockizma (osen' 1923 - janvar' 1925 g.)/V.V. Mezenov -- p.177 Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka/V.L. Ignat'ev i K.D. Šalagin -- p.276 Zaključenie/V.L. Ignat'ev
On cover: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: The bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism in the post-October period ; La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo ; Le parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (après Octobre)

IDN  07838         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma
/ Institut Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS. [Sost.: B.S. Vlasov]. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1970. - 398 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Predislovie -- p.15 Kritika V.I. Lenina opportunističeskich pozicij trockistov i razoblačenie ich podryvnoj dejatel'nosti v 1903-1917 gg. -- p.112 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina k partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1918-1922 gg. -- p.215 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1923-1925 gg. -- p.238 Bor'ba partii bolševikov protiv trockizma v 1926-1927 gg. -- p.269 Rezoljucii mestnych partijnych organizacij o bor'be protiv trockizma -- p.297 Priloženija: Rešenija Kommunističeskogo Internacionala o podderžke bor'by kommunističeskoj partii sovetskoj strany protiv trockizma -- p.315 Rezoljucii profsojuznych organizacij o bor'be protiv trockizma v profsojuzach -- p.335 Primečanija
Notes: 173
Other ed., versions, transl.: Against Trotskyism ; Contra el trotskismo
Angl.: The struggle of V.I. Lenin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union against Trotskyism

IDN  07839         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv melkoburžuaznoj revoljucionnosti i avantjurizma
/ Akademija Obščestvennych Nauk pri CK KPSS, Kafedra Naučnogo Kommunizma. [Red. kollegija: K.I. Varlamov et al.]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1966. - 315 pp.
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against petty-bourgeois revolutionism and adventurism

IDN  07840         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926)
. - IX, 326 pp.
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Diss., 1963
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins
Director of thesis: Georg von Rauch
Angl.: Trotsky's ideological struggle for the succession of Lenin 1922-26

IDN  07841         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins
: die ideologische Auseinandersetzung 1923-1926. - Köln : Verl. Wissenschaft und Politik, 1964. - 231 pp. - (Abhandlungen des Bundesinstituts zur Erforschung des Marxismus-Leninismus [ISSN 0174-884X] ; 4)
Table of contents: p.9 Einleitung -- p.13 Trotzkijs Anfänge -- p.18 Rebellion gegen Lenin -- p.26 Prognosen zur russischen Revolution -- p.42 Zwischen den Blöcken -- p.47 Der erste Weltkrieg -- p.49 Die Februarrevolution und Lenins Linksruck -- p.53 Die Oktoberrevolution -- p.56 Brest-Litowsk -- p.58 Bürgerkrieg und Kriegskommunismus -- p.59 Die Gewerkschaftsdiskussion -- p.62 Der X. Parteikongreß -- p.64 Apologie der Diktatur und des Terrors -- p.70 Der Aufstieg Stalins -- p.75 Lenins letzte Diktate -- p.90 Die Nationalitätenfrage -- p.95 Der XII. Parteikongreß und die "Scheren"-Krise -- p.102 Umbruch im russischen Alltag -- p.113 Die Vorbereitungen für eine Oktoberrevolution in Deutschland -- p.122 Kontroverse über das Parteiregime -- p.144 Abschied von Lenin -- p.154 Verteidigung und Resignation auf dem XIII. Parteikongreß -- p.163 "Attentat" auf die alten Bolschewisten -- p.175 Generalschlacht gegen den Trotzkismus -- p.180 Weltrevolutionäre Erwartungen -- p.204 Trotzkijs "permanente Revolution" und Stalins "Sozialismus in einem Land" -- p.214 Ausblick -- p.220 Abkürzungsverzeichnis -- p.221 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis -- p.231 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 221-230
Notes: 1.084
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926)
Angl.: Trotsky's struggle for the succession of Lenin

IDN  07842         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Campbell, John Ross: Soviet policy and its critics
/ J.R. Campbell. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - 381 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Foreword -- p.9 Trotsky against the Bolshevik party -- p.42 Trotsky and Bukharin - enemies of socialist construction -- p.84 The victory of socialism in the Soviet Union -- p.127 The Trotskyists and the Soviet state -- p.158 The new constitution and the struggle against bureaucracy -- p.191 The political background of the trials -- p.237 The trials and their critics -- p.274 Trotskyism and the war against the U.S.S.R. -- p.314 Trotskyism and the people's front -- p.375 Index

IDN  07843         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Chrestomatija protiv trockizma
/ pod obšč. red. I. Gelisa. - Simferopol' : Krymgosizdat, 1925. - VII, 200 pp.
Angl.: Anthology against Trotskyism

IDN  07844         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Contra el trotskismo
: la lucha de V.I. Lenin y del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética contra el trotskismo ; recopilación de documentos / Instituto de Marxismo-Leninismo adjunto al CC del PCUS. [Comp.: B.S. Vlasov. Trad. de ruso por Isidro R. Mendieta]. - Moscú : Progreso, 1972. - 427 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: Against Trotskyism

IDN  07845         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
D'Agostino, Anthony: Soviet succession struggles
: kremlinology and the Russian question from Lenin to Gorbachev. - Boston [etc.] : Allen & Unwin, 1988. - XIII, 274 pp.
ISBN 0-04-497043-9

Particularly ch. 1-7

IDN  07846         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The conscience of the revolution : communist opposition in Soviet Russia. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1960. - XI, 526 pp. - (Russian Research Center studies [ISSN 0073-0831] ; 40)
Table of contents: p.VII Preface -- p.3 Introduction -- p.9 The formation of the Bolshevik party -- p.35 The Bolshevik factions in the revolution of 1917 -- p.70 The Brest-Litovsk controversy and the Left Communists -- p.92 War communism and the centralization controversies -- p.119 The trade-union controversy -- p.137 The crisis of 1921 -- p.154 Leninism restored -- p.172 The interregnum -- p.209 The New course controversy -- p.236 The party after Lenin -- p.253 The Zinoviev opposition -- p.273 The United opposition -- p.322 The Right Opposition -- p.370 "Enemies of the people" -- p.398 Why the opposition failed -- p.415 Appendices -- p.439 Bibliography -- p.449 Notes -- p.509 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 439-448
Notes: 1.694
Other ed., versions, transl.: La coscienza della rivoluzione ; Das Gewissen der Revolution

IDN  07847         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The conscience of the revolution : communist opposition in Soviet Russia. - New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, 1969. - 524 pp. - (A Clarion book)
Bibliogr.: pp. 439-448
Other ed., versions, transl.: La coscienza della rivoluzione ; Das Gewissen der Revolution

IDN  07848         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The conscience of the revolution : communist opposition in Soviet Russia / Robert V. Daniels. - Boulder, Colo. : Westview Pr., 1988. - 524 pp.
ISBN 0-8133-7577-0

Bibliogr.: pp. 439-448
Other ed., versions, transl.: La coscienza della rivoluzione ; Das Gewissen der Revolution

IDN  07849         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
La coscienza della rivoluzione : l'opposizione comunista nell'Unione Sovietica / Robert V. Daniels. [Trad.: Giulio Lepschy]. - Firenze : Sansoni, 1970. - 684 pp. - (Saggi ; 11)
Orig.: The conscience of the revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Gewissen der Revolution

IDN  07850         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
Das Gewissen der Revolution : kommunistische Opposition in der Sowjetunion / [aus dem Amerikan. übers. von Karl Römer]. - Köln [etc.] : Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1962. - 604 pp.
Table of contents: p.13 Vorwort -- p.17 Einleitung -- p.25 Die Formierung der bolschewistischen Partei -- p.54 Die bolschewistischen Fraktionen in der Revolution von 1917 -- p.93 Der Streit um Brest-Litowsk und die Linken Kommunisten -- p.18 Der Kriegskommunismus und die Streitigkeiten um die Zentralisierung -- p.148 Die Gewerkschaftskontroverse -- p.169 Die Krise von 1921 -- p.187 Restauration des Leninismus -- p.206 Das Interregnum -- p.248 Die Auseinandersetzung um den Neuen Kurs -- p.278 Die Partei nach Lenins Tod -- p.296 Die Sinowjewsche Opposition -- p.319 Die Vereinigte Opposition -- p.373 Die Rechte Opposition -- p.426 "Volksfeinde" -- p.458 Warum die Opposition scheiterte -- p.477 Anhang -- p.512 Anmerkungen -- p.584 Bibliographie -- p.597 Register
Bibliogr.: pp. 584-596
Notes: 1.696
Orig.: The conscience of the revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: La coscienza della rivoluzione

IDN  07851         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
Das Gewissen der Revolution : kommunistische Opposition in der Sowjetunion / [aus dem Amerikan. übers. von Karl Römer]. - Photomechan. Neudr. der Ausg. 1962. - Berlin : Olle & Wolter, 1978. - V, 604 pp.
ISBN 3-921241-41-3

Bibliogr.: pp. 584-596
Orig.: The conscience of the revolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: La coscienza della rivoluzione

IDN  07852         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The Left Opposition and the evolution of Soviet communism / Robert V. Daniels
In: Daniels, R.V.: Trotsky, Stalin, and socialism. (Boulder, Colo. [etc.], 1991) : pp. 25-51

Notes: 38
Orig.: Die Linke Opposition und die Entwicklung des Sowjetkommunismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Left Opposition and the evolution of the communist regime
Slightly rev. version of the original German publication of 1978

IDN  07853         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The Left Opposition and the evolution of the communist regime / Robert V. Daniels
In: Daniels, R.V.: The rise and fall of communism in Russia. (New Haven, Conn. [etc.], 2007) : pp. 167-179, 438-439

Notes: 23
Orig.: Die Linke Opposition und die Entwicklung des Sowjetkommunismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Left Opposition and the evolution of Soviet communism
Rev. version of the original Engl. ms. The article was first publ. in German in 1978

IDN  07854         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The Left Opposition in the Russian Communist Party to 1924 / Robert V. Daniels. - 354 pp.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (Ph.D.), 1951
Directors of thesis: Michael Karpovich, Merle Fainsod

IDN  07855         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
Die Linke Opposition und die Entwicklung des Sowjetkommunismus / aus dem Engl. übers. von Walle Bengs
In: Sozialismusdebatte. (Berlin, 1978) : pp. 131-159

Notes: 39
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Left Opposition and the evolution of Soviet communism

IDN  07856         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Diskussija 1923 goda
: materialy i dokumenty / pod obšč. red. K.A. Popova. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - IV, 311 pp. - (VKP(b) v bor'be s uklonami)
Angl.: The discussion of 1923 : materials and documents

IDN  07857         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Diskussija 1925 goda
: materialy i dokumenty / pod obšč. red. K.A. Popova. Predisl. Em. Jaroslavskogo. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1929. - XII, 392 pp. - (VKP(b) v bor'be s uklonami)
Angl.: The discussion of 1925 : materials and documents

IDN  07858         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitrenko, Sergej Leonidovič: Bor'ba KPSS za edinstvo svoich rjadov, oktjabr' 1917 - 1937 gg.
/ S.L. Dmitrenko. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1976. - 319 pp.
Table of contents: [...] -- p.166 Pobeda leninskoj linii v bor'be protiv trockizma i "novoj oppozicii" (p.166 Osuždenie partiej melkoburžuaznogo uklona -- p.194 Otpor trockistskoj revizii leninizma -- p.208 Razgrom "novoj oppozicii") -- p.228 Poraženie trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka (p.228 Obrazovanie oppozicionnogo bloka i načalo bor'by partii protiv ego raskol'ničeskich dejstvij -- p.248 Usilenie bor'by protiv trockistskoj oppozicii -- p.259 Zaveršenie idejnogo i organizacionnogo razgroma trockizma) - [...]
Notes: 675
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU for unity of its ranks, October 1917 - 1937

IDN  07859         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus
: (1903-1927) / Sergei Dmitrijew ; Wsewolod Iwanow. - Moskau : APN-Verl., 1974. - 119 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Einleitung -- p.7 "Organisatorischer Opportunismus" gegen proletarische Parteilichkeit -- p.25 Der pseudorevolutionäre Charakter des Trotzkismus -- p.60 Trotzkis abenteuerliche Konzeption des sozialistischen Aufbaus -- p.83 Der ideologische und politische Bankrott des Trotzkismus -- p.110 Anmerkungen
Notes: 62
Other ed., versions, transl.: De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo ; Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo ; A history of the struggle against Trotskyism ; História da luta contra o trotskismo ; Lutte contre le trotskisme
Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: On the history of the struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  07860         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič: Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo
/ Serghei Dmitriev ; Vsevolod Ivanov. - Mosca : Novosti, 1974. - 119 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus ; A history of the struggle against Trotskyism ; De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo ; História da luta contra o trotskismo ; Lutte contre le trotskisme
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  07861         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič: De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo
: (1903-27) / S. Dmitriev ; V. Ivanov. - Moskau : Agencia de Prensa Nóvosti, 1974. - 111 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus ; Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo ; A history of the struggle against Trotskyism ; História da luta contra o trotskismo ; Lutte contre le trotskisme
Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: On the history of the struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  07862         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič: História da luta contra o trotskismo
/ S. Dmitriev e V. Ivanov. Trad. de Maria da Graça Lima Gomes. - Lisboa : Ed. Estampa, 1975. - 127 pp. - (Cadernos políticos ; 16)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus ; Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo ; De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo ; A history of the struggle against Trotskyism ; Lutte contre le trotskisme
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  07863         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič:
A history of the struggle against Trotskyism / Sergei Dmitriev and Vsevolod Ivanov. - Moscow : Novosti Pr. Agency Publ. House, 1974. - 118 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus ; Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo ; De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo ; História da luta contra o trotskismo ; Lutte contre le trotskisme
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  07864         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Dmitriev, Sergej Sergeevič: Lutte contre le trotskisme
: pages d'histoire (1903-1927) / Serguéi Dmitriev ; Vsévolod Ivanov. - Moscou : Novosti, 1974. - 123 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Aus der Geschichte des Kampfes gegen den Trotzkismus ; Dalla storia della lotta contro il trotskismo ; De la historia de la lucha contra el trotskismo ; A history of the struggle against Trotskyism ; História da luta contra o trotskismo
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  07865         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Elleinstein, Jean: Staline - Trotsky
: le pouvoir et la révolution. - Paris : Julliard, 1979. - 256 pp.

IDN  07866         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
The errors of Trotskyism / Communist Party of Great Britain. - London, 1925. - 392 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Introduction/J.T. Murphy -- p.29 The need to study October/L. Trotsky -- p.120 How one should not write the history of October/[N.I. Bucharin] -- p.148 Bolshevism or Trotskyism/G. Zinoviev -- p.206 Leninism or Trotskyism/Comrade Stalin -- p.245 Leninism or Trotskyism/L. Kamenev -- p.317 How should the history of October be written?/G. Sokolnikov -- p.335 A misleading description of the "German October"/O.W. Kuusinen -- p.365 The lessons of October/N. Krupskaya -- p.372 Comrade Trotsky's letter to the Central Committee of the R.C.P. -- p.378 Resolution of the Central Committee of the R.C.P.

IDN  07867         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Felshtinsky, Yuri: Trockij i Stalin : smertel'nyj konflikt ličnostej i pozicij
/ Ju. G. Fel'štinskij ; G. I. Černjavskij. - Moskva : Knižnyj Klub Knigovek, 2018. - 413 pp. - (Tajny istorii : Vek XX)
ISBN 978-5-4224-1458-1

Table of contents: Načalo konfrontacii -- p.51 Trockij i Stalin u posteli bol'nogo Lenina -- p.77 Nedruželjubnoe intermecco -- p.116 Ob"edinennaja oppozicija -- p.142 Vysš točka protivostojanija Stalina i Trockogo. Razgrom oppozicii -- p.172 Ssyl'nyj v bor'be s gensekom -- p.225 Lider meždunarodnogo antistalinskogo kommunističeskogo dviženija -- p.281 Novyj političeskij kurs i osobennosti bor'by protv stalinizma -- p.306 Trockij i bol'šoj terror -- p.356 Trud o Staline -- p.381 Ubijstvo biografa personažem knigi -- p.400 Nekatorye itogi
Angl.: Trotsky and Stalin : a deadly conflict of views and positions

IDN  07868         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo: Trockij és a trockizmus
/ ford. Gerö Ernö. - Budapest : Kossuth k., 1970. - 250 pp.
Orig.: Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: O trotskismo ; Trockismus proti leninismu ; El trotskismo al desnudo
Angl.: Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  07869         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo: Trockismus proti leninismu
/ z franc. orig. [...] přel. Jiřina Vavrinová [et al.]. - Praha : Svoboda, 1972. - 271 pp.
Orig.: Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: O trotskismo ; Trockij és a trockizmus ; El trotskismo al desnudo
Angl.: Trotskyism against Leninism

IDN  07870         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo:
O trotskismo / trad. de Mário Neto. - Lisboa : Ed. Estampa, 1971. - 232 pp. - (Praxis ; 4)
Orig.: Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij és a trockizmus ; Trockismus proti leninismu ; El trotskismo al desnudo
Angl.: Trotskyism

IDN  07871         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo:
O trotskismo. - 2. ed. - Lisboa : Ed. Estampa, 1974. - 232 pp. - (Coleção Praxis ; 4)
ISBN 972-33-0389-2

Orig.: Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij és a trockizmus ; Trockismus proti leninismu ; El trotskismo al desnudo

IDN  07872         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo:
El trotskismo al desnudo. - [Santiago] : Ed. Austral, 1972. - 275 pp.
Orig.: Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: O trotskismo ; Trockij és a trockizmus ; Trockismus proti leninismu
Angl.: Trotskyism unveiled

IDN  07873         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Figuères, Léo:
Le trotskysme, cet antiléninisme. - Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1969. - 257 pp. - ([Collection Notre temps])
Table of contents: p.7 En guise d'introduction -- p.15 Le trotskysme contre le bolchévisme (1903-1917) -- p.36 La "révolution permanente" trotskiste et la tactique léniniste de la révolution -- p.57 La politique de Lénine entre deux révolutions (février-octobre 1917) -- p.87 De Brest-Litovsk au problème des syndicats, Trotski s'oppose à Lénine (1918-1923) -- p.123 Apparition et défaites des oppositions trotskistes en U.R.S.S. (1923-1929) -- p.154 Pouvait-on, oui ou non, édifier le socialisme dans un seul pays? -- p.185 Un instrument de division du mouvement ouvrier français (1924-1968) -- p.203 Conclusion: L'aventure ou la révolution? -- p.226 Bibliographie -- p.236 Notices bibliographiques
Bibliogr.: pp. 226-235
Notes: 200
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockij és a trockizmus ; O trotskismo ; El trotskismo al desnudo ; Trockismus proti leninismu
Angl.: Trotskyism, that anti-Leninism

IDN  07874         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Frankel, David:
The history of the Left Opposition (1923-33) / Dave Frankel
In: Novack, G.: The first three Internationals. (New York, NY, 1974) : pp. 99-172

Table of contents: p.99 Lenin's fight against Stalin -- p.104 Why the bureaucracy arose -- p.108 Formation of the 1923 opposition -- p.112 Trotsky enters the battle -- p.116 The Russian revolution and Europe -- p.121 The campaign against 'Trotskyism' -- p.125 1925: Zinoviev splits with Stalin -- p.129 Program of the 1926 opposition -- p.133 China: Stalin leads the way to defeat -- p.137 The Chinese revolution of 1925-27 -- p.142 1927-28: expulsion and exile -- p.145 Stalin shifts to the "left course" -- p.148 Soviet economy in danger -- p.153 Trotsky answers the capitulators -- p.157 The Comintern's ultraleft binge -- p.162 Stalinism and the victory of fascism in Germany -- p.168 They kept alive the ideas of socialism
Reprinted from: The Militant (New York, NY), 1972 (Dec.1) - 1973 (March 30) and 1973 (Dec.28) - 1974 (Febr.1)

IDN  07875         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Franzén, Christer: Vänsteroppositionen
/ Christer Franzén och Per-Olof Mattsson. - Göteborg, 1992. - 136 pp. - (Fjärde Internationalen ‹Uppsala; later: Stockholm; later: Göteborg› [ISSN 0345-3375] ; 24.1992,4=94)
Table of contents: p.3 Inledning/C. Franzén & P.-O. Mattsson -- p.5 Kronologi -- p.9 Lästips på svenska och engelska -- p.13 Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjet 1923-28/C. Franzén & P.-O. Mattsson - (p.15 Från Oktoberrevolutionen till byråkratins seger -- p.51 Övriga oppositionsgrupper) -- p.55 Dokument (p.57 De deporterades appell, januari 1928 -- p.65 Motteser till den första femårsplanen/Vänsteroppositionen -- p.73 Maktens "yrkesfaror"/C. Rakovskij -- p.86 Hur besegrade Stalin oppositionen?/L. Trotskij) -- p.93 Ögonvittnen (p.103 Adolf Joffes sista ord -- p.109 Om den amerikanska trotskismens födelse/J.P. Cannon -- p.113 Möte med stalinismen/H. Mendel) -- p.115 Pressröster/C. Franzén & P.-O. Mattsson - (p.117 Ved ansåg socialdemokratin och borgarna? -- p.125 Vänsteroppositionen inom Komintern)
Angl.: The Left Opposition

IDN  07876         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Gajsinskij, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba s uklonami ot general'noj linii partii
: istoričeskij očerk / M. Gajsinskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1930. - 220 pp. - (Istoriko-revoljucionnaja biblioteka propagandista)
Angl.: The struggle against deviations from the party's general line

IDN  07877         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Gajsinskij, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba s uklonami ot general'noj linii partii
: istoričeskij očerk vnutripartijnoj bor'by posleoktjabr'skogo perioda / M. Gajsinskij. - 2., ispr. i fop. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1931. - 336 pp. - (Istoriko-revoljucionnaja biblioteka propagandista)

IDN  07878         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Gaucher, Roland:
L' opposition en URSS : 1917-1967. - Paris : A. Michel, 1967. - 431 pp. - (Collection Histoire du XXe siècle)
Bibliogr.: pp. 421-426
Other ed., versions, transl.: Opposition in the U.S.S.R.
Angl.: The opposition in the URSS, 1917-67

IDN  07879         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Gaucher, Roland: Opposition in the U.S.S.R.
: 1917-1967 / transl. by Charles Lam Markmann. - New York, NY : Funk & Wagnalls, 1969. - 547 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 531-538
Orig.: L'opposition en URSS
Other ed., versions, transl.: Opposition in the U.S.S.R.

IDN  07880         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Giachetti, Diego:
I dilemmi di Trotsky : dalla "rivoluzione permanente" al "socialismo in un solo paese" ; storia dell'affermazione dello stalinismo in Unione Sovietica. - Roma : Red Star Pr., 2017. - 175 pp. - (Unaltrastoria ; 30)
ISBN 978-88-6718-183-4

Bibliogr.: pp. 170-174
Angl.: Trotsky's dilemmas

IDN  07881         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Gonikman, Solomon L'vovič: Desjat' let
: očerki istorii trockizma v VKP(b) / S. Gonikman. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1928. - 138 pp. - (Itogi X s"ezda KP(b)U i XV s"ezda VKP(b))
Angl.: 10 years : outline of the history of Trotskyism in the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  07882         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Halfin, Igal: Intimate enemies
: demonizing the Bolshevik opposition, 1918-1928. - Pittsburgh, Pa. : Univ. of Pittsburgh Pr., 2007. - 416 pp. - (Pitt series in Russian and East European studies)
ISBN 0-8229-5952-6 - ISBN 0-8229-4329-8
ISBN 978-0-8229-5952-6 - ISBN 978-0-8229-4329-7

Table of contents: p.1 Prologue: The first intimate enemy -- p.18 Introduction: Individual truth and party truth -- p.33 Oppositionism as a malady of the mind -- p.76 Killing with words -- p.121 Healing oppositionist souls -- p.178 The emergence of "Trotskyism" and "Zinovievism" -- p.228 From a weak body to a wicked mind -- p.284 Inquisition, communist style -- p.327 Epilogue: the opposition demonized -- p.333 Notes -- p.413 Index
Notes: 1.708

IDN  07883         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma
/ Akademija Obščestvennych Nauk pri CK KPSS, Kafedra Istorii KPSS. [Pod obšč. red. K.I. Suvorova]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1975. - 621 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie /[V.L. Ignat'ev] -- p.10 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma nakanune e v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg./[V.A. Grin'ko] -- p.73 Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma v gody reakcii i novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema (1907-1914 gg.)/[N.A. Mit'kin] -- p.149 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii (1914-fevral' 1917 g.)/[E.F. Sopin] -- p.198 Okončatel'nyj krach centrizma v revoljucionnom rabočem dviženii Rossii. Pobeda velikogo Oktjabrja - toržestvo leninskoj teorii socialističeskoj revoljucii/[S.S. Šaumjan] -- p.243 Leninskaja politika mirnogo sosuščestvovanija i bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste/[N.A. Slamichin] -- p.285 Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu stroitel'stvu/[F.B. Esieva] -- p.342 Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma na zaveršejuščem ėtape vosstanovitel'nogo perioda (osen' 1923 - janvar' 1925 g.)/[V.V. Mezenov] -- p.415 Razoblačenie bol'ševistskoj partiej men'ševistsko-trockistskoj suščnosti "novoj oppozicii"/[V.L. Ignat'ev] -- p.440 Idejnyj i orgnaizacionnyj razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka/[V.L. Ignat'ev, K.D. Šalagin] -- p.558 Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma i sovremennost'/[F.B. Esieva]
Based upon: "Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period", Moskva, 1969, and "Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903-fevral' 1917 g.)", Moskva, 1968 [see ch. 5.3.01]
Angl.: The historical experience from the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism

IDN  07884         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Istoričeskij opyt ukreplenija edinstva KPSS
/ redkollegija: V.M. Ivanov [et al.]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1986. - 240 pp.
Particularly ch. 2, subchapter 3, "Zaščita edinstva partii pri perechode ot vojny k miru"; ch. 3, subchapter 1, "Idejno-političeskij krach trockistskoj oppozicii"; ch.3, subchapter 2, "Razoblačenie 'novoj oppozicii'"; ch. 3, subchapter 3, "Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka"
Angl.: The historical experience of the consolidation of unity of the CPSU

IDN  07885         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma
/ [red. kollegija: V.M. Zlobina et al.]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1980. - 313 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie/P.I. Soboleva -- p.9 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv opportunizma, za sozdanie i ukreplenie revoljucionnoj marksistskoj partii v Rossii/V.S. Kusljakov, E.A. Chromova -- p.35 Bor'ba bol'ševikov s opportunizmom v gody pervoj russkoj revoljucii (1905-1907)/A.Ju. Čikovani -- p.64 Bor'ba bol'ševikov za partiju i partijnost' protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma v gody reakcii (1907-1910)/L.F. Dobrodomova -- p.88 Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv opportunizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema (1910-1914)/S.V. Šestakov -- p.98 Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv social-šovinizma i centrizma v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny/S.V. Šestakov -- p.117 Bol'ševiki v bor'be s pravym i "levom" opportunizmom v period provedenija Oktjabr'skoj socialističeskoj revoljucii i ustanovlenija diktatury proletariata/P.I. Soboleva -- p.154 Bor'ba bol'ševikov s trockistami i "levym kommunistami" v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste i pervych socialističeskich preobrazovanij v strane (1918-1921)/V.M. Zlobina -- p.170 Bor'ba leninskoj partii s antipartijnymi grupporovkami i tečenijami v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925)/V.M. Zlobina -- p.216 Razgrom partiej trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927)/V.N. Michajlova -- p.262 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv pravogo uklona v period nastuplenija socializma po vsemu frontu (1928-1930)/E.F. Bystrov -- p.283 Meždunarodnoe značenie bor'by partii protiv trockizma/S.V. Volkov -- p.312 Zaključenie
Angl.: The historical significance of the experience from the struggle of the CPSU against the right and "left" opportunism

IDN  07886         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Bor'ba partii protiv antileninskich tečenij i grupp v period stroitel'stva socializma (1921-1929 gg.)
/ V.M. Ivanov. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Leningradskogo Univ., 1973. - 131 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.5 Neprimirimost' k opportunizmu - zakon žizni marksistsko-leninskich partij -- p.12 Proval opportunističeskich popytok podorvat' edinstvo partii pri perechode ot vojny k miru -- p.30 Leninskij plan postroenija socializma - platforma spločenija partii v bor'be protiv opportunističeskich tečenij i grupp -- p.41 Rešajuščee poraženie trockizma v obščepartijnoj diskussii 1923 g. -- p.57 Razoblačenie trockistskoj revizii leninizma v diskussii ob "Urokach Oktjabrja" -- p.75 Razgrom "novoj oppozicii" -- p.93 Bor'ba partii protiv ob"edinennogo trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka -- p.109 Razgrom pravoopportunističeskogo uklona -- p.123 Zaključenie
Bibliogr.: pp. 127-131
Notes: 236
Angl.: The party's struggle against anti-Leninist tendencies and groups in the period of building-up socialism (1921-29)

IDN  07887         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leninizm i idejno-političeskij razgrom trockizma
/ A.M. Ivanov ; A.N. Šmelev. - Leningrad : Lenizdat, 1970. - 502 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.17 Dve neprimirimye ideologii -- p.58 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma za bol'ševistskuju partijnost' -- p.111 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym trockistskoj koncepcii revoljucii -- p.210 Krach trockistskich popytok sorvat' pobedu socialističeskoj revoljucii -- p.368 Partija - organizator zaščity leninizma ot trockistskoj revizii -- p.416 Zaveršenie idejno-političeskogo i organizacionnogo razgroma trockizma -- p.468 Trockizm na službe mirovogo antikommunizma -- p.493 Zaključenie
Notes: 713
Angl.: Leninism and the ideological and political smashing of Trotskyism

IDN  07888         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii
: partija v bor'be s oppozicijami ; sbornik statej iz žurnalov i gazet za 1934 i 1935 gg. - Moskva : Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1936. - 209 pp. - (V pomošč' aktivu propagandistov i agitatorov ; 1)
Table of contents: p.3 Ot izdatel'stva -- p.5 O propagandistskoj rabote bližajšee vremja -- p.7 Znat' istoriju partii Lenina-Stalina -- p.10 Razgrom narodničestva marksizmom/K. Kostko -- p.25 O važnosti izučenija posleoktjabr'skogo perioda istorii našej partii/K. Kostko -- p.32 Ot oppozicii - k kontrrevoljucii/E. Jaroslavskij -- p.47 Podlye izmenniki i dezetiry Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii/E. Jaroslavskij -- p.50 Bor'ba partii s pravymi v pervye mesjacy proletarskoj diktatury/F. Anderson -- p.55 Bor'ba partii s "levymi kommunistami"/A. Berezin -- p.65 Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po voennym voprosam v period graždanskoj vojny/S. Rabinovič -- p.76 Bor'ba partii s gruppoj "demokratičeskogo centralizma" v gody graždanskoj vojny -- p.93 Partija v bor'be s trockistskoj oppoziciej vo vremja profsojuznoj diskussii/B. Bogdanov -- p.109 Partija v bor'be protiv "rabočej oppozicii"/E. Štejnman -- p.117 O bor'be našej partii s trockistami v 1923-1924 gg./E. Jaroslavskij -- p.133 Bor'ba partii s "novoj oppoziciej" i s trockistsko-zinov'evskim oppozicionnym blokom (1925-1927 gg.)/M. Moskalev -- p.148 Ot oppozicii v kloaku kontrrevoljucii/K. Radek -- p.164 Partija v bor'be s pravoj oppoziciej/N. Rubinštejn
Angl.: Towards a history of the Bolshevik party : the party in struggle against the opposition

IDN  07889         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Kommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR, 1923-1927
: iz archiva L'va Trockogo = Communist opposition in the USSR 1923-1927 / sost.: Ju. Fel'štinskij. - 1-4. - Benson, Vt. : Chalidze Publications, 1988
1. (1923-1926). - 1988. - 256 pp.
2. (1926-1927). - 1988. - 253 pp.
3. (1927, aprel'-ijul'). - 1988. - 256 pp.
4. (1927, ijul'-dekjabr'). - 1988. - 280 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Archiv Trockogo
Comp. by Yuri Felshtinsky from the Trotsky Archive at Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (chiefly letters, memoranda etc. by L. Trotsky)

IDN  07890         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Kuznecov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Partija i oppozicija
: dopuščeno podsekciej raboty sredi vzroslych naučno-političeskoj sekcii GUS'a / A. Kuznecov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 172 pp. - (Bibliotečka žurnala Kommunističeskaja revoljucija)
Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  07891         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Leninizm ili trockizm?
. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1924. - 131 pp.
Angl.: Leninism or Trotskyism?

IDN  07892         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Leninizm ili trockizm?
: sbornik statej i rečej. - Sverdlovsk : Uralkniga, 1924. - 151 pp.

IDN  07893         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Leninizm ili trockizm?
: sbornik statej i rečej. - 3., dop. izd. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1925. - 300 pp.

IDN  07894         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Leninizm ili trockizm?
: sbornik statej i rečej. - 2., dop. izd. - Sverdlovsk : Uralkniga, 1925. - 291 pp.

IDN  07895         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion : Texte von 1923 bis 1928 / hrsg. und eingel. von Ulf Wolter. - 1-5 ; [Suppl.] Sozialismusdebatte. - Westberlin : Olle & Wolter, 1975-78 - (Edition Prinkipo ; ...)
ISBN 3-921241-08-1

1. Texte von 1923 bis 1924. - 1976. - 539 pp. (... ; 7)
ISBN 3-921241-11-1
2. Texte von 1924 bis 1925. - 1975. - 549 pp. (... ; 8)
ISBN 3-921241-12-X
3. Texte von 1925 bis 1926. - 1976. - 610 pp. (... ; 9)
ISBN 3-921241-13-8
4. Texte von 1926. - 1976. - 520 pp. (... ; 10)
ISBN 3-921241-14-6
5. Texte von 1926 bis 1927. - 1977. - 594 pp. (... ; 11)
ISBN 3-921241-18-9
[Suppl.] Sozialismusdebatte : historische und aktuelle Fragen des Sozialismus. - 1978. - 238 pp.
ISBN 3-921241-27-8
Vol. 6 had been announced, but was not publ.
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the Soviet Union

IDN  07896         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : después de la revolución de Octubre / red. gen.: V. Ignátiev. - Moscú : Ed. Progreso, [ca. 1970]. - 293 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism in the post-October period ; Le parti de bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (après 1917)

IDN  07897         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Mlečin, Leonid Michajlovič: Stalin vs Trockij
/ Leonid Mlečin. - Moskva : AO Izd. Dom Argumenty Nedeli, 2018. - 397 pp. - (Vspomnit' vse)
ISBN 978-5-6040606-0-5

Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  07898         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Papernyj, Lev Lazarevič: V. I. Lenin v bor'be s frakcionnost'ju v V.K.P.(b.)
/ L. Papernyj i P. Taškarov. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 158 pp. - (Leninskaja bibliotečka Voprosy sovremennosti)
Angl.: V.I. Lenin in struggle against factionalism in the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  07899         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Le parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (après Octobre) / éd. gén.: V.L. Ignatiev. [Trad. du russe sous la dir. d'Alexandre Karvovski]. - Moscou : Ed. du Progrès, 1971. - 385 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period
Other ed., versions, transl.: The bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism in the post-October period ; La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo

IDN  07900         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Partijnaja ėtika
: dokumenty i materialy diskussii 20-ch godov / [pod red. A.A. Gusejnova [et al.] Sost. M.A. Makarevič. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1989. - 509 pp.
ISBN 5-250-00352-4

Angl.: Party ethics

IDN  07901         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Politbjuro i Lev Trockij
: (sbornik dokumentov) ; 1923-1940 / pod obšč. red. O.B. Mozochina. - 1-2. - Praga : Vědecko Vyd. Centrum "Sociosféra-CZ", 2013
1. 511 pp.
ISBN 978-80-87786-59-8
2. 435 pp.
ISBN 978-80-87786-60-4
Angl.: The politburo and Leon Trotsky

IDN  07902         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Politbjuro i Lev Trockij, 1922-1940 gg.
: sbornik dokumentov / sost. O.B. Mozochin. - Moskva : IstLit, 2017. - 789 pp.
ISBN 978-5-9908943-9-6

Angl.: The politburo and Leon Trotsky, 1922-40

IDN  07903         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929
/ Richard B. Purdue. - II, 146 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1950
Table of contents: p.I Introduction -- p.1 1917-1922 -- p.19 1922-1924 -- p.30 The New course -- p.47 1924-1928 -- p.64 Industrialization and collectivization -- p.75 Permanent revolution and socialism in one country -- p.107 Conclusion -- p.125 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 125-133

IDN  07904         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Richter, Karel: Stalin nebo Trockij?
: vražedná rivalita moci / autoris. přklad na němčiny Jiřiny Fischerové. - Praha : MarieTum, 2012. - 219 pp. - (Utajené operace)
ISBN 978-80-905165-0-2

Angl.: Stalin or Trotsky

IDN  07905         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?
/ Vadim Rogovin. - [1-7]. - Moskva : [Various publ. houses], 1992-2002
[1.] "Trockizm" : vzgljad čerez gody. - 1992. - 399 pp.
ISBN 5-85255-128-7
[2.] Vlast' i oppozicii. - 1993. - 398 pp.
ISBN 5-85272-012-7
[3.] Stalinskij neonėp. - 1994. -382 pp.
ISBN 5-85272-016-X
[4.] 1937. - 1996. - 479 pp.
ISBN 5-85272-022-4
[5.] Partija rasstreljannych. - 1997. - 526 pp.
ISBN 5-85272-026-7
[6.] Mirovaja revoljucija i mirovaja vojna. - 1998. - 415 pp.
ISBN 5-85272-026-7
[7.] Konec označaet načalo. - 2002. - 479 pp.
ISBN 5-93751-016-X
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gab es eine Alternative?
Angl.: Was there an alternative?

IDN  07906         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Gab es eine Alternative?
/ Wadim S. Rogovin. Aus dem Russ. übers. von Hannelore Georgi und Harald Schubärth. - [1- ]. - Essen : Arbeiterpresse-Verl., 1998-2010
[1.] Trotzkismus. - 2010. - 454 pp.
ISBN 978-3-88634-080-4
Notes: 788
Orig. of vol.: "Trockizm" : vzgljad čerez gody
[2.] Stalins Kriegskommunismus. - 2006. - 443 pp.
ISBN 978-3-88634-081-1
Notes: 860
Orig. of vol.: Vlast' i oppozicii
[3.] Vor dem großen Terror : Stalins Neo-NÖP. - 2000. - 475 pp.
ISBN 3-88634-074-0
Notes: 887
Orig. of vol.: Stalinskij neonėp
[4.] 1937 : Jahr des Terrors. - 1998. - 591 pp.
ISBN 3-88634-071-6
Notes: 918
Orig. of vol.: 1937 [Russ.]
[5.] Die Partei der Hingerichteten. - 1999. - 581 pp.
ISBN 3-88634-072-4
Notes: 1,118
Orig. of vol.: Partija rasstreljannych
[6.] Weltrevolution und Weltkrieg. - 2002. - 399 pp.
ISBN 3-88634-082-1
Notes: 815
Orig. of vol.: Mirovaja revoljucija i mirovaja vojna
Orig.: Byla li al'ternativa?
Vol.-numbering from dust cover. - Vol. [1], "Trotzkismus", publ. by Mehring-Verl., Essen. - Vol. [7], "Das Ende ist der Anfang" [Orig.: Konec označaet načalo], announced but not (yet) publ.
Angl.: Was there an alternative?

IDN  07907         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Ryženko, Fedor Danilovič: Leninskaja partija v bor'be s trockizmom (1903-1927 gg.)
/ F.D. Ryženko ; A.L. Ugrjumov. - Moskva : Vysšaja Škola, 1969. - 178 pp.
Angl.: Lenin's party in the struggle against Trotskyism (1903-27)

IDN  07908         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Sarabeev, Vitalij Jur'evič: Trockij, Stalin, kommunizm
/ Sarabeev, Vitalij. - Sankt-Peterburg : Piter, 2021. - 528 pp.
ISBN 978-5-00116-604-7

Table of contents: p.4 Ot avtora -- p.12 Nemnogo o terminach -- p.15 Ot istokov do XV s"ezda VKP(b) -- p.169 Ot XV s"ezda VKP(b) do ubijstva Trockogo -- p.394 Ot ubijstva Trockogo do smerti Stalina
Angl.: Trotsky, Stalin, communism

IDN  07909        Semenenko, Valerij Ivanovič: V trudnych poiskach istiny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07910         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Seydewitz, Max: Stalin nebo Trocký
: SSSR a trockismus ; studie ze současných dějin / autoris. přklad na němčiny Jiřiny Fischerové. - Praha : Prokop, 1938. - 418 pp. - (Svět v pohybu ; 2)
Orig.: Stalin oder Trotzki
Angl.: Stalin or Trotsky

IDN  07911         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Seydewitz, Max: Stalin oder Trotzki
: die UdSSR und der Trotzkismus ; eine zeitgeschichtliche Untersuchung. - London : Malik-Verl., 1938. - 511 pp.
Table of contents: p.11 Vorwort -- p.17 Die weltgeschichtliche Alternative -- p.26 Für oder wider die Sowjetunion -- p.55 Trotzkismus und Bolschewismus -- p.145 Der Trotzkismus nach der Oktoberrevolution -- p.187 Der entscheidende Gegensatz -- p.217 Rückmarsch oder Aufbau? -- p.245 Historische Entschlüsse -- p.251 Die wirtschaftliche Umwandlung der Sowjetunion -- p.265 Die Lösung der Widersprüche zwischen Arbeitern und Bauern -- p.286 Opfer und Erfolge des sozialistischen Aufbaus -- p.307 Sozialismus in der Sowjetunion -- p.325 Die sozialistische Demokratie -- p.357 Die Weltrevolution -- p.371 Die Aussenpolitik der Sowjetunion -- p.397 Das Problem der Bürokratie -- p.421 Neue Klassenbildung? -- p.450 Konformismus und Meinungsfreiheit -- p.469 Revolution und Konterrevolution
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin nebo Trocký
Angl.: Stalin or Trotsky : the USSR and Trotskyism

IDN  07912         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Skorkin, Konstantin Vladislavovič: Obrečeny proigrat' : (vlast' i oppozicija 1922-1934)
/ K.V. Skorkin. - Moskva : VividArt, 2011. - 890 pp.
ISBN 978-5-91265-044-4

Table of contents: p.6 Vvedenie -- p.8 Bibliografija i istočniki -- p.11 Vojna zakončilas', nastupila mirnaja žizn 1922-1924 (p.12 Takoj chrupkij i želannyj MIR - Respublika zalečivaet rany -- p.32 Partija stremitel'no menjaetsja -- p.44 CK RKP(b), glavnyj organ Sovetskoj vlasti -- p.55 Sekretnost', nomenklatura, privilegii -- p.64 Bolezn' i agonija voždja -- p.71 pervaja čistka -- p.79 Neukrotimye ili nevmenjaemye -- p.87 Lenin i Trockij -- p.102 Prizrak mirovoj revoljucii -- p.118 Russkij Termidor -- p.126 Levaja oppozicija formiruetsja) -- p.145 Mirnyj trud s zarjažennoj vintovkoj 1925-1928 (p.146 V vozduche zapachlo vojnoj -- p.160 Provaly Kominterna -- p.172 Sovetskij kapitalizm: ulybki i grimasy -- p.180 Vse dlja oborony strany -- p.186 Zagovorščiki -- p.198 Počemu Trockij, a nikto drugoj? -- p.204 Nab"em mordu trockistam (I. Stalin) -- p.229 Ne vse ljubjat inorodcev -- p.235 Pogrom v Kominterne -- p.240 Trockizm ėto ne tol'ko politika -- p.249 Trockisty Moskvy -- p.258 Zinov'evcy -- p.264 Trockisty Urala -- p.267 Trockisty Sibiri -- p.271 Trockisty Severnogo Kavkaza -- p.275 Trockisty Ukrainy -- p.282 trockisty Kavkaza -- p.296 Stalinskie nakazanija -- p.316 Kak v carskie vrmena: podpol'e, konspiracija -- p.324 Repeticija peremen -- p.334 Kto v partii za kapitalizm? -- p.349 Razmytyj obraz kulačestva) -- p.361 Ugroza nooj vojny real'na 1929-1934 (pp.363 Vojny na poroge -- p.372 Surovoe lico stalinskogo socializma -- p.380 Za voždem bez stracha i somnenij -- p.392 Očistim svoi rjadi -- p.403 Peredelka i perekovka krest'janstva -- p.418 Razkulačim vsem nedovol'nych -- p.427 S obrezom, toporom i vilami -- p.434 Vory stali vragami socializma -- p.438 Zakroma strany opusteli -- p.449 Trockizm ožil -- p.464 Idejnaja i npravstvennaja degradacija -- p.474 Političeskij izgnannik -- p.487 V smertel'noj bor'be sredstv ne vybirajut -- p.493 Živučij trockizm) -- p.502 Zaključenie -- p.505 Primečanija (p.509 Biografii oppozicionerov i sotrudnikov L.D. Trockogo -- p.759 Biografii organizatorov razgroma oppozicii -- p.877 Spisok sokraščenij v ukazanii istočnika -- p.878 Spisok sokraščenij v tekste
Notes: 902
Angl.: Damned to loose : (power and opposition 1922-34)

IDN  07913         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym teorii i praktiki trockizma (1917-1924 gg.)
/ N.A. Slamichin. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1977. - 334 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.26 Leninskaja kritika kautskianskogo podchoda trockistov k opredeleniju imperializma -- p.65 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym trockizma po voprosam teorii i taktiki socialističeskoj revoljucii -- p.156 Kapituljantskaja suščnost' vzgljadov trockizma po voprosam vnutrennej politiki partii -- p.214 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina za ukreplenie edinstva Kommunističeskoj partii i povyšenie ee roli v socialističeskom stroitel'stve -- p.277 Značenie opyta bor'by V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v sovremennych uslovijach. Trockizm - sojuznik antikommunizma i reakcii -- p.323 Zaključenie
Notes: 874
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's exposure of the theory and practice of Trotskyism (1917-24)

IDN  07914         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s antileninskimi gruppami i tečenijami v posleoktjabr'skij period, 1917-1934 gg.
/ A.G. Titov ; A.M. Smirnov ; K.D. Šalagin. - Moskva : Vysšaja Škola, 1974. - 357 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.17 Poraženie antipartijnych gruppirovok v pervye gody Sovetskoj vlasti -- p.129 Bor'ba partii s trockizmom i ego sojuznikami v 20-e gody ; idejnyj i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma v VKP(b) -- p.267 Razgrom pravogo uklona v VKP(b) -- p.320 Razgrom nacional'nych uklonov v VKP(b) -- p.342 Zaključenie
Notes: 686
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against anti-Leninist groups and tendencies in the postrevolutionary period, 1917-34

IDN  07915         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razgrom opportunizma v rjadach KPSS v perechodnyj period ot kapitalizma k socializmu v SSSR
. - 1-2. - 913 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1967
Angl.: The smashing of opportunism in the ranks of the CPSU during the transitional period from capitalism to socialism in the USSR

IDN  07916         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trockismus, nepřítel leninismu
/ předml.: Josef Mudroch. - Praha : Svoboda, 1971. - 345 pp.
Orig.: Trockizm, vrag leninizma
Angl.: Trotskyism, enemy of Leninism

IDN  07917         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trockizm, vrag leninizma
/ [sost.: B.S. Vlasov]. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1968. - 358 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Ot izdatel'stva -- p.9 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunističeskich pozicij Trockogo na II s"ezde RSDRP, v period podgotovki i provedenija revoljucii 1905-1907 gg. -- p.30 V.I. Lenin o frakcionno-raskol'ničeskoj dejatel'nosti trockistov v 1907-1914 gg., krache "Avgustovskogo" antipartijnogo bloka -- p.101 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina s trockistami nakanune i v period imperialističeskoj vojny, razoblačenie ich centristskich pozicij -- p.114 V.I. Lenin ob avantjurističeskich dejstvijach Trockogo v period zaključenija Brestskogo mira i v gody inostrannoj intervencii i graždanskoj vojny -- p.122 Leninskaja kritika trockizma v period diskussii o profsojuzach -- p.199 Bor'ba KPSS protiv trockizma v 1923-1925 gg. -- p.227 Zaveršajuščij ėtap bor'by KPSS protiv trockistov. Razgrom trockizma -- p.269 Priloženija -- p.298 Primečanija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trockismus, nepřítel leninismu
Angl.: Trotskyism, enemy of Leninism

IDN  07918         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trotski ed il trotskismo
: testi e documenti. - Parigi : Ed. di Cultura Sociale, 1938. - 88 pp.
Orig.: Trotski et le trotskisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky e o trotskismo
Angl.: Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  07919         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trotski et le trotskisme
: textes et documents. - Paris : Bureau d'Ed., 1937. - 96 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski ed il trotskismo ; Trotsky e o trotskismo
Angl.: Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  07920         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trotski et le trotskisme
: textes et documents. - [Paris] : Ed. Norman Béthune, 1971. - 96 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski ed il trotskismo ; Trotsky e o trotskismo
Reprint of the 1937 ed.

IDN  07921         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trotsky e o trotskismo
: textos e documentos / trad. José Martins de Lima. - Lisboa : Ed. Maria da Fonte, 1973. - 191 pp. - (Textos Maria da Fonte : Serie A ; 1)
Orig.: Trotski et le trotskisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski ed il trotskismo
Angl.: Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  07922         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Trotsky e o trotskismo
: textos e documentos / trad. José Martins de Lima. - 2. ed. - Lisboa : Ed. Maria da Fonte, 1975. - 191 pp. - (Textos Maria da Fonte : Serie A ; 1)
Orig.: Trotski et le trotskisme
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotski ed il trotskismo

IDN  07923         LLTB  Chapter  5.1
Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma (1921-1928 gg.)
. - 1-2. - 753 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Voennoj Istorii, Diss., 1970
Angl.: Ideological-political and organizational smashing of Trotskyism (1921-28)

LLTB Chapter  5.2

IDN  07924         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Abramovič, Rafail:
Der russische Fraktionskampf / Raphael Abramowitsch
In: Die Gesellschaft : internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik ‹Berlin› 5.1928 (1) : pp. 148-168

Notes: 11
Angl.: The Russian factional struggle

IDN  07925         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Adoratskij, Vladimir Viktorovič: Lenin v bor'be s oppoziciej
/ V. Adoratskij
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1927 (21/22) : pp. 12-25

Angl.: Lenin in struggle with the opposition

IDN  07926        Amestoy, Juan Pedro: Stalin versus Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  07927        Andersson, Kenth-Åke: Lögnens renässans   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  07928         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Bor'ba za vlast' v Politbjuro v 1920-e gody
/ Dmitrij Apal'kov. - Saarbrücken : Lambert Acad. Publ., 2018. - 128 pp.
ISBN 978-613-9-94246-6 - ISBN 613-9-94246-2

Publ. on demand (as printed edition or e-book)
Angl.: The struggle for power within the Politbureau in the 1920s

IDN  07929         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Istočniki po istorii vnutripartijnoj bor'by v VKP(b) 1920-ch gg.
[Electronic resource]
In: Gumanitarnye naučnye issledovanija [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2225-3157] 2018 (12=88) : 15 KB (4 pp.)

Dated Apr. 1, 2019
Assessed July 23, 2019
Angl.: Sources on the history of the inner-party struggle of the VKP(B) in the 1920s

IDN  07930         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Istoriografija vnutripartijnoj bor'by v VKP(b) 1920-ch gg.
[Electronic resource]
In: Gumanitarnye naučnye issledovanija [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2225-3157] 2018 (12=88) : 23 KB (5 pp.)

Dated March 26, 2019
Assessed July 23, 2019
Angl.: Historiography of the inner-party struggle of the VKP(b) in the 1920s

IDN  07931         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1920-e - načalo 1930-ch gg.)
. - 20 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2017
Notes: 36
Director of thesis: Oleg Vital'evič Chlevnjuk

IDN  07932         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1920-e - načalo 1930-ch gg.)
. - 206 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2017
Director of thesis: Oleg Vital'evič Chlevnjuk
Angl.: The inner-party struggle of the RKP(B)-VKP(B) (1920s - early 1930s)

IDN  07933         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) (1923-1927 gody)
/ Dmitrij Apal'kov. - [Saarbrücken] : Lambert Acad. Publ., 2014. - 108 pp.
ISBN 978-3-659-58238-7

Angl.: The inner-party struggle of the RKP(B)-VKP(B) (1923-1927)

IDN  07934         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b)
: ot "kollektivnogo rukovodsta" k stalinskoj diktature / D.I. Apal'kov. - Moskva : AIRO-XXI, 2022. - 191 pp.
ISBN 978-5-91022-508-8

Angl.: The inner-party struggle of the VKP(B) : from collective leadership to Stalinist dictatorship

IDN  07935         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Bert, Erik:
The Trotskyite species of counterrevolution
In: Political Affairs ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0032-3128] 68.1979 (5) : pp. 48-56

IDN  07936         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Bondarenko, Vitalij Michajlovič: Bor'ba za vlast'
: Trockij, Stalin, Chruščev, Brežnev, Andropov / Vitalij Bondarenko. - Moskva : Olma, 2007. - 236 pp. - (Serija "Dos'e")
ISBN 978-5-373-01460-1

Angl.: The struggle for power

IDN  07937         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Brahm, Heinz:
Der Niedergang der Opposition in der KPdSU. - Köln : Bundesinst. für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1971. - 42 pp. - (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien [ISSN 0435-7183] ; 1971,51)
Table of contents: p.1 Funktion und Grenzen der Opposition -- p.3 Lenins Kritik am Parlamentarismus -- p.5 Die Bolschewisten auf dem Wege zur Diktatur -- p.8 Das Ende der nichtkommunistischen Parteien nach 1917 -- p.10 Die Opposition in der Kommunistischen Partei von 1917 bis 1921 -- p.13 1921: Drastische Einschränkungen für die kommunistische Opposition -- p.15 Lenin bestellt sein Haus -- p.17 Die Kampagnen gegen Trotzkij -- p.19 Die Zerschlagung der Vereinigten Opposition -- p.22 Der Untergang der rechten Opposition -- p.25 Tote ohne Begräbnis -- p.29 Das Nachwirken des Stalinismus nach 1953 -- p.35 Die Entstehung einer Opposition außerhalb der KPdSU
Notes: 56
Angl.: The decline of the opposition in the CPSU

IDN  07938         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Broué, Pierre: Zur Geschichte der Linken Opposition (1923-1928)

In: Trockij, L.D.: Schriften. 3,1. (Hamburg, [1998]) : pp. 9-22

Notes: 8
Angl.: Towards a history of the Left Opposition (1923-28)

IDN  07939         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Carcedo, Diego: Sucesión difícil
: el combate entre Stalin y Trotski
In: Historia y vida ‹Barcelona› [ISSN 0018-2354] 39.2007 (477) : pp. 50-57

Angl.: The difficult succession : the struggle between Stalin and Trotsky

IDN  07940         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
Die kommunistische Opposition und der revolutionäre Prozeß in nach-kommunistischer Perspektive / Robert V. Daniels. Aus dem Engl. von Richard Detje
In: Ausblicke auf das vergangene Jahrhundert / W. Hedeler [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Hamburg, 1996) : pp. 118-133

Notes: 28
Angl.: The communist opposition and the revolutionary process in a post-communist perspective

IDN  07941         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The Left Opposition as an alternative to Stalinism / Robert V. Daniels
In: Slavic Review ‹Washington, DC; later: Stanford, Cal.› [ISSN 0037-6779] 50.1991 (2) : pp. 277-285

Notes: 34

IDN  07942         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The Left Opposition as an alternative to Stalinism / Robert V. Daniels
In: Daniels, R.V.: The rise and fall of communism in Russia. (New Haven, Conn. [etc.], 2007) : pp. 189-195, 442-443

Notes: 20
Based on a paper prep. for a Soviet-American conference on political alternatives in the NEP, Moscow, Oct. 1989. Rev. version of author's contribution which appeared in: Slavic Review, 50.1991 (2)

IDN  07943        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Opposition im kommunistischen Machtbereich   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  07944        Davies, Robert William: The inadequacies of Russian Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07945         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Di Biagio, Anna: Trockij e l'opposizione di sinistra
: le lotte politiche nel partito sovietico negli anni venti
In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 1. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 331-345

Table of contents: p.333 La crisi politica del 1923 -- p.337 Trockij all'opposizione
Notes: 44
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: Trotsky and the Left Opposition : political struggles in the Soviet [Communist] Party during the 1920s

IDN  07946         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Dmitrenko, Sergej Leonidovič: Bor'ba KPSS za edinstvo svoich rjadov
/ S.L. Dmitrenko. - Moskva : Izd-vo Znanie, 1969. - 47 pp. - (Novoe v žizni, nauke, technike : Serija Istorija i politika KPSS ; 1969,3)
Notes: 113
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU for the unity of its ranks

IDN  07947         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Džurža, Vasilij Pavlovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina, Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma
/ V.P. Džurža. - Leningrad, 1971. - 87 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of V.I. Lenin and the Communist Party against Trotskyism

IDN  07948         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Felshtinsky, Yuri: Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and the Left Opposition in the USSR
: 1918-1928. - [Stanford, Cal.] : Hoover Institution, Stanford Univ., 1989. - 26 pp. - (Working papers in international studies ; I 89,26)
Notes: 28

IDN  07949         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Felshtinsky, Yuri: Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and the Left Opposition in the USSR
: 1918-1928
In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 31.1990 (4) : pp. 569-578, 630-631

Notes: 28
With French summary

IDN  07950        Fencsik, László: A mai trockisták   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  07951         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Grjunberg, Al.: O trockizme i trockistach
. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1931. - 108 pp. - (Istorija bor'by VKP(b) s uklonami)
Angl.: On Trotskyism and Trotskyists

IDN  07952         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Hedeler, Wladislaw: Nikolai Bucharin und Leo Trotzki als Kritiker der Usurpation des Oktober durch Stalin

In: Die Wache ist müde : neue Sichten auf die russische Revolution 1917 und ihre Wirkungen / hrsg. von W. Hedeler [et al.] (Berlin, 2008) : pp. 135-148

Notes: 50
Angl.: Nikolai Bukharin and Leon Trotsky as critics of the usurpation of October by Stalin

IDN  07953         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Hoschiller, Max:
La révolution russe aux carrefour : le duel Trotsky-Staline. - Paris : Société d'Études et d'Informations Économiques, 1927. - 38 pp.
Angl.: The Russian revolution at the crossroads : the Trotsky-Stalin feud

IDN  07954         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Hough, Jerry Fincher:
The Stalin-Trotsky split : a lesson for kremlinologists / Jerry F. Hough
In: Reporter ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1049-1600] 36.1963 (29) : pp. 37-39

IDN  07955        Ibrahimpašić, Besim: Trocki i trockizam : marksizam Lava Davidoviča Bronštajna-Trockog   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07956        Ibrahimpašić, Besim: Trockizam : marksizam Lava Davidoviča Bronštajna-Trockog   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07957         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: [Postface] Zaključenie
/ V.L. Ignat'ev
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 276-292

Notes: 20

IDN  07958         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma i ee značenie dlja sovremennosti
/ V.M. Ivanov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1982 (7) : pp. 116-129

Notes: 54
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against Trotskyism and its meaning for today

IDN  07959         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Istoričeskoe značenie bor'by V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma
/ I.T. Kačan
In: Vestnik Char'kovskogo Politechničeskogo Instituta : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Char'kov› [ISSN 0453-7998] 2.1969 : pp. 45-52

Angl.: Historical significance of V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  07960         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Kanatčikov, Semen Ivanovič: Istorija odnogo uklona
/ S. Kanatčikov. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Priboj, 1924. - 156 pp.
Angl.: History of a certain deviation

IDN  07961         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Kanatčikov, Semen Ivanovič: Istorija odnogo uklona
/ S. Kanatčikov. - 5., dop.izd. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Priboj, 1925. - 176 pp. - (Za partiju, za leninizm)

IDN  07962         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Ključnik, Roman: Žestokie romantiki protiv krovavych gegemonov
: Lenin protiv Stalina, Stalin protiv Trockogo. - Sankt-Peterburg : Pavel, 2010. - 248 pp. - (Lekcii v narodnom universitete : znanija iz istoričeskogo opyta ; 7)
ISBN 878-5-903097-88-3

Table of contents: p.6 Predislovie -- p.12 Rezvilka celej -- p.108 Bor'ba Stalina za vlast' i svoi celi -- p.170 Bor'ba Stalina s novoj oppoziciej i vosstanovlenie promyšlennosti
Angl.: Awful romantics against bloody leaders

IDN  07963         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Krausz, Tamás: Oroszországi alternatívák, 1917-1928
. - Budapest : Korona, 1995. - 71 pp. - (A történelem alternativái ; 3)
ISBN 963-8153-64-4

Angl.: Russian alternatives

IDN  07964         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Layson, Zed Clark:
A disconcerting riddle : the struggle for Soviet leadership between Stalin and Trotsky. - IV, 84 pp.
Orlando, Flo., Univ. of Central Florida, Thesis (M.A.), 2002

IDN  07965         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Left Opposition
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (2 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 14, 2010

IDN  07966         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Lemańczyk, Tadeusz: Walka Józefa Stalina z oppozycja w WKP(B)

In: Z pola walki ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0044-149X] 32.1989 (1) : pp. 22-41

Angl.: Joseph Stalin's struggle against the opposition within the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)

IDN  07967         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Lešnik, Avgust: "Kosovsko vprašanje" v očeh Leva Trockega

In: Primorska srečanja ‹Koper› [ISSN 0350-5723] 16.1991 (115) : pp. 123-125

IDN  07968         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Lešnik, Avgust: Stalinova politična diskvalifikacija Leva Trockega

In: Anthropos ‹Ljubljana› [ISSN 0587-5161] 1991 (1/3) : pp. 179-183

Notes: 26
With German and Slovene summaries
Angl.: Stalin's political disqualification of Leon Trotsky

IDN  07969         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion
[Electronic resource]. - 25 KB (7 pp.)
Wikipedia article
Accessed June 20, 2017
Angl.: Left Opposition in the Soviet Union

IDN  07970        Löwy, Michael: Lenin and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07971         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
L'vovič, M.: O bor'be s opportunizmom vnutri našej partii
. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1928. - 98 pp. - (Biblioteka partsamoobrazovanija)
Angl.: On the struggle against opportunism in our party

IDN  07972         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mandel, Ernest: Dreißig Fragen und Antworten zur neuen "Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion"

In: Zur Geschichte der KPdSU. (Hamburg, 1971) : pp. 127-176

Notes: 6
Orig.: Trente questions et trente réponses au sujet de la nouvelle "Histoire du Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique"
Other ed., versions, transl.: Thirty questions and answers about the History of the C.P.S.U.
Angl.: Thirty questions and answers concerning the new "History of the Communist party of the Soviet Union"

IDN  07973         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mandel, Ernest: Thirty questions and answers about the History of the C.P.S.U.
/ E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]. - [1-2]
In: Fourth International / International Executive Committee of the Fourth International ‹Paris; later: London; later: Amsterdam; later: Paris› [ISSN 0429-2790] 1960 (10) : pp. 13-24; 1960 (11) : pp. 38-51

Orig.: Trente questions et trente réponses au sujet de la nouvelle "Histoire du Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique"
Other ed., versions, transl.: Dreißig Fragen und Antworten zur neuen "Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion"

IDN  07974         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mandel, Ernest: Trente questions et trente réponses au sujet de la nouvelle "Histoire du Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique"
/ E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]. - [1-3]
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 18.1960 (10) : pp. 27-41; 18.1960 (11) : pp. 52-59; 19.1961 (13) : pp. 54-67

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: Dreißig Fragen und Antworten zur neuen "Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion" ; Thirty questions and answers about the History of the C.P.S.U.
Angl.: 30 questions and answers concerning the new "History of the Communist party of the Soviet Union"

IDN  07975         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mariátegui, José Carlos:
El partido bolchevique y Trotsky
In: Variedades ‹Lima› 21.1925 (883) : pp. 220-225

Angl.: The Bolshevik party and Trotsky

IDN  07976         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mariátegui, José Carlos:
El partido bolchevique y Trotsky
In: Mariátegui, J.C.: Figuras y aspectos de la vida mundial. 1. 9.ed. (Lima, 1988) : pp. 149-155

IDN  07977         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Marion, Paul: Trotsky et les trotskystes

In: Marion, P.: Deux Russies. (Paris, 1930) : pp. 223-241

Angl.: Trotsky and the Trotskyists

IDN  07978         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Marot, John Eric: Trotsky, the Left Opposition and the rise of Stalinism
: theory and practice
In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 14.2006 (3) : pp. 175-206

Table of contents: p.175 Introduction -- p.179 Trotsky's sociological interpretation of the left, centre, and right wings of the party -- p.181 Trotsky's conciliationism -- p.187 Capitulating to Stalin - or rallying to him? -- p.194 Workers' and peasants' opposition to Stalinism -- p.199 The Trotskyist Opposition abroad, 1928-33 -- p.200 Trotsky's miscalculation -- p.202 Conclusion: Cliff's faulty historical methodology -- p.205 References
Notes: 58
Chiefly a detailed assessment of the Cliff, Tony: Trotsky, vol. 3 and 4, London, 1991-93

IDN  07979         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Marot, John Eric: Trotsky, the Left Opposition and the rise of Stalinism
: theory and practice
In: Marot, J.E.: The October revolution in prospect and retrospect. (Boston, Mass. [etc.], 2012) : pp. 87-116

Notes: 58
Chiefly a detailed assessment of Cliff, Tony: Trotsky, vol. 3 and 4, London, 1991-93

IDN  07980         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Marot, John Eric: Trotsky's opposition, 1923-1927
: fighting the Stalinist bureaucracy or arguing with it? / John Marot
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 9.1994/95 (4=52) : pp. 33-36

Notes: 3
A reply by Paul Le Blanc with title "On the Trotskyist opposition" and a rejoinder by the author were publ. in: ibid., n.s. 11.1996/97 (5=65)

IDN  07981         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mastepanov, Il'ja Vasil'evič: Stalin i Trockij : istoki konflikta

In: Revoljucii v Rossii : teorija i praktika socialističeskich preobrazovanij / red. koll.: A.B. Anančenko [et al.] (Moskva, 2018) : pp. 173-184

Paper originally submitted to the Meždunarodnaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Revoljucii v Rossii - Teorija i Praktika Socialističeskich Preobrazovanij', Moskva, Nov. 7-8, 2017
Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky : seeds of conflict

IDN  07982         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mel'nikov, Vladimir Pavlovič: Političeskie diskussii 20-ch godov i ich ėvoljucija
/ V.P. Mel'nikov
In: Političeskie diskussii v 20-e gody / V.P. Mel'nikov (otv. red.) (Moskva, 1992) : pp. 3-34

Angl.: The political debates of the 1920s and their development

IDN  07983         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Merlet, Pierre:
L' opposition communiste en URSS : les trotskystes (1923-1938). - 1-2. - Pantin : Les Bons caractères, 2013-2014 - (Éclairage [ISSN 2110-9621] ; ...)
1. 1923-1927 : la lutte antibureaucratique dans le parti bolchévique. - 2013. - 143 pp. - (... ; 11)
ISBN 978-2-915727-39-5
Contents: p.3 Introduction -- p.16 1918-1923: de la perspective de la révolution mondiale à l'isolement de l'URSS, fondement de la dégénérescence de l'État ouvrier -- p.46 Octobre 1923-avril 1926: le combat de l'opposition de gauche -- p.82 Avril 1926-1927: l'opposition unifié -- p.139 Bibliographie succinte
2. 1928-1938 : une lutte à mort contre le stalinisme. - 2014. - 144 pp. - (... ; 12)
ISBN 978-2-915727-40-1
Contents: p.3 Introduction -- p.11 L'opposition exclu du parti: arrestations, déportations et lutte clandestine -- p.43 "Tournant à gauche" du Kremlin et crise de l'opposition -- p.79 La naissance de la IVe Internationale, le spectre du trotskysme hante la bureaucratie -- p.101 Le dernier combat des bolcheviks-leninistes en URSS -- p.133 Conclusion
Bibliogr.: pp. 140-141
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione comunista in URSS
Angl.: The communist opposition in the USSR

IDN  07984         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Merlet, Pierre:
L' opposizione comunista in URSS : i trotskisti, 1923-1938 / trad. a cura del Circolo Operaio Comunista L'Internazionale. - 1-2. - Livorno : L'Internazionale, 2017-2018 - (L'Internazionale : periodico comunista ; ...)
1. 1923-1927 : la lotta antiburocratica all'interno del partito bolscevico. - 2017. - 141 pp. - (... ; 2017,156,suppl.)
ISBN 978-88-94320-30-5
2. 1928-1938 : lotta a morte contro lo stalinismo. - 2018. - 132 pp. - (... ; 2018,163,suppl.)
ISBN 978-88-94320-31-2
Orig.: L'opposition communiste en URSS
Angl.: The communist opposition in the USSR

IDN  07985        Minaev, Leonid Mitrofanovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo i deformacija oblika leninizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07986         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Montero, Hugo: Por qué Stalin derrotó a Trotsky
/ [main text and coordination: Hugo Montero. With contributed essays and interviews by Gabriel García Higueras, Alan Woods, Andrés Rivera and Pepe Gutiérrez Álvarez]. - 1-3
In: Sudestada : cultura, política y actualidad ‹Lomas de Zamora› 8.2008 (73) : pp. 5-15; 8.2008 (74) : pp. 47-53; 8.2008 (75) : pp. 46-53

Angl.: Why Stalin defeated Trotsky

IDN  07987         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Montero, Hugo: Por qué Stalin derrotó a Trotsky
/ con opiniones de Esteban Volkov, Andrés Rivera y Alan Woods, entre otros. - Buenos Aires : Ed. Continente, 2009. - 191 pp. - (Cuadernos de Sudestada)
ISBN 978-950-754-286-2

Table of contents: p.7 Palabras previas -- p.9 Introducción -- p.11 Primera parte -- p.35 Secunda parte -- p.61 Tercera parte -- p.89 Epílogo -- p.91 Bibliografía consultada -- p.93 Anexo I, Entevistas (p.95 Trotsky perdió la perspectiva de lo que se venía/A. Rivera -- p.103 El ascenso de Stalin fue un proceso gradual/A. Woods -- p.113 La opozición de izquierda bajo la lupa/P. Gutiérrez Álvarez -- p.117 Por qué Trotsky no sucedió a Lenin?/G. García Higueras) -- p.127 Anexo II, Los últimos días de Trotsky (p.129 Ultima estación: Coyoacán/A. Montero -- p.145 El abuelo irradiaba una fe inamovible en el futuro socialista de la humanidad/E. Volkov -- p.153 Hoy las ideas de Trotsky representan un faro en la oscuridad/A. Woods -- p.161 Trotsky nunca claudicó en su lucha por la causa de los trabajadores/G. García Higueras -- p.167 Biografía de Ramón Mercader: viaje al interior de un asesino/J.R. Garmanella -- p.175 Acerca de El grito de Trotsky: exaltación del asesino/G. García Higueras -- p.181) -- p.183 Anexo III, El poeta de la revolución
Angl.: Why Stalin defeated Trotsky

IDN  07988         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Muhić, Fuad: Staljin i Trocki u borbi za lenjinovo nasljedje

In: Opredjeljenja ‹Sarajewo› [ISSN 0351-126X] 11.1980 (2) : pp. 45-97

Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky in the struggle for Lenin's succession

IDN  07989         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mukherjee, Dibyajit: Hero as pariah : Trotsky's struggle against Stalinism

In: International Relations and Diplomacy ‹Rosemead, Cal.› [ISSN 2328-2134] 8.2020 (9) : pp. 398-408

Notes: 22

IDN  07990         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Mukherjee, Dibyajit: Violence in the political construction of Trotskyism

In: International Relations and Diplomacy ‹Rosemead, Cal.› [ISSN 2328-2134] 6.2018 (9) : pp. 518-525

Notes: 11

IDN  07991         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Nasennik, Nikolaj Grigor'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba 20-ch godov i poraženie oppozicii
: iz istorii političeskich partii Rossii / N.G. Nasennik. - Minsk : Vedy, 1997. - 104 pp.
ISBN 978-985-639-013-8

Angl.: The inner-party struggle of the 1920s and the defeat of the opposition

IDN  07992         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Nasennik, Nikolaj Grigor'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i političeskie processy 20-ch - 50-ch gg.
: (monpolija partijnoj vlasti v SSSR i ee posledstvija) / N.G. Nasennik. - 2. izd. - Minsk : Vedy, 2002. - 270 pp.
ISBN 978-985-450-071-3

Angl.: The inner-party struggle in the RKP(B)-VKP(B) and the political processes of the 1920s-1950s

IDN  07993         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Nosov, Aleksandr Petrovič: Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma
/ A. Nosov
In: Učenye zapiski Kafedry Istorii KPSS i Političeskoj Ėkonomii / Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Institut Inostrannych Jazykov ‹Irkutsk› [ISSN 0444-5694] 1968 (3) : pp. 73-92

Angl.: On the history of the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism

IDN  07994         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Nosov, Aleksandr Petrovič: Sovetskie istoriki o bor'be KPSS protiv trockizma
: naučnyj-analitičeskij obzor / A.P. Nosov. - Moskva : Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Naučn. Informacii po Obšč. Naukam, 1977. - 50 pp. - (Problemy istorii SSSR i ideologičeskaja bor'ba)
Angl.: Soviet historians about the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism

IDN  07995         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Olgin, Moissaye Joseph: Trotskyism : counter-revolution in disguise
/ M.J. Olgin. - New York, NY : Workers Library Publ., 1935. - 160 pp.
Table of contents: p.7 Introductory -- p.9 Trotsky's career -- p.17 The social basis of Trotskyism -- p.23 Trotskyism defined -- p.28 Socialism in one country -- p.37 The revolution and the peasantry -- p.50 The Soviet Union -- p.66 The Communist Party -- p.82 The Anglo-Russian Committee -- p.85 The Chinese revolution -- p.111 The Third Period -- p.113 The German situation and the question of social-fascism -- p.126 The Trotskyites in the U.S.A. -- p.145 Trotsky the historian -- p.150 The danger of Trotskyism

IDN  07996         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Olgin, Moissaye Joseph: Trotskyism : counter-revolution in disguise
/ M.J. Olgin. - San Francisco, Cal. : Proletarian Publ., [1975]. - 160 pp.
Reprint of the 1935 ed.

IDN  07997        Pearce, Brian: A comment   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  07998         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Petersen, Fredric Falck: Some aspects of the Trotsky-Stalin dispute
. - 117 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1961

IDN  07999         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Petrova, Nadežda Il'inična: Oppozicija (trockizm) i socialističeskij ideal v Rossii

In: Problemy nauki : ežemesjačnyj naučno-metodičeskij žurnal ‹Ivanovo› [ISSN 2413-2101] 2022 (6=74) : pp. 38-68

Angl.: The opposition (Trotskyism) and the socialist ideal in Russia

IDN  08000         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Pili, Virginia: Lev Trockij e l'opposizione di sinistra (1920-1940)

In: MicroMega ‹Roma› [ISSN 0394-7378] 2017 (7) : pp. 78-89

Table of contents: p.79 La dichiarazione dei 46 -- p.81 La lettera di Trockij -- p.83 Il XIII congresso -- p.85 Una mossa controproducente -- p.86 Dall'opposizione unita all'esilio di Trockij
Notes: 16
Angl.: Lev Trotsky and the Left Opposition (1920-1940)

IDN  08001         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Pokrovskij, Serafim Aleksandrovič: Trockizm prežde i teper'
/ S. Pokrovskij. - Moskva : Priboj, [1927]. - 72 pp. - (Serija tekuščej politiki)
Table of contents: p.6 Byl li Trockij men'ševikom? -- p.36 Otkazalsja li Trockij ot trockizma? -- p.46 O pobede socializma v našej strane -- p.66 Kuda ėto vedet?
Notes: 56
Angl.: Trotskyism past and present

IDN  08002         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Pospelov, Petr Nikolaevič: Uroki bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma
/ P. Pospelov
In: Kommunist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0105-1725] 46.1969 (12) : pp. 46-59

Notes: 13
Angl.: Lessons from the struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism

IDN  08003        Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: V. I. Lenin i L. D. Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  08004         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Reiman, Michal:
L' opposizione di sinistra, Trockij e lo stalinismo / [trad. di Francesco Di Mario]
In: L'età dello stalinismo / a cura di A. Natoli [et al.] (Roma, 1991) : pp. 57-75

Table of contents: p.57 L'"opposizione di sinistra" e Trockij: problemi di interpretazione -- p.60 Le teorie socio-economiche di Trockij e dell'"opposizione di sinistra" -- p.70 I problemi del regime di partito e dell'usurpazione del potere da parte di Stalin -- p.74 Note
Notes: 17
Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale Organizzato dalla Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma, Urbino, May 26-29, 1989
Angl.: The Left Opposition, Trotsky and Stalinism

IDN  08005        Ruban, Nikolaj Vasil'evič: Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv trockizma i ee značenie dlja meždunarodnogo kommunističeskogo dviženija na sovremennom ėtape   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08006        Ščerbakov, Aleksej Jur'evič: Stalin protiv Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08007        Schleifstein, Josef: [Foreword] Einleitung   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08008         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Serge, Victor: De Lénine à Staline
. - Paris, 1937. - 67 pp. - (Le Crapouillot ‹Paris› [ISSN 0751-5553] ; 1937,Jan.=nr.spéc.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: From Lenin to Stalin

IDN  08009         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Serge, Victor: From Lenin to Stalin
/ transl. from the French by Ralph Manheim. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1937. - 229 pp.
Orig.: De Lénine à Staline

IDN  08010         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Serge, Victor: From Lenin to Stalin
/ transl. from the French by Ralph Manheim. - New York, NY : Pioneer Publ., 1937. - 112 pp.
Orig.: De Lénine à Staline

IDN  08011         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Serge, Victor: From Lenin to Stalin
/ transl. from the French by Ralph Manheim. - 2. ed. - New York, NY : Monad Pr., 1973. - 160 pp.
Orig.: De Lénine à Staline

IDN  08012        Shachtman, Max: Desjat lit   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08013        Shachtman, Max: Génesis del trotskismo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08014        Shachtman, Max: Génesis del trotskismo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08015        Shachtman, Max: Genesis des Trotzkismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08016        Shachtman, Max: Genesis of Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08017        Shachtman, Max: The history and principles of the Left Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08018        Shachtman, Max: Ten years   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08019        Shachtman, Max: Vänsteroppositionens tio år   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08020        Shachtman, Max: Zrod trockismu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08021         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Skorkin, Konstantin Vladislavovič: Biografii dejatelej oppozicii i sotrudnikov L.D. Trockogo

In: Skorkin, K.B.: Obrečeny proigrat' : vlast' i oppozicija 1922-1934. (Moskva, 2011) : pp. 509-758

Angl.: Biographies of leaders of the opposition and co-workers of L.D. Trotsky

IDN  08022         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Skorkin, Konstantin Vladislavovič: Biografii organizatorov razgroma oppozicii

In: Skorkin, K.B.: Obrečeny proigrat' : vlast' i oppozicija 1922-1934. (Moskva, 2011) : pp. 759-876

Angl.: Biographies of the organizers of the smashing of the opposition

IDN  08023         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskie uroki bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma
/ N.A. Slamichin
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1979 (11) : pp. 18-32

Notes: 57
Other ed., versions, transl.: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma i sovemennost'
Angl.: Historical lessons of the struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism

IDN  08024         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma i sovemennost'
/ [N.A. Slamichin]
In: Protiv buržuaznych fal'sifikatorov istorii i politiki KPSS. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 254-270

Other ed., versions, transl.: Istoričeskie uroki bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma
Slightly rev.
Angl.: The historical experience of the struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism in these days

IDN  08025         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Internacional'noe značenie bor'by KPSS s trockizmom za leninskie organizacionnye principy
/ A.N. Šmelev
In: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv opportunizma i nacionalizma. (Leningrad, 1978) : pp. 29-39

Notes: 34
Angl.: The international significance of the CPSU's struggle against Trotskyism and for Leninist organizational principles

IDN  08026         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v period socialističeskogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'
/ A.N. Šmelev
In: Iz istoričeskogo opyta bor'by KPSS protiv opportunizma. (Smolensk, 1984) : pp. 6-14

Angl.: The historical experience from the struggle of the Communist party against Trotskyism in the period of socialist reconstruction and the present time

IDN  08027         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Sokolov, M.: Partija i oppozicija
: istorija vsech oppozicionnych tečenij i gruppirovok v VKP(b) ot oktjabrja 1917 g. po XV-j parts"ezd ; posobie-konspekt dlja izučajuščich istoriju partii i leninizm. - Rostov-na-Donu : Metokabinet Partraboty Donkoma VKP(b), 1928. - 91 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition : history of all oppositional tendencies and groupings within the CPSU(B) from October 1917 to the 15th party congress

IDN  08028        Soler Martínez, Rafael: La luchas internas en el Partido Comunista de la URSS después de Lenin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08029         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Šubin, Aleksandr Vladlenovič: Levaja Oppozicija v SSSR v 1920-e gody
/ A.V. Šubin
In: Protiv tečenija : trockistskoe dviženie v Latinskoj Amerike / otv. red. A.A. Ščelčkov. (Moskva, 2023) : pp. 8-60

Table of contents: p.13 Pervaja ataka Levoj Oppozicii (1923-1924 gody) -- p.23 Bez Lenina -- p.25 "Literaturnye" diskussii -- p.38 "Novaja Oppozicija" -- p.36 Oppozicionery ob"edinejajutsja -- p.40 Nastuplenie Ob"edinennoj Oppozicii -- p.45 Kitajskaja katastrofa -- p.54 Podavlenie Levoj Oppozicii
Notes: 172
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the USSR in the 1920s

IDN  08030         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Šubin, Aleksandr Vladlenovič: Voždi i zagovorščiki
: političeskaja bor'ba v SSSR v 1920-1930-ch godach / A.V. Šubin. - Moskva : Veče, 2004. - 396 pp. - (Ėpocha Stalina)
ISBN 978-5-945384-04-0 - ISBN 5-945384-04-6

Angl.: Leaders and conspirators

IDN  08031        Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Anglo-amerikanskaja nemarksistskaja istoriografija idejno-političeskoj bor'by 1923-1927 gg. v Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08032         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v gody stroitel'stva socializma v SSSR
/ A.G. Titov. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1975. - 69 pp. - (Konsul'tacii po istorii KPSS)
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism in the years of building-up socialism in the USSR

IDN  08033         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Razgrom opportunizma v rjadach KPSS v perechodnyj period ot kapitalizma k socializmu v SSSR
/ A.G. Titov. - 50 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1967

IDN  08034         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Tokarev, Aleksandr Alekseevič: Bor'ba partii protiv trockizma i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok v gody stroitel'stva (1920-1929 gg.)
: lekcija / A.A. Tokarev. - Sevastopol' : Politizdat, 1974. - 39 pp.
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism and other anti-Leninist groups in the years of reconstruction (1920-29)

IDN  08035        Trockij i Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08036         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Viglongo, Andrea: Trozchi e la Russia

In: La Rivoluzione liberale ‹Torino› [ISSN 1128-8442] 4.1925 (4) : pp. 13-14

Angl.: Trotsky and Russia

IDN  08037         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma (1921-1928 gg.)
. - 54 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Voennoj Istorii, Avtoref. diss., 1970
Bibliogr.: pp. 53-54

IDN  08038         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Walka radzieckiej opozycji lewicowej

In: Inprekor : [Polish edition] ‹Montreuil› [ISSN 0246-0807] 1986 (wyd.spec.) : pp. 9-17

Angl.: The struggle of the Soviet Left Opposition

IDN  08039         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Zemcov, Boris Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnye gruppirovki 20-30-ch godov
/ B.N. Zemcov. - Moskva : Izd-vo MGTU, 1992. - 126 pp.
Angl.: Oppositional groups in the 1920s and 1930s

IDN  08040         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Zur Entwicklung der Sowjetunion
/ [hrsg. von Spartacus, Kommunistische Jugendorganisation]. - [Berlin] : Verl. Die Vierte Internationale, [ca. 1970]. - 42 pp. - (Beiträge zur Strategie und Taktik der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung ; 1)
Table of contents: p.3 Die Sowjetunion zwischen Brest-Litowsk und Kronstadt -- p.18 Die Neue Ökonomische Politik -- p.32 Die Entwicklung des Stalinismus bis 1940
Angl.: Concerning the development of the USSR

IDN  08041         LLTB  Chapter  5.2
Zur Geschichte der KPdSU
/ Jakob Moneta [et al.]. - Hamburg : Spartakus, 1971. - 176 pp.
Angl.: Concerning the history of the CPSU

LLTB Chapter  5.3.01

IDN  08042         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Adoratskij, Vladimir Viktorovič: Bol'ševizm v gody reakcii
: (v bor'be s likvidatorstvom, otzovizmom i trockizmom, 1908-1914 gg.) / V. Adoratskij. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 110 pp.
Angl.: Bolshevizm in the years of reaction

IDN  08043        Amiantov, Jurij Nikolaevič: 'Načal čitat' vaše pis'mo i rasserdilsja'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08044         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Authier, Denis:
La position de Trotsky dans le Parti Ouvrier Social-Démocrate de Russie de son deuxième congrès à la révolution de 1905. - [Various pag.]
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1970
Director of thesis: Michel Laran
Angl.: Trotsky's position in the Social-Democratic Workers Party of Russia from its 2nd congress to the revolution of 1905

IDN  08045         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903 - February 1917) / V.A. Grinko [et al.] [Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov]. - Moscow : Progress Publ., 1969. - 239 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Introduction/[S.S. Šaumjan] -- p.15 Exposure by V.I. Lenin of Trotsky's opportunism in the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution/[V.A. Grin'ko] -- p.52 The Bolshevik party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the 1905-1907 revolution/[V.A. Grin'ko] -- p.85 The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotsky's centrism in the years of reaction/[N.A. Mitkin] -- p.123 Lenin's party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the fresh revolutionary upsurge. Collapse of the Trotskyites' "unity" gamble/[N.A. Mitkin] -- p.177 The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism during the First World War and the February revolution in Russia/[E.F. Sopin] -- p.229 Conclusion/[S.S. Šaumjan]
Notes: 558
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le parti des bolchéviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903 - février 1917) ; Il partito dei bolscevichi in lotta contro il trotskismo ; La lucha delpartido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : 1903 - febrero de 1917

IDN  08046         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.)
/ Akademija Obščestvennych Nauk pri CK KPSS, Kafedra Istorii KPSS. V.A. Grin'ko [et al.]. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1968. - 253 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie/[S.S. Šaumjan] -- p.14 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunizma Trockogo v period podgotovki pervoj russkoj revoljucii/[V.A. Grin'ko] -- p.54 Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg./[V.A. Grin'ko] -- p.89 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv centrizma Trockogo v gody reakcii/[N.A. Mit'kin] -- p.129 Leninskaja partija v bor'be protiv trockizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema. Krach "ob"edinitel'noj" avantjury trockistov/[N.A. Mit'kin] -- p.186 Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v period pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii/[E.F. Sopin] -- p.240 Zaključenie/[S.S. Šaumjan]
On cover: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903 - February 1917) ; Le parti des bolchéviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903 - février 1917) ; Il partito dei bolscevichi in lotta contro il trotskismo ; La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : 1903 - febrero del 1917

IDN  08047        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08048        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08049         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Britovšek, Marjan: Leninov boj s Trockim v obdobju boja proti likvidatorjem

In: Britovšek, M.: Carizem, revolucija, stalinizem. 1. (Ljubljana, 1980) : pp. 252-259

Notes: 13
Angl.: Lenin's fight against Trotsky during the period of the struggle against the liquidationists

IDN  08050        Camps, Andreu: Trotsky et le courant bolchevique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08051        Carlo, Antonio: Trotsky and the organisation problem   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08052        Carlo, Antonio: Trotsky and the party   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08053         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Chinkanina, Alla Leonidovna: Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv trockizma i primirenčestva v gody reakcii, 1907-1910
. - 210 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1989
Angl.: The Bolsheviks' struggle against Trotskyism and reconciliationism in the years of reaction, 1907-10

IDN  08054         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Cinnella, Ettore:
La socialdemocrazia e il movimento contadino nella rivoluzione russa del 1905
In: Studi storici ‹Roma› [ISSN 0039-3037] 15.1974 (4) : pp. 828-881

Angl.: Social democracy and the peasant movement during the Russian revolution of 1905

IDN  08055        Corney, Frederick Charles: Trotskii and the Vienna Pravda, 1908-1912   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08056         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Dobrodomova, Lidija Ferdinandovna: Bor'ba bol'ševikov za partiju i partijnosti protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma v gody reakcii (1907-1910)
/ L.F. Dobrodomova
In: Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 64-87

Notes: 49
Angl.: The Bolsheviks' struggle for the party and partiality, against right and "left" opportunism in the years of reaction (1907-10)

IDN  08057        Elwood, Carter: Trotsky's questionnaire   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08058        Gehrmann, Udo: Trotsky and the Russian social-democratic controversy over comparative revolutionary history   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08059        Gössinger, Ingrid Angela: Lev Davidovič Trockij und die "Wiener" Pravda   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08060         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna:
The Bolshevik party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the 1905-1907 revolution / V.A. Grinko. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 52-84

Notes: 73
Orig.: Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le parti bolchevique en lutte contre le trotskisme pendant la révolution de 1905-1907

IDN  08061         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba bol'ševistskich organizacij protiv trockizma v gody nazrevanija pervoj russkoj revoljucii
/ V.A. Grin'ko
In: V. I. Lenin i mestnye partijnye organizacii Rossii (1894-1917 g.) (Perm', 1970) : pp. 418-427

Notes: 40
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolshevik organizations against Trotskyism in the years of the maturing first Russian revolution

IDN  08062         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma nakanune i v gody pervoj russkoj revoljucii (1903-1907 gg.)
/ V.A. Grin'ko. - Saratov : Izd-vo Saratovskogo Univ., 1974. - 128 pp.
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism on the eve of and during the first Russian revolution (1903-07)

IDN  08063         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma nakanune i v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg.
/ [V.A. Grin'ko]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 10-72

Table of contents: p.10 Kritika men'ševistsko-reformistskich vzgljadov Trockogo po programmnym, organizacionnym i taktičeskim voprosam na II s"ezde partii -- p.24 Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv raskol'ničeskich dejstvij Trockogo posle II s"ezda RSDRP -- p.43 Kritika V.I. Leninym trockistskich ustanovok po osnovnym voprosam teorii i taktiki partii v revoljucii -- p.58 Bor'ba partii protiv opportunističeskoj taktiki Trockogo v Peterburgskom Sovete rabočich deputatov
Notes: 150
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism on the eve of and during the revolution of 1905-07

IDN  08064         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1903-1907 gg
. - 266 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Bibliogr.: pp. 145-266
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolshevik party against Trotskyism, 1903-1907

IDN  08065         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v 1903-1907 gg
. - 20 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968

IDN  08066         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma za edinstvo partii v gody reakcii
/ V.A. Grin'ko
In: Dejatel'nost' V.I. Lenina i mestnych partijnych organizacij v gody stolypinskoj reakcii (1907-1910). (Perm', 1983) : pp. 21-36

Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism and for party unity during the years of reaction

IDN  08067         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Exposure by V.I. Lenin of Trotsky's opportunism in the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution
/ V.A. Grin'ko. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 15-51

Notes: 92
Orig.: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunizma Trockogo v period podgotovki pervoj russkoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine dénonce l'opportunisme de Trotski dans la période préparatoire de la première révolution russe

IDN  08068         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Lénine dénonce l'opportunisme de Trotski dans la période préparatoire de la première révolution russe
/ [V.A. Grin'ko]. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 17-69

Orig.: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunizma Trockogo v period podgotovki pervoj russkoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Exposure by V.I. Lenin of Trotsky's opportunism in the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution

IDN  08069         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna:
Le parti bolchevique en lutte contre le trotskisme pendant la révolution de 1905-1907 / [V.A. Grin'ko]. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 70-116

Orig.: Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg.
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the 1905-1907 revolution

IDN  08070         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period revoljucii 1905-1907 gg.
/ [V.A. Grin'ko]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 54-88

Table of contents: p.54 Kritika V.I. Leninym trockistskich ustanovok po osnovnym voprosam teorii i taktiki partii v revoljucii -- p.72 Bor'ba partii protiv opportunističeskoj taktiki Trockogo v Peterburgskom Sovete rabočich deputatov
Notes: 76
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the 1905-1907 revolution ; Le parti bolchevique en lutte contre le trotskisme pendant la révolution de 1905-1907

IDN  08071         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunizma Trockogo v period podgotovki pervoj russkoj revoljucii
/ [V.A. Grin'ko]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 14-53

Table of contents: p.14 Kritika men'ševistsko-reformistskich vzgljadov Trockogo po programmnym i organizacionnym voprosam na II s"ezde partii -- p.32 Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv raskol'ničeskoj dejatel'nosti Trockogo posle II s"ezda RSDRP
Notes: 92
Other ed., versions, transl.: Exposure by V.I. Lenin of Trotsky's opportunism in the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution ; Lénine dénonce l'opportunisme de Trotski dans la période préparatoire de la première révolution russe

IDN  08072        Grin'ko, Vera Aleksandrovna: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym, bol'ševikami trockistskoj teorii "permanentnoj revoljucii" (1904-1907)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08073         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Havliček, Alexandr: Leninův boj s trockismem před a po VI. (Pražské) všeruské konferenci SDDSR (1907-1914)

In: Československý časopis historický ‹Praha› [ISSN 0045-6187] 30.1982 (5) : pp. 690-715

Table of contents: p.691 Podstata trockismu, jeho gnoseologické a sociálné ekonomické kořeny. Trockismus - nepřitel komunismu -- p.694 Boj s trockismem v letech reakce. Lednové plénum UV SDDSR (1910) -- p.700 Boj bolševické strany s trockismem v období nového revolučního vzestupu. Historický význam usnesení VI. (pražské) všeruské konference SDDSR a krach Srpnového bloku -- p.708 Reakční charakter současného trockismu
Notes: 106
With Engl. and Russ. summaries
Angl.: Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism before and after the 6th (Prague) Allrussian conference of the RSDLP (1907-1914)

IDN  08074         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv opportunistov v period podgotovki i sveršenija Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii
/ V.L. Ignat'ev
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1967 (12) : pp. 45-61

Notes: 69
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against the opportunists in the period of the preparation and completion of the October revolution

IDN  08075         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Jurenev, Konstantin Konstantinovič: "Mežrajonka" (1911-1917 gg.)
: (vospominanija) / I. Jurenev. - [1-2]
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1924 (1=24) : pp. 109-139; 1924 (2=25) : pp. 114-143

Angl.: The "Interdistrictites" (1911-17) : reminiscences

IDN  08076        Kanthak, Gerhard: Die Organisationsfrage in den Kontroversen der russischen Sozialdemokratie (1883-1905)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08077        Kovačević, Branko: Trocki o proletarskoj partiji i permanentnoj revoluciji i njegove kontraverze u ruskoj socijaldemokratskoj i boljševičkoj partiji   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08078         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Krausz, Tamás:
Az elso orosz forradalom és az oroszországi szociáldemokrácia "második" szakadása : (adalékok a forradalom tapasztalatainak korabeli értékeléséhez)
In: Századok ‹Budapest› [ISSN 0039-8098] 117.1983 (4) : pp. 840-871

Notes: 85
Angl.: The first [Russian] revolution and the "second" split of the Russian Social Democracy : additional information for contemporary evaluation of revolutionary experiences

IDN  08079        Kuijeren, Bernadet van: Niet leiden, maar dienen, niet splitsen, maar verenigen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08080        Kulemann, Peter: Trotzki und die Organisationsfrage   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08081        L. D. Trockij o partii v 1904 g.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08082         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Lencner, Naum Michajlovič: Trockizm nakanune pervoj revoljucii
/ N. Lencner
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1926 (12=59) : pp. 14-69

Notes: 10
Angl.: Trotskyism on the eve of the first [Russian] revolution

IDN  08083         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : (1903 - febrero de 1917) / han escrito este libro: V. Griñkó [et al.] Red.: S. Shaumián [et al.]. - Moscú : Ed. Progreso, [ca. 1970]. - 253 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903 - February 1917) ; Le parti des bolchéviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903 - février 1917) ; Il partito dei bolscevichi in lotta contro il trotskismo

IDN  08084         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mel'ničanskij, Grigorij Natanovič: Gruppa Trockogo
: (mežrajoncy i dr.) / G. Mel'ničanskij
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 428-432

Angl.: Trotsky's group (the Mezhrayoncy and others)

IDN  08085        Migliardi, Giorgio: Una polemica inedita di Trockij con Plechanov sul "centralismo giacobino"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08086         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič:
The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotsky's centrism in the years of reaction / N.A. Mitkin. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 85-122

Notes: 104
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv centrizma Trockogo v gody reakcii
Other ed., versions, transl.: La lutte du parti bolchevique contre le centrisme de Trotski au cours des années de réaction

IDN  08087         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma v gody reakcii i novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema (1907-1914 gg.)
/ [N.A. Mit'kin]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 73-148

Table of contents: p.73 Bol'ševiki v bor'be protiv "ob"edinitel'nych" avantjur trockistov v gody reakcii -- p.95 Rešenija Pražskoj partijnoj konferencii - sokrušitel'nyj udar po trockizmu -- p.110 Razgrom bol'ševikami trockistskogo Avgustovskogo bloka -- p.130 Bor'ba bol'ševikov protiv provokacij trockistov na meždunarodnoj arene
Notes: 201
Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism in the years of reaction and of the new revolutionary rise (1907-14)

IDN  08088         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv centrizma Trockogo v gody reakcii
/ [N.A. Mit'kin]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 89-128

Table of contents: p.89 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym opportunizma likvidatorov, otzovistov, trockistov i primirencev -- p.109 Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv "ob"edinitel'noj" politiki Trockogo na janvarskom (1910 g.) Plenume CK RSDRP
Notes: 103
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotsky's centrism in the years of reaction ; La lutte du parti bolchevique contre le centrisme de Trotski au cours des années de réaction

IDN  08089         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma (1907-1914 gg)
. - 266 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Bibliogr.: pp. 233-266
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolshevik party under the leadership of V.I. Lenin against Trotskyism (1907-1914)

IDN  08090         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma (1907-1914 gg)
. - 18 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968

IDN  08091         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Lenin's party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the fresh revolutionary upsurge
: collapse of the Trotskyites' "unity" gamble / N.A. Mitkin. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 123-176

Notes: 139
Orig.: Leninskaja partija v bor'be protiv trockizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le parti de Lénine contre le trotskisme lors de la nouvelle poussée révolutionnaire

IDN  08092         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Leninskaja partija v bor'be protiv trockizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema
: krach "ob"edinitel'noj" avantjury trockistov / [N.A. Mit'kin]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 129-185

Table of contents: p.129 Istoričeskoe značenie rešenij Pražskoj konferencii RSDRP ob očiščenii partii ot opportunistov -- p.147 Razgrom bol'ševikami trockistskogo Avgustovskogo bloka. Pobeda bol'ševizma nad opportunizmom i centrizmom v revoljucionnom rabočem dviženii Rossii -- p.169 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym antibol'ševistskich proiskov Trockogo na meždunarodnoj arene
Notes: 140
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin's party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the fresh revolutionary upsurge ; Le parti de Lénine contre le trotskisme lors de la nouvelle poussée révolutionnaire

IDN  08093         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič:
La lutte du parti bolchevique contre le centrisme de Trotski au cours des années de réaction / [N.A. Mit'kin] Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 117-172

Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv centrizma Trockogo v gody reakcii
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotsky's centrism in the years of reaction

IDN  08094         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič:
Le parti de Lénine contre le trotskisme lors de la nouvelle poussée révolutionnaire : la faillite de l'aventure "unitaire" des trotskistes / [N.A. Mit'kin. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert]
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 173-247

Orig.: Leninskaja partija v bor'be protiv trockizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin's party in the struggle against Trotskyism during the fresh revolutionary upsurge
Angl.: Lenin's party against Trotskyism during the fresh revolutionary upsurge

IDN  08095        Neale, John Baldwin: Trotsky and Leninism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08096         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Le parti des bolchéviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903 - février 1917) / V. Grinko [et al.] [Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert]. - Moscou : Ed. du Progrès, 1969. - 338 pp. - (Essais et documents)
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903 - February 1917) ; Il partito dei bolscevichi in lotta contro il trotskismo ; La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : 1903 - febrero de 1917

IDN  08097         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Il partito dei bolscevichi in lotta contro il trotskismo / V. Grinko [et al.]. - Mosca : Progress Publ., 1972
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903 - February 1917) ; Le parti des bolchéviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903 - février 1917) ; La lucha del partido bolchevique contra el trotskismo : 1903 - febrero de 1917
Angl.: The party of the Bolsheviks in struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  08098         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma, za narodnye massy v gody reakcii i novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema
: (1907-1914 gg.) / V.S. Pavlov ; A.N. Šmelev
In: Rabota bol'ševikov v massach v period bor'by za sverženie samoderžavija i kapitalizma. (Leningrad, 1985) : pp. 22-31

Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism and for the people's masses during the years of reaction and of the new revolutionary rise

IDN  08099         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Ponomareva, Irina Aleksandrovna: Teoretičeskie raznoglasija v RSDRP (1907-1910)
. - Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1991. - 84 pp. - (KPSS : istorija i sovremennost')
ISBN 5-211-01689-0

Angl.: Theoretical controversies within the RSDRP (1907-1910)

IDN  08100        Poole, Lynne: Lenin and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08101         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Popkov, I. K.: Bor'ba bol'ševikov za partiju protiv likvidatorov, otzovistov i trockistov v period reakcii
. - Moskva, 1961. - 52 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolsheviks for the party and against liquidationists, otsovists and Trotskyists in the period of reaction

IDN  08102        Rosmer, Alfred: Nashe Slovo, a Russian socialist daily paper in Paris during the War   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08103        Rothstein, Halina: Trotsky and Pravda   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08104        Ruch, Ursula: Der Kampf Lenins gegen Trotzkis ultralinke Konzeption in der Revolution 1905-1907   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08105         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sachin, Aleksej Viktorovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v rukovodstve RSDRP(b) v 1917 godu
: rezervy i predely vnutripartijnoj demokratii / A.V. Sachin
In: Otečestvennaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 2005 (5) : pp. 102-118

Notes: 72
Angl.: The struggle for leadership inside the RSDRP(B) in 1917

IDN  08106         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šalagin, Kuz'ma Dmitrievič: Bor'ba bol'ševikov s trockizmom, 1907-1914 gg.
/ K.D. Šalagin. - Moskva : Vysšaja Škola, 1965. - 117 pp. - (Studentu, izučajuščemu istoriju KPSS)
Angl.: The Bolsheviks' struggle against Trotskyism, 1907-14

IDN  08107         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Foreword] Introduction
/ [S.S. Shaumyan. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov]
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 5-14

Notes: 14

IDN  08108         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Foreword] Introduction
/ [S.S. Šaumjan]. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 3-16

IDN  08109         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Foreword] Vvedenie
/ [S.S. Šaumjan]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 3-13

Notes: 11

IDN  08110         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: Okončatel'nyj krach centrizma v revoljucionnom rabočem dviženii Rossii
: pobeda velikogo Oktjabrja, toržestvo leninskoj teorii socialističeskoj revoljucii / [S.S. Šaumjan]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 198-242

Table of contents: p.198 Proval novych popytok Trockogo i ego storonnikov likvidirovat' bol'ševistskuju partiju -- p.217 Razoblačenie bol'ševikami trockizma po voprosam teorii i praktiki revoljucionnoj bor'by
Notes: 100
Angl.: The final collapse of centrism in the Russian revolutionary workers movement

IDN  08111         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Postface] Conclusion
/ [S.S. Shaumyan. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov]
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 229-239

Notes: 15

IDN  08112         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Postface] Conclusion
/ [S.S. Šaumjan]. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 324-339

IDN  08113         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šaumjan, Sergej Stepanovič: [Postface] Zaključenie
/ [S.S. Šaumjan]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 242-254

Notes: 15

IDN  08114        Savčenko, Aleksandr: Publicistika L.D. Trockogo perioda pervoj mirovoj vojny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08115        Semenenko, Valerij Ivanovič: V trudnych poiskach istiny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08116         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Šestakov, Sergej Vasil'evič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv opportunizma v gody novogo revoljucionnogo pod"ema
: (1910-1914 gg.) / [S.V. Šestakov]
In: Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 88-97

Notes: 20
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against opportunism in the years of the new revolutionary rise (1910-14)

IDN  08117         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Shaw, Michael Eugene:
The Nashe Slovo group and Russian social democracy during W.W.I. : the search for unity / Michael E. Shaw. - VIII, 306 pp.
Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1975
Table of contents: p.I Preface -- p.1 Golos : origins, operation, and personnel -- p.32 Golos : the elaboration of a program -- p.54 Golos : from elaboration to conflict. The search for identity -- p.92 The suppression of Golos and the appearance of Nashe Slovo -- p.112 Nashe Slovo and the quest for unity -- p.174 From factionalism to internationalism : Nashe Slovo and the origins of Zimmerwald -- p.204 From Zimmerwald to collapse -- p.271 Epilogue and conclusion -- p.288 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 288-306
Notes: 621

IDN  08118         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič:
The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism during the first World War and the February revolution in Russia / [Y.F. Sopin. Transl. from the Russ. by Yuri Sdobnikov]
In: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism (1903-February 1917). (Moscow, 1969) : pp. 177-228

Notes: 121
Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v period pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lutte du parti bolchevique contre le trotskisme durant la première guerre mondiale et la révolution de février en Russie

IDN  08119         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii (1914 - fevral' 1917 g.)
/ [E.F. Sopin]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 149-197

Table of contents: p.150 Taktika bol'ševistskoj partii v uslovijach pervoj mirovoj vojny. Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym taktičeskich lozungov Trockogo -- p.177 Kritika V.I. Leninym trockistskoj ocenki ėpochi imperializma, perspektiv razvitija socialističeskoj revoljucii i ee dvižuščich sil
Notes: 114
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism in the years of the First World War and February revolution in Russia (1914 - Febr. 1917)

IDN  08120         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v period pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii
/ [E.F. Sopin]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma (1903 - fevral' 1917 g.) (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 186-241

Table of contents: p.188 Taktika bol'ševistskoj partii v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny. Leninskaja kritika taktičeskich lozungov Trockogo -- p.214 Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym avantjurističeskich ustanovok Trockogo po voprosu o perspektivach razvitija socialističeskoj revoljucii
Notes: 122
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism during the first World War and the February revolution in Russia ; Lutte du parti bolchevique contre le trotskisme durant la première guerre mondiale et la révolution de février en Russie

IDN  08121         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave s V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma v gody mirovoj vojny (1914-fevral' 1917 gg)
. - 279 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1968
Bibliogr.: pp. 243-279
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolshevik party under V.I. Lenin's leadership against Trotskyism in the years of the first world war (1914-Febr. 1917)

IDN  08122         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov vo glave s V.I. Leninym protiv trockizma v gody mirovoj vojny (1914-fevral' 1917 gg)
. - 15 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1968

IDN  08123         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Sopin, Evgenij Fedorovič: Lutte du parti bolchevique contre le trotskisme durant la première guerre mondiale et la révolution de février en Russie
/ [E.F. Sopin]. Trad. du russe sous la réd. de Jacques Imbert
In: Le Parti des bolcheviks en lutte contre le trotskisme (1903-février 1917). (Moscou, 1969) : pp. 248-323

Orig.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v period pervoj mirovoj vojny i fevral'skoj revoljucii v Rossii
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyism during the first World War and the February revolution in Russia

IDN  08124         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Temkin, Jakov Grigor'evič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina s trockizmom v predrevoljucionnye gody
/ Ja.G. Temkin. - Moskva : Znanie, 1977. - 62 pp. - (Novoe v žizni, nauke, technike : Serija Istorija i politika KPSS ; 1977,5)
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.9 Kautskianskaja pozicija trockizma v gody pervoj mirovoj vojny -- p.24 Leninskaja kritika teoritičeskich vzgljadov Trockogo -- p.59 Zaključenie
Notes: 136
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism during the pre-revolutionary years

IDN  08125         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Temkin, Jakov Grigor'evič: Leninskaja kritika kautskianskoj pozicii Trockogo (1914-1917 gg.)
/ Ja.G. Temkin
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1972 (7) : pp. 45-56

Notes: 70
Angl.: Lenin's criticism of Trotsky's Kautskyan position (1914-17)

IDN  08126        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Bor'ba : a workers' journal in St. Petersburg on the eve of World War One   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08127        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and World War One   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08128        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Leon Trotsky and World War One   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08129         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Thatcher, Ian Dennis:
The St Petersburg/Petrograd Mezhraionka, 1913-1917 : the rise and fall of a Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party unity faction / Ian D. Thatcher
In: The Slavonic and East European Review ‹London› [ISSN 0037-6895] 87.2009 (2) : pp. 284-321

Notes: 123
Rev. version of paper submitted to the 33rd Annual conference of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution, Aberdeen, Jan. 4-6, 2007

IDN  08130         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotskii and the Mensheviks during the First World War
/ Ian D. Thatcher
In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 9.1996 (2) : pp. 164-205

Notes: 101
Slightly rev. version of ch. 5, "Trotsky and the Mensheviks'", of author's "Leon Trotsky and World War One", thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Glasgow, 1993 [see ch. 3.3.09]

IDN  08131         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotskii, Lenin and the Bolsheviks, August 1914 - February 1917
/ Ian D. Thatcher
In: The Slavonic and East European Review ‹London› [ISSN 0037-6895] 72.1994 (1) : pp. 72-114

Notes: 174
Unaltered version of ch. 4, "Trotsky, Lenin & the Bolsheviks, August 1914 - February 1917" of author's "Leon Trotsky and World War One", thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Glasgow, 1993 [see ch. 3.3.09]

IDN  08132        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08133        Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotsky and Bor'ba   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08134         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Titarenko, Stepan Lazarevič: Razoblačenie Leninym melkoburžuaznoj suščnosti trockizma v dooktjabr'skij period
/ S.L. Titarenko
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 9.1965 (6) : pp. 23-38

Notes: 37
Angl.: Lenin's exposure of the petty-bourgeois peril of Trotskyism in the prerevolutionary period

IDN  08135         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Tjurin, Vladimir Ivanovič: Bor'ba bol'ševikov vo glave V.I. Leninym za partiju protiv likvidatorov, otzovistov, trockistov i porimetenčev (1907-1910 gg.)
: (lekcija) / V.I. Tjurin. - Penza, 1970. - 26 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of the Bolsheviks under V.I. Lenin's leadership for the party and against liquidationists, otsovists, Trotskyists and reconciliationists (1907-1910)

IDN  08136         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.01
Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: K istorii sozdanija stat'i V.I. Lenina "O lozunge soedinennych štatov Evropy"
/ S.V. Tjutjukin
In: Istoričeskie zapiski ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0130-6685] 1982 (108) : pp. 215-241

Notes: 91
Angl.: To the genesis of V.I. Lenin's essay "On the slogan of the United States of Europe"

IDN  08137        Tjutjukin, Stanislav Vasil'evič: Lev Trockij : put' k Oktjabrju   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08138        Trotzkis Position zur Organisationsfrage im Fraktionskampf der russischen Sozialdemokratie 1903/04   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08139        Veber, Václav: Lev Davidovič Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08140        Wolter, Ulf: Trotzkis Stellung in der russischen Sozialdemokratie   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08141        Yamanouchi, Akito: "Internationalized Bolshevism"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08142        Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: O trockizme   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

LLTB Chapter  5.3.02

IDN  08143         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Achtamzjan, Adulchan Abdurachmanovič: O Brest-Litovskich peregovorach 1918 goda
/ Adulchan A. Achtamzjan
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1966 (11) : pp. 32-46

Notes: 58
Angl.: On the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations 1918

IDN  08144         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Antonov, P.: Bor'ba partii s "levymi kommunistami" i Trockim po voprosu o Brestskom mire

In: Bor'ba klassov ‹Moskva› 5.1935 (4) : pp. 6-12

Angl.: The party's struggle against the "left communists" and Trotsky on the issue of the Brest peace

IDN  08145         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Berlina, Z.N.: Bor'ba protiv "levych kommunistov" i trockistov v mestnych partijnych organizacijach nakanune i v period VII s"ezda partii

In: Sbornik materialov po voprosam istorii KPSS. (Char'kov, 1964) : pp. 43-54

Angl.: The struggle against the "left communists" and Trotskyists within local party organizations on the eve of and during the 7th party congress

IDN  08146         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Brestskij mir i bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockistsko-bucharinskich provokatorov vojny
. - [Jaroslavl'], 1938. - 56 pp.
Angl.: The Brest peace and the Bolshevik party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Bukharinist warmongers

IDN  08147         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Daniels, Robert Vincent:
The communist opposition : from Brest-Litovsk to the Tenth party congress / Robert V. Daniels
In: Critical companion to the Russian revolution 1914-1921 / ed. by E. Acton [et al.] (London [etc.], 1997) : pp. 245-255

Other ed., versions, transl.: Oppozicija v RKP(b) : ot Brest-Litovskogo mira k X s"ezdu

IDN  08148         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Daniels, Robert Vincent: Oppozicija v RKP(b) : ot Brest-Litovskogo mira k X s"ezdu
/ Robert V. Daniėls
In: Kritičeskij slovar' russkoj revoljucii, 1914-1921 = Critical companion to the Russian revolution, 1914-1921 / sost. Ė. Akton [et al.] (Sankt-Peterburg, 2014) : pp. 264-272

Orig.: The communist opposition : from Brest-Litovsk to the tenth party congress

IDN  08149        Felshtinsky, Yuri: Iz istorii Brestskogo mira   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08150        Felshtinsky, Yuri: Trotsky and the problem of world revolution in light of contemporary events in the USSR and Eastern Europe   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08151        Grenier, Richard: The greatest peace movement of them all   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08152         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Kaplunovskaja, Elena Ivanovna: Vnutripartijnaja diskussija o Brestskom mire
: istočniki, istoriografija. - 23 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1990

IDN  08153         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Kaplunovskaja, Elena Ivanovna: Vnutripartijnaja diskussija o Brestskom mire
: istočniki, istoriografija. - 234 pp.
Char'kov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1990
Angl.: The inner-party discussion about the peace of Brest

IDN  08154         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Katovič, V.: Voprosy vojny i mira v period Bresta

In: Krasnaja letopis' ‹Leningrad› 1934 (2=59) : pp. 24-47

Table of contents: p.24 Bor'ba za mir v pervye mesjacy posle Oktjabrja -- p.28 Linija partii na revoljucionnyj vychod iz vojny i platforma levo-trockistskogo bloka -- p.31 Leninskaja kritika platformy "levych" kommunistov i Trockogo -- p.41 Stalin v bor'be za leninskuju liniju v period Bresta -- p.42 Opportunističeskie kolebanija Zinov'eva i Kameneva v period Bresta -- p.44 Klassovye korni oppozicii
Notes: 69
Angl.: Questions of war and peace in the period of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations

IDN  08155        Kelner, Robert Kurman: Cold calculations   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08156         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Kolokolkin, V.: "Levyj" kommunizm
. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 96 pp.
Angl.: "Left" communism

IDN  08157        Kovaleva, Natal'ja Nikolaevna: Peregovory v Brest-Litovske glazami učastnika sobytij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08158         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Krasil'nikov, Ivan Dmitrievič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii za Brestskij mir, protiv avantjurizma trockistov i "levych kommunistov" (oktjabr' 1917 g. - mart 1918 g.)
. - 16 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1964

IDN  08159         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Krasil'nikov, Ivan Dmitrievič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii za Brestskij mir, protiv avantjurizma trockistov i "levych kommunistov" (oktjabr' 1917 g. - mart 1918 g.)
. - 285 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1964
Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party for the peace treaty of Brest, against the adventurism of the Trotskyists and the "left communists" (October 1917 - March 1918)

IDN  08160         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Krasil'nikov, Ivan Dmitrievič: Iz istorii bor'by bol'ševistskoj partii vo glave s V.I. Leninym za mir, protiv trockistov i "levych kommunistov" (oktjabr' 1917 g. - mart 1918 g.)
/ I.D. Krasil'nikov
In: Učenye zapiski Kafedr Istorii KPSS Partijnoj Školy pri CK KPSS i mestnych vysšich partijnych škol ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0502-997X] 4.1964 : pp. 116-144

Angl.: On the history of the Bolshevik party, headed by V.I. Lenin, for peace, against the Trotskyists and "left communists" (October 1917 - March 1918)

IDN  08161         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Kryžanivs'kyj, V.P.: VII z"ïzd RKP(b)
/ V.P. Kryžanivs'kyj ; Ju.O. Kalincev
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 1978 (2=203) : pp. 98-106

Notes: 45
Angl.: The 7th congress of the Russian CP

IDN  08162         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Lainová, Radka: Zapomenutý mír
: Brestlitevská mírová smlouva ze 3. brezna 1918
In: Slovanský přehled ‹Praha› [ISSN 0037-6922] 85.1999 (1) : pp. 101-111

Notes: 33
Angl.: The forgotten peace

IDN  08163         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Makarenko, Pavel Vasil'evič: Bol'ševiki i Brestskij mir

In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 2010 (3) : pp. 3-21

Angl.: The Bolsheviks and the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk

IDN  08164         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Markova, Raisa Ivanovna: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina s trockistami i "levymi kommunistami" v period Bresta
/ R.I. Markova
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 3.1959 (5) : pp. 51-69

Notes: 57
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf W.I. Lenins gegen die Trotzkisten und die "linken Kommunisten" in der Periode der Brester Friedensverhandlungen
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against the Trotskyists and the "left communists" in the Brest period

IDN  08165         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Markova, Raisa Ivanovna:
Der Kampf W.I. Lenins gegen die Trotzkisten und die "linken Kommunisten" in der Periode der Brester Friedensverhandlungen / R.I. Markowa. Übers. von H. Hesselbarth
In: Sowjetwissenschaft : Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0038-6006] 1959 (12) : pp. 1295-1315

Notes: 47
Orig.: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina s trockistami i "levymi kommunistami" v period Bresta
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against the Trotskyists and the "left communists" in the period of the peace negotiations at Brest-Litovsk

IDN  08166        Mirowski, Mikołaj: Rewolucja permanentna Lwa Trockiego   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08167        Mirowski, Mikołaj: Rola Lwa Trockiego podczas rozmów pokojowych w Brześciu Litewskim   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08168        Moscato, Antonio: Trockij e la pace necessaria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08169         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Mozgovoj, Sergej Grigor'evič: Brest compromise of Leo Trotsky
[Electronic resource] / S.G. Mozgovoj
In: European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences [Electronic journal] ‹Vienna› [ISSN 2414-2344] 2020 (4) : pp. 92-98


IDN  08170         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Nakonečnyj, Ivan Grigor'evič: Iz istorii bor'by V.I. Lenina protiv "levych kommunistov" i trockistov po voprosam socialističeskogo preobrazovanija melkotovarnogo krest'janskogo chozjajstva
: (nojabr' 1917 - 1918 gg.) / I.G. Nakonečnyj
In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za osuščestvlenie leninskogo plana socialističeskogo i komunističeskogo stroitel'stva. (Moskva, 1967) : pp. 7-25

Angl.: From the history of V.I. Lenin's struggle against the "left communists" and Trotskyists regarding the socialist reorganization of the small farmers' economy

IDN  08171        Ostapenko, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Brestskij mir v svete idei mirovoj revoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08172         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič:
The Brest peace / V.A. Pantsov. Transl. by Vivian Yates. - [1-2]
In: The Marxist Monthly : theoretical journal of the Marxist Party ‹London› [ISSN 1361-7354] 3.1990/91 (11) : pp. 456-468; 3.1990/91 (12) : pp. 496-512

Notes: 113
Orig.: Brestskij mir

IDN  08173         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Brestskij mir
/ A.V. Pancov
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1990 (2) : pp. 60-79

Notes: 113
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Brest peace

IDN  08174         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v pervye gody sovetskoj vlasti
: (oktjabr' 1917 - 1920 g.) / A.F. Potašev
In: Izvestija Severo-Kavkazskogo Naučnogo Centra Vysšej Školy : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Rostov-na-Donu› [ISSN 0321-3056] 1987 (2=58) : pp. 3-10

Notes: 43
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism during the first years of Soviet power

IDN  08175        Rabinowitch, Alexander: Lenin and Trockij in the October revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08176        Reiman, Michal: Trockij 1917 : die Geburt einer historischen Persönlichkeit   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08177        Sachin, Aleksej Viktorovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v rukovodstve RSDRP(b) v 1917 godu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08178         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Šačnev, M.: Bor'ba partii protiv "levych kommunistov" i trockistov v 1918-1921 gg.

In: Propagandist ‹Moskva› 1935 (7) : pp. 6-14

Angl.: The party's struggle against the "left communists" and Trotskyists in the years 1918-21

IDN  08179         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Saladkov, Iosif Ivanovič: Pobeda leninskoj linii v bor'be za mir
/ I. Saladkov
In: Kommunist Belorussii ‹Minsk› [ISSN 0023-3102] 1978 (2) : pp. 67-71

Angl.: The victory of Lenin's policy in the fight for peace

IDN  08180         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period (1917-1923 gg)
. - 473 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1976
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism in the post-revolutionary period (1917-23)

IDN  08181         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period (1917-1923 gg)
. - 47 pp.
Moskva, Vysšaja Partijnaja Škola pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1976
Bibliogr.: pp. 46-47

IDN  08182         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Leninskaja politika mirnogo sosuščestvovanija i bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste
/ [N.A. Slamichin]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 243-284

Table of contents: p.243 Razoblačenie antileninskoj pozicii Trockogo po voprosam teorii i taktiki socialističeskoj revoljucii -- p.264 Bor'ba partii, V.I. Lenina za vychod Sovetskoj Rossii iz vojny
Notes: 90
Angl.: Lenin's politics of peaceful coexistence and the party's struggle against Trotskyism in the period of the Brest peace negotiations

IDN  08183         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Partija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv trockizma v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste
/ [N.A. Slamichin]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 10-50

Table of contents: p.10 Razoblačenie antileninskoj pozicii Trockogo po voprosam teorii i taktiki socialističeskoj revoljucii -- p.31 Bor'ba partii za zaključenie Brestskogo mira
Notes: 82
Angl.: The Bolsheviks' party in struggle against Trotskyism in the period of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations

IDN  08184        Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym teorii i praktiki trockizma (1917-1924 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08185        Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Narodnyj komissar po inostrannym delam L.D. Trockij (Bronštejn)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08186         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Pravda o dvuch variantach Brestskogo mira, ili V čem Trockij vinovat pered Rossiej?

In: Klio : žurnal dlja učenych ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2070-9773] 2006 (4=35) : pp. 237-241

Notes: 26
Angl.: The truth about two variants of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty

IDN  08187         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Strada, Vittorio: Brest-Litovsk
: il dibattito su pace, guerra e rivoluzione nel partito bolscevico
In: Critica marxista ‹Roma› [ISSN 0011-152X] 1.1963 (4) : pp. 73-113

Notes: 123
Angl.: Brest-Litovsk : the debate about peace, war and revolution in the Bolshevik party

IDN  08188         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Strada, Vittorio:
La pace di Brest-Litovsk e il dibattito nel partito bolscevico
In: Strada, V.: Tradizione e rivoluzione nella letteratura russa. (Torino, 1969) : pp. 221-262

Angl.: The Brest-Litovsk conclusion of peace and the debate in the Bolshevik party

IDN  08189        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: People's commissar Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08190        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Trotsky commissair du peuple aux affaires étrangères   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08191        Yengoyan, Aram A.: "No war - no peace"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08192         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Zasov, Anatolij Fedorovič: Bor'ba bol'ševikov za leninskuju taktiku v period zaključenija Brestskogo mirnogo dogovora
: (po materialam Samary i Syzrani) / A.F. Zasov
In: Iz istorii Srednogo Povolž'ja. (Kujbyšev, 1966) : pp. 287-301

Angl.: The Bolsheviks' struggle for Lenin's tactics in the final period of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations

IDN  08193         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov s trockistami i "levymi kommunistami" v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste i pervych socialističeskich preobrazovanij v strane (1918-1921)
/ V.M. Zlobina
In: Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 154-169

Notes: 25
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against Trotskyists and "left communists" in the period of the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations and the initial socialist reconstruction of the country (1918-21)

IDN  08194         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Zolotov, M.A.: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv kapituljantov Zinov'eva, Kameneva i predatel'skoj linii Trockogo v period podgotovki i provedenija Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii

In: Edinstvo Kommunističeskoj Partii - glavnoe uslovie ee sily nepobedimosti. (Novosibirsk, 1961) : pp. 135-162

Angl.: The struggle of the Bolshevik party against the capitulators Zinoviev and Kamenev and against the treacherous line of Trotsky in the period of the preparation and realization of the October revolution

IDN  08195         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.02
Žuravlev, Valerij Vasil'evič: Rubikon Bresta
/ V.V. Žuravlev
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1990 (6) : pp. 37-52

Notes: 160
Angl.: Crossing the Rubicon at Brest

LLTB Chapter  5.3.03

IDN  08196        Baker, Robert Hawthorne: The origins of Soviet military doctrine   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08197        Baker, Robert Hawthorne: The Trotsky-Frunze debate   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08198        Barr, Geoffrey: Trotsky's views on the trade unions, 1919-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08199        Benvenuti, Francesco: Dal comunismo di guerra alla NEP   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08200         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Benvenuti, Francesco:
La "questione militare" all'VIII congresso della RKP(B)
In: Studi storici ‹Roma› [ISSN 0039-3037] 35.1994 (4) : pp. 1095-1121

Angl.: The "military question" at the 8th congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)

IDN  08201        Benvenuto, Giorgio: Nè Stalin nè Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08202         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Bogdanov, B.: Partija v bor'be s trockistskoj oppoziciej vo vremja profsojuznoj diskussii

In: Pod znamenem marksizma ‹Moskva› 1935 (3)

Angl.: The party in struggle against the Trotskyist opposition in the time of the trade union discussion

IDN  08203         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Bogdanov, B.: Partija v bor'be s trockistskoj oppoziciej vo vremja profsojuznoj diskussii

In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 93-109

Notes: 59
Reprinted from: Pod znamenem marksizma (Moskva), 1935 (3)

IDN  08204         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po voennym voprosam v period graždanskoj vojny
/ S.R.
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1935 (12) : pp. 63-74

Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism on the issue of warfare in the period of the civil war

IDN  08205         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Bor'ba partii vo glave s. tt. Leninym i Stalinym protiv trockizma, "rabočej oppozicii" i gruppy "demokratičeskogo centralizma" v period perechoda k Nėpu

In: Partijnaja učeba ‹Chabarovsk› 1935 (6) : pp. 21-53

Angl.: The struggle of the party led by comrades Lenin and Stalin against Trotskyism, the "Workers' Opposition" and the group "Democratic Centralism" during the period of transition to the NEP

IDN  08206        Channon, John: Trotsky, the peasants and economic policy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08207         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Chitarin, Attilio: In margine al dibattito sindicale del 1920-1921 in Russia

In: Problemi del socialismo ‹Milano› [ISSN 0552-1807] Ser.3. 13.1971 (2/3) : pp. 365-377

Angl.: By the way of the trade union debate in Russia, 1920-21

IDN  08208        Dallemagne, Jean-Luc: Trockij dalla guerra alla NEP   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08209        Daniels, Robert Vincent: The communist opposition : from Brest-Litovsk to the Tenth party congress   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08210        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Oppozicija v RKP(b) : ot Brest-Litovskogo mira k X s"ezdu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08211         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Daniels, Robert Vincent: Socialist alternatives in the crisis of 1921
/ Robert V. Daniels
In: Daniels, R.V.: The rise and fall of communism in Russia. (New Haven, Conn. [etc.], 2007) : pp. 157-166, 436-437

Notes: 30
Other ed., versions, transl.: Socialist alternatives in the trade-union controversy ; Socialističeskie al'ternativy v spore o profsojuzach
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century, Moscow, Apr. 1990

IDN  08212         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Daniels, Robert Vincent: Socialist alternatives in the trade-union controversy
/ Robert V. Daniels
In: Daniels, R.V.: Trotsky, Stalin, and socialism. (Boulder, Colo. [etc.], 1991) : pp. 53-66

Notes: 40
Other ed., versions, transl.: Socialist alternatives in the crisis of 1921 ; Socialističeskie al'ternativy v spore o profsojuzach
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century, Moscow, Apr. 1990

IDN  08213         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Daniels, Robert Vincent: Socialističeskie al'ternativy v spore o profsojuzach
/ R. Dėniels
In: Rossija v XX veke : istoriki mira sporjat / I.D. Koval'čenko (otv. red.) (Moskva, 1994) : pp. 354-365

Notes: 39
Orig.: Socialist alternatives in the trade-union controversy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Socialist alternatives in the crisis of 1921
Rev. and transl. version of paper submitted to the International Conference on Russia in the 20th Century, Moscow, Apr. 1990

IDN  08214        Doriane, Olivier: Trotsky et les syndicats   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08215         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Erber, Ernest: Trotsky's role in 1920-23

In: The New International ‹New York, NY› 13.1947 (1=113) : pp. 16-20

IDN  08216         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chozjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu
: (nojabr' 1920 - mart 1921 g.) / Fariza B. Esieva. - 212 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1970
Bibliogr.: pp. 185-212
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism in the transition period from war to peaceful economic reconstruction

IDN  08217         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chozjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu
: (nojabr' 1920 - mart 1921 g.) / Fariza B. Esieva. - 19 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1970
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism in the transition period from war to peaceful economic reconstruction

IDN  08218         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu chozjajstvennomu stroitel'stvu
: (1920-1921 gg.) / [F.B. Esieva]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 51-107

Table of contents: p.51 Razoblačenie partiej frakcionnoj dejatel'nosti trockistov i drugich oppozicionnych grupp. Diskussija o profsojuzach -- p.82 Kritika V.I. Leninym antimarksistskich vzgljadov trockistov po voprosam gosudarstva diktatury proletariata
Notes: 123
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism in the transitional period between war and economic reconstruction (1920-21)

IDN  08219         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Esieva, Fariza Bachtangdžerievna: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v period perechoda ot vojny k mirnomu stroitel'stvu
/ [F.B. Esieva]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 285-341

Table of contents: p.285 Razoblačenie partiej raskol'ničeskich frakcionnych dejstvij trockistov v diskussii o profsojuzach -- p.312 Kritika V.I. Leninym antimarksistskich vzgljadov trockistov na diktaturu proletariata
Notes: 118
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism in the transitional period from war to peaceful reconstruction

IDN  08220        Jung-Paarmann, Helga: Ökonomie und Politik in Sowjetrußland 1920-1924   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08221         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma, za naučnye osnovy rukovodstva massami v socialističeskom stroitel'stve
/ [I.T. Kačan]
In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv melkoburžuaznoj revoljucionnosti i avantjurizma. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 220-240

Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism, for scientific principles of leading the masses in the construction of socialism

IDN  08222         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Političeskij avantjurizm trockizma v voprosach vzaimootnošenija partii, rabočego klassa i krest'janstva
/ [I.T. Kačan]
In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv melkoburžuaznoj revoljucionnosti i avantjurizma. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 241-268

Angl.: Trotskyism's political adventurism regarding the relationship between the party, the working class, and the peasantry

IDN  08223         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym avantjurističeskogo podchoda trockizma k rukovodstvu nadodnymi massami v socialističeskom stroitel'stve
. - 233 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1966
Angl.: Lenin's exposure of the adventurist method of Trotskyism in leading the people's masses towards building socialism

IDN  08224         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym avantjurističeskogo podchoda trockizma k rukovodstvu nadodnymi massami v socialističeskom stroitel'stve
. - [15] pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966
Notes: 26

IDN  08225         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kanev, Serafim Nikiforovič: Iz istorii bor'by V.I. Lenina protiv frakcionnych gruppirovok (1920-1922 gg.)
/ S.N. Kanev
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1958 (4) : pp. 58-71

Notes: 98
Angl.: On the history of V.I. Lenin's struggle against factional groups (1920-22)

IDN  08226         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kanev, Serafim Nikiforovič: Partijnye massy v bor'be za edinstvo RKP(b) v period profsojuznoj diskussii (1920-1921)
/ S.N. Kanev
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1956 (2) : pp. 17-27

Notes: 44
Angl.: The party masses in struggle for unity of the Russian CP in the period of the trade union discussion (1920-21)

IDN  08227         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Kogan, Leonid Aleksandrovič: Voennyj kommunizm - utopija i real'nost'

In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1998 (2) : pp. 122-134

Angl.: War communism - utopia and reality

IDN  08228        Louw, Stephen: In the shadow of the pharaohs   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08229        Makrecova, Elena Nikolaevna: Istoriografija problemy idejno-političeskoj bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08230         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Mandel, Ernest:
La discussion sur la question syndicale dans le parti bolchevik (1920-21) / E. Germain [i.e. Ernest Mandel]
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 13.1955 (1/3) : pp. 50-59

Angl.: The discussion on the trade union question in the Bolshevik party (1920-21)

IDN  08231         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
McAloon, David William: Leon Trotsky and the struggle for power in communist Russia, 1921-1923
. - 45 pp.
Richmond, Va., Univ. of Richmond, Thesis (B.A.), 2001
Bibliogr.: pp. 44-45
Notes: 82

IDN  08232         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Moskalev, Michail Abramovič: Perevod k NĖPu i bor'ba s trockizmom i "rabočej oppoziciej"
/ M. Moskalev. - Moskva, 1936. - 16 pp.
Angl.: The transition to the NEP and the struggle against Trotskyism and the "Workers Opposition"

IDN  08233         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Moškin, Sergej Vjačceslavovič: "Voennye marksisty " protiv L.D. Trockogo, ili ob odnoj zabytoj diskussii
/ S.V. Moškin
In: Voennyj kommentator : voenno-istoričeskij al'manach ‹Ekatarinburg› [ISSN 1608-8239] 2002 (1=3) : pp. 89-97

Angl.: "War Marxists" against Trotsky, or, About a forgotten discussion

IDN  08234         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Moškin, Sergej Vjačceslavovič: "Voennye marksisty " protiv Trockogo
/ S.V. Moškin
In: Politėks : političeskaja ėkspertiza = Politex : political expertise ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 1818-4499] 8.2012 (4) : pp. 84-99

With abstract
Angl.: "War Marxists" against Trotsky

IDN  08235        Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1929)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08236        Nutsch, James George: Trotsky and the peasants   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08237        Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Oppozicija v partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08238         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: 1922 - o nascimento da partidocracia
/ Aleksandr Podtchekoldin
In: Estudos : revista do Centro de Estudos do Terceiro Mundo ‹São Paulo› 1991 (23) : pp. 3-8

Notes: 16
Other ed., versions, transl.: The origins of the Stalinist bureaucracy
Rev. version of paper submitted to Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Angl.: 1922 - the birth of party rule

IDN  08239         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: 1922 - o nascimento da partidocracia
/ Aleksandr Podtchekoldin
In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 121-127

Notes: 16
Other ed., versions, transl.: The origins of the Stalinist bureaucracy
Rev. version of paper submitted to Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Also publ. in Span. in: En defensa del marxismo (Buenos Aires), 1991 (1)

IDN  08240         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič:
Los orígenes de la burocracia stalinista : nuevos datos de la investigación histórica / Aleksandr Podtchekoldin
In: En defensa del marxismo ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2314-047X] 1991 (1) : pp. 11-15

Other ed., versions, transl.: 1922 - o nascimento da partidocracia ; The origins of the Stalinist bureaucracy
Rev. version of paper submitted to Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990

IDN  08241         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič:
The origins of the Stalinist bureaucracy : some new historical facts / Alexander Podsheldolkin [sic!]. - [London ?]. - 6 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 16
Other ed., versions, transl.: [Mil novecentos e vinte-e-dois] 1922 - o nascimento da partidocracia
Rev. version of paper submitted to Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Transl. from the Span. version
Also available as electronic resource (transl. by Mike Jones) with URL:

IDN  08242        Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v pervye gody sovetskoj vlasti   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08243         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Potechin, A.A.: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina s trockizmom po voprosu o profsojuzach v period perechoda ot politiki voennogo kommunizma k novoj ėkonomičeskoj politike

In: V. I. Lenin o zakononernostjach socialističeskich obščestvennych otnošenij i ich projavlenie v praktike socialističeskogo i kommunističeskogo stroitel'stva. (Jaroslavl', 1971) : pp. 111-120

Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle against Trotskyism regarding the trade unions in the period of transition from war communism to the new economic policy

IDN  08244         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Poznjak, Grigorij Andreevič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina za ukreplenie edinstva Kommunističeskoj Partii (1920-1921 gg.)
/ G.A. Poznjak. - Moskva : Vysšaja Škola, 1974. - 86 pp.
Angl.: V.I. Lenin's struggle for the consolidation of unity of the Communist Party (1920-21)

IDN  08245        Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08246        Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08247         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Rabinovič, Samuil Evgen'evič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po voennym voprosam v period graždanskoj vojny
/ S. Rabinovič
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1935 (12)

Angl.: The struggle of the party against Trotskyism on military issues in the civil war period

IDN  08248         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Rabinovič, Samuil Evgen'evič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po voennym voprosam v period graždanskoj vojny
/ S. Rabinovič
In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 65-75

Notes: 14
Reprinted from: Bol'ševik (Moskva), 1935 (12)

IDN  08249         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Parliamentarism in one party
: the trade union debate of 1921 in the Bolshevik party as a semi-parliamentary practice / Timofey Rakov
In: Parliaments, Estates & Representation = Parlements, états & représentation ‹Abingdon› [ISSN 0260-6755] 42.2022 (1) : pp. 84-96

Table of contents: p.84 Introduction -- p.88 Discussion as a form of propaganda -- p.91 Groups and the limits to their freedom -- p.94 Representing discussion in the press -- p.95 Conclusion
Notes: 33
With abstract

IDN  08250         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Reiman, Michal: Trockij i bor'ba za leninskoe nasledstvo
/ Michal Rejman
In: Alma mater ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0383] 1991 (7) : pp. 73-82

Table of contents: p.74 Položenie Trockogo v bol'ševistskoj partii -- p.75 Profsojuznaja diskussija 1920 g. i gosudarstvennyj perevorot Lenina i Zinov'eva -- p.79 K voprosu o bloke Lenina i Trockogo v 1922 g. -- p.81 Neskol'ko slov v zaključenie
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky and the struggle for 'Lenin's heritage'
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  08251         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Reiman, Michal: Trotsky and the struggle for 'Lenin's heritage'
/ [transl. from the Russ. ms. by Jenny Brine]
In: The Trotsky reappraisal / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (Edinburgh, 1992) : pp. 41-52

Table of contents: p.41 The position of Trotsky in the Bolshevik party -- p.43 The trade union debate of 1920 and Lenin's and Zinoviev's coup d'état -- p.47 On the question of the Lenin-Trotsky bloc in 1922 -- p.50 Some words in conclusion -- p.51 Notes
Notes: 27
Orig.: Trockij i bor'ba za leninskoe nasledstvo
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  08252        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: L. D. Trockij o NĖPE   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08253         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Rosenberg, William Gordon:
The social background to Tsektran / William G. Rosenberg
In: Party, state, and society in the Russian civil war / ed. by D.P. Koenker [et al.] (Bloomington, Ind. [etc.], 1989) : pp. 349-373

Notes: 57

IDN  08254        Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Lenin i Trockij : diskussija o prednaznačenii, političeskoj i ėkonomičeskoj suščnosti NĖPA   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08255        Šačnev, M.: Bor'ba partii protiv "levych kommunistov" i trockistov v 1918-1921 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08256         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Šamilev, Stal'in Michajlovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam sovetskogo voennogo stroitel'stva (1920-1924 gg)
. - 192 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1974
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism on the issue of military reconstruction (1920-24)

IDN  08257         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Šamilev, Stal'in Michajlovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam sovetskogo voennogo stroitel'stva (1920-1924 gg)
. - 42 pp.
Moskva, Voenno-Političeskaja Akad. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1974

IDN  08258        Siadat, Susan: Lenin, Trockij, Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08259        Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period (1917-1923 gg)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08260        Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym teorii i praktiki trockizma (1917-1924 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08261        Spirin, Leonid Michajlovič: Iz istorii RKP(b) v gody graždanskoj vojny i intervencii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08262         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Szyszko, Mieczysław: Trockizm a związki zawodowe

In: Kwartalnik historii ruchu zawodowego ‹Warszawa› [ISSN 0454-7330] 23.1984 (4=92) : pp. 68-73

Angl.: Trotskyism and the trade unions

IDN  08263        Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Rol' moskovskoj organizacii RKP(b) v razgrome antileninskich gruppirovok v period diskussii o profsojuzach   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08264        Toussaint, Éric: Lénine et Trotsky face à la bureaucratisation de l'État soviétique (1920-1924)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08265         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Tsuji, Yoshimasa:
The debate on the trade unions, 1920-21
In: Revolutionary Russia ‹London; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0954-6545] 2.1989 (1) : pp. 31-100

Table of contents: p.31 Introduction -- p.32 The first disagreements and their major points: prehistory -- p.36 The outbreak -- p.39 Quarrel in TsK RKP -- p.43 Disagreements over the trade unions -- p.47 Tsektran -- p.53 TsK RKP examines Tsektran -- p.56 The explosion of the controversy and the major sequence of events -- p.59 The debate on 24 December -- p.62 The debate on 30 December 1920 -- p.69 The initiative of the Petrograd party organisation -- p.74 Lenin's critique of Trotskii -- p.77 Trotskii's critique of Lenin -- p.78 Debate between Trotskyists and Zinov'evites -- p.81 Critiques of Trotskyist arguments -- p.84 The buffer group -- p.84 Lenin's secret manœuvre -- p.85 The terminal phase of the controversy and its direction -- p.90 Trotskii beaten -- p.91 The platform of the Ten -- p.92 The conclusions -- p.94 Chronological bibliography on the discussion 1920-1921 of the role and tasks of the trade unions in production
Bibliogr.: pp. 94-100
Transl. from the Japanese

IDN  08266        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: "Ja šel k Leninu s bojami..."   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08267         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.03
Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Razgrom Kommunističeskoj Partiej trockizma i drugich antileninskich grupp
/ A.Ja. Vjatkin. - 1-[?]. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Leningradskogo Univ., 1966-[?]
1. Nojabr' 1920-1925 gg. - 1966. - 174 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Vvedenie -- p.16 Ukreplenie edinstva partii pri perechode k mirnomu stroitel'stvu (1920-1921 gg.) -- p.41 Ukreplenie edinstva partii v pervye gody nėpa (1921-1923 gg.) -- p.94 Bor'ba partii za spločenie svoich rjadov v 1923-1924 gg. -- p.154 Idejnyj razgrom men'ševistsko-trockistskoj "novoj oppozicii"
Notes: 500
Publication ceased with vol. 1
Angl.: The Communist Party's smashing of Trotskyism and other anti-Leninist groups

IDN  08268        Vojtikov, Sergej Sergeevič: "Raznoglasie est' i vyneseno v pečat'"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08269        Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba leninskoj partii s antipartijnymi gruppirovkami i tečenijami v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08270        Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv melkoburžuaznogo vlijanija na rabočij klass v pervye gody NĖPa (1921-1925 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08271         LLTB  Chapter
Abramov, Arkadij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partii protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg.
/ A. Abramov
In: Propaganda i agitacija ‹Leningrad› 1940 (5/6) : pp. 31-43

Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism 1923-24

IDN  08272         LLTB  Chapter
Allen, Naomi: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The challenge of the Left Opposition. [1.] (New York, NY, 1975) : pp. 15-49

IDN  08273        Alles, Wolfgang: Gegen den Strom   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08274         LLTB  Chapter
Anđelković, Vladimir: Leva opozicija u 1923
: frakcija 46-orice, Trocki i trockizam
In: Vidici ‹Beograd› [ISSN 0506-8797] 32.1984 (4/5=230/231) : pp. 12-26

Notes: 44
Angl.: The Left Opposition in 1923 : the faction of the 46, Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  08275         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Obščepartijnaja diskussija v RKP(b) 1923/24 gg.
: mechanizmy političeskoj bor'by / D.I. Apal'kov
In: Istoričeskie dokumenty i aktual'nye problemy archeografii, otečestvennoj i vseobščej istorii novogo i novejšego vremeni. (Moskva, 2015) : pp. 21-24

Angl.: The all-party discussion in the RKP(B) 1923/24 : mechanisms of political struggle

IDN  08276         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Sobytija graždanskoj vojny v polemike meždu L.D. Trockim i I.V. Stalinym
/ D.I. Apal'kov
In: Graždanskaja vojna v Rossii (1918-1922 gg.) / otv. red. L.S. Belousov [et al.] (Sankt-Peterburg 2019) : pp. 76-84

Angl.: Events of the civil war in the controversy between L.D. Trotsky and I.V. Stalin

IDN  08277         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: "Trojka" protiv Trockogo
: protivostojanie v Politbjuro v 1922-1924 gg. / D.I. Apal'kov
In: Ėksperimental'nye i teoretičeskie issledovanija v sovremennoj nauke ‹Novosibirsk› [ISSN 2587-9189] 2019 (1=30) : pp. 5-9

Angl.: The "troika" against Trotsky

IDN  08278         LLTB  Chapter
'Atmosfera, sozdavšaetsja za poslednee vremja v partii, črezvyčajno tjagostnaja'
: čistka RKP(B) 1924 g. / [collection of archival documents ed., ann. and introd. by] Valentina Vilkova
In: Istoričeskij archiv ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2628] 2008 (2) : pp. 130-176

Angl.: 'The atmosphere that has been created in the party lately is extremely distressing' : the purge of the RKP(B)

IDN  08279        Baranov, Andrej Vladimirovič: Soperničestvo vnutriėlitnych bol'ševistskich gruppirovok po probleme traktovki novoj ėkonomičeskoj politiki v 1923-načale 1926 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08280         LLTB  Chapter
Black, Clayton: Legitimacy, succession, and the concentration of industry
: Trotsky and the crisis of 1923 re-examined
In: Russian History = Histoire russe ‹Idyllwild, Cal.› [ISSN 0094-288X] 27.2000 (4) : pp. 397-416

Notes: 80

IDN  08281         LLTB  Chapter
Bol'ševizm ili trockizm
: sbornik statej tt. Zinov'eva [et al.] / pod red. L. Nikitina. - Kursk, 1925. - 158, LVIII pp.
Angl.: Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  08282        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08283        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08284         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Boj triumvirata (Zinovjev, Stalin, Kamenjev) z levo opozicijo s Trockim na čelu
. - [1-3]
In: Anthropos ‹Ljubljana› [ISSN 0587-5161] 1994 (1/3) : pp. 200-208; 1994 (4/6) : pp. 179-187; 1995 (1/2) : pp. 91-97

A series of documents of the Soviet Russian factional struggle, preceded by introd. studies
Angl.: The struggle of the triumvirate (Zinoviev, Stalin, Kamenev) against the Left Opposition headed by Trotsky

IDN  08285         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Stalinov termidor
. - 1-2. - Ljubljana : Mladinska Knjiga, 1976. - 559 pp.
Particularly pp. 62-145: Trocki; pp. 319-337: Frakcijski spori v RKP(b) in formiranje opozicijskih skupin; pp. 337-413: Boj proti Trockemu in razcep z njim; pp. 413-444: Trinajsta partijska konferenca RKP(b)
Angl.: Stalin's Thermidor

IDN  08286         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Stalinov termidor
. - Ljubljana : Cankarjeva Založba, 1984. - 548, [32] pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalinův termidor
Particularly pp. 129-132: Oblikovanje leve opozicije s Trockim na čelu; pp. 132-135: Platforma 46 opozicionalcev; pp. 135-153 Idejni boji triumvirata z levo opozicijo

IDN  08287         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Stalinův termidor
/ [Transl.: Sáva Heřman et al.]. - Praha : Naše Vojsko, 1991. - 381 pp. - (Dokumenty / Český Svaz Protifašistských Bojovníků ; 224)
ISBN 80-206-0275-5

Orig.: Stalinov termidor
Angl.: Stalin's Thermidor

IDN  08288         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre:
The political struggles in Russia (1921-1929) / transl. by John Archer. - [London : J. Archer], 1987. - 132 pp.
Table of contents: p.1 The crisis of 1921, the beginnings of the NEP and the rise of the apparatus -- p.20 The crisis of 1923. The debate on the New course -- p.46 The interregnum. The New Opposition -- p.71 The struggle of the Unified Opposition -- p.112 The Right Opposition
Notes: 246
Transl. of ch. 7-11 of author's "Le parti bolchevique", Paris, 1971

IDN  08289         LLTB  Chapter
Canova, Mario: Trockij nel dibattito politico e culturale degli anni '20 in Russia

Padova, Università degli Studi, Thesis (M.A.), 1977
Director of thesis: Danilo Cavaion
Attention: Could not be analyzed, uncertain bibliographic data
Angl.: Trotsky in the political and cultural debates of the 1920s in Russia

IDN  08290         LLTB  Chapter
Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b), 1923-1927 gg
. - 175 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, Diss., 2000
Director of thesis: Aleksandr Fedorovič Kiselev
Angl.: The inner-party struggle in the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik), 1923-27

IDN  08291         LLTB  Chapter
Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b), 1923-1927 gg
. - 16 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoreferat diss., 2000
Director of thesis: Aleksandr Fedorovič Kiselev

IDN  08292         LLTB  Chapter
Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Voprosy dogmatizma
: teorija i politika v istorii vnutripartijnoj bor'by v bol'ševistskoj partii v 1923-1927 gg.
In: Al'ternativy : teoretičeskij i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal = Alternatives ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2304-2451] 2019 (1) : pp. 82-103

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Questions of dogmatism

IDN  08293         LLTB  Chapter
Di Biagio, Anna: [Foreword] Introduzione

In: Democrazia e centralismo. (Milano, 1978) : pp. 7-35

IDN  08294         LLTB  Chapter
Di Biagio, Anna:
La lotta per il successione a Lenin
In: Studi storici ‹Roma› [ISSN 0039-3037] 34.1993 (2/3) : pp. 345-380

Notes: 109
Angl.: The struggle for the succession of Lenin

IDN  08295         LLTB  Chapter
Di Biagio, Anna: Stalin e Trockij
: dopo la rivoluzione (1921-1923)
In: Problemi del socialismo ‹Milano› [ISSN 0552-1807] Ser.4. 21.1980 (17) : pp. 113-148

Notes: 100
Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky : after the revolution (1921-23)

IDN  08296        Di Biagio, Anna: Trockij e l'opposizione di sinistra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08297         LLTB  Chapter
Dziewanowski, Marian Kamil:
The struggle for Lenin's mantle : the Stalin-Trotsky controversy / M.K. Dziewanowski
In: Dziewanowski, M.K.: Russia in the twentieth century. 6. ed. (Upper Saddle River, N.J., 2003)

IDN  08298         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max: Depuis la mort de Lénine
. - Paris : Gallimard, 1925. - 222 pp. - (Les documents bleus ; 21)
Orig.: Since Lenin died

IDN  08299         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max: Since Lenin died
. - London : The Labour Publ. Co., 1925. - 158 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Depuis la mort de Lénine

IDN  08300         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max: Since Lenin died
. - New York, NY : Boni & Liveright, 1925. - 158 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Depuis la mort de Lénine

IDN  08301         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max: Since Lenin died
. - Westport, Conn. : Hyperion Pr., 1973. - 158 pp.
ISBN 0-88355-035-0

Other ed., versions, transl.: Depuis la mort de Lénine
Reprint of the 1925 ed.

IDN  08302         LLTB  Chapter
Foley, David Ross: Trotsky's great tactical "blunder" of 1923
: a new perspective / David R. Foley
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Thesis (Honor), 1968

IDN  08303         LLTB  Chapter
Giannuli, Aldo: Alle origini del movimento trotzkijsta (1923-1927)
. - Bari : Adriatica Ed., 1983. - 295 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Introduzione -- p.23 Gli inizi di una crisi -- p.55 L'IC dalla fondazione all'ottobre tedesco -- p.77 La crisi dell'autunno -- p.105 La rottura della Troika (1924-1925) -- p.125 L'Internazionale Comunista negli anni della bolscevizzazione (1924-1925) -- p.143 L'opposizione unificata (1926-1927) -- p.211 L'Internazionale Comunista fra il 1926 ed il 1927 -- p.251 Conclusioni -- p.269 Bibliografia -- p.275 Note
Bibliogr.: pp. 269-274
Notes: 506
Angl.: At the origins of the Trotskyist movement, 1923-27

IDN  08304         LLTB  Chapter
Gileva, Elena Ivanovna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v period meždu XII i XIII s"ezdami (aprel' 1923 - maj 1924 gg.)
. - 271 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1953
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle for unity of its ranks during the period between the 12th and 13th congress (April 1923 - May 1924)

IDN  08305         LLTB  Chapter
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič:
The birth of the Left Opposition
In: The International / Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International ‹London› [ISSN 0960-1503] 1994 (14) : pp. 11-24

Table of contents: p.11 The birth of the Opposition -- p.13 The Opposition takes up the fight -- p.17 Two conceptions of the party: Bolshevism or Stalinism -- p.20 Results and lessons of the discussion of the years 1923-1924
Other ed., versions, transl.: La crise de la révolution russe (1923)

IDN  08306         LLTB  Chapter
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič:
La crise de la révolution russe (1923) / Aleksei Goussev
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (54) : pp. 5-39

Table of contents: p.6 Naissance de l'opposition de gauche -- p.12 L'opposition entre en lutte -- p.20 Le "débat" sur le cours nouveau -- p.31 Résultats et leçons de la discussion de 1923-1924
Notes: 102
Other ed., versions, transl.: The birth of the Left Opposition
Title according to table of contents: Naissance de l'opposition de gauche
Angl.: The crisis of the Russian revolution (1923)

IDN  08307         LLTB  Chapter
Harris, James R.: Discipline versus democracy : the 1923 party controversy
/ James Harris
In: The fate of the Bolshevik revolution : illiberal liberation, 1917-41 / ed. by L. Douds [et al.] (London [etc.], 2020) : pp. 109-124, 275-277

Notes: 50

IDN  08308         LLTB  Chapter
Hincks, Darron: 'No better Bolshevik'
: Leon Trotsky & the 'Leninism' question, 1923-28
In: Journal of Trotsky Studies ‹Glasgow› [ISSN 1358-1295] 1.1993 : pp. 19-44

Table of contents: p.19 Tactics in the 1923-4 intra-party discussion: official 'Leninism' and the counter-canon of Trotskyism -- p.30 The 'Lessons of October' and the literary discussion -- p.38 Further trends and developments: conclusions -- p.43 Notes
Notes: 41

IDN  08309        Hincks, Darron: Support for the opposition in Moscow in the party discussion of 1923-1924   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08310         LLTB  Chapter
Ivčenko, Jurij Fedorovič: Političeskie diskussii 1923-1924 gg. : (istoriografičeskij aspekt)
/ Ju.F. Ivčenko
In: Političeskie diskussii v 20-e gody / red. koll.: V.P. Mel'nikov (Moskva, 1992) : pp. 61-84

Angl.: Political debates 1923-1924 : the historiographical aspect

IDN  08311         LLTB  Chapter
Ivčenko, Jurij Fedorovič: Političeskie diskussii 1923-1924 gg. i ich vlijanie na obščestvennuju žizn' strany
. - 130 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Diss., 1992
Angl.: The political debates of the years 1923-1924 and their influence on the social life of the country

IDN  08312         LLTB  Chapter
Ivčenko, Jurij Fedorovič: Političeskie diskussii 1923-1924 gg. i ich vlijanie na obščestvennuju žizn' strany
. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Avtoref. diss., 1992

IDN  08313        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O bor'be našej partii s trockistami v 1923-1924 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08314         LLTB  Chapter
Jung-Paarmann, Helga: Ökonomie und Politik in Sowjetrußland 1920-1924
: zum Prozeß der Willensbildung in der KPR(B) in den ersten Jahren der Neuen Ökonomischen Politik / Helga Schuler-Jung [now: Helga Jung-Paarmann]. - Marburg : Verl. Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, 1978. - 278 pp. - (Schriftenreihe für Sozialgeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung der Studiengesellschaft für Sozialgeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung Marburg ; 10)
Originally pres. as author's diss., Gießen, Justus-Liebig-Univ., 1977
ISBN 3-921630-09-6

Table of contents: p.9 Einführung -- p.18 Die Neue Ökonomische Politik (NEP) - Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen (p.18 Die wirtschaftliche Situation der Sowjetunion gegen Ende des Kriegskommunismus -- p.25 Die Gewerkschaftsdebatte -- p.32 Die Einführung der NEP) -- p.54 Die Auswirkungen der NEP auf die Entwicklung der KPR(B) (p.54 Die Beschlüsse des X. Parteitages zur Reorganisation und ihre Folgen -- p.71 Veränderungen in der Aufgabenstellung der KPR(B) -- p. 87 Veränderungen in der Organisationsstruktur der KPR(B)) -- p.94 Wirtschafts- und parteipolitische Entwicklungsperspektiven unter der NEP (p.94 Die wirtschaftspolitischen Alternativen -- p.102 Die "Bürokratisierung" und das innerparteiliche Regime) -- p.123 Die Parteidiskussion 1923/24 (p.123 Die Resolution "Über den Parteiaufbau" und ihre Vorgeschichte -- p.143 Trockijs Brief "Der neue Kurs" und die Folgen -- p.164 Die Resolution über "die nächsten Aufgaben der Wirtschaftspolitik" vom 24.12.1923) -- p.172 Die Niederlage der Opposition und ihre Ursachen (p.172 Die Verurteilung der Opposition als "kleinbürgerliche Abweichung" -- p.180 Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklungstendenzen -- p.191 Veränderungen in der internationalen Stellung der Sowjetunion -- p.202 Veränderungen in der Parteistruktur -- p.218 Die soziale Basis der Opposition -- p.228 Trockijs Verhältnis zur Partei und seine Stellung in ihr) -- p.252 Zusammenfassung -- p.259 Anhang
Bibliogr.: pp. 262-271
Notes: 971
Angl.: Economics and politics in Soviet Russia 1920-24

IDN  08315         LLTB  Chapter
Law, David S.:
The Left Opposition in 1923
In: Critique : journal of socialist thought ‹Glasgow; later: Abingdon› [ISSN 0301-7605] 1973 (2) : pp. 37-52

Table of contents: p.38 The course of the struggle -- p.43 The issues -- p.46 Strengths and weaknesses -- p.48 The question of tactics and the dilemma of the opposition -- p.51 Appendix: Preobrazhensky: Resolution on party democracy
Notes: 39
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione di sinistra sovietica nel 1923 ; Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjet 1923

IDN  08316         LLTB  Chapter
Law, David S.:
The Left Opposition in 1923 / David Law
In: The ideas of Leon Trotsky / ed. by H. Ticktin [et al.] (London, 1995) : pp. 235-251

Notes: 41
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione di sinistra sovietica nel 1923 ; Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjet 1923

IDN  08317         LLTB  Chapter
Law, David S.:
L' opposizione di sinistra sovietica nel 1923 [Electronic resource] / trad. ital. e addattamento delle note di Paolo Casciola. In appendice: Evgenij Aleksandrovič Preobraženskij, 'Risoluzione sulla democrazia di partito' (ottobre 1923). - 990 KB (14 pp.)
Notes: 42
Orig.: The Left Opposition in 1923
Other ed., versions, transl.: Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjet 1923
Accessed Jan. 8, 2020
Angl.: The Soviet Left Opposition in 1923

IDN  08318         LLTB  Chapter
Law, David S.: Vänsteroppositionen i Sovjet 1923
/ övers.: Lars Kaage
In: Fjärde Internationalen ‹Uppsala; later: Stockholm; later: Göteborg› [ISSN 0345-3375] 21.1989 (4=82) : pp. 69-86

Notes: 39
Orig.: The Left Opposition in 1923
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione di sinistra sovietica nel 1923
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the Soviet Union in 1923

IDN  08319         LLTB  Chapter
Lawton, Lancelot: Trotsky, the heretic

In: Contemporary Review ‹London› [ISSN 0010-7565] 127.1925 : pp. 301-307

IDN  08320         LLTB  Chapter
Legters, Lyman Howard: Left Opposition
/ Lyman H. Legters
In: The Modern encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet history / ed. by J.L. Wieczynski. 19. (Gulf Breeze, Flo., 1981) : pp. 125-128

IDN  08321        Lešnik, Avgust: Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08322        Lešnik, Avgust: Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08323        Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08324         LLTB  Chapter
Logika frakcionnoj bor'by
: Zinov'ev i Kamenev protiv trockistskoj oppozicii ; stat'i i reči iz nedavnego prošlogo (1923-1925 gg.) / sost. S. Vinogradova. Predisl.: N. Mandel'štam. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 195 pp.
Angl.: The logic of the factional struggle : Zinoviev and Kamenev against the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  08325         LLTB  Chapter
Logika frakcionnoj bor'by
: Zinov'ev i Kamenev protiv trockistskoj oppozicii ; stat'i i reči iz nedavnego prošlogo (1923-1925 gg.) / sost. S. Vinogradova. Predisl.: N. Mandel'štam. - 2., dop. izd. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 229 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 228-[230]

IDN  08326         LLTB  Chapter
Makrecova, Elena Nikolaevna: Istoriografija problemy idejno-političeskoj bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)
. - 220 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1977
Angl.: Historiography of the problem of the ideological and political struggle of the Communist Party for the unity of its ranks and against anti-Leninist groups and tendencies during the reconstruction period (1921-25)

IDN  08327         LLTB  Chapter
Makrecova, Elena Nikolaevna: Istoriografija problemy idejno-političeskoj bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)
. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1977

IDN  08328         LLTB  Chapter
Matveev, M. V.: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s trockistskoj oppoziciej za organizacionnye principy leninizma v period XIII partijnoj konferencii
. - 23 pp.
Voronež, Voronežskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1956
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against the Trotskyist opposition for the Leninist organizational principles during the period of the XIIIth party conference

IDN  08329         LLTB  Chapter
McKeehan, Susan:
The Trotsky-Stalin dispute and the twelfth party congress. - 59 pp.
Portland, Or., Reed College, Thesis (B.A.), 1962

IDN  08330         LLTB  Chapter
Méndez-Vigo Hernández, Javier: Oposición de izquierdas
[Electronic resource]. - 93 KB (11 pp.)
Accessed Apr. 15, 2006
Angl.: The Left Opposition

IDN  08331        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposition communiste en URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08332        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposizione comunista in URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08333         LLTB  Chapter
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma
: (osen' 1923 g. - jan. 1925 g). - 248 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1969
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against Trotskyism : Autumn 1923-Jan. 1925

IDN  08334         LLTB  Chapter
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma
: (osen' 1923 g. - jan. 1925 g). - 22 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1969

IDN  08335         LLTB  Chapter
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma na zaveršajuščem ėtape vosstanovitel'nogo perioda
: (osen' 1923 - jan. 1925 g.) / [V.V. Mezenov]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 342-414

Table of contents: p.342 Ėkonomičeskie i političeskie trudnosti vosstanovitel'nogo perioda, razoblačenie partiej trockistskoj revizii leninizma v voprosach vnutripartijnoj demokratii i ėkonomičeskoj politiki -- p.378 Ukreplenie edinstva partii na osnove rešenij XIII partijnoj konferencii i XIII s"ezda RKP(b) -- p.394 Idejnyj razgrom trockizma v diskussii ob "Urokach Oktjabrja"
Notes: 169
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against Trotskyism in the final stage of the reconstruction period (autumn 1923 - Jan. 1925)

IDN  08336         LLTB  Chapter
Mezenov, Valentin Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov za leninizm, protiv trockizma
: (osen' 1923 - jan. 1925 g.) / [V.V. Mezenov]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 108-176

Table of contents: p.108 Razoblačenie partiej trockistskoj revizii leninizma v voprosach vnutripartijnoj demokratii i ėkonomičeskoj politiki -- p.144 Ukreplenie edinstva partii na osnove rešenij XIII konferencii i XIII s"ezda RKP(b) -- p.161 Idejnyj razgrom trockizma vo vnutripartijnoj diskussii konca 1924 g. Krach popytki Trockogo podmenit' leninizm trockizmom
Notes: 156
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle for Leninism, against Trotskyism

IDN  08337         LLTB  Chapter
Nadtočeev, Valerij Dosifeevič: Iz istorii vnutripartijnoj bor'by v 1924-1925 godach
/ V. Nadtočeev
In: Trudnoe voprosy istorii : poiski, razmyšlenija / red.: V.V. Žuravlev. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 61-72

Angl.: From the history of the inner-party struggle in the years 1924-25

IDN  08338         LLTB  Chapter
Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1925 gg.)
/ M.N. Novikov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Univ. Družby Narodov, 1987. - 50 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 49-[51]
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's ideological struggle against anti-Leninist groups concerning the NEP (1921-25)

IDN  08339         LLTB  Chapter
Ol'chovskij, Boris Semenovič: Korni oppozicii i opasnost' pereroždenija
/ B. Ol'chovskij. - Char'kov : Ukrainskij Rabočij, 1927. - 179 pp. - (Politika partii i ošibki oppozicii)
Angl.: The roots of the opposition and the danger of its rebirth

IDN  08340         LLTB  Chapter
Pabón, Jesús: Prólogo a la versión castellana

In: Trockij, L.D.: Lenin. (Barcelona, 1972) : pp. 5-84

Angl.: Foreword to the Spanish version [of Trotsky's "O Lenine"]

IDN  08341         LLTB  Chapter
Parchomenko, Tat'jana Aleksandrovna: Preljudija stalinskoj ėpochi
: bor'by za vlast' i vybor voždja v 1922-1925 godach [Electronic resource] / T.A. Parchomenko
In: Istoričeskij žurnal : naučnye issledovanija = History Magazine : researches [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2454-0609] 2013 (2=14) : pp. 168-180 (281 KB)

Notes: 95
With abstract
Accessed July 1, 2020
Angl.: Prelude to the Stalinist era

IDN  08342         LLTB  Chapter
Le parti bolchévik restera bolchévik : la discussion dans le Parti Communiste Russe (déc. 1923 - jan. 1924). - Paris : Librairie de l'Humanité, 1924. - 244 pp. - (Bibliothèque communiste)
Angl.: The Bolshevik party remains Bolshevik

IDN  08343         LLTB  Chapter
Le parti bolchévik restera bolchévik : la discussion dans le Parti Communiste Russe (déc. 1923 - jan. 1924). - Milano : Feltrinelli, 1966. - 244 pp. - (Bibliothèque communiste)
Reprint of the 1924 ed.

IDN  08344         LLTB  Chapter
Petropavlovskij, Sergej Dmitrievič: Uroki trockizma
. - Kiev : Gosizdat Ukrainy, 1925. - 44 pp.
Angl.: Lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  08345         LLTB  Chapter
Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Bor'ba partii protiv trockizma v period podgotovki i provedenija XII s"ezda RKP(b)
/ A.F. Potašev
In: Izvestija Severo-Kavkazskogo Naučnogo Centra Vysšej Školy : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Rostov-na-Donu› [ISSN 0321-3056] 1986 (4=56) : pp. 95-102

Notes: 37
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism in the period of preparation and during the 12th congress of the Russian CP

IDN  08346         LLTB  Chapter
Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg.
: (na materialach CK RKP(B) i partorgranizacij krupnejsich prom. centrov strany). - 477 pp.
L'vov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. Ivana Franka, Diss., 1980
Angl.: The party's struggle for unity of its ranks in the years 1921-25

IDN  08347         LLTB  Chapter
Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg.
: (na materialach CK RKP(B) i partorgranizacij krupnejšich prom. centrov strany). - 44 pp.
L'vov, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. Ivana Franka, Avtoref. diss., 1980

IDN  08348         LLTB  Chapter
Primerov, Efim Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov 1921-1925
: na materialach CK RKP(B) i partogranizacij krupnejšich prom. centrov strany / E.V. Primerov. - L'vov : Višča Škola, 1979. - 219 pp.

IDN  08349         LLTB  Chapter
Rabinovich, Jacob: Stalin's and Trotsky's views respecting the Communist Party (1923-1925)

New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Masters essay, 1940

IDN  08350        Razgrom "levogo" opportunizma v RKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08351        Reiman, Michal: Trockij i bor'ba za leninskoe nasledstvo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08352        Reiman, Michal: Trotsky and the struggle for 'Lenin's heritage'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08353         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: K istorii "trockistskoj" oppozicii "nizov"
: slučaj petrogradskich studentov-kommunistov, 1923-1924 gody
In: Vlast' : obščenacional'nyj naučno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2071-5358] 2014 (5) : pp. 143-146

Angl.: To the history of the "Trotskyist" opposition "from below"

IDN  08354         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Konfliktovat' i kontrolirovat' : ka izučeniju praktik političeskoj bor'by oppozicii v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 godach
/ A.V. Reznik
In: Vestnik Permskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Istorija ‹Perm'› [ISSN 2219-3111] 2014 (1=24) : pp. 175-185

Notes: 42
Angl.: Conflict and control : to study the practices of the opposition's political struggle in the RCP(B) in 1923-1924

IDN  08355        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Leon Trotsky, the cultural debates, and the political struggle in 1923   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  08356         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija 1923 goda
[Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Reznik. - 360 KB (36 pp.)
Table of contents: p.2 Vvedenie -- p.5 Podgotovka k otkrytomu protivostojaniju -- p.9 Levaja oppozicija nastupaet -- p.22 Poraženie oppozicionerov -- p.27 Proloženie -- p.35 Spisok ostočnikov i literatury
Dated March 27, 2008
Accessed Sept. 9, 2008. - URL defunct as at Oct. 1, 2014
Angl.: The Left Opposition of 1923

IDN  08357         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija 1923 goda ob idealach i real'nosti vnutripartijnoj demokratii
/ A.V. Reznik
In: Socialističeskij idel i real'nyj socializm : Lenin, Trockij, Stalin / pod obšč. red. I.G. Abramsona [et al.] (Moskva, 2011) : pp. 590-592

Notes: 3
Angl.: The 1923 Left Opposition about the ideals and realities of inner-party democracy

IDN  08358         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg
. - 281 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Diss., 2014
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.26 Oppozicija vo vnutripartijnoj bor'be, sentjabr' 1923-janvar' 1924 gg. (p.26 Osnovnye političeskie predlosylki vnutripartijnoj bor'by -- p.35 Načalo bor'by v CK RKP(B) i formirovanie programmy oppozicii -- p.61 Rasširenie prostranstva bor'by -- p.70 Oppozicionery v uslovijach ožestočenija vnutripartijnoj bor'by -- p.89 Poraženie oppozicii) -- p.98 Technologii političeskoj bor'by (p.98 L.D. Trockij i kampanija po "voprosam byta" -- p.121 Obraz L.D. Trockogo kak instrument političeskoj bor'by -- p.134 Političeskaja identičnost' oppozicii -- p.143 Oppozicija i vnutripartijnaja demokratija -- p.154 Oppozicija i kommunikativnye praktiki: "sekretnye dokumenty" i sluchi -- p.166 Oppozicionery i "partijnoe pravo": konflikty meždu členami RKP(B)) -- p.187 Regional'nyj aspekt vnutripartijnoj bor'by (p.187 Uroven' podderži oppozicii na mestach i "političeskoe kartografirovanie" vnutripartijnoj bor'by -- p.218 Oppozicija v provincial'nom centre: slučaj Permi -- p.237 Oppozicija u vlasti: slučaj Chamovničeskogo rajona Moskvy) -- p.253 Zaključenie -- p.265 Spisok ispol'zovannych istočnikov i literatury
Bibliogr.: pp. 265-281
Notes: 922
Director of thesis: Boris Ivanovič Kolonickij
See also author's "Trockij i tovarišči", Sankt Peterburg, 2017

IDN  08359         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg
. - 28 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2014
Notes: 75
Director of thesis: Boris Ivanovič Kolonickij
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the RKP(B) in 1923-1924

IDN  08360         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Revising the 'Trotskyist' opposition of the Bolshevik party in 1923-1924
/ Alexander Reznik
In: Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne-américain d'études slaves ‹Bakersfield, Cal.; [later:] Leiden› [ISSN 0090-8290] 53.2019 (1/2) : pp. 107-120

Notes: 49
With abstract

IDN  08361         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trockij i tovarišči
: levaja oppozicija i političeskaja kul'tura RKP(b) 1923-1924 / Aleksandr Reznik. - Sankt-Peterburg : Izd-vo Evropejskogo Univ. v Sankt-Peterburge, 2017. - 382 pp. - (Ėpocha vojn i revoljucij ; 10)
ISBN 978-5-94380-224-9

Table of contents: p.9 Vvedenie -- p.21 Bor'ba za vlast' (p.21 "Mežducarstvie" -- p.27 "Pis'ma i "peticii" -- p.45 "Dekabr'skaja revoljucija" -- p.52 "Novyj kurs" -- p.68 "Prava ili ne prava partija...") -- p.81 Trockij i oppozicija (p.81 "Voprosy byta" -- p.102 "Avtoritet vsej partii" -- p.118 Nevernyj termin" -- p.129 Neformal'naja političeskaja koalicija") -- p.143 Technologii političeskoj bor'by (p.143 Demokratija: bor'by za bol'šinstvo golosov -- p.161 Sekrety i sluchi -- p.175 Partijnoe pravo i konflikty -- p.191 "Po psichologii trockist") p.204 Topografija oppozicii (p.204 Roma locuta, causa finita -- p.226 V provincii: slučaj Permi -- p.241 U vlasti: slučaj Chamovničeskogo rajona Moskvy) -- p.256 Zaključenie -- p.265 Ot avtora -- p.268 Primečanija -- p.350 Chronika -- p.353 Spisok sokraščenij -- p.356 Literatura -- p.369 Ukazatel' imen -- p.381 Summary [Engl.]
Bibliogr.: pp. 356-368
Notes: 1,192
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Partly based on author's "Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg.", Diss., Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Sankt-Peterburg, 2014
Angl.: Trotsky and the comrades : the Left Opposition and the political culture of the RCP(B), 1923-24

IDN  08362         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trockij i tovarišči
: levaja oppozicija i političeskaja kul'tura RKP(b) 1923-1924 / Aleksandr Reznik. - Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. - Sankt-Peterburg : Izd-vo Evropejskogo Univ. v Sankt-Peterburge, 2018. - 389 pp. - (Ėpocha vojn i revoljucij ; 10)
ISBN 978-5-94380-260-7

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Partly based on author's "Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg.", Diss., Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Sankt-Peterburg, 2014

IDN  08363         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: "Trockistskaja oppozicija"?
: tipy i konfiguracii levoj oppozicii 1923 g. / Aleksandr Reznik
In: Konstruiruja "sovetskoe"? : materialy naučnoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov (15-16 aprelja 2010 goda, Sankt-Peterburg). (Sankt-Peterburg, 2010) : pp. 87-92

Notes: 15
Paper originally submitted to the Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov, Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 15-16, 2010
Angl.: "Trotskyist opposition"?

IDN  08364         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trockizm i levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924
/ Aleksandr Reznik. - Moskva : Svobodnoe Marksistskoe Izd-vo, 2010. - 111 pp.
ISBN 978-5-98063-017-1

Table of contents: p.5 Ot avtora -- p.7 Vvedenie -- p.13 Nastuplenie -- p.45 Poraženie -- p.63 Dopolnenie: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Permskoj gorodskoj partijnoj organizacii -- p.89 Zaključenie -- p.93 Priloženija -- p.99 Primečanija
Notes: 380
Angl.: Trotskyism and the Left Opposition in the RCP(B) in 1923-24

IDN  08365         LLTB  Chapter
RKP(b) : vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v dvadcatye gody
: dokumenty i materialy 1923 g. / Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Archiv Social'no-Političeskoj Istorii. Otv. sost. V.P. Vilkova. - Moskva : ROSSPĖN, 2004. - 462 pp. - (Političeskie partii Rossii konec XIX - pervaja tret' XX veka : dokumental'noe nasledie)
ISBN 5-8243-0476-9

Angl.: RKP(B) : the 1920s inner-party struggle

IDN  08366        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08367         LLTB  Chapter
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?
: "Trockizm" : vzgljad čerez gody / Vadim Rogovin. - Moskva : Terra, 1992. - 399 pp.
ISBN 5-85255-128-7

Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.14 Roždenie odnopartijnosti -- p.18 O privilegijach -- p.22 Garantii edinstva i inakomysljaščee men'šinstvo -- p.28 "Osadnoe položenie" ili rabočaja demokratija? -- p.34 Staraja partijnaja gvardija : opasnost' raskola -- p.44 Gensek : organizator i vospitatel' bjurokratii -- p.48 "Zaverščanie" -- p.52 Dlja nemedlennogo opublikovanija -- p.57 "Gruzinskij incident" i "deržimordovskij režim" -- p.69 Rokovye dni -- p.78 Ošibka Trockogo -- p.84 Pobeda triumvirata -- p.92 Pervye repressii i monopolija na vlast' -- p.99 Trockij perechodit v nastuplenie -- p.108 Kontrataka -- p.114 Bor'ba prodolžaetsja -- p.123 Dve diskussii -- p.128 "Novyj kurs" -- p.133 Oppozicija i sistema bjurokratičeskogo centralizma -- p.139 Po zakonam apparatnoj mechaniki -- p.145 Pobeda ili poraženie? -- p.149 "Psichologičeskoe ubijstvo" -- p.156 "Sverchbordžia v Kremle" -- p.164 "Semerka" -- p.170 Kogda rešalas' sud'ba Stalina -- p.178 Taktika edinogo fronta -- p.183 "Uroki Oktjabrja" -- p.190 Roždenie mifa o "trockizme" -- p.197 Novye manevry Stalina -- p.207 "Ljubimec partii" v dvuumvirate -- p.213 Povorot v politike -- p.218 Novyj raskol -- p.223 Lozung "obogaščajtes'" -- p.229 "Vot gde ob"edinilas' partija" -- p.241 "Ob"edinennaja oppozicija" -- p.249 Čto ostalos' ot "atmosfery gornych vysot" -- p.254 Metody bor'by s oppoziciej -- p.269 Vozmožna li pobeda socializma v odnoj strane? -- p.278 Mnogovariantnyj prognoz Trockogo -- p.284 Stavka na mirovuju revoljuciju -- p.290 "Idillija" nėpa -- p.295 O "sverchindustrializacii", "ograblenii krest'janstva" i populjarnych merach -- p.307 Proletariat "sžimaetsja" -- p.314 1927 : krizis grjanul -- p.323 Teorija i praktika termidorianskoj amal'gamy -- p.336 "S"ezd kollektivizacii" "dobivaet" oppoziciju -- p.358 Zaključenie -- p.371 Bibliografičeskij ukazatel' -- p.390 Imennoj ukazatel'
Notes: 785
Angl.: Was there an alternative? : "Trotskyism" - a view across the years

IDN  08368        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Gab es eine Alternative?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08369         LLTB  Chapter
Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i "političeskoe zaveščanie" V.I. Lenina
: 1921-1929. - 538 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2005
Table of contents: p.4 Vvedenie -- p.68 Diskussii o razvitii sovetskogo obščestva (1921-1922 gg.) -- p.153 "Političeskoe zaveščanie" kak kompleks dokumentov -- p.260 Avtoritet Lenina kak faktor novoj fazy bor'by za liderstvo v RKP(b) (1923 g.) -- p.366 Vlijanie političeskogo zaveščanija" Lenina na razvitie vnutripartijnoj bor'by v 1924-1929 gg.
Director of thesis: L.I. Semennikova
Angl.: The struggle for leadership within the RKP(B)-VKP(B) and V.I. Lenin's "political testament"

IDN  08370         LLTB  Chapter
Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i "političeskoe zaveščanie" V.I. Lenina
: 1921-1929. - 43 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2005
Director of thesis: L.I. Semennikova

IDN  08371        Schütz, Stephan: Die wirtschaftlichen Vorstellungen der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des linken Flügels von 1923 bis 1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08372         LLTB  Chapter
Semernina, M.P.: Edinstvo partii - korennoj vopros bor'by s trockistami v 1923-1924 gg.

In: Učenye zapiski Rostovskogo Universiteta ‹Ordžonikidze› 1957 (50) : pp. 167-194

Angl.: Party unity - a crucial question of the struggle against the Trotskyists, 1923-24

IDN  08373        Shachtman, Max: Comintern's splinter movements   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08374         LLTB  Chapter
Siadat, Susan: Lenin, Trockij, Stalin
: Lenins Streben nach innerparteilicher Einheit (1918-1923). - 119 pp.
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., Mag.-Arbeit, 1996

IDN  08375         LLTB  Chapter
Sinin, Evgenij Jur'evič: L. D. Trockij kak preemnik V. I. Lenina
: sootnošenie želaemogo i vozmožnogo
In: Aktual'nye voprosy gumanitarnych nauk : sbornik statej bakalavrov, magistrantov i aspirantov / pod red. A.A. Sorokina [et al.] 4. (Moskva, 2021) : pp. 236-246

Angl.: L.D. Trotsky as V.I. Lenin's successor : the balance between what is desirable and what is possible

IDN  08376         LLTB  Chapter
Sirotkin, Vladlen Georgievič: Počemu Trockij proigral Stalinu?
/ Vladlen Sirotkin. - Moskva : Algoritm, 2004. - 381 pp. - (Imperskoe myšlenie)
ISBN 5-9265-0127-X

Angl.: Why was Trotsky defeated by Stalin?

IDN  08377        Slamichin, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Razoblačenie V.I. Leninym teorii i praktiki trockizma (1917-1924 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08378        Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma za postroenie socializma v SSSR (1923-1927 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08379         LLTB  Chapter
Sorin, Vladimir Gordeevič: Diskussija 1923-1924 gg.
: (bor'ba partii s trockistskoj oppozicii) / V. Sorin
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1936 (7) : pp. 11-60

Angl.: The discussion 1923-24 : the struggle of the party against the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  08380         LLTB  Chapter
Sorin, Vladimir Gordeevič: Partija i oppozicija
: iz istorii oppozicionnych tečenij / V. Sorin. S predisl. N. Bucharina. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1925. - 184 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition : from the history of oppositional tendencies

IDN  08381         LLTB  Chapter
Sorlin, Pierre: Lénine, Trotski, Staline
: la presse et l'évolution du pouvoir en Russie soviétique (1921-1927) / Pierre Sorlin ; Irène Sorlin. - 3. éd., rév. - Paris : Colin, 1972. - 254 pp. - (Collection U2 ; 183)
Table of contents: p.5 Introduction -- p.23 La nouvelle orientation, 1921 -- p.83 Les incertitudes, 1922-1923 -- p.137 Après Lénine, 1924 -- p.183 La victoire de Staline, 1925-1927 -- p.207 Conclusion -- p.217 Annexes: p.219 Repères chronologiques -- p.223 Les autorités politiques en Union Soviétique -- p.227 Le rôle de la presse soviétique -- p.229 Repères biographiques -- p.237 Liste des journaux et périodiques cités -- p.241 Bibliographie sommaire -- p.247 Table des illustrations
Bibliogr.: pp. 241-246

IDN  08382         LLTB  Chapter
Sorlin, Pierre: Lénine, Trotski, Staline, 1921-1927
/ Pierre et Irène Sorlin. - Paris : Colin, 1961. - 271 pp. - (Kiosque [ISSN 0451-9825] ; 17)

IDN  08383        Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: [Foreword] Vtoroj raund smertel'noj schvatki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08384         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Lenin and Trotsky 1922-1923
/ V.I. Startsev
In: The Marxist Monthly : theoretical journal of the Marxist Party ‹London› [ISSN 1361-7354] 3.1990/91 (3) : pp. 116-127

Notes: 35
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine et Trotsky 1922-1923 ; Trotzki und Lenin in den Jahren 1922-23
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990 and to a symposium held in Britain from Apr. 23-27, 1990

IDN  08385         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Lenin i Trockij v 1922-1923 gg.
/ V.I. Starcev
In: Istoričeskaja pravda o Sovetskom Sojuze 20-30 godov : materialy meždunarodnogo simpoziuma, London, 23-27 aprelja 1990 g. (Moskva [etc.], 1991) : pp. 18-26

Paper originally submitted to the 1st Symposium '90 International Conference, London, Apr. 23-27, 1990
On pp. 20-26: Voprosy k dokladčikam i otvety
Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky in 1922-1923

IDN  08386         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Lénine et Trotsky 1922-1923
/ V.I. Startsev
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1992 (48) : pp. 75-87

Notes: 32
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin and Trotsky 1922-1923 ; Trotzki und Lenin in den Jahren 1922-23
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990 and to a symposium held in Britain from Apr. 23-27, 1990

IDN  08387         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Ot "neob"jatnoj vlasti" k edinovlastiju v partii (1922-1929 gg.)
/ V. Starcev
In: Političeskoe obrazovanie ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-070X] 1989 (11) : pp. 66-75

Notes: 3

IDN  08388         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Political leaders of the Soviet state in 1922 and early 1923
/ V.I. Startsev
In: Soviet Studies in History ‹White Plains, NY etc.› [ISSN 0038-5867] 28.1989/90 (3) : pp. 5-40

Notes: 80
Orig.: Političeskie rukovoditeli sovetskogo gosudarstva v 1922 - načale 1923 goda

IDN  08389         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Političeskie rukovoditeli sovetskogo gosudarstva v 1922 - načale 1923 goda
/ Vitalij I. Starcev
In: Istorija SSSR ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2660] 1988 (5) : pp. 101-122

Notes: 80
Other ed., versions, transl.: Political leaders of the Soviet state in 1922 and early 1923

IDN  08390         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Trotzki und Lenin in den Jahren 1922-23
/ Witalij Startsew
In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 184-193

Table of contents: p.184 Lenins Erkrankung -- p.186 Der Kampf um Lenins Nachfolge beginnt -- p.189 Stalins anfängliche Kompromißsuche -- p.190 Trotzkis Zaudern -- p.193 Anmerkungen
Notes: 12
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin and Trotsky 1922-1923 ; Lénine et Trotsky 1922-1923
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Symposium Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990 and to a symposium held in Britain from Apr. 23-27, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky and Lenin in 1922-23

IDN  08391         LLTB  Chapter
The struggle for power : [from the secret archives of the former Soviet Union] / [collection of archival documents ed., ann. and introd. by] Valentina Vilkova. - Amherst, NY : Prometheus Books, 1996. - 357 pp. - (Russian studies series)
ISBN 1-57392-026-6 - ISBN 978-1-57392-026-1

IDN  08392         LLTB  Chapter
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Diskussija v RKP(b) 1923 goda
: (k 70-letiju nėpa) / V.V. Švecov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Znanie, 1991. - 62 pp. - (Novoe v žizni, nauke, technike : Političeskaja istorija XX veka ; 1991,2)
ISBN 5-07-001849-3

Table of contents: p.3 V mirnoj obstanovke -- p.11 Nėp: trudnostej ne stalo menše -- p.15 "Vser'ez i nadolgo" ili peredyška meždu dvumja bojami? -- p.18 Bluždanija v labirinte: interesy revoljucii, politika i ličnye ambicii -- p.34 Vesti, a ne uvodit' massy -- p.40 Idejnye raschoždenija i logika frakcionnoj bor'by
Notes: 40
Angl.: The discussion in the Russian CP in 1923 : to the 70th anniversary of NEP

IDN  08393         LLTB  Chapter
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Ešče byl živ Lenin
/ V.V. Švecov
In: Sociologičeskie issledovanija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-1625] 1990 (5) : pp. 41-53

Notes: 20
Angl.: When Lenin was still alive

IDN  08394         LLTB  Chapter
Timofeevskij, Aleksandr Antonovič: Bor'ba partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov, za leninizm v period 1921-1924 godov
/ A.A. Timofeevskij
In: Sbornik statej po voprosam istorii KPSS. 3. (Moskva, 1958) : pp. 80-107

Angl.: The struggle of the party for the unity of its ranks and for Leninism in the period 1921-24

IDN  08395         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky 1923 : naissance de l'opposition de gauche
. - Saint Martin d'Hères : Inst. Léon Trotsky, 1994. - 126 pp. - (Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] ; 1994,54)
Table of contents: p.5 Naissance de l'opposition de gauche/A. Goussev -- p.41 Documents -- p.115 Document annexe - [...]
Angl.: Trotsky 1923 : birth of the Left Opposition

IDN  08396         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky and the Russian Left Opposition
: a critical balance sheet
In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 2001 (56)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und die russische Linke Opposition

IDN  08397         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky's fight against Stalinist betrayal of Bolshevik revolution
: original documents published from Soviet archives
In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 1997 (53) : pp. 36-45

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzkis Kampf gegen den stalinistischen Verrat an der bolschewistischen Revolution

IDN  08398         LLTB  Chapter
Trotzki und die russische Linke Opposition
: eine kritische Bilanz
In: Spartacist : Deutsche Ausg. ‹New York, NY› 2001 (22) : pp. 28-51

Orig.: Trotsky and the Russian Left Opposition

IDN  08399         LLTB  Chapter
Trotzkis Kampf gegen den stalinistischen Verrat an der bolschewistischen Revolution
: Originaldokumente aus sowjetischen Archiven veröffentlicht
In: Spartacist : Deutsche Ausg. ‹New York, NY› 1997/98 (19) : pp. 40-51

Orig.: Trotsky's fight against Stalinist betrayal of Bolshevik revolution

IDN  08400         LLTB  Chapter
Varejkis, Iosif Michajlovič: Vnutripartijnye raznoglasija
: (otnošenie partii k trockizmu) / I. Varejkis. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 103 pp.
Angl.: The inner-party controversies : the party's attitude towards Trotskyism

IDN  08401         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Iz istorii vnutripartijnoj bor'by
: političeskij aspekt, 1922-1925 gg. / Nikolaj Vaseckij
In: Fakel : istoriko-revoljucionnyj al'manach ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0236-3925] 1.1989 : pp. 176-194

Notes: 86
Angl.: From the history of the inner-party struggle

IDN  08402         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: [Postface] Posleslovie
/ N.A. Vaseckij
In: Novaja i novejšaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0029-5124] 1990 (2) : pp. 198-204

Notes: 25
Remarks about Trockij, L.D.: Naši raznoglasija, in: ibid., pp. 170-203

IDN  08403         LLTB  Chapter
Voejkov, Michail Illarionovič: Leninskoe nasledie : Zinov'ev, Stalin, Bucharin ili Trockij?

In: Al'ternativy : teoretičeskij i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal = Alternatives ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2304-2451] 2010 (1) : pp. 46-65

Notes: 44
Angl.: Leninist heir : Zinov'ev, Stalin, Bucharin or Trotsky?

IDN  08404         LLTB  Chapter
Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič: Levaja oppozicija i bor'ba za vlast'
/ N. Valentinov (Vol'skij)
In: Vol'skij, N.V.: Novaja ėkonomičeskaja politika i krizis partii posle smerti Lenina / N. Valentinov (Vol'skij). (Stanford, Cal., 1971) : pp. 65-85

Angl.: The Left Opposition and the struggle for power

IDN  08405        Youakim, Yousef Issa: Staline et Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08406         LLTB  Chapter
Za leninizm
. - [Moskva] : Novaja Moskva, 1925. - 340 pp. - (Biblioteka rabočej molodeži)
Angl.: For Leninism!

IDN  08407         LLTB  Chapter
Za leninizm : sbornik statej
. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 488 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Novaja diskussija/A.I. Rykov -- p.9 Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja/N. Bucharin -- p.26 Partija i trockizm/L.B. Kamenev -- p.87 Trockizm ili leninizm?/I.Stalin -- p.109 Bol'ševizm ili trockizm/G. Zinov'ev -- p.152 K voprosu ob urokach Oktjabrja/N. Krupskaja -- p.157 Kak podchodit' k istorii Oktjabrja?/G. Sokol'nikov -- p.168 Ob urokach trockizma/V. Molotov -- p.203 Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?/L.B. Kamenev -- p.210 "Uroki Oktjabrja" i trockizm/A. Bubnov -- p.241 Ne vsjakoe sredstvo dostigaet celi/A. Andreev -- p.248 Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'/Ė. Kviring -- p.259 O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov/D. Lebed' -- p.265 Kto soveršil Oktjabr'skuju revoljuciju?/I. Stepanov -- p.273 Teorija t. Trockogo i praktika našej revoljucii/G. Sokol'nikov -- p.285 Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike/N. Bucharin -- p.318 Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo/I. Stalin -- p.332 Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii/N. Bucharin -- p.374 Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"/O. Kuusinen -- p.395 "Oktjabrskie uroki" i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija/V. Kolarov -- p.412 Kak vooružalas revoljucija/S. Gusev -- p.428 Gruppa Trockogo/G. Mel'ničanskij -- p.433 Proloženie 1: Uroki Oktjabrja/L. Trockij -- p.487 Proloženie 2: Pis'mo t. L. Trockogo k t. M. Ol'minskomu
Angl.: For Leninism : collection of essays

IDN  08408         LLTB  Chapter
Za leninizm, protiv trockizma
: po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo. - [Moskva] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1925. - 240 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Komsomol i Oktjabr' (pis'mo CK, MK i LK RLKSM) -- p.10 Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja/[N.I. Bucharin] -- p.28 Kak podchodit' k istorii Oktjabrja/G. Sokol'nikov -- p.40 O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov/D. Lebed' -- p.47 Leninizm ili trockizm/L.B. Kamenev -- p.112 Trockizm ili leninizm/I.V. Stalin -- p.136 Trockizm ili leninizm/G. Safarov -- p.191 Bol'ševizm ili trockizm/G. Zinov'ev
Angl.: For Leninism, against Trotskyism : concerning comrade Trotsky's "The lessons of October"

IDN  08409         LLTB  Chapter
Zaluckij, Petr Antonovič: O sovremennom trockizme
/ P. Zaluckij. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1925. - 73 pp.
Angl.: On contemporary Trotskyism

IDN  08410         LLTB  Chapter
Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba leninskoj partii s antipartijnymi gruppirovkami i tečenijami v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925)
/ V.M. Zlobina
In: Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 170-215

Table of contents: p.170 Perechod k mirnomu stroitel'stvu -- p.172 Političeskaja suščnost' diskussii v partii o profsojuzach -- p.185 Bor'ba partii protiv izvraščenij strategičeskoj suščnosti nėpa trockistami i anarcho-sindikalistami posle X s"ezda RKP(b) -- p.200 Idejno-političeskoe bankrotstvo trockistsko-men'ševistskoj oppozicii v diskussii 1923-1924 gg. -- p.210 Idejno-političeskij krach popytok Trockogo podmenit' leninizm trockizmom
Notes: 93
Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party against anti-party groups and tendencies during the reconstruction period (1921-25)

IDN  08411         LLTB  Chapter
Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv melkoburžuaznogo vlijanija na rabočij klass v pervye gody NĖPa (1921-1925 gg.)
/ V.M. Zlobina. - Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1975. - 167 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie: Istoriografija problemy i charakteristika istočnikov -- p.29 Idejno-političeskaja pobeda bol'ševikov nad antipartijnymi gruppami v diskussii o profsojuzach - važnejšee uslovie ukreplenija vzaimootnošenij partii s rabočij klassom -- p.51 Perestrojka raboty profsojuzov i ukreplenie partijnogo rukovodstva imi v uslovijach perechoda k NĖPU -- p.93 Poraženie melkoburžuaznoj kontrrevoljucionnosti v strane -- p.105 Bor'ba kommunističeskoj partii za leninizm protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg. - važnejšee uslovie idejno-političeskoj spločennosti rabočego klassa vokrug svoego avangarda -- p.150 Idejno-političeskij krach diversii Trockogo, napravlennoj na podmenu leninizma trockizmom, v konce 1924 g. -- p.164 Zaključenie
Notes: 374
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle against the petty-bourgeois tendency in the working class during the first years of the NEP (1921-25)

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08412        Allen, Naomi: [Foreword] Introduction   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08413         LLTB  Chapter
Andreev, Andrej Andreevič: Na vsjakoe sredstvo dostigaet celi
/ A. Andreev
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 241-247

Other ed., versions, transl.: Not every effort is successful

IDN  08414         LLTB  Chapter
Andreev, Andrej Andreevič: Not every effort is successful
/ A. Andreev. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 576-581

Notes: 3
Orig.: Na vsjakoe sredstvo dostigaet celi

IDN  08415         LLTB  Chapter
Aratov, B.: Trockij ob Oktjabre

In: Volja Rossii ‹Praga› 4.1925 (1) : pp. 159-172

Angl.: Trotsky on October

IDN  08416         LLTB  Chapter
Astrov, Valentin V.: Suščestvuet li trockizm v organizacionnych voprosach?
/ V. Astrov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1924 (15/16) : pp. 50-58

Angl.: Does 'Trotskyism' exist with regard to organizational questions?

IDN  08417         LLTB  Chapter
Babachanjan, Sisak Akonovič: On comrade Trotsky's "The lessons of October"
/ N. Babakhan. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 188-198

Notes: 20

IDN  08418         LLTB  Chapter
Bordiga, Amadeo:
La cuestión Trotsky / trad. de Agusín Guillamón
In: Balance : cuadernos de historia del movimiento obrero internacional y de la Guerra de España ‹Barcelona› 2009 (34) : pp. 22-29

Other ed., versions, transl.: La questione Trotsky ; La question Trotsky
Angl.: The Trotsky question

IDN  08419         LLTB  Chapter
Bordiga, Amadeo:
La question Trotsky / Amédée Bordiga
In: Contre le courant ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-3879] 2.1928 (20/21) : pp. 22-27

Other ed., versions, transl.: La questione Trotsky ; La cuestión Trotsky
Angl.: The Trotsky question

IDN  08420         LLTB  Chapter
Bordiga, Amadeo:
La questione Trotsky
In: Corvisieri, S.: Trotskij e il comunismo italiano. (Roma, 1969) : pp. 192-204

Other ed., versions, transl.: La question Trotsky ; La cuestión Trotsky
Angl.: The Trotsky question

IDN  08421         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Boj proti Trockemu in razcep z nijm

In: Britovšek, M.: Carizem, revolucija, stalinizem. 2. (Ljubljana, 1980) : pp. 61-111

Notes: 57
Angl.: The struggle against Trotsky and the schism

IDN  08422         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Dileme "novega kurza" Leva Davidoviča Trockega
: ob njegovi politični rehabilitaciji ; referat na mednarodnem simpoziju o Trockem, Wuppertal, 26.-29.3.1990
In: Zgodovinski časopis ‹Ljubljana› [ISSN 0350-5774] 45.1991 (2) : pp. 259-268

Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Dilemmas des "Neuen Kurses" von Lew Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Die Dilemmata des "Neuen Kurses" von Leo Trotzki ; Trocki in proces destalinizacije v zgodovinski znanosti v Sovetski zvezi
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With German summary
Angl.: The dilemmas in Leon Davidovich Trotsky's "New course"

IDN  08423         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan:
Die Dilemmas des "Neuen Kurses" von Lew Davidowitsch Trotzki : (anläßlich seiner politischen Rehabilitation). - 26 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Dilemmata des "Neuen Kurses" von Leo Trotzki ; Dileme "novega kurza" Leva Davidoviča Trockega ; Trocki in proces destalinizacije v zgodovinski znanosti v Sovjetski zvezi
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: The dilemmas in Leon Trotsky's "New course"

IDN  08424         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan:
Die Dilemmata des "Neuen Kurses" von Leo Trotzki / Marjan Britovsek
In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 194-207

Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Dileme "novega kurza" Leva Davidoviča Trockega ; Die Dilemmas des "Neuen Kurses" von Lew Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Trocki in proces destalinizacije v zgodovinski znanosti v Sovjetski zvezi
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: The dilemmas in Leon Trotsky's "New course"

IDN  08425         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Trocki in proces destalinizacije v zgodovinski znanosti v Sovjetski zvezi
. - [1]-2
In: Anthropos ‹Ljubljana› [ISSN 0587-5161] 23.1991 (4/5) : pp. 7-22; 23.1991 (6) : pp. 223-239

Table of contents: [Pt.1:] p.11 Nesoglasja v Ruski komunistični partiji boljševikov - [Pt.2:] p.223 Trocki in triumvirat v polemičnem ognju -- p.233 Stalin utrjuje svojo oblast
Notes: 63
Other ed., versions, transl.: Dileme "novega kurza" Leva Davidoviča Trockega ; Die Dilemmas des "Neuen Kurses" von Lew Davidowitsch Trotzki ; Die Dilemmata des "Neuen Kurses" von Leo Trotzki
Rev. and essentially enlarged version of author's paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With Slovene and Engl. summaries
Angl.: Trotsky and the destalinization process in Soviet historiography

IDN  08426         LLTB  Chapter
Brjancev, Michail Vasil'evič: "Uroki Oktjabrja" L. D. Trockogo i bor'ba v verchach
: predstavlenija naselenija 1920-ch gg. / M.V. Brjancev
In: Vestnik archivista = Herald of an Archivist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-0101] 2019 (2) : pp. 467-479

Angl.: L.D. Trotsky's "The Lessons of October" and the struggle at the highest level

IDN  08427         LLTB  Chapter
Corney, Frederick Charles: Anatomy of a polemic
: introduction / Frederick C. Corney
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 1-85

Table of contents: p.5 The 'literary discussion' of 1924 -- p.9 Trotsky's challenge to Bolshevik, party, and revolution -- p.17 The party response to Trotsky's challenge -- p.31 The 'literary discussion' and the reinvention of 'Trotskyism' -- p.35 The content of the form: the polemical turn in Soviet history -- p.41 The road to the polemic -- p.47 The discussion of 1923 -- p.53 Unwelcome intrusions -- p.57 Actually existing 'Trotskyism'? -- p.60 The end of the road -- p.65 The long reach of 'Trotskyism' -- p.73 The party writes a history -- p.79 Post-mortem -- p.81 The after-life of Leon Trotsky
Notes: 389

IDN  08428         LLTB  Chapter
Corney, Frederick Charles: Narratives of October and the issue of legitimacy
/ Frederick C. Corney
In: Russian modernity : politics, knowledge, practices / ed. by D.L. Hoffmann [et al.] (Basingstoke [etc.], 2000) : pp. 185-203

IDN  08429        Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: "Novyj kurs" Trockogo i vnutripartijnaja diskussija v Sibiri   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08430         LLTB  Chapter
Democrazia e centralismo
: la discussione sul "Nuovo corso" nel Partito Comunista Sovietico (ott. 1923 - gen. 1924) / a cura di Anna Di Biagio. - Milano : Il Saggiatore, 1978. - 254 pp. - (Lo spazio politico ; 7)
Angl.: Democracy and centralism : the debate on the "New course" ...

IDN  08431         LLTB  Chapter
Fesenko, A.M.: K voprosu o "Novom kurse" L.D. Trockogo

In: Zapysky Istoryčnoho Fakul'tetu / Odes'kyj Deržavnyj Universytet Imeni I. I. Mečnykova ‹Odesa› [ISSN 2312-6825] 1999 (9) : pp. 261-266

Notes: 31

IDN  08432        Hincks, Darron: 'No better Bolshevik'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08433        Howe, Irving: Reviewing "The new course"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08434         LLTB  Chapter
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Partija v bor'be protiv trockistskoj revizii leninizma v 1924 godu
/ V.M. Ivanov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 3.1959 (4) : pp. 56-72

Notes: 80
Angl.: The party in struggle against the Trotskyist revision of Leninism in the year 1924

IDN  08435         LLTB  Chapter
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Razgrom trockistskich fal'sifikatorov istorii Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii
/ V.M. Ivanov
In: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, jazyk, literatura [partly: Serija istorii, jazyka i literatury] ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0024-0842] 14.1959 (8) : pp. 44-55

Notes: 41
With Engl. summary
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist falsifiers of the history of the October revolution

IDN  08436         LLTB  Chapter
Iz materialov partijnoj diskussii
: tov. Trockij o "Novom kurse" i otvet redakcii Centr. organa RKP "Pravdy". - 2. izd. - Tver' : Oktjabr', 1924. - 116 pp.
Reprinted from various issues of Pravda (Moskva), 1923-24
Angl.: From the material of the party discussion

IDN  08437         LLTB  Chapter
Kanatčikov, Semen Ivanovič:
The struggle for the party / S. Kanatchikov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 681-688

Notes: 4
Orig.: V bor'be za partiju

IDN  08438         LLTB  Chapter
Kanatčikov, Semen Ivanovič: V bor'be za partiju
/ S. Kanatčikov
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1925 (1=36) : pp. 5-13

Other ed., versions, transl.: The struggle for the party

IDN  08439         LLTB  Chapter
Keiser, Christel: Trotsky et les débuts de la lutte antibureaucratique en URSS

In: La Vérité : revue théorique de la IVe Internationale ‹Paris› [ISSN 0294-359X] N.s. 2010 (69=675=no.spéc.) : pp. 33-36

Notes: 8
Angl.: Trotsky and the beginnings of the antibureaucratic struggle in the USSR

IDN  08440         LLTB  Chapter
Kolarov, Vasil Petrov:
Die "Lehren des Oktober" und die KP Bulgariens / W. Kolarow
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (6) : pp. 67-72

Orig.: Oktjabr'skie uroki i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija
Other ed., versions, transl.: The 'lessons of October' and the Bulgarian Communist Party

IDN  08441         LLTB  Chapter
Kolarov, Vasil Petrov:
The 'Lessons of October' and the Bulgarian Communist Party / V. Kolarov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 464-480

Notes: 29
Orig.: 'Oktjabr'skie uroki' i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die "Lehren des Oktober" und die KP Bulgariens
Dated Dec. 20, 1924

IDN  08442         LLTB  Chapter
Kolarov, Vasil Petrov: 'Oktjabr'skie uroki' i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija
/ V. Kolarov
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Dec.20=nr.291) : p. 4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die "Lehren des Oktober" und die KP Bulgariens ; The 'lessons of October' and the Bulgarian Communist Party

IDN  08443         LLTB  Chapter
Kolarov, Vasil Petrov: 'Oktjabr'skie uroki' i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija
/ V. Kolarov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.20=nr.290) : pp. 2-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die "Lehren des Oktober" und die KP Bulgariens ; The 'Lessons of October' and the Bulgarian Communist Party

IDN  08444         LLTB  Chapter
Kolarov, Vasil Petrov: Oktjabr'skie uroki i Bolgarskaja Kommunističeskaja Partija
/ V. Kolarov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 395-412

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die "Lehren des Oktober" und die KP Bulgariens ; The 'Lessons of October' and the Bulgarian Communist Party

IDN  08445         LLTB  Chapter
Korsch, Karl: Leninismus und Trotzkismus
: Diskussionsrede [...] auf der Tagung des Leninistischen Klubs der KPD
In: Neue Zeitung für Großthüringen ‹Jena› 7.1925 (50)

Angl.: Leninism and Trotskyism

IDN  08446         LLTB  Chapter
Korsch, Karl: Trotzki als Geschichtsschreiber
. - 1-2
In: Neue Zeitung für Großthüringen ‹Jena› 6.1924 (221-222)

Angl.: Trotsky as historian

IDN  08447         LLTB  Chapter
Kozlov, Aleksandr Ivanovič:
Der Machtkampf in der KPR(B) 1923/24 / Alexander Koslow. Übers. aus dem Russ., Anm. und Zwischenüberschriften: Willi Gerns
In: Marxistische Blätter ‹Frankfurt a.M.› [ISSN 0542-7770] 31.1993 (4) : pp. 67-73

Orig.: Za fasadom diskussij 1923-1924 godov
Angl.: The struggle for power in the Communist Party of Russia 1923-24

IDN  08448         LLTB  Chapter
Kozlov, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Za fasadom diskussij 1923-1924 godov
/ Aleksandr Kozlov
In: Kommunist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0105-1725] 1990 (13=1365) : pp. 96-105

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Machtkampf in der KPR(B) 1923/24
Angl.: Behind the scene of the debate of 1923/24

IDN  08449         LLTB  Chapter
Leninism or Trotskyism
/ G.E. Zinoviev [et al.]. - Chicago, Ill. : Daily Worker Publ. Co., 1925. - 75 pp.

IDN  08450        Leninizm ili trockizm?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08451         LLTB  Chapter
Leninskoe i trockistskoe ponimanie dvižuščich sil russkoj revoljucii
/ Agitpropotdel, Leningradskaja Gubkoma RKP(b). - Leningrad : Rabočee Izd. Priboj, 1925. - 31 pp. - (Biblioteka 'Kommunističeskoj učeby')
Angl.: Leninist and Trotskyist views of the moving forces of the Russian revolution

IDN  08452         LLTB  Chapter
Die Levi-Ausgabe von Trotzkis "Lehren des Oktober" : eine Warnung / von J.S.
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (26) : pp. 387-388

Angl.: Levi's edition of Trotsky's "Lessons of October" : a warning

IDN  08453         LLTB  Chapter
Literaturnaja polemika po povodu knigi tov. Trockogo "1917"
: sbornik rečej, statej i rezoljucii. - Moskva : Izd-vo Proletarij, 1925. - 82 pp.
Angl.: Literary polemics on the occasion of comrade Trotsky's book "1917"

IDN  08454         LLTB  Chapter
"Den litterära debatten" 1924-25 i svensk kommunistpress : artikelsamling [Electronic resource]. - 634 KB (42 pp.)
Table of contents: p.1 Inledning -- p.5 Trotskijism eller leninism/A. Wallenius -- p.7 Trotskijs teori och bolsjevikrevolutionens praktik/G. Sokolnikov -- p.8 En misslyckad framställning av den 'tyske Oktober'/O.W. Kuusinen -- p.21 Bolsjevism eller trotskism?/G. Zinovjev
Notes: 13
Accessed Febr. 20, 2017
Angl.: "The literary debate" 1924-25 in the Swedish communist press

IDN  08455        Logika frakcionnoj bor'by   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08456         LLTB  Chapter
Mariani, Erminio Carlo:
Il "Nuovo corso" di Leone Trozki
In: Politica ‹Roma› [ISSN 1127-543X] 6.1924 (1/2=20) : pp. 94-103

Angl.: The "New course" of Leon Trotsky

IDN  08457         LLTB  Chapter
Maslow, Arkadij:
Die zwei russischen Revolutionen des Jahres 1917 : Beiträge zum Studium des Leninismus / A. Maslow. - 1. - Berlin : Vereinigung Internationaler Verlagsanstalten, 1925
1. Die allgemeinen Grundlagen der russischen Revolution. - 1925. - XXXXVIII, 280 pp.
Publication suspended with vol. 1
Angl.: The two Russian revolutions of 1917

IDN  08458         LLTB  Chapter
Nosov, Ivan Petrovič: O tovarišče Trockom i trockizme
: doklad na X. Simferopol'sk. konferencii 27 nojabrja 1924 g. / I. Nosov. - Simferopol : Krasnyj Krym, 1924. - 43 pp.
Angl.: About comrade Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  08459         LLTB  Chapter
O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo
: reči i stat'i [...]. - Artemovsk : Rabočij Donbassa, 1924. - 134 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Uroki Oktjabrja/L. Trockij -- p.44 Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja/[N.I. Bucharin] -- p.56 Leninizm ili trockizm?/L.B. Kamenev -- p.99 Trockizm ili leninizm?/I. Stalin -- p.115 Suščnost' trockizma/Ė. Kviring -- p.122 Kak podchodit' k istorii Oktjabrja?/G. Sokol'nikov -- p.130 Komsomol i Oktjabrja/C.K.R.L.K.S.M.
Angl.: On the literary appearance of comrade Trotsky

IDN  08460         LLTB  Chapter
Ob "Urokach Oktjabrja"
/ G. Zinov'ev [et al.] S pril. stat'i L. Trockogo "Uroki Oktjabrja". - Leningrad : Priboj, 1924. - 262 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Leninizm ili trockizm?/L. Kamenev -- p.71 Trockizm ili leninizm?/I. Stalin -- p.96 Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?/G. Zinov'ev -- p.145 Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'/Ė. Kving -- p.157 Kak podchodit' k istorii Oktjabrja/G. Sokol'nikov -- p.170 Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"/O. Kuusinen -- p.193 Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja/Redakcija C.O. ("Pravda") [i.e. N.I. Bucharin] -- p.212 Oktjabr' i Komsomol/RLKSM -- p.220 Priloženie: Uroki Oktjabrja/L. Trockij
Angl.: About "The Lessons of October"

IDN  08461         LLTB  Chapter
Ob "Urokach Oktjabrja"
/ G. Zinov'ev [et al.] S pril. stat'i L. Trockogo "Uroki Oktjabrja". - Geneva, 1976. - 262 pp.
Reprint of the 1924 ed.

IDN  08462        Pierre, André: La disgrâce de Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08463         LLTB  Chapter
Piontkovskij, Sergej Andreevič: Mistakes in "The lessons of October" by comrade Trotsky
/ S.A. Piontkovskii. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 595-606

Notes: 39
Orig.: Ošibki v "Urokach Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo

IDN  08464         LLTB  Chapter
Piontkovskij, Sergej Andreevič: Ošibki v "Urokach Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo
/ S. Piontkovskij
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1925 (1=36) : pp. 220-231

Other ed., versions, transl.: Mistakes in "The lessons of October" by comrade Trotsky

IDN  08465         LLTB  Chapter
Po povodu stat'i tov. Trockogo
: (otvet redakcii)
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1924 (12/13) : pp. 105-113

IDN  08466         LLTB  Chapter
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: "Cours nouveau"
: prologue d'une tragédie / A.M. Podchtchékoldine
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1990 (41) : pp. 91-97

Orig.: "Novji kurs" : prolog tragedii
Other ed., versions, transl.: The New course : prologue to tragedy

IDN  08467         LLTB  Chapter
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič:
The New course : prologue to tragedy / Aleksandr Podshchekoldin. Transl. by B. Simons
In: The Marxist Monthly : theoretical journal of the Marxist Party ‹London› [ISSN 1361-7354] 2.1989/90 (9) : pp. 368-377

Orig.: "Novji kurs" : prolog tragedii
Other ed., versions, transl.: "Cours nouveau" : prologue d'une tragédie

IDN  08468         LLTB  Chapter
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: "Novyj kurs"
: prolog tragedii / Aleksandr Podščekoldin
In: Molodoj kommunist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9077] 1989 (8=985) : pp. 45-50

Other ed., versions, transl.: "Cours nouveau" : prologue d'une tragédie ; The New course : prologue to tragedy

IDN  08469        Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: La "Révolution trahie" - comment et par qui?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08470        Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Kritika N.I. Bucharinym trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08471         LLTB  Chapter
Prado, Carlos:
O Novo curso : Trotski e a crítica à degeneração burocrática do partido [Electronic resource]
In: Eleuthería : revista do curso de filosofía [Electronic journal] ‹Mato Grosso do Sul› [ISSN 2527-1393] 2.2017 (3) : pp. 88-103 (156 KB)

Notes: 14
With Port and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Jan. 10, 2018
Angl.: The New course : Trotsky and his criticism of the bureaucratic degeneration of the party

IDN  08472         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv vystuplenija tov. Trockogo

In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Angl.: Against the appearance of Comrade Trotsky

IDN  08473        Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08474        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Lev Trockij i diskussija o "novom byte" v kontekste vnutripartijnoj bor'by 1923-1924 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  08475         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred: About the final 'warning' given to Trotsky
: the myth of Trotskyism
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 7.2000 (4) : pp. 94-109

Notes: 24
Orig.: La légende du trotskysme

IDN  08476         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred: About the 'final warning' given to Trotsky
: the myth of Trotskyism
In: Trotsky and the origins of Trotskyism / A. Rosmer [et al.] (London, 2002) : pp. 94-113, 135-136

Notes: 28
Orig.: La légende du trotskysme

IDN  08477         LLTB  Chapter
Rosmer, Alfred:
La légende du trotskysme : à propos du dernier "avertissement" donné à Trotsky / A. Rosmer
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] 1.1925 (Febr.) : pp. 1-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: About the final 'warning' given to Trotsky
Angl.: The myth of Trotskyism

IDN  08478         LLTB  Chapter
Semaško, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Čem važna diskussija o trockizme?
/ N. Semaško
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.27=nr.294) : p. 3

Angl.: For whom is the discussion on Trotskyism relevant?

IDN  08479         LLTB  Chapter
Semernina, M.P.: Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv revizionizma trockistov osen'ju 1924 g.
/ M.P. Semernina
In: Učenye zapiski / Rostovskij-na-Donu Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Institut, Kafedra Istorii KPSS ‹Rostov-na-Donu› 1958 (4=38) : pp. 161-179

Angl.: From the history of the Communist Party's struggle against the revisionism of the Trotskyists, autumn 1924

IDN  08480        Shachtman, Max: Trotsky and the 'New course'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08481        Shachtman, Max: Trotsky's struggle against Stalinism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08482        Shachtman, Max: Why Stalin defeated Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08483         LLTB  Chapter
Sinin, Evgenij Jur'evič: Kak planirovalas' diskreditacija L.D. Trockogo
: iz istorii "literarnoj diskussii" 1924 goda / E.Ju. Sinin
In: Gusevskie čtenija 2022 : tri izmerenija političeskoj istorii Rossii. (Moskva, 2022) : pp. 343-351

Paper originally submitted to the Vserossijskaja Nau čno-Praktičeskaja Konferencija (s Meždunarodnym Učastiem) "Gusevskie Čtenija", Moskva, Apr. 11-12, 2022
Angl.: How it was planned to discredit L.D. Trotsky

IDN  08484         LLTB  Chapter
Skvorcov-Stepanov, Ivan Ivanovič: Kto soveršil Oktjabr'skuju revoljuciju?
: po povodu "Istorii" Oktjabrja v knige Trockogo "1917" / I. Stepanov [i.e. Ivan Ivanovič Skvorcov-Stepanov]
In: Krasnaja molodež ‹Moskva› 1924 (3) : pp. 22-28

Other ed., versions, transl.: 'Who carried out the October revolution?'

IDN  08485         LLTB  Chapter
Skvorcov-Stepanov, Ivan Ivanovič: Kto soveršil Oktjabr'skuju revoljuciju?
: (po povodu "Istorii" Oktjabrja v knige Trockogo "1917") / I. Stepanov [i.e. Ivan Ivanovič Skvorcov-Stepanov]
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 265-272

Other ed., versions, transl.: 'Who carried out the October revolution?'

IDN  08486         LLTB  Chapter
Skvorcov-Stepanov, Ivan Ivanovič: 'Who carried out the October revolution?'
: (on the "history" of October in L. Trotsky's book "1917") / I. Stepanov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 139-146

Notes: 7
Orig.: Kto soveršil Oktjabr'skuju revoljuciju?

IDN  08487         LLTB  Chapter
Slusser, Robert Melville: On the question of Stalin's role in the Bolshevik revolution
/ Robert M. Slusser
In: Canadian Slavonic Papers ‹Toronto, Ont.› [ISSN 0008-5006] 19.1977 (4) : pp. 405-416

Notes: 41

IDN  08488         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Poraženie trockistov v voprosach partijnogo stroitel'stva
: (oktjabr' 1923 goda) / A.N. Šmelev
In: Sbornik trudov / Leningradskij Institut Sovetskoj Torgovli ‹Leningrad› 30.1967 : pp. 245-255

Angl.: The defeat of the Trotskyists on the issue of party building

IDN  08489         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Razoblačenie partiej popytok Trockogo podmenit' leninizm trockizmom
/ A.N. Šmelev
In: Učenye zapiski Kafedr Obščestvennych Nauk Vusov Leningrada : Istorija KPSS ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0132-0300] 9.1969 : pp. 16-27

Notes: 21
Angl.: The party's exposure of Trotsky's attempt to replace Leninism by Trotskyism

IDN  08490         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Razoblačenie partiej trockistskoj fal'sifikacii istorii Oktjabrja
/ A.N. Šmelev
In: Velikij Oktjabr' i istoričeskie zavoevanija sovetskogo naroda. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 143-153

Angl.: The party's exposure of the Trotskyist falsifications of the history of October

IDN  08491         LLTB  Chapter
Sovokin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: Leninskaja kritika trockizma po problemam istorii velikogo Oktjabrja
/ A.M. Sovokin
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1977 (8) : pp. 89-98

Notes: 58
Angl.: Leninist criticism of Trotskyism as regards the history of the great October revolution

IDN  08492         LLTB  Chapter
Stalin protiv Trockogo
: komu prinadležit prošloe? ; ("literaturnaja" diskussija 1924 goda) ; dokumenty i materialy. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1993. - 25 pp.
ISBN 5-250-01923-4

Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  08493         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: [Foreword] Vtoroj raund smertel'noj schvatki
/ V. Starcev
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 3-66

Notes: 48

IDN  08494         LLTB  Chapter
Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: "Uroki Oktjabrja" - v kavyčkach i bez
/ Vitalij Starcev
In: Tatarstan ‹Kazan'› [ISSN 0130-2418] 1991 (2) : pp. 31-40

Angl.: "The lessons of October" - with quotation marks and without

IDN  08495         LLTB  Chapter
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s trockizmom v period diskussii 1923-1924 gg.
/ A.G. Titov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 9.1963 (7) : pp. 39-52

Notes: 50
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against Trotskyism in the period of discussion, 1923-24

IDN  08496        Tkačenko, Inga Valer'janovna: Iz istorii bor'by s men'ševistsko-trockistskoj fal'sifikaciej istorii partii v 20-e gody   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08497        Tkačenko, Inga Valer'janovna: Problemy stanovlenija leninskoj koncepcii istorii partii i razoblačenija men'ševistsko-trockistskoj fal'sifikacii v istoriko-partijnoj literatury pervoj poloviny 20-ch godov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08498         LLTB  Chapter
Tobenkin, Elias: Trotsky's attack on the Soviet rulers

In: Current History ‹New York, NY› 21.1925 (5) : pp. 655-664

IDN  08499         LLTB  Chapter
Toussaint, Éric: Lénine et Trotsky face à la bureaucratisation de l'État soviétique (1920-1924)

In: Lutte de classe ‹Bruxelles› [ISSN 0774-6458] [N.s.] 1990 (2) : pp. 32-62

Table of contents: p.33 Remarques introductives -- p.34 Les cinq premières années de l'État ouvrier soviétique -- p.38 Le débat syndical (1920-1921) -- p.40 Le dernier combat de Lénine (fin 1922 - début 1923) -- p.44 Limites de la position de Lénine -- p.45 Un bloc Lénine-Trotsky contre Staline? -- p.48 Trotsky passe à l'offensive contre la bureaucratisation du parti (automne 1923) -- p.50 Le débat sur le Cours nouveau (déc. 1923 - jan. 1924) -- p.53 Quel bilan de la discussion sur le "Cours nouveau"? -- p.56 La mort de Lénine -- p.57 Conclusions: L'attitude de Lénine et de Trotsky face à la bureaucratisation -- p.60 Notes -- p.61 Bibliographie
Bibliogr.: pp. 61-62
Notes: 4
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin y Trotsky frente a la burocracia y a Stalin ; Lenin and Trotsky confronting the bureaucracy
Angl.: Lenin and Trotsky faced with the bureaucratization of the Soviet state (1920-24)

IDN  08500         LLTB  Chapter
Trockij o Lenine i leninizme
: sbornik materialov / pod red. G. Safarova. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1925. - 211 pp. - (Za partiju, za leninizm)
Angl.: Trotsky on Lenin and Leninism : collection of materials

IDN  08501        Trotsky and the Russian Left Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08502         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky's challenge
: the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by Frederick C. Corney. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, [2015]. - XVII, 836 pp. - (Historical materialism book series [ISSN 1570-1522] ; 114)
ISBN 978-90-04-21725-6

Table of contents: p.XIII Preface/F.C. Corney -- p.1 Introduction: Anatomy of a polemic/F.C. Corney -- p.86 [Documents 1-30 (Writings by Trotsky, Stepanov, Bucharin, Lebed', Sokol'nikov, Kamenev, Zinov'ev, Kuusinen, Stalin, Molotov, Rykov, Krupskaja, Safarov et al. about "The lessons of October")...] -- p.689 Appendix 1/P. Levi -- p.696 Appendix 2/K. Kautsky -- p.703 Glossary -- p.801 Bibliography -- p.822 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 801-821
See also entries under authors/titles of the items collected in this volume

IDN  08503         LLTB  Chapter
Trotsky's challenge
: the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / ed., ann. and introd. by Frederick C. Corney. - Chicago, Ill. : Haymarket Books, 2017. - XVI, 836 pp. - (Historical materialism book series)
ISBN 978-1-60846-704-4

Bibliogr.: pp. 801-821

IDN  08504        Trotzki und die russische Linke Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08505         LLTB  Chapter
Um den Oktober
. - Hamburg : Hoym, 1925. - 227 pp.
On cover: 1917
Collection of articles and speeches by L.B. Kamenev, G.E. Zinov'ev, B. Kun, I.V. Stalin, N.I. Bucharin et al.
Angl.: Concerning October

IDN  08506        Vjatkin, Aleksandr Jakovlevič: Razgrom Kommunističeskoj Partiej trockizma i drugich antileninskich grupp   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08507         LLTB  Chapter
Vokrug stat'i L.D. Trockogo "Uroki Oktjabrja"
: (oktjabr' 1924 g. - aprel' 1925 g.) / publikacija podgotovili Ju. Murin, A. Stepanov, A. Černev. - [1-2]
In: Izvestija CK KPSS : informacionnye ežemesjačnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0235-7097] 1991 (7=318) : pp. 158-177; 1991 (8=319) : pp. 179-196

Notes: 79
Angl.: About L.D. Trotsky's essay "The lessons of October"

IDN  08508         LLTB  Chapter
Winternitz, Joseph: Leninismus und Trotzkismus
/ Lenz [i.e. Joseph Winternitz]
In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 8.1925 (2) : pp. 92-100

Angl.: Leninism and Trotskyism

IDN  08509        Za leninizm   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08510        Za leninizm, protiv trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08511        Zlobina, Vera Maksimovna: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov s trockistami i "levymi kommunistami" v period mirnych peregovorov v Breste i pervych socialističeskich preobrazovanij v strane (1918-1921)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08512         LLTB  Chapter
Žuravskij, Jurij Iosifovič: Borot'ba radjans'kych istorykiv 20-ch rokiv proty troc'kists'kych fal'sifikatoriv roli V.I. Lenina v peremozi velykoho žovtnja
/ Ju.I. Žuravs'kyj
In: Pytannja istoriï SRSR ‹Charkiv› 1974 (18) : pp. 43-51

Angl.: The struggle of Soviet historians in the 1920s against the Trotskyist falsifiers of V.I. Lenin's role in the preparation of the great revolution

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08513        Azarenko, Vera Michajlovna: Bol'ševistskaja pečat' kak instrument vnutripartijnoj bor'by (1920-1928 gg)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08514        Berezovskaja, L.V.: Sibirskie partijnye žurnaly v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1924 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08515         LLTB  Chapter
Bogatikova, G.I.: Značenie opyta bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma v 20-e gody dlja političeskoj zakalki molodeži

In: Dejatel'nost' KPSS po kommunističeskomu vospitaniju molodeži i ee značenie dlja marksistko-leninskich partij. (Moskva, 1982) : pp. 44-55

Angl.: Significance of the experience of the Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism in the 1920s for the political education of the youth

IDN  08516         LLTB  Chapter
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)
. - 40 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref diss., 1984
Bibliogr.: pp. 39-40

IDN  08517         LLTB  Chapter
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)
. - 498 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1984
Angl.: Party control of the Komsomol in the reconstruction period (1921-25)

IDN  08518         LLTB  Chapter
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom, 1921-1925
/ V.A. Dines. - Saratov : Izd-vo Saratovskogo Univ., 1983. - 366 pp.
Angl.: Party control of the Komsomol, 1921-1925

IDN  08519         LLTB  Chapter
Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Učastie Komsomola v bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma za molodež' v period partijnoj diskussii 1923-1924 gg.
/ V.A. Dines
In: Iz istorii socialističeskogo stroitel'stva. 4. (Saratov, 1974) : pp. 139-162

Notes: 70
Angl.: Komsomol's participation in the struggle of the Communist Party against Trotskyism and for the youth, in the period of the party discussion, 1923-24

IDN  08520         LLTB  Chapter
Dmitrenko, Sergej Leonidovič: Spločennymi rjadami
: Komsomol v bor'be protiv trockizma / S.L. Dmitrenko. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1987. - 198 pp.
Angl.: Close-knit rows : Komsomol in struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  08521         LLTB  Chapter
Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: Iz istorii bor'by partii i Komsomola s trockizmom za molodež
. - Moskva : Vysšaja Komsomol'skaja Škola pri CK VLKSM, 1988. - 28 pp.
Angl.: On the history of the struggle for the youth waged by the party and by Komsomol

IDN  08522         LLTB  Chapter
Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: Problemy edinstva Komsomola vo vnutripartijnoj bor'be 20-ch godov
/ V.V. Dolgov. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1989. - 199 pp.
Angl.: Problems of Komsomol's unity in the inner-party struggle of the 1920s

IDN  08523         LLTB  Chapter
Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: S bol'šaka na staryj proselok
: (trockizm v molodežnom dviženii v 20-e gody)
In: Pozyvnye istorii. 9. (Moskva, 1990) : pp. 119-136

Notes: 51
Angl.: From midway to country road : Trotskyism and the youth movement in the 1920s

IDN  08524         LLTB  Chapter
Gorlov, S.V.: Rol' partijnoj pečati v bor'be protiv trockistskoj popytki podmenit' leninizm trockizmom
: (osen' 1924 - 1925 gg.)
In: Istoričeskij opyt socialističeskich preobrazovanij v SSSR. (Moskva, 1984) : pp. 57-70

Angl.: The role of the party press in the struggle against Trotskyist attempts to substitute Leninism by Trotskyism (Autumn 1924 - 1925)

IDN  08525        Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba RKP(b)-VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08526         LLTB  Chapter
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Partijnaja i sovetskaja pečat' Ukrainy v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosu o vozmožnosti postroenija socializma v SSSR
: (1926-1927 gg.) / V.A. Grečenko
In: Naučnye trudy po istorii KPSS ‹Kiev› [ISSN 0136-4928] 1985 (137) : pp. 101-107

Angl.: The Soviet and party press of the Ukraine in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc regarding the possibility of building socialism in the USSR (1926-27)

IDN  08527         LLTB  Chapter
Kirkiš, Kuprijan Osipovič: Komsomol i trockizm
: doklad na Char'kovskom aktive LKSMU / K. Kirkiš. - [Char'kov] : Proletarij, 1923. - 48 pp.
Angl.: Komsomol and Trotskyism

IDN  08528         LLTB  Chapter
The Komsomol and October : (on comrade Trotsky's "The Lessons of October") / Central Committee of Komsomol, Moscow Committee of Komsomol, Leningrad Committee of Komsomol. [Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin. Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 163-168

Notes: 10
Orig.: Komsomol i Oktjabr'
Dated Nov. 12, 1924

IDN  08529         LLTB  Chapter
Komsomol i Oktjabr'
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo) / [Central'nyj Komitet RLKSM. Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin.]. - Leningrad : Gosizdat, 1924. - 12 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Komsomol and October
Angl.: Komsomol and October : on the occasion of comrade Trotsky's "Lessons of October"

IDN  08530         LLTB  Chapter
Komsomol i Oktjabr'
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo) / C.K.R.L.K.S.M. [Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin]
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 130-134

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Komsomol and October

IDN  08531         LLTB  Chapter
Komsomol i Oktjabr'
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo) / Central'nyj Komitet RLKSM. [Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.12=nr.257) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Komsomol and October

IDN  08532         LLTB  Chapter
Komsomol i Oktjabr'
/ [Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin]
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Komsomol and October

IDN  08533         LLTB  Chapter
Komsomol i Oktjabr'
: (pis'mo CK, MK i LK RLKSM) / [Presumable author: Nikolaj Pavlovič Čaplin]
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 3-9

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Komsomol and October

IDN  08534         LLTB  Chapter
Koval', N.L.: Po roli partijno-sovetskoj pečati v idejno-političeskom razgrome antipartijnych frakcij i grupp (1921-1925 gg.)
: 1923-1924 gg.
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv buržuaznoj ideologii, opportunizma i sovremennost'. (Leningrad, 1979)

Angl.: About the role of the Soviet party press in the ideological-political smashing of the anti-party factions and groups (1921-25)

IDN  08535         LLTB  Chapter
Kozlov, Valerij Nikitovič: Partijno-sovetskaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg.
/ V.N. Kozlov
In: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv opportunizma. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 108-116

Notes: 33
Angl.: The Soviet party press in struggle against Trotskyism, 1923-24

IDN  08536         LLTB  Chapter
Kurepin, A.A.: Iz istorii bor'by partii protiv vlijanija trockizma na kommunističeskoe studenčestvo
: 1923-1924 gg.
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv buržuaznoj ideologii, opportunizma i sovremennost'. (Leningrad, 1979) : pp. 39-46

Angl.: From the history of the party's struggle against the influence of Trotskyism in the communist student movement

IDN  08537         LLTB  Chapter
Kuznecov, Jurij Sergeevič: Trotskyism in Turkmenistan
/ [Jurij Sergeevič Kuznecov]
In: Central Asian Review ‹London› [ISSN 0577-0602] 9.1961 (2) : pp. 144-148

Based upon author's "Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii Turkmenistana za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov"

IDN  08538         LLTB  Chapter
Markijanov, Boris Kirillovič: Bor'ba KP(b)B s trockistami v 1923 g.
/ B.K. Markijanov
In: Markijanov, B.K.: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii Belorussii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg. (Minsk, 1961) : pp. 114-127

Notes: 36
Angl.: The struggle of the Belorussian CP against the Trotskyists in 1923

IDN  08539        Murphy, Kevin: Opposition at the local level   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08540        Murphy, Kevin: L'opposition de gauche à l'Usine de la Faucille et du Marteau   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08541         LLTB  Chapter
Oktjabr' i Komsomol
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 212-218

Angl.: October and Komsomol

IDN  08542         LLTB  Chapter
Oktjabr' i Komsomol
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 212-218

IDN  08543         LLTB  Chapter
Oktjabr' i Komsomol
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 323-329

Notes: 10
Angl.: October and Komsomol

IDN  08544         LLTB  Chapter
Pisareva, L.V.: K voprosu o bor'be partii za studenčestvo protiv trockizma

In: Iskusstvo uzbeždat' massy. (Gor'kij, 1971) : pp. 77-95

Notes: 89
Angl.: About the party's struggle for the students, against Trotskyism

IDN  08545         LLTB  Chapter
Samofalov, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Političeskaja diskussija v RKP(b) 1923/24 gg. i partijnaja molodež
: posledstvija i uroki. - 19 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Avtoref. diss., 1992
Director of thesis: N.V. Truščenko

IDN  08546         LLTB  Chapter
Samofalov, Nikolaj Michajlovič: Političeskaja diskussija v RKP(b) 1923/24 gg. i partijnaja molodež
: posledstvija i uroki. - 170 pp.
Moskva, Gosudarstvennaja Akad. Upravlenija, Diss., 1992
Director of thesis: N.V. Truščenko
Angl.: The political discussion within the RKP(B) in 1923/24 and the party youth

IDN  08547         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba RKP(b) protiv trockizma za studenčeskuju molodež' (1923-1924 gg.)
/ A.N. Šmelev
In: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv opportunizma. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 116-126

Notes: 36
Angl.: The struggle of the Russian CP for the students (1923-24) against Trotskyism

IDN  08548         LLTB  Chapter
Sorlin, Pierre:
La crise du Parti Communiste Bolchevik et les débuts du "Bolchevik", avril 1924 - avril 1925
In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine ‹Paris› [ISSN 0048-8003] 9.1962 (2) : pp. 81-110

Angl.: The crisis of the Bolshevik Communist Party and the launching of 'Bolshevik', April 1924 - April 1925

IDN  08549         LLTB  Chapter
Sulemov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Iz istorii bor'by s trockizmom v molodežnom dviženii
/ V. Sulemov
In: Molodoj kommunist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9077] 1967 (4) : pp. 30-42

Angl.: On the history of the struggle against Trotskyism within the youth movement

IDN  08550         LLTB  Chapter
Sulemov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: "Ložnye druz'ja" molodeži
: (iz istorii bor'by s trockizmom v molodežnom dviženii) / V.A. Sulemov
In: Oružie bor'by. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 145-192

Angl.: "False friends" of the youth : on the history of the struggle against Trotskyism in the youth movement

IDN  08551         LLTB  Chapter
Trockizm i molodež'
: sbornik materialov / Leningradskij Gubernskij Komitet RLKSM. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1924. - 48 pp. - (Za partiju, za leninizm)
Angl.: Trotskyism and the youth : collection of materials

IDN  08552         LLTB  Chapter
Varejkis, Iosif Michajlovič: Očerednaja zadača partijnoj pečati
: k voprosu ob idejnoj i teoretičeskoj bor'be antibol'ševistskim vystupleniem tov. Trockogo / I. Varejkis
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.5=no.177) : p. 3

Angl.: A topical task of the party press : about the ideological and theoretical struggle against the anti-Bolshevik appearance of comrade Trotsky

IDN  08553         LLTB  Chapter
Zolotarev, V.A.: K istorii učastija Komsomola Sibiri v bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii za leninizm, protiv trockizma (1924-1925 gg.)
/ V.A. Zolotarev
In: Sibir' i Dal'nij Vostok v period vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva. 2. (Tomsk, 1963) : pp. 80-95

Notes: 32
Angl.: To the history of the participation of the Siberian Komsomol in the struggle of the Communist Party for Leninism and against Trotskyism (1924-25)

IDN  08554        Zubkov, S.N.: Žurnal "Bol'ševik" - partijnaja tribuna idejnogo razgroma trockizma (1924-1927 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08555         LLTB  Chapter
After sixteen years of silence
: (on Trotsky's article "Did Stalin poison Lenin?") / Leninist League. - New York, NY, 1940. - 11 pp.

IDN  08556         LLTB  Chapter
Anfert'ev, Ivan Anatol'evič: L. D. Trockij, G. E. Zinov'ev, L. B. Kamenev : nesostojavšiesja preemniki V.I. Lenina
: publicističeskaja programma L'va Trockogo / Ivan A. Anfert'ev
In: Vestnik RGGU : Serija Istorija, filologija, kul'turologija, vostokovedenie = RSUH Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-6355] 2018 (5) : pp. 37-48

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: L.D. Trotsky, G.E. Zinoviev, and L.B. Kamenev : the failed successors to V.I. Lenin

IDN  08557         LLTB  Chapter
Die Antwort der Mitglieder des Politbüros auf den Brief Trotzkis vom 8. Oktober [1923]
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 204-206

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: Reply of the members of the Politbureau to Trotsky's letter dated Oct. 8, 1923

IDN  08558         LLTB  Chapter
Arsić, Draginja: Sukob Politbiro - Trocki

In: Arsić, D.: Društveno-ekonomski koreni staljinizma. (Beograd, 1972) : pp. 82-97

Notes: 18
Angl.: The conflict between the Politbureau and Trotsky

IDN  08559         LLTB  Chapter
Badaev, Evgenij Vasil'evič: Voprosy "sovetskogo byta" v političeskoj diskussii 20-ch godov XX veka
/ E.V. Badaev ; O.V. Birjukova
In: Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Istorija = Tomsk State University Journal of History ‹Tomsk› [ISSN 1998-8613] 2019 (57) : pp. 55-59

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Questions of "Soviet life" in the political debate of the 20s of XX century

IDN  08560         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Trocki v boju proti vodilni skupini

In: Britovšek, M.: Carizem, revolucija, stalinizem. 2. (Ljubljana, 1980) : pp. 50-61

Notes: 20

IDN  08561         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre: Trockij 1923-ban az SZKP-ben

In: A nemzetközi munkásmozgalom történetéböl ‹Budapest› [ISSN 0133-476X] 30.2004(2003) : pp. 8-9

Notes: 5
Excerpted from author's "Le parti bolchevique", Paris, 1963

IDN  08562         LLTB  Chapter
Buranov, Jurij Alekseevič: "Delo" Maksa Istmana
/ Ju. Buranov
In: Trudnye voprosy istorii : poiski, razmyšlenija, novyj vzgljad na sobytija i fakty / sost.: N.M. Taranev. (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 73-82

Angl.: The "case" of Max Eastman

IDN  08563         LLTB  Chapter
Buranov, Jurij Alekseevič: Tri dnja
/ Jurij Buranov
In: Prepodavanie istorii v škole ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-0696] 1989 (2) : pp. 42-51

Angl.: 3 days

IDN  08564         LLTB  Chapter
Chamberlin, William Henry:
The triumvirate and Trotsky : the political cost to Lenin's great disciple opposing his colleagues / William H. Chamberlin
In: Asia ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0891-3536] 25.1925 : pp. 477-482

IDN  08565         LLTB  Chapter
Corin, Chris: Stalin's defeat of Trotsky and his allies
: key sources
In: History Review ‹Bedford› [ISSN 0962-9610] 2011 (71) : pp. 24-25

IDN  08566         LLTB  Chapter
Dan, Fedor Il'ič: Konec Trockogo
/ F. Dan
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 4.1924 (22/23=93/94) : pp. 8-9

Angl.: The end of Trotsky

IDN  08567         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max: Autour du "testament" de Lénine

In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 9.1965 (1) : pp. 78-85

Notes: 4
Transl. from the Engl.
Angl.: Around Lenin's "testament"

IDN  08568         LLTB  Chapter
Gileva, Elena Ivanovna: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov v period meždu XII i XIII s"ezdami (aprel' 1923 - maj 1924 gg.)
. - 15 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1953

IDN  08569         LLTB  Chapter
Gordon, Roderick: Stalin vs Trotsky
: leadership 1923-27 ; how and why was Stalin able to defeat his rival Trotsky and establish his dominance of the Soviet Union [...]
In: Modern History Review ‹Deddington› [ISSN 0956-0726] 5.1994 (4) : pp. 10-12

Notes: 2

IDN  08570         LLTB  Chapter
Hedeler, Wladislaw: Wider "Trotzkismus" und "Antitrotzkismus"
: eine bisher unbekannte Rede Leo Trotzkijs vom Oktober 1923 / Wladislaw Hedeler ; Ruth Stoljarowa. Deutsche Übers. von R. Stoljarowa
In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0044-2828] 40.1992 (2) : pp. 53-55

Notes: 6, 41
On pp. 55-68 text of speech of L. Trotsky, delivered at the joint meeting of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, Moscow, Oct. 26, 1923. First publ. in: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva›, 1990 (5)
Angl.: Against "Trotskyism" and "Anti-Trotskyism"

IDN  08571         LLTB  Chapter
Hedeler, Wladislaw: Wider "Trotzkismus" und "Antitrotzkismus"
: eine bisher unbekannte Rede Leo Trotzkis vom Oktober 1923 / Wladislaw Hedeler ; [Ruth Stoljarowa. Deutsche Übers. von R. Stoljarowa]
In: Hedeler, W.: Stalin, Trotzki, Bucharin. (Mainz, 1994) : pp. 93-95

Notes: 47
On pp. 95-109: Text of speech of L. Trotsky (plus notes), delivered at the joint meeting of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, Moscow, Oct. 26, 1923. First publ. in: Voprosy istorii KPSS (Moskva), 1990 (5)

IDN  08572         LLTB  Chapter
Hunter, J.C.: Trotsky and the suppression of Lenin's testament
. - New York, NY : Leninist League, U.S.A., 1940. - 8 pp.

IDN  08573         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: Mifologija voždej revoljucii v političeskom kontekste serediny 20-ch godov
= The mythology of the leaders of the revolution in the political context of the mid-20s [Electronic resource] / A.L. Jurganov
In: RussianStudiesHu [Electronic journal] ‹Budapest› [ISSN 2677-0660] 4.2022 (1) : pp. 195-236 (1.080 MB)

With Engl. abstract
Accessed June 6, 2023

IDN  08574         LLTB  Chapter
Kaljagin, Andrej Vladimirovič: Social'no-ėkonomičeskie vzljady L.D. Trockogo v period vnutripartijnoj diskussii 1926-1927 gg.
/ A.V. Kaljagin
In: Samarskij istoričeskij ežegodnik ‹Samara› [ISSN 1993-4734] 1993 : pp. 79-87

Notes: 30
Angl.: Socio-economic views of L.D.Trotsky in the period of the inner-party discussions 1926-27

IDN  08575         LLTB  Chapter
Levaja oppozicija v RKP(b) i VKP(b)
[Electronic resource]. - 31 KB (8 pp.)
Wikipedia article (in Russian language)
Accessed Aug. 13, 2012
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the VKP(B)

IDN  08576         LLTB  Chapter
Minina, M.S.: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s trockizmom po voprosam ėkonomičeskoj politiki v diskussii 1923 g.

In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socialističeskoj revoljucii i postroenie kommunističeskogo obščestva. 2. (Moskva, 1971) : pp. 339-357

Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism on the issue of economic politics in the discussion of 1923

IDN  08577        Ob osnovnych ošibkach teorii "permanentnoj revoljucii"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08578         LLTB  Chapter
Odesskij, Michail Pavlovič: Publicističeskij dialog K. Malaparte i L.D. Trockogo (roman "Bal v Kremle")
= Curtio [sic!] Malapartes' polemic with L. Trotsky (the novel "The ball at the Kremlin") / Michail P. Odesskij
In: Vestnik RGGU : Serija Literaturovedenie, jazykoznanie, kul'turologija = RSUH/RGGU Bulletin : Literary theory, linguistics, cultural studies series ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2686-7249] 2019 (9) : pp. 109-117

Notes: 13
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  08579         LLTB  Chapter
Orlov, Igor Borisovič: Social'no-ėkonomičeskie aspekty vnutripartijnoj diskussii 1923-1924 godov
/ I.B. Orlov. - Moskva : IRI RAN, 1994. - 91 pp.
Angl.: Socio-economic aspects of the inner-party debates 1923-24

IDN  08580         LLTB  Chapter
Palvadre, Jakob: Trotskismi alused ja leninism
. - Leningrad : Eesti Kirjastuse Uhsius, 1925. - 42 pp.

IDN  08581         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlova, Irina Vladimirovna: Zagadki vnutripartijnoj bor'by (1923-1929 gg.)
/ I.V. Pavlova
In: Sovetskaja istorija : problemy i uroki / otv. red.: V.I. Šiškin. (Novosibirsk, 1992) : pp. 80-112

Table of contents: p.80 Zigzagi sovetskoj istoriografii -- p.85 Voprosy, ostajuščiesja bez otvetov -- p.88 Problema istočnikov -- p.91 Lovuška dlja oppozicii -- p.101 Tragedija Lenina -- p.110 Primečanija
Notes: 55
Angl.: Enigmas of the inner-party struggle (1923-29)

IDN  08582         LLTB  Chapter
Pereira, Norman G. O.: Stalin and the Communist Party in the 1920s

In: History Today ‹London› [ISSN 0018-2753] 42.1992 (Aug.) : pp. 16-22

IDN  08583         LLTB  Chapter
Podščekoldin, Aleksandr Michajlovič: Na puti k "neob'jatnoj vlasti", ili Načalo stalinščiny
/ A. Podščekoldin. - 6 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Trotsky's death, Tokyo, Nov. 2-4, 1990
Angl.: On the road to "unrestricted power" or The birth of Stalinism

IDN  08584         LLTB  Chapter
Pogorelskin, Alexis: Kamenev and the peasant question
: the turn to opposition, 1924-1925
In: Russian History = Histoire russe ‹Idyllwild, Cal.› [ISSN 0094-288X] 27.2000 (4) : pp. 381-395

Notes: 101

IDN  08585         LLTB  Chapter
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Pobit' ego Leninym i faktami
: praktiki političeskogo kul'ta v diskussii 1920-ch godov = To defeat him by quoting Lenin and facts : practices of the political cult in discussions of the 1920s / Timofej Rakov
In: Quaestio Rossica ‹Ekaterinburg› [ISSN 2311-911X] 8.2020 (2) : pp. 488-502

Notes: 5
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  08586        Reiman, Michal: Trockij i bor'ba za leninskoe nasledstvo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08587        Reiman, Michal: Trotsky and the struggle for 'Lenin's heritage'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08588         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič:
The Left Opposition within the RCP(b), 1923-1924 : PhD project [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr V. Reznik
In: The International Newsletter of Communist Studies = Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung = La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme [Electronic journal] ‹Bochum› [ISSN 1862-698X] 2011 = no.24 : pp. 39-40

Author's report about his master thesis "Levaja oppozicija v RKP(b), 1923-1924 gg.", Evropejskij Univ., Sankt-Peterburg, 2011
Accessed Sept. 29, 2011

IDN  08589        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Leon Trotsky, the cultural debates, and the political struggle in 1923   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  08590        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Oppozicija 1923 goda v RKP(b) po materialam Permi   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08591         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: "Pravda", voobraženie i vlast'
: političeskoe kartografirovanie vnutripartijnoj oppozicii 1923 goda / Aleksandr Reznik
In: The NEP Era : Soviet Russia 1921-1928 ‹Idyllwild, Cal.› [ISSN 1937-1241] 6.2012 : pp. 27-53

Notes: 106
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
"Re-examines the level of support for the Left Opposition in the RCP(b) during the intra-party struggle at the turn of 1923-1924...Unlike previous scholarly treatments...this article focuses on the mental maps created by the conflicting parties. The most active 'political cartographer' was the party newspaper Pravda" [from the Engl. abstract]
Angl.: "Pravda", imagination and power : political chart-making of the inner-party opposition 1923

IDN  08592         LLTB  Chapter
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Social'nyj protest i političeskaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskoj partii v 1923-1924 gg.
/ Aleksandr Reznik
In: Puti Rossii : istorizacija social'nogo opyta / pod. obšč. red. M.G. Pugačevoj. 18. (Moskva, 2013) : pp. 324-332

Notes: 14
Angl.: Social protest and political struggle in the Bolshevik party 1923-24

IDN  08593         LLTB  Chapter
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: "I vot togda ja stal trockistskom"
: k voprosu o formirovanii identičnosti oppozicionera v 1920-e gg. / V.V. Šabalin
In: Istorija v podrobnostjach ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2078-1903] 2016 (1/2=67/68) : pp. 84-89

Angl.: "And that's when I became a Trotskyist"

IDN  08594         LLTB  Chapter
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v SSSR

In: Učenye zapiski Gumanitarnogo Fakulteta ‹Perm'› 2004 (8) : pp. 233-247

Angl.: The Left Opposition in the USSR

IDN  08595         LLTB  Chapter
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: "Rabočij, člen partii s 1911 goda..."
: (prezentacionnye technologii levoj oppozicii v 1920-1930-ch gg.) / V.V. Šabalin
In: Prezentacii v sovremennoj kul'ture. (Perm', 2006) : pp. 63-72

Notes: 18
Paper submitted to the Vosemnadcataja Vserossijskaja Konferencija Studentov, Aspirantov, Doktorantov "Majskie Čtenija", Perm', May 23, 2006
Angl.: "Worker, party member since 1911"

IDN  08596         LLTB  Chapter
Saburov, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Bor'ba s trockizmom po voprosu razvitija ėkonomičeskich vzaimootnošenij meždu gorodom i derevnej v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg.)
/ N.N. Saburov
In: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv opportunizma. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 97-108

Notes: 42
Angl.: The struggle against Trotskyism on the issue of the development of economic relations between town and village during the reconstruction period (1921-25)

IDN  08597         LLTB  Chapter
Sinin, Evgenij Jur'evič: Apelljacija k istoričeskomu faktu v rabote I.V. Stalina "Trockizm ili leninizm?"
[Electronic resource]. - 169 KB (14 pp.)
In: Nauka v megapolise = Science in a Megapolis [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› 2020 (9=25)

Dated Nov. 2020
Accessed March 20, 2023
Angl.: An appeal to the historical fact in the work of I.V. Stalin "Trotskyism or Leninism?"

IDN  08598         LLTB  Chapter
The Stalinist Thermidor, the Left Opposition and the Red Army
In: Spartacist : English edition ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 0038-6596] 1999 (55) : pp. 2-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der stalinistische Thermidor, die Linke Opposition und die Rote Armee

IDN  08599         LLTB  Chapter
Der stalinistische Thermidor, die Linke Opposition und die Rote Armee
In: Spartacist : Deutsche Ausg. ‹New York, NY› 2000 (21) : pp. 2-5, 27

Orig.: The Stalinist Thermidor, the Left Opposition and the Red Army

IDN  08600         LLTB  Chapter
Suzdal'cev, Il'ja Alekseevič: Ob osobennostjach perenesenija voprosa o vnutripartijnoj diskussii v RKP(b) v Komintern v 1924 g.
= On the peculiarities of transmitting in 1924 the question of inner-party discussion of the RCP(B) into the Comintern / I.A. Suzdal'cev
In: Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Oblastnogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija i političeskie nauki = Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University : History and political sciences ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2072-8360] 2017 (5) : pp. 154-162

Notes: 6
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  08601         LLTB  Chapter
Thatcher, Ian Dennis: Trotskii and Lenin's funeral, 27 January 1924
: a brief note / Ian D. Thatcher
In: History : journal of the Historical Association ‹Oxford etc.› [ISSN 0018-2648] 94.2009 (2=314) : pp. 194-202

Notes: 35
With abstract
"This brief note seeks to clarify what Trotsky claimed about his absence from Lenin's funeral and in which texts, for there are different versions. It will also chart how historians have reported this incident. Finally it will assess how far archival materials [...] can shed new light." [from the abstract]

IDN  08602         LLTB  Chapter
Ticktin, Hillel H.: What if the Left Opposition had taken power?
/ Hillel Ticktin
In: New Interventions ‹Brighton; later: Worthing; later: Coventry› [ISSN 1464-6757] 8.1997/98 (2) : pp. 26-29

IDN  08603         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič:
Die "Kunst des Aufstandes" und innerparteiliche Intrigen im Oktober 1923 / vorbereitet und kommentiert von Aleksandr Vatlin und Leonid Luks
In: Forum für Osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte ‹Köln, etc., later: Stuttgart› [ISSN 1433-4887] 1.1997 (2) : pp. 227-242

IDN  08604        Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič: L. Trockij v VSNCh   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08605        Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija i bor'ba s neju   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08606         LLTB  Chapter
Abramov, Boris Alekseevič: Idejnaja bor'ba partii protiv trockistov i zinov'evcev v period podgotovki i provedenija XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
/ B.A. Abramov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Znanie, 1959. - 47 pp. - (Vsesojuznoe Obščestvo po Rasprostraneniju Političeskich i Naučnych Znanij : Serija 1, Istorija ; 30)
Angl.: The conceptional struggle of the party against the Trotskyists and Zinovievists in the period of the preparation and realization of the 14th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  08607         LLTB  Chapter
Allen, Naomi: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The challenge of the Left Opposition. [2.] (New York, NY, 1980) : pp. 15-33

Notes: 9

IDN  08608         LLTB  Chapter
Alles, Wolfgang: Gegen den Strom
: die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion von 1923-27 ; eine Skizze / W.A. [i.e. Wolfgang Alles]
In: Inprekorr : internationale Pressekorrespondenz ‹Various places› [ISSN 0256-4416] 1992 (253) : pp. 17-20

Angl.: Against the current : the Left opposition in the Soviet Union 1923-27

IDN  08609         LLTB  Chapter
Anderson, Franc Andreevič: Čto čitat' o sovremennych raznoglasijach v partii
: ukazatel' literatury s primečanijami / sost. F. Anderson. - Moskva : Izd-vo Kommun. Un-ta im. Ja.M. Sverdlova, 1926. - 92 pp.
Angl.: What to read about the contemporary controversies in the party

IDN  08610         LLTB  Chapter
Anderson, Franc Andreevič: Novaja oppozicija
/ F. Anderson. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1930. - 60 pp. - (Istorija bor'by VKP(b) s uklonami)
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.4 Stabilizacija kapitalizma i taktika Kominterna -- p.8 Položenie v strane i politika partii -- p.12 Vozniknovenie vnutripartijnoj bor'by -- p.14 Suščnost' raznoglasij meždu partiej u "novoj oppoziciej": p.14 O postroenii socializma i odnoj strane -- p.20 O Nėpe, goskapitalizme i charaktere našej gospromyšlennosti -- p.26 Voprosy politiki v derevne -- p.34 O lozunge ravenstva i učastija rabočich v pribyljach gospredprijatij -- p.39 Voprosy partijnogo stroitel'stva -- p.44 Bor'ba na XIV s"ezde. Perechod oppozicii na storonu trockizma -- p.49 Ot trockizma k men'ševizmu -- p.55 Zaključenie
Angl.: The New Opposition

IDN  08611         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Debaty v Politbjuro kak instrument vnutripartijnoj bor'by v bol'ševistskoj partii 1925-1927 gg.

In: Klio : žurnal dlja učenych ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2070-9773] 2016 (5=113) : pp. 93-101

Bibliogr.: pp. 100-101
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Angl.: The debates in the Politbureau as a tool of intraparty struggle in the Bolshevik party of 1925-1927

IDN  08612         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: "Duumvirat" protiv "novoj oppozicii" (1925-1926 gg.)
[Electronic resource]. - 56 KB (7 pp.)
Notes: 66
Assessed July 23, 2019
Angl.: The "duumvirate" against the "new opposition" (1925-1926)

IDN  08613         LLTB  Chapter
Apal'kov, Dmitrij Igorevič: Političeskaja bor'ba partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg.
: "duumvirat" protiv "novoj oppozicii" / D.I. Apal'kov
In: Russkij istoričeskij sbornik ‹Moskva› 10.2016 : pp. 27-39

Notes: 68
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Angl.: The political struggle of the Bolshevik party in 1925-1926

IDN  08614         LLTB  Chapter
Aponte, Salvatore:
Il "Corriere" tra Stalin e Trockij 1926-1929 / introd. di Luciano Canfora. [Il presente vol. è a cura di Margherita Marvulli]. - [Milano] : Fondazione Corriere de la Sera, 2010. - 597 pp. - (Le "carte" del Corriere)
ISBN 978-88-96820-00-1 - ISBN 88-96820-00-6

Table of contents: p.7 La lettera non spedita/L. Canfora -- p.141 Articoli -- p.441 Carteggio -- p.515 Nota biografica/M. Marvulli -- p.537 Appendice: scritti di Lev Trockij -- p.581 Elenco degli articoli di Salvatore Aponte nel "Corriere de la Sera" (1926-1929) -- p.589 Indice dei nomi
Notes: 259
An exhaustive selection of articles by the journalist Salvatore Aponte about the Trotsky-Stalin conflict in the USSR originally publ. in the Italian newspaper "Corriere de la Sera" from 1926 to 1929 plus some articles by Trotsky which were publ. there, too
Angl.: The "Corriere" between Stalin and Trotsky 1926-29

IDN  08615        Archiv Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08616         LLTB  Chapter
Averbach, Leopol'd Leonidovič: Ob oppozicii
/ Leopol'd Averbach
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1926 (1) : pp. 139-151

Angl.: On the opposition

IDN  08617         LLTB  Chapter
Avgust, A.: Partija i oppozicija
: (materialy i dokumenty)
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1927 (16/17) : pp. 89-117

Angl.: The party and the opposition : materials and documents

IDN  08618         LLTB  Chapter
Avgust, A.: Partija i oppozicija
. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 77 pp.

IDN  08619         LLTB  Chapter
Babachanjan, Sisak Akonovič: Leninizm i trockizm
/ N. Babachan. - Kazan' : Tat. Obl. Kom. RKP(b), 1925. - 101, II pp.
Angl.: Leninism and Trotskyism

IDN  08620         LLTB  Chapter
Black, Clayton: Regionalism or clientalism?
: Explaining the Zinoviev-Leningrad opposition of 1925
In: Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne-américain d'études slaves ‹Bakersfield, Cal.; [later:] Leiden› [ISSN 0090-8290] 53.2019 (1/2) : pp. 50-71

IDN  08621         LLTB  Chapter
Bor'ba KPSS protiv antileninskich grupp i tečenij v period stroitel'stva socializma
: učebnoe posobie. - Moskva, 1964. - 140 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against anti-Leninist groups and tendencies during the socialist construction period

IDN  08622         LLTB  Chapter
Bor'ba protiv zinov'evskoj oppozicii i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: (1925-1927 gg.)
In: Partijnaja učeba ‹Chabarovsk› 1935 (7) : pp. 14-31

Angl.: The struggle against the Zinovievist opposition and against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  08623         LLTB  Chapter
Britovšek, Marjan: Stalinov boj z novo levo opozicijo (Zinovjev, Kamenjev) in z levo združeno opozicijo s Trockim na čelu

In: Britovšek, M.: Carizem, revolucija, stalinizem. 2. (Ljubljana, 1980) : pp. 138-168

Notes: 41
Angl.: Stalin's struggle against the New Left Opposition (Zinoviev, Kamenev) and against the United Opposition headed by Trotsky

IDN  08624        Broué, Pierre: Communistes contre Staline   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  08625        Broué, Pierre: Comunistas contra Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  08626        Broué, Pierre: The international oppositions in the Communist International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  08627         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre:
A oposição unificada (1926-1927)
In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 85-94

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposition unifié (1926-1927) ; United Opposition (1926-27) ; United Opposition (1926-27) against Stalin's apparatus ; La oposición unificada (1926-1927)
Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990 and to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990

IDN  08628         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre:
La oposición unificada (1926-1927)
In: La Batalla : por la convergencia de los revolucionarios ‹México, D.F.› 6.1989[recte:1990] (24) : pp. 10-13

Table of contents: p.11 El programa -- p.12 Las etapas -- p.13 Su lugar en la historia
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposition unifié (1926-1927) ; United Opposition (1926-27) ; United Opposition (1926-27) against Stalin's apparatus ; A oposição unificada (1926-1927)
Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990 and to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990

IDN  08629         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre:
L' opposition unifié (1926-1927)
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 1990 (36) : pp. 11-18

Table of contents: p.12 Les hommes -- p.14 Le programme -- p.15 Les étapes -- p.16 Sa place dans l'histoire
Other ed., versions, transl.: A oposição unificada (1926-1927) ; United Opposition (1926-27) ; United Opposition (1926-27) against Stalin's apparatus ; La oposición unificada (1926-1927)
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990 and to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Unauthorized version of author's "United Opposition (1926-27)" [see Cahiers Leon Trotsky (Grenoble), 1990 (42), p. 127]

IDN  08630        Broué, Pierre: The political struggles in Russia (1921-1929)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08631        Broué, Pierre: Rakovsky and Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08632        Broué, Pierre: Rakovsky et Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08633         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre: United Opposition (1926-27)
. - 4, 1 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Table of contents: p.1 The men -- p.2 The program -- p.2 The stages -- p.3 Place in history
Other ed., versions, transl.: A oposição unificada (1926-1927) ; L'opposition unifié (1926-1927) ; United Opposition (1926-27) against Stalin's apparatus ; La oposición unificada (1926-1927)
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990. Also submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado et Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
With summary

IDN  08634         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre: United Opposition (1926-27) against Stalin's apparatus

In: Kriza socialnih idej = The crisis of social ideas : Britovškov zbornik / [ed.:] A. Lešnik. (Ljubljana, 1996) : pp. 207-213

Other ed., versions, transl.: A oposição unificado (1926-1927) ; L'opposition unifié (1926-1927) ; United Opposition (1926-27) ; La oposición unificada (1926-1927)
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990 and to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
With Slovene and Engl. summaries

IDN  08635        Canova, Mario: Trockij nel dibattito politico e culturale degli anni '20 in Russia   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08636        Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v VKP(b), 1923-1927 gg   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08637        Černjakov, Sergej Feliksovič: Voprosy dogmatizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08638         LLTB  Chapter
Černjavskij, Georgij Iosifovič: K istorii ob"edinennoj oppozicii v SSSR (vtoraja polovina 20-ch godov)
/ Georgij Černjavskij ; Michail Stančev
In: Bulgarian Historical Review = Revue bulgare d'histoire ‹Sofia› [ISSN 0204-8906] 19.1991 (2) : pp. 3-18

Notes: 78
Angl.: Toward a history of the United Opposition in the USSR (in the second half of the 1920s)

IDN  08639         LLTB  Chapter
Dan, Fedor Il'ič: Kapituljacija oppozicii
/ F.D. [i.e. Fedor Il'ič Dan]
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 6.1926 (21=139) : pp. 3-6

Angl.: The capitulation of the opposition

IDN  08640         LLTB  Chapter
Danilov, Viktor Petrovič: Al'ternativy stalinizmu v ich istoričeskom značenii
/ V.P. Danilov
In: Kto i kuda stremitsja vesti Rossiju / izd.: T.I. Zaslavskaja. (Moskva, 2001) : pp. 53-68

Notes: 35
Other ed., versions, transl.: The historical significance of alternatives to Stalinism
Rev. version of paper submitted to Meždunarodnyj Simpozium Kto i Kuda Stremitsja Vesti Rossiju, Moskva, Jan. 19-20, 2001

IDN  08641         LLTB  Chapter
Danilov, Viktor Petrovič:
The historical significance of alternatives to Stalinism / V.P. Danilov
In: Russian Studies in History ‹Armonk, NY› [ISSN 1061-1983] 42.2003/04 (4) : pp. 53-69

Notes: 35
Orig.: Al'ternativy stalinizmu v ich istoričeskom značenii
Rev. version of paper submitted to Meždunarodnyj Simpozium Kto i Kuda Stremitsja Vesti Rossiju, Moskva, Jan. 19-20, 2001

IDN  08642         LLTB  Chapter
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Vlast' i političeskaja bor'ba v VKP(b) 1924-1927 gody
: metodičeskoe posobie k kursu "Istorija Rossii" / V.V. Demidov ; V.A. Demidov. - Novosibirsk : Novosibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., 1994. - 83 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Literaturnaja diskussija -- p.15 Novaja oppozicija -- p.26 Blok Trockij-Zinov'ev-Kamenev -- p.38 Sport o perspektivach i metodach -- p.48 Obostrenie bor'by -- p.59 Pered sudom partkonferencii -- p.72 Izgnanie
Angl.: Power and political struggle in the Allunion Communist Party, 1924-27

IDN  08643        Di Biagio, Anna: Trockij e l'opposizione di sinistra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08644         LLTB  Chapter
Di Biagio, Anna:
L' ultima battaglia dell'opposizione (1926-1927)
In: Studi di storia sovietica. (Roma, 1978) : pp. 87-223

Table of contents: p.89 Premessa -- p.91 "Per l'unità, contro la discussione" -- p.119 La psicosi della guerra -- p.158 Un armistizio temporaneo -- p.185 La sconfitta del blocco oppositore
Notes: 326
Angl.: The last battle of the opposition (1926-27)

IDN  08645         LLTB  Chapter
Diman, Jan Janovič: Ošibki oppozicii
. - Irkutsk : Vlast' Truda, 1926. - 28 pp.
Angl.: The mistakes of the opposition

IDN  08646         LLTB  Chapter
Diman, Jan Janovič: Partija i oppozicija
: (trockizm) ; posobie dlja kružkov leninizma i politškol. - Irkutsk : Irkut. Gubkom RKP(b), 1926. - 70 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  08647         LLTB  Chapter
Faktičeskie spravki
: (k charakteristike trockistskoj oppozicii). - Rostov-na-Donu : Agitprop Donkoma VKP(b), 1927. - 48 pp.
Angl.: Actual informations : on the character of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  08648         LLTB  Chapter
Fakty i cifry protiv demagogii i izmyšlenij oppozicii
/ Agitprop CK i MK VKP(b). - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 156 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.7 Položenie rabočego klassa v SSSR -- p.17 Stroitel'stvo gosudarstvennoj promyšlennosti -- p.29 Tovarooborot v SSSR -- p.52 O nalogovoj politike -- p.57 Politika partii v derevne -- p.85 Politika partii v oblasti sovetskogo stroitel'stva -- p.102 Nacional'nyj vopros -- p.112 O Krasnoj Armii -- p.130 Partija

IDN  08649         LLTB  Chapter
Fakty i cifry protiv demagogii i izmyšlenij oppozicii
/ Agitprop CK i MK VKP(b). - 101.-150. tys. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 156 pp.
Angl.: Facts and figures against demagogy and fictions

IDN  08650         LLTB  Chapter
Fakty i cifry protiv likvidatorov i pereroždencev
: (k vnutripartijnym raznoglasijam) / sbornik APO S.-Z. Bjuro CK i LK VKP(b). - Leningrad : Izd-vo Priboj, [1927]. - 210 pp. - (Za leninizm, za leninskoe edinstvo!)
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.11 Položenie rabočego klassa -- p.39 Gospromyšlennost' i stroitel'stvo socializma -- p.60 Politika partii v derevne -- p.81 Partija -- p.104 Politika partii v oblasti sovetskogo stroitel'stva -- p.112 Meždunarodnye voprosy -- p.171 Zaključenie -- p.174 Priloženie
Angl.: Facts and figures against the liquidationists and distorters

IDN  08651         LLTB  Chapter
Fakty i cifry protiv likvidatorov i pereroždencev
: (k vnutripartijnym raznoglasijam) / sbornik APO S.-Z. Bjuro CK i LK VKP(b). - 2. izd. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Priboj, [1927]. - 210 pp. - (Za leninizm, za leninskoe edinstvo!)

IDN  08652        Giannuli, Aldo: Alle origini del movimento trotzkijsta (1923-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08653        Hincks, Darron: 'No better Bolshevik'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08654         LLTB  Chapter
Hughes, David Anthony: Zinoviev, the Leningrad party organisation and the 1925 opposition
. - 132 pp.
Birmingham, Univ. of Birmingham, Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.), 1977

IDN  08655         LLTB  Chapter
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Idejnyj i organizacionnyj razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ [V.L. Ignat'ev ; K.D. Šalagin]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 440-557

Table of contents: p.440 Obrazovanie trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka. Bor'ba partii s oppozicionerami po osnovnomu voprosu o pobede socializma v SSSR -- p.454 Vysokaja aktivnost' partijnych mass v bor'be protiv oppozicionnogo bloka -- p.465 XV konferencija VKP(b). Razoblačenie kapituljantskoj suščnosti antileninskoj platformy antipartijnogo bloka po voprosam vnutrennej i vnešnej politiki -- p.498 VII rasširennyj plenum IKKI. Usilenie bor'by partii s oppozicionerami v 1927 g. -- p.522 Polnyj razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka na XV s"ezde VKP(b). Mery partii i Kominterna po likvidacii ostatkov trockizma
Notes: 274
Angl.: The ideological and organizational smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  08656         LLTB  Chapter
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Kurs partii na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR i idejnyj i organizacionnyj razgrom trockizma
/ V.L. Ignat'ev
In: Iz istorii bor'by leninskoj partii protiv opportunizma. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 454-484

Notes: 23
Angl.: The party's course towards the construction of socialism in the USSR and the ideological and organizational smashing of Trotskyism

IDN  08657         LLTB  Chapter
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ [V.L. Ignat'ev ; K.D. Šalagin]
In: Bor'ba partii bol'ševikov protiv trockizma v posleoktjabr'skij period. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 177-275

Table of contents: p.177 Trockizm - glavnaja opasnost' v partii pri perechode k socialističeskoj industrializacii strany -- p.183 Otričanie vozmožnosti pobedy socializma v odnoj strane - glavnaja ideja platformy trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka -- p.198 Razoblačenie platformy oppozicionnogo bloka po voprosam vnutrennej politiki partii -- p.225 Bor'ba partii protiv avantjurističeskoj platformy trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosam meždunarodnogo položenija i vnešnej politiki SSSR -- p.239 Osnovnye ėtapy bor'by partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka. Ego idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom
Notes: 145
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  08658         LLTB  Chapter
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Razoblačenie bol'ševistskoj partiej men'ševistsko-trockistskoj suščnosti "novoj oppozicii"
/ [V.L. Ignat'ev]
In: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 415-439

Notes: 20
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's exposure of the Menshevik-Trotskyist menace of the "New Opposition"

IDN  08659         LLTB  Chapter
Ingulov, Sergej Borisovič: Podvedennyj itog
: partija i oppozicija / S. Ingulov
In: Narodnyj učitel' ‹Moskva› 1928 (1/2) : pp. 92-100

Angl.: Drawing the balance: the party and the opposition

IDN  08660         LLTB  Chapter
Jarcev, G.: Partija protiv oppozicii

In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1927 (12) : pp. 207-209

Angl.: The party against the opposition

IDN  08661        Jena, Kai von: Zur Geschichte der trotzkistischen Opposition in der UdSSR   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08662         LLTB  Chapter
K voprosam dnja
: osnovnye fakty i cifry protiv oppozicii. - Krasnojarsk, 1927. - 31 pp.
Angl.: Questions of the day : fundamental facts and figures against the opposition

IDN  08663         LLTB  Chapter
Kapitulation der Opposition - Sieg des Leninismus

In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 7.1926 (7) : pp. 281-288

Orig.: Kapituljacija oppozicii - pobeda leninizma
Angl.: The opposition's capitulation - Leninism's triumph

IDN  08664         LLTB  Chapter
Kapituljacija oppozicii - pobeda leninizma

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1926 (7=65) : pp. 3-10

Other ed., versions, transl.: Kapitulation der Opposition - Sieg des Leninismus
Angl.: The opposition's capitulation - Leninism's triumph

IDN  08665         LLTB  Chapter
Kirillina, Anna: Političeskie igry voždej
: XIV s"ezd partii i "novaja oppozicija". - [1-2]
In: Leningradskaja panorama ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0039-2413] 1991 (3) : pp. 23-25; 1991 (4) : pp. 14-16

Angl.: Political games of the leaders : the 14th party congress and the "New Opposition"

IDN  08666        Kommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR, 1923-1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08667         LLTB  Chapter
Die Kommunistische Partei der Sowjet-Union und der Oppositionsblock : die grundlegenden Fragen in Zitaten und Dokumenten. - Hamburg [etc.] : Hoym, 1927. - 160 pp.
Angl.: The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the opposition bloc

IDN  08668        Law, David S.: Trotsky in opposition 1923-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08669        Legters, Lyman Howard: Left Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08670        Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08671         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: Genosse Trotzki verteidigt sich
/ A. Martynow
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 7.1926 (9) : pp. 398-411

Orig.: Tovarišč Trockij "zaščiščaetsja"
Angl.: Comrade Trotsky defends himself

IDN  08672         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: Tovarišč Trockij "zaščiščaetsja"
/ A. Martynov
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1926 (9=67) : pp. 28-42

Other ed., versions, transl.: Genosse Trotzki verteidigt sich
Angl.: Comrade Trotsky defends himself

IDN  08673         LLTB  Chapter
Maslov, Ivan Ivanovič: Bor'ba KPSS protiv antileninskich gruppirovok, za postroenie socializma v SSSR (1925-1927 gg.)
: dop. stenogramma publičnoj lekcii, pročitannoj v Moskve / I.I. Maslov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Znanie, 1957. - 47 pp. - (Vsesojuznoe Obščestvo po Rasprostraneniju Političeskich i Naučnych Znanij : Serija 1, Istorija ; 15)
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against anti-Leninist groups, for the construction of socialism in the USSR (1925-27)

IDN  08674         LLTB  Chapter
Maslov, Ivan Ivanovič: KPSS v bor'be za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov i osuščestvlenie politiki socialističeskoj industrializacii strany (1925-1927 gg.)
/ I. Maslov. - Moskva : Gospolitizdat, 1955. - 173 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.6 Kurs partii na socialističeskuju industrializaciju i postroenie socializma v SSSR -- p.20 Razoblačenie i razgrom "novoj oppozicii" -- p.40 Razoblačenie i razgrom trockistsko-zinov'eskogo antipartijnogo bloka -- p.110 Regulirovanie rosta partii i idejnaja zakalka kommunistov - važnejšie uslovija ukreplenija edinstva partijnych rjadov i uspešnogo provedenija v žizn' politiki partii -- p.140 Uspechi socialističeskoj industrializacii i dal'nejšee ukreplenie edinstva partii dlja rešenija zadač socialističeskogo stroitel'stva -- p.166 Zaključenie
Notes: 73
Angl.: The CPSU in struggle for the consolidation of its ranks and for the realization of the politics of socialist industrialization of the country (1925-27)

IDN  08675        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposition communiste en URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08676        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposizione comunista in URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08677         LLTB  Chapter
Merridale, Catherine: Trotsky and Trotskyism in Moscow, 1924-1932
. - 13, 1 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 51
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki und Trotzkismus in Moskau, 1924-1932
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With summary

IDN  08678         LLTB  Chapter
Merridale, Catherine: Trotzki und Trotzkismus in Moskau, 1924-1932

In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 213-223

Bibliogr.: pp. 222-223
Notes: 24
Orig.: Trotsky and Trotskyism in Moscow, 1924-1932
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990

IDN  08679         LLTB  Chapter
Michajlova, V.N.: Razgrom partiej trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927)

In: Istoričeskoe značenie opyta bor'by KPSS protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 216-261

Table of contents: p.216 Suščnost' i metody bor'by partii protiv trockistskoj "novoj oppozicii" -- p.240 Taktika partii v bor'be za razoblačenie i polnyj razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
Notes: 199
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition by the party (1925-27)

IDN  08680         LLTB  Chapter
Milovidov, Vladimir Leonidovič: Soveršenstvovanie Kommunističeskoj Partiej podbora i rasstanovki partijnych kadrov na urokach bor'by s trockizmom
/ V.L. Milovidov
In: Partijnoe rukovodstvo formirovaniem kadrov v gody bor'by za postroenie i razvitie socialističeskogo obščestva. (Jaroslavl', 1982) : pp. 23-33

Angl.: The Communist Party's improvement of the selection and nomination of party cadres on the basis of the lessons of the struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  08681         LLTB  Chapter
Mitrofanov, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Iz istorii bor'by partii s "novoj oppoziciej" posle XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
/ A.I. Mitrofanov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 9.1965 (12) : pp. 97-107

Notes: 13
Angl.: On the history of the party's struggle against the "New Opposition" after the 14th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  08682         LLTB  Chapter
Moskalev, Michail Abramovič: Bor'ba partii s "novoj oppoziciej" i s trockistsko-zinov'evskim oppozicionnym blokom (1925-1927 gg.)
/ M. Moskalev
In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 133-148

Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bor'ba partii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim oppozicionnym blokom
Angl.: The party's struggle against the "New Opposition" and the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition bloc (1925-27)

IDN  08683         LLTB  Chapter
Moskalev, Michail Abramovič: Bor'ba partii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim oppozicionnym blokom
/ M. Moskalev
In: Bor'ba klassov ‹Moskva› 5.1935 (4) : pp. 13-23

Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bor'ba partii s "novoj oppoziciej" i s trockistsko-zinov'evskim oppozicionnym blokom (1925-1927 gg.)
Angl.: The party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition bloc

IDN  08684         LLTB  Chapter
Nazaretjan, Amajak Markarovič: Velikaja data i trockistskaja oppozicija
/ A. Nazaretjan. - Tiflis : Zakkniga, 1927. - 37 pp.
Angl.: Great dates and the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  08685         LLTB  Chapter
Nil'skij, Michail Ivanovič: 1920-e: revoljucija i bjurokratija
: zapiski oppozicionera / I. Pavlov [Michail Ivanovič Nil'skij]. Predisl. Dėvid Kerans. - Sankt-Peterburg : Iskra Research [etc.], 2001. - 123 pp.
ISBN 5-88485-105-7 - ISBN 1-883468-09-4

Comp. and ed. from the Ivan Pavlov typescripts deposited at the Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, Cal. as collection no. ZZ123. In the 1920s I.M. Pavlov as a student was member of the Trotskyist Opposition
Angl.: The 1920s : revolution and bureaucracy

IDN  08686         LLTB  Chapter
Nisonger, Thomas Evans:
The Leningrad opposition of 1925-1926 in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. - IX, 495 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Diss. (Ph.D.), 1976
Bibliogr.: pp. 480-495

IDN  08687         LLTB  Chapter
Novaja oppozicija
: sbornik materialov o diskussii 1925 goda. - Leningrad : Rabočee Izd-vo Priboj, 1926. - 317 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Predislovie -- p.6 Istorija raznoglasij -- p.22 Dve konferencii -- p.51 Diskussija v pečati: p.52 Krest'janskij vopros. Kooperacija. Put' k socializmu -- p.90 O pobede socializma v odnoj strane -- p.111 Novaja ėkonomičeskaja politika -- p.144 O charaktere našej gospromyšlennosti -- p.165 O goskapitalizme -- p.194 Na XIV s"ezde VKP(b) -- p.270 Leningradskaja organizacija i oppozicija -- p.306 Proloženie: Belogvardejskaja pečat' o diskussii
Angl.: The New Opposition : collection of materials about the discussion of the year 1925

IDN  08688         LLTB  Chapter
Novopašin, Jurij Stepanovič: XIV s"ezd RKP(b)
: sovremennyj vzgljad
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 77.2003 (7) : pp. 39-53

Angl.: The 14th congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) : a contemporary view

IDN  08689         LLTB  Chapter
O'Connor, Timothy Edward: Stalin and Trotsky 1926-1928
. - XI, 158 pp.
Omaha, Neb., Creighton Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1975
Table of contents: p.VII Preface -- p.1 Introduction -- p.12 Revolutionary personalities -- p.24 The United Opposition -- p.32 Democratic centralism -- p.51 Permanent revolution and socialism in one country -- p.67 Economic considerations -- p.86 Stalin, Trotsky, and Chiang Kai-Shek -- p.98 Britain and the war scare -- p.111 Political skills, the apparatus, and expulsion -- p.126 Conclusions -- p. 137 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 137-158
Director of thesis: Ross Horning

IDN  08690         LLTB  Chapter
Die Opposition in der KPSU. - Berlin : Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz GmbH, 1927. - pp.2493-2544 - (Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› ; 7.1927,113=Sondernr.22)
Table of contents: p.2493 Der Weg der Opposition -- p.2496 Der sozialistische Aufbau in der Sowjetunion und die Opposition -- p.2499 Die chinesische Revolution und die Opposition -- p.2502 Der "Thermidor" -- p.2503 "Thermidorianische Entartung" oder Aufbau des Sozialismus? -- p.2506 Die Opposition und die Kriegsgefahr -- p.2508 Die Oppposition und das Anglo-Russische Komitee -- p.2510 Der innerparteiliche Kurs und die Opposition -- p.2512 Die Tatsachen und Zahlen widerlegen klar die Behauptungen und Verleumdungen der Opposition -- p.2518 Die Opposition und die Feinde des Kommunismus gegen Lenin und gegen die KPSU -- p.2523 Genosse Kamenew im Jahre 1924 über den Trotzkismus -- p.2531 Anhang -- p.2537 Ueber die Arbeit im Dorfe -- p.2544 Literatur zur Diskussion in der KPSU
Angl.: The opposition in the CPSU

IDN  08691         LLTB  Chapter
Ozerov, Leonid Stepanovič: Bor'ba partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ L.S. Ozerov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1980 (12) : pp. 88-98

Notes: 63
Angl.: The party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  08692         LLTB  Chapter
Die Partei und die Opposition / von W.P.
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (121) : pp. 2771-2772

Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  08693         LLTB  Chapter
Partija i novaja oppozicija
: materialy k prorabotke rešenij 14 s"ezda VKP(b) / red.-sost. A. Abramovym [et al.]. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 213 pp.
Angl.: The party and the New Opposition

IDN  08694         LLTB  Chapter
Partija i oppozicija

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1927 (16/17) : pp. 140-148

Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  08695         LLTB  Chapter
Partija i oppozicija
: sbornik rezoljucij i postanovlenij partii protiv oppozicii / s predisl. N. Mandel'štama. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 192 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  08696         LLTB  Chapter
Partija i oppozicija nakanune XV s"ezda VKP(b)
: sbornik diskussionnych materialov. - 1-4. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928
1. Vnutripartijnye voprosy
2. Diskussija po voprosam chozjajstvennogo stroitel'stva
3. Diskussija o rabote v derevne
4. Nynešnjaja istoričeskaja nepravda Zinov'eva
Angl.: The party and the opposition on the eve of the 15th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  08697         LLTB  Chapter
Partija i sovety
: fakty i cifry protiv demagogii i izmyšlenij / Agitprop CK i MK VKP(b). - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 59 pp.
Angl.: The party and the soviets : facts and figures against demagogy and lies

IDN  08698         LLTB  Chapter
Partija protiv oppozicii
: sbornik statej i dokumentov / sost. L. Rovinskij [et al.] Predisl. Em. Jaroslavskogo. Vstup. stat'ja A. Slepkova. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - XXIII, 575 pp. - (Materialy i dokumenty k XV s"ezdu VKP(b))
Table of contents: p.V O diskussii (postanovlenie ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b) ot 23/X-1927 g.) -- p.IX Social'no-političeskie korni oppozicii/E. Jaroslavskij -- p.XVII O tipach likvidatorskich "ocenok"/A. Slepkov -- p.3 Obščie voprosy meždunarodnogo položenija [writings of A. Slepkov, A Rykov plus party resolution of Aug. 9, 1927] -- p.45 Voennaja opasnost' i oppozicija [writings of N. Bucharin, I. Stalin, Ė. Gol'denberg] -- p.85 Voprosy kitajskoj revoljucii [writings of N. Bucharin, T. Mandaljan, Ė. Gol'denberg, V. Astrov, I. Stalin, plus party resolutions] -- p.226 Anglo-russkij komitet [writings of Bennet plus additional material] -- p.263 Chozjajstvennoe stroitel'stvo SSSR [writings of A. Kaktyn', A. Slepkov, T. Tirzbanurt, A. Rykov, M. Kantor, Ė. Gol'denberg, plus party resolution of Aug. 9, 1927] -- p.341 O charaktere našej revoljucii i opasnosti pereroždenija [writings of N. Bucharin, A. Rykov, A. Slepkov, D. Mareckij, V. Vaganov] -- p.405 Frakcionnaja rabota oppozicionnogo bloka [writings of L. Rošal, M. Glebov, V. Molotov, N. Čaplin, N. Krupskaja, K. Nikolaeva, E. Jaroslavskij, plus additional material] -- p.525 Sojuzniki oppozicionnogo bloka [writings of V. Lominadze, A. Slepkov, E. Cejtlin, H. Neumann, E. Jaroslavskij, plus party resolution of Oct. 23, 1927]
Chiefly selections from writings of Bucharin, Slepkov, Rykov, Gol'denberg, Jaroslavskij, Mareckij, Stalin et al. about the United Opposition
Angl.: The party against the opposition : collection of essays and documents

IDN  08699         LLTB  Chapter
Posle konferencii

In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 6.1926 (22=140) : pp. 1-3

About the 15th party conference of the CPSU
Angl.: After the conference

IDN  08700         LLTB  Chapter
Potašev, Aleksandr Fedorovič: Kritika N.I. Bucharinym trockizma
/ A.F. Potašev
In: Izvestija Severo-Kavkazskogo Naučnogo Centra Vysšej Školy : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Rostov-na-Donu› [ISSN 0321-3056] 1989 (2=66) : pp. 21-30

Notes: 55
Angl.: N.I. Bukharin's criticism of Trotskyism

IDN  08701         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv oppozionnogo bloka
/ Agitprop MK VKP(b). - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 192 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Predislovie -- p.7 Voprosy vnutripartijnogo stroitel'stva -- p.43 Oppozicionnyj blok protiv leninizma -- p.71 O socialističeskom stroitel'stve -- p.175 Voprosy meždunarodnoj revoljucii
Angl.: Against the opposition bloc

IDN  08702         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii
: sbornik statej. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 266 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Table of contents: p.3 Oppozicija na puti ko vtoroj partii/E. Jaroslavskij -- p.16 Kto kogo?/S. Krylov -- p.27 Socialističeskaja racionalizacija i oppozicionnyj tuman/S. Gajster -- p.53 Problema bezraboticy, kak ona est' i kak ee izobražaet oppozicija/T. Tirzbanurt -- p.66 O tempe industrializacii i istočnikach nakoplenija/Ja. Nikulichin -- p.85 Pod znakom industrializacii/A. Šachmatov -- p.96 Industrializacija strany Sovetov v imperialističeskom okruženii/N. Berezin -- p.105 Rassloenie derevni i naša politika/Dubrovskij -- p.118 Kooperativnaja dejstvitel'nost' i social-demokratičeskaja teorija/M. Kantor -- p.134 Industrializacija i sel'skoe chozjajstvo/Baevskij -- p.148 Klassovyj charakter sel'choznaloga/M. Lifšic -- p.153 Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i oppozicija/A. Angarov -- p.164 Rost i regulirovanie social'nogo sostava VKP(b)/K Bauman -- p.177 K voprosu o vnutripartijnoj demokratii i edinstve partii/G. Strel'cov -- p.198 Problemy kitajskoj revoljucii i oppozicija v VKP(b)/T. Mandaljan -- p.211 Istoričeskaja proverka oppozicii na voprose ob Anglo-russkoj komitete/D. Petrovskij -- p.218 Voennaja opasnost' i oppozicija/M.B. Mitin -- p.231 Meždunarodnye sojuzniki oppozicii/M.N. Roj -- p.246 Naši klassovye vragi ob oppozicii/G. Marov -- p.261 Meždunarodnaja konferencija druzej SSSR/N. Lencner
Angl.: Against the Trotskyist opposition : collection of essays

IDN  08703         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv uklonov ot general'noj bol'ševistskoj linii
: sbornik materialov. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1928. - 116 pp.
Angl.: Against deviations from the Bolshevik general line : collection of materials

IDN  08704         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv uklonov ot general'noj bol'ševistskoj linii
: sbornik materialov. - 2. izd. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1928. - 148 pp.

IDN  08705         LLTB  Chapter
Razgrom "levogo" opportunizma v RKP(b)

In: Na dva fronta. (Moskva, 1973) : pp. 189-218

Table of contents: p.189 Diskussija o profsojuzach -- p.201 Poraženie trockistov -- p.209 Bor'ba s "novoj oppoziciej"
Notes: 46
Angl.: The smashing of "left" opportunism in the Russian CP

IDN  08706         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
The birth of Stalinism : the USSR on the eve of the "second revolution" / transl. by George Saunders. - Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana Univ. Pr., 1987. - XII, 188 pp. - (Indiana-Michigan series on Russian and East European studies)
ISBN 0-253-31196-9

Orig.: Die Geburt des Stalinismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: La nascita dello stalinismo ; El nacimiento del estalinismo

IDN  08707         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
The birth of Stalinism : the USSR on the eve of the "second revolution" / transl. by George Saunders. - London : Tauris, 1987. - XII, 188 pp.
ISBN 1-85043-066-7 - ISBN 1-85043-067-5

Orig.: Die Geburt des Stalinismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: La nascita dello stalinismo ; El nacimiento del estalinismo

IDN  08708         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
Die Geburt des Stalinismus : die UdSSR am Vorabend der "zweiten Revolution" / Übers. aus dem russ. Ms. von Mikolaj K. Dutsch, überarb. durch den Autor. - Frankfurt a.M. : Europäische Verl.-Anst., 1979. - 309 pp.
ISBN 3-434-00416-5

Table of contents: p.7 Vorwort -- p.13 Auf der Schwelle zur Krise -- p.29 Bruch mit Großbritannien und Konflikt in der Führung der KPdSU(B) -- p.42 Die erneuerte Opposition -- p.71 Die Wirtschaftskrise um die Jahreswende 1927/28 und die politische Macht -- p.92 Die soziale Krise und die soziale Repression -- p.118 Intermezzo in der Führungsspitze. Die Krise dauert an -- p.145 Die Niederlage der Gemäßigten -- p.172 Die Herausbildung des Stalinregimes -- p.193 Das Phänomen des Stalinismus -- p.207 Anmerkungen -- p.235 Dokumente -- p.299 Anmerkungen zu den Dokumenten -- p.304 Die personelle Besetzung der wichtigsten Regierungs- und Parteiämter der UdSSR 1927-1929 -- p.307 Personenregister
Notes: 505
Other ed., versions, transl.: The birth of Stalinism ; La nascita dello stalinismo ; El nacimiento del estalinismo

IDN  08709         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
El nacimiento del estalinismo / trad. castellana de Gustau Muñoz. - Barcelona : Crítica, 1982. - 292 pp. - (Serie general ; 86 : Estudios y ensayos)
ISBN 84-7423-169-8

Orig.: Die Geburt des Stalinismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: The birth of Stalinism ; La nascita dello stalinismo

IDN  08710         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
La nascita dello stalinismo / [trad. di Alberto Ponsi]. - Roma : Ed. Riuniti, 1980. - 257 pp. - (Biblioteca di storia ; 86)
Orig.: Die Geburt des Stalinismus
Other ed., versions, transl.: The birth of Stalinism ; El nacimiento del estalinismo

IDN  08711        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08712        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08713        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Gab es eine Alternative?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08714         LLTB  Chapter
Rosenberg, Arthur: Stalin contra Trotski
: (de 1924 a 1927) / trad. de José Aricó
In: Rosenberg, A.: Historia del bolchevismo. (México, D.F., 1977)

Orig.: Stalin gegen Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stálin contra Trotsky
Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  08715         LLTB  Chapter
Rosenberg, Arthur: Stálin contra Trotsky
: (de 1924 a 1927)
In: Rosenberg, A.: História do bolchevismo. (Belo Horizonte, 1989) : pp. 231-256

Orig.: Stalin gegen Trotzki
Other ed., versions, transl.: Stalin contra Trotski
Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  08716         LLTB  Chapter
Rosenberg, Arthur: Stalin gegen Trotzki
: (1924-1927)
In: Rosenberg, A.: Geschichte des Bolschewismus. 2., unveränd. Aufl. (Frankfurt a.M., 1969) : pp. 219-242

Other ed., versions, transl.: Stálin contra Trotsky ; Stalin contra Trotski
Angl.: Stalin versus Trotsky

IDN  08717         LLTB  Chapter
Ruban, Nikolaj Vasil'evič: Bor'ba partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1926 gg.)
/ N.V. Ruban
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1958 (5) : pp. 119-138

Table of contents: p.120 Istoričeskaja obstanovka nakanune XIV s"ezda VKP. "Novaja oppozicija" i ee idejnoe poraženie -- p.128 Trockistsko-zinov'evskij blok i ego idejnyj razgrom. Ukreplenie edinstva partijnych rjadov
Notes: 57
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf der KPdSU gegen die trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Opposition in den Jahren 1925 und 1926
Angl.: The party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition (1925-26)

IDN  08718         LLTB  Chapter
Ruban, Nikolaj Vasil'evič:
Der Kampf der KPdSU gegen die trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Opposition in den Jahren 1925 und 1926 / N.W. Ruban. Übers. von G. Möchel
In: Sowjetwissenschaft : Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0038-6006] 1959 (7) : pp. 758-782

Table of contents: p.759 Die Lage vor dem XIV. Parteitag der KPdSU(B). Die "neue Opposition" und ihre ideologische Niederlage -- p.769 Der trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Block und seine ideologische Zerschlagung. Die Festigung der Einheit der Partei
Notes: 17
Orig.: Bor'ba partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1926 gg.)
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition in 1925-26

IDN  08719        Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: O novoj oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08720        Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08721        Sacharov, Valentin Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba za liderstvo v RKP(b)-VKP(b) i "političeskoe zaveščanie" V.I. Lenina   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08722         LLTB  Chapter
Savel'ev, Masksimilian Aleksandrovič: Oppozicionnaja demagogija i dejatel'nost'
/ M. Savel'ev
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 27=nr.168) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: Oppositional demagogy and activity

IDN  08723         LLTB  Chapter
Sbornik materialov po voprosam bor'by oppozicii s partiej
. - 1-3. - Rostov-na-Donu : Sevkavkniga, 1927
Angl.: Collection of materials on the issue of the struggle between the opposition and the party

IDN  08724        Ščerbakov, Aleksej Jur'evič: Stalin protiv Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  08725         LLTB  Chapter
Šestakov, Andrej Vasil'evič: Partija bol'ševikov i oppozicija
/ Andrej V. Šestakov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 62 pp. - (Krestjanam o rešenijach 15-go s"ezda Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (B) ; 3)
Angl.: The party of the Bolsheviks and the opposition

IDN  08726         LLTB  Chapter
Shachtman, Max: Comintern's splinter movements
: (Trotskyism, Bukharinism). - Prelim. working paper. - 54 pp.
Paper submitted to the Conference on One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Internationals, Stanford, Cal., Oct. 5-7, 1964

IDN  08727         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockizma za postroenie socializma v SSSR (1923-1927 gg.)
/ A.N. Šmelev. - Leningrad : Izd-vo Leningradskogo Univ., 1984. - 248 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.20 Novyj ėtap bor'by partii protiv trockizma osenju 1923 g. -- p.50 Poraženie trockistov v diskussii po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva -- p.101 Razoblačenie partiej popytki Trockogo podmenit' leninizm trockizmom -- p.121 Problemy stroitel'stva socializma v SSSR - korennoyj vopros bor'by partii s trockizmom -- p.151 Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka -- p.210 Idejno-političeskij i organizacionnyj razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka -- p.243 Zaključenie
Notes: 531
Angl.: Historical experience from the party's struggle against Trotskyism, for the construction of socialism in the USSR (1923-27)

IDN  08728        Sorlin, Pierre: Lénine, Trotski, Staline   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08729         LLTB  Chapter
Stalin e Trotzky
: qual'è il centro del problema?
In: Lotta continua ‹Roma› [ISSN 0395-2436] 1.1972 (37) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: Stalin and Trotsky : what's the heart of the problem?

IDN  08730        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08731        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: On the opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08732         LLTB  Chapter
Staline et Trotski

In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 4.1960 (3) : pp. 186-189

IDN  08733        Starcev, Vitalij Ivanovič: Ot "neob"jatnoj vlasti" k edinovlastiju v partii (1922-1929 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08734         LLTB  Chapter
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Anglo-amerikanskaja nemarksistskaja istoriografija idejno-političeskoj bor'by 1923-1927 gg. v Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza
. - 22 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1990
Director of thesis: V.M. Ivanov

IDN  08735         LLTB  Chapter
Švecov, Valerij Vasil'evič: Anglo-amerikanskaja nemarksistskaja istoriografija idejno-političeskoj bor'by 1923-1927 gg. v Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza
. - 187 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1990
Director of thesis: V.M. Ivanov
Angl.: The Anglo-American historiography of the 1923-1927 ideological and political struggle in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

IDN  08736         LLTB  Chapter
Die Tatsachen und Zahlen widerlegen klar die Behauptungen und Verleumdungen der Opposition
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2512-2518

Angl.: Facts and figures disprove the statements and defamations of the opposition

IDN  08737        Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08738         LLTB  Chapter
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii s "novoj oppoziciej"
/ A.G. Titov
In: Iz istorii rabočego klassa SSSR. (Ivanovo, 1967) : pp. 147-183

Notes: 108
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against the "New Opposition"

IDN  08739        Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: O novoj oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08740         LLTB  Chapter
Treadgold, Donald Warren: Stalin, Trotsky, and Bukharin

In: Treadgold, D.W.: Twentieth century Russia. (Boulder, Colo., 1995)

IDN  08741        Trotsky and the Russian Left Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08742        Trotzki und die russische Linke Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08743         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po problemam stroitel'stva socializma i sovremennost'
. - 48 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1987
Bibliogr.: pp. 46-48
Notes: 50

IDN  08744         LLTB  Chapter
Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po problemam stroitel'stva socializma i sovremennost'
. - 384 pp.
Moskva, Inst. Marksizma-Leninizma pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1987
Angl.: The historical experience of the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism regarding the construction of socialism and the present time

IDN  08745        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Kritika N.I. Bucharinym ideologii trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08746        Vaseckij, Nikolaj Aleksandrovič: Kritika N.I. Bucharinym trockizma (1923-1927 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08747         LLTB  Chapter
Veger, Vladimir Il'ič: O trockistsko-zinov'evskom kontrrevoljucionnom bloke
/ V. Veger
In: Propagandist ‹Moskva› 1935 (8) : pp. 23-33

Angl.: On the Trotskyist-Zinovievist counter-revolutionary bloc

IDN  08748         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii s "novoj oppoziciej" (konec 1925 - načalo 1926 gg.)
/ Ju.V. Voskresenskij
In: V bor'be za pobedu Oktjabrja. (Moskva, 1957) : pp. 345-367

Notes: 66
Angl.: On the history of the Communist Party's struggle against the "New Opposition" (end of 1925 - beginning of 1926)

IDN  08749         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: K istorii razgroma zinov'evskoj "novoj oppozicii"
/ Ju.V. Voskresenskij
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1967 (5) : pp. 62-71

Notes: 79
Angl.: To the history of the smashing of the Zinovievist "New Opposition"

IDN  08750         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Razgrom Kommunističeskoj Partiej trockistsko-men'ševistskoj novoj oppozicii' (1925-26 gg.)
: lekcija dlja studentov-zaočnikov gosudarstvennych universitetov / Ju. V. Voskresenskij. - Moskva : Id-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1962. - 34 pp.
Table of contents: p.4 Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR k koncu vosstanovitel'nogo perioda. Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii za edinstvo svoich rjadov nakanune XIV s"ezda VKP(b) -- p.13 Bor'ba za utverždenie kursa na industrializaciju strany na XIV s"ezde VKP(b). Razgrom zinov'evcev v Leningradskoj partijnoj organizacii -- p.27 Dejatel'nost' Kommunističeskoj Partii po dal'nejšemu razgromu "novoj oppozicii"
Notes: 33
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Menshevik New Opposition by the Communist Party (1925-26)

IDN  08751         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Razgrom Kommunističeskoj Partiej trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
/ Ju.V. Voskresenskij. - Moskva : Id-vo Znanie, 1971. - 48 pp. - (Novoe v žizni, nauke, technike : Serija Istorija i politika KPSS ; 1971,2)
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc by the Communist Party

IDN  08752         LLTB  Chapter
Der Weg der Opposition
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2493-2495

Angl.: The road of the opposition

IDN  08753         LLTB  Chapter
Where is Trotsky going?
: facts and figures on the discussion in the Communist Party of Russia, which has led to the expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev from the party / Communist Party of Great Britain. - London, 1928. - 114 pp.

IDN  08754        Wolfe, Bertram David: The Trotsky opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08755         LLTB  Chapter
Wolter, Ulf: [Foreword] Vorwort

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 3. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 8-18

IDN  08756         LLTB  Chapter
Wolter, Ulf: [Foreword] Vorwort

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 8-18

See also author's "Le opposizioni di sinistra e il processo di burocratizzazione in URSS (1926-1927)"

IDN  08757         LLTB  Chapter
Wolter, Ulf: [Foreword] Vorwort

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 9-22

Notes: 4
See also author's "Le opposizioni di sinistra e il processo di burocratizzazione in URSS (1926-1927)"

IDN  08758         LLTB  Chapter
Wolter, Ulf: [Foreword] Vorwort [and] Einleitung

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 8-11, 12-32

Table of contents: p.13 Zur materiellen Bedeutung der Kontroverse über die politischen Formen des Prozesses sozialer Emanzipation -- p.18 Von der bonapartistischen zur despotischen Herrschaftsform -- p.21 Das ökonomische Hauptproblem der NEP - die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft im Verhältnis zur Industrie -- p.28 Die Herausbildung der Linken Opposition und die Konsolidierung der bonapartistischen Herrschaft -- p.31 Anmerkungen
Notes: 10

IDN  08759         LLTB  Chapter
Wolter, Ulf:
Le opposizioni di sinistra e il processo di burocratizzazione in URSS (1926-1927) / trad. dal tedesco di Enzo Vizzotto
In: Il Ponte ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0032-423X] 36.1980 (11/12) : pp. 1233-1257

Based on author's forewords to the collection "Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion", vol. 4 and 5
Angl.: The Left Opposition and the process of bureaucratization in the USSR (1926-27)

IDN  08760         LLTB  Chapter
XIV s"ezd VKP(b)
: kurs na socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany ; razgrom "novoj oppozicii"
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 10.1966 (1) : pp. 40-61

Table of contents: p.40 Podgotovki k s"ezdu. Obostrenie vnutripartijnoj bor'by -- p.47 Otkrytie XIV s"ezda. Kurs na industrializaciju -- p.52 S"ezd o bližajšich ėkonomičeskich i političeskich zadačach, o putjach dal'nejšego ulučšenija partijnogo rukovodstva -- p.54 Idejnyj razgrom "novoj oppozicii" -- p.57 Bor'ba protiv raskol'ničeskich dejstvij frakcionnoj gruppirovki. Istoričeskoe značenie XIV s"ezda partii -- p.59 Obsužlenie itogov s"ezda v partijnych organizacijach strany. Razgrom frakcionnoj gruppirovki v Leningrade
Notes: 51
Angl.: 14th congress of the Allunion CP

IDN  08761         LLTB  Chapter
Youakim, Yousef Issa: Staline et Trotsky
: l'opposition de gauche, 1923-1927 / Yousef I. Youakim. - 191 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris (Sorbonne), Thèse univ., 1964

IDN  08762         LLTB  Chapter
Za liniju partii
: sbornik statej iz "Pravdy" k XIV partijnomu s"ezdu. - Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda i Bednota, 1926. - 266 pp.
Angl.: For the party line

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08763         LLTB  Chapter
Berdnik, P.M.: K voprosu o teoretičeskich kornjach pravogo i levogo uklona
. - Novočerkassk : Kul'tprop RKVKP(b), 1931. - 52 pp.
Angl.: To the question of the theoretical roots of the right and left deviations

IDN  08764         LLTB  Chapter
Bojarskij, P.: Počemu trockizm vernulsja k men'ševizmu?
. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928. - 115 pp.
Angl.: Why does Trotskyism return to Menshevism?

IDN  08765        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Der menschewistische Charakter der Ideologie und der Taktik der Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08766        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: The Menshevik character of the ideology and tactics of the opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08767        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: To all members of the Central Committee who are enemies of Trotskyism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08768         LLTB  Chapter
Cypin, Grigorij Solomonovič: Blok bezprincipnosti
: rukovoditeli oppozicionnogo bloka drug i druge / Grigorij Cypin. - Char'kov : Izd-vo Proletarij, 1927. - 98 pp.
Angl.: A bloc without principles

IDN  08769        Day, Richard Bruce: Trotsky and Preobrazhensky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08770        Day, Richard Bruce: Trotsky y Preobrazhensky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08771         LLTB  Chapter
Fejgin, V.: Oppozicionnyj blok i ideologija likvidatorstva
/ pod red. A. Slepkova. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 48 pp. - (Za edinstvo VKP(b))
Angl.: The opposition bloc and the ideology of liquidationism

IDN  08772         LLTB  Chapter
Führer in Opposition

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (128) : pp. 2195-2199

Orig.: Voždi v oppozicii
Angl.: Leaders in opposition

IDN  08773         LLTB  Chapter
Glebov, Michail: Istoričeskie korni sovremennogo likvidatorstva
/ Mich. Glebov
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 420-440

Notes: 13
Reprinted from: Pravda (Moskva), 1927 (July 26 and Aug. 2)
Angl.: Historical roots of the contemporary liquidationism

IDN  08774         LLTB  Chapter
Glebov, Michail: Istoričeskie korni sovremennogo likvidatorstva
/ Mich. Glebov. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 26=nr.167) : p. 2; 1927 (Aug.2=nr.173): pp. 2-3

Notes: 13

IDN  08775         LLTB  Chapter
Glebov, Michail: Kto velet sovremennuju oppoziciju?
/ Mich. Glebov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (22) : pp. 32-39

Angl.: Who is in command of the contemporary opposition?

IDN  08776         LLTB  Chapter
Gol'denberg, Ė.: Ot poraženčestva k men'ševizmu

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (19/20) : pp. 19-33

Angl.: From defeatism to Menshevism

IDN  08777         LLTB  Chapter
Gotfrid, L.: Revizionizm pod maskom ortodoksii
: (idejnoe bankrotstvo oppozicii). - [Taškent], 1927. - 14 pp.
Angl.: Revisionism under the mask of orthodoxy

IDN  08778         LLTB  Chapter
Gumedin, G.: Ot trockizma k men'ševizmu
: kritika platformy trockistskogo sojuza molodeži Armenii. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1928. - 110 pp.
Angl.: From Trotskism to Menshevism

IDN  08779         LLTB  Chapter
Hellman, Joel S.: Zinoviev and the Left Opposition
. - [IX], 134 pp.
Williamstown, Mass., Williams College, Thesis (B.A.), 1984
Bibliogr.: pp. 131-134

IDN  08780         LLTB  Chapter
Der ideologische Zusammenbruch der "Neuen Opposition" : Leitartikel der "Leningrader Prawda" vom 28. Juli 1926
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (104) : pp. 1739-1740

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: The ideological collapse of the "New Opposition"

IDN  08781        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08782        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novaja oppozicija i trockizm   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08783        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novaja oppozicija i vopros o stroitel'stve partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08784        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08785        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Nowa opozycja a trockizm   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08786         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: Kto sozdal "Ob"edinennuju Oppoziciju" v VKP(b) v 1926 g.?
/ A.L. Jurganov
In: Rossija i sovremennyj mir = Russia and the Contemporary World ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1725-5223] 2021 (1) : pp. 124-144

Notes: 6
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Who created the "United Opposition" in the VKP(B) in 1926?

IDN  08787         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: "Podpol'naja tipografija" i "voennyj zagovor" kak argumenty Stalina v bor'be protiv ob"edinennoj oppozicii (1927)
= The "underground typography" and "military conspiracy" as Stalin's arguments against the United Opposition (1927) [Electronic resource] / A.L. Jurganov
In: RussianStudiesHu [Electronic journal] ‹Budapest› [ISSN 2677-0660] 2021 (1) : 710 KB (37 pp.)

Notes: 66
With Engl. abstract
DOI: 10.38210/RUSTUDH.2021.3.7
Accessed June 20, 2021

IDN  08788         LLTB  Chapter
Kamenev i Zinov'ev v 1917 g.
: fakty i dokumenty. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 61 pp.
Angl.: Kamenev and Zinoviev in 1917

IDN  08789         LLTB  Chapter
Kamenev i Zinov'ev v 1917 g.
: fakty i dokumenty. - 3., dop. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 68 pp.

IDN  08790         LLTB  Chapter
Kolokolkin, V.: Social'no-klassovye korni oppozicionnoj ideologii i taktiki

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1928 (2)

Angl.: Social and class roots of the oppositional ideology and tactics

IDN  08791         LLTB  Chapter
Kolokolkin, V.: Social'nye korni oppozicionnogo bloka
: (ob istočnikach social-demokratičeskich uklonenij ot leninizma) / pod red. A. Slepkova. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 96 pp. - (Za edinstvo VKP(b))
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.13 "Novaja oppozicija" -- p.48 Trockizm -- p.82 Idejnye osnovy oppozionnogo bloka
Angl.: Social roots of the opposition bloc

IDN  08792         LLTB  Chapter
Kuda napravlan ogon' oppozicii

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (15/16) : pp. 3-11

Angl.: Where is the opposition firing?

IDN  08793         LLTB  Chapter
Kun, Béla:
The ideological foundations of Trotskyism / B. Kun
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 619-646

Notes: 39
Orig.: Ideologičeskie osnovy trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Trotzkismus

IDN  08794         LLTB  Chapter
Kun, Béla: Ideologičeskie osnovy trockizma

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1925 (1)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Trotzkismus ; The ideological foundations of Trotskyism

IDN  08795         LLTB  Chapter
Kun, Béla:
Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Trotzkismus
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (9) : pp. 93-101

Orig.: Ideologičeskie osnovy trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: The ideological foundations of Trotskyism

IDN  08796         LLTB  Chapter
Kun, Béla:
Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Trotzkismus
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 6.1925 (1) : pp. 9-33

Orig.: Ideologičeskie osnovy trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: The ideological foundations of Trotskyism

IDN  08797         LLTB  Chapter
Kun, Béla:
Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Trotzkismus
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) pp. 138-159

Orig.: Ideologičeskie osnovy trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: The ideological foundations of Trotskyism

IDN  08798         LLTB  Chapter
Leonov, Fedor Grigor'evič: Kuda idet oppozicija
/ F. Leonov. Pod red. V. Knorina [et al.]. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 32 pp. - (Bibliotečka rabočego) - (Čto rešila XV konferencija VKP(b))
Angl.: Where is the opposition going?

IDN  08799         LLTB  Chapter
Mandel'štam, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Novyj men'ševizm v platforme oppozicii
/ N. Man'delštam. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 44 pp.
Angl.: New Menshevism in the platform of the opposition

IDN  08800         LLTB  Chapter
Mandel'štam, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Ossovščina i likvidatorstvo v oppozicionnych platformach
/ N. Man'delštam. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij rabočij, 1927. - 14 pp.
Reprinted from: Pravda (Moskva), 1927 (160)

IDN  08801         LLTB  Chapter
Mandel'štam, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Ossovščina i likvidatorstvo v oppozicionnych platformach
/ N. Man'delštam
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 17=nr.160) : p. 7

Angl.: "Ossovshchina" and liquidationism in the platforms of the opposition

IDN  08802         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: U istokov trockizma
/ A. Martynov
In: Krasnaja nov' ‹Moskva› 1925 (1) : pp. 219-244

Angl.: At the sources of Trotskyism

IDN  08803         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: U istokov trockizma
/ A. Martynov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1925. - 40 pp.

IDN  08804         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: U istokov trockizma
/ A.S. Martynov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 578-612

Notes: 26
On pp. 828-829 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  08805         LLTB  Chapter
Neumann, Heinz: Ul'tra-levyj men'ševizm
/ G. Nejman. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1926. - 56 pp. - (Bibliotečka žurnala "Sputnik agitatora")
Orig.: Der ultralinke Menschewismus
Angl.: Ultraleft Menshevism

IDN  08806         LLTB  Chapter
Neumann, Heinz: Ul'tra-levyj men'ševizm
/ G. Nejman. - 1-4
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (July 28=nr.171) : p. 2; 1926 (July 29=nr.172) : p. 2; 1926 (July 30=nr.173) : p. 2; 1926 (Aug.4=nr.177) : pp. 2-3

Orig.: Der ultralinke Menschewismus

IDN  08807         LLTB  Chapter
Neumann, Heinz:
Der ultralinke Menschewismus. - Berlin : Vereinigung Internationaler Verl.-Anst., 1926. - 32 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ul'tra-levyj men'ševizm
Angl.: Ultraleft Menshevism

IDN  08808         LLTB  Chapter
Partijnaja linija i oppozicionnye zigzagi

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (4) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: The party line and the oppositional zigzags

IDN  08809         LLTB  Chapter
La plate-forme idéologique de l'opposition / W.A.
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 3.1927 (83) : pp. 1157-1164

Angl.: The ideological platform of the opposition

IDN  08810         LLTB  Chapter
Platforma oppozicii
/ A.V.
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (23=165) : pp. 3-6

Angl.: The platform of the opposition

IDN  08811         LLTB  Chapter
Počemu uklon oppozicii est' uklon social-demokratičeskij?

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Nov.3=nr.254) : p. 1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Weshalb ist die Abweichung der Opposition eine sozialdemokratische?
Angl.: Why is the opposition's deviation a social-democratic one?

IDN  08812         LLTB  Chapter
Porukov, A.: Men'ševizm, oppozicionnyj blok i partija
: 3 platformy v voprosach i otvetach. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 77 pp.
Angl.: Menshevism, the opposition bloc, and the party

IDN  08813         LLTB  Chapter
Put' oppozicii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (June 22=nr.138) : p. 1

Angl.: The road of the opposition

IDN  08814         LLTB  Chapter
Put' oppozicionnogo bloka

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (21/22) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: The role of the opposition bloc

IDN  08815         LLTB  Chapter
Rubinštejn, Nikolaj Leonidovič: "Ul'tralevye" renegaty i trockistskaja oppozicija
/ N. Rubinštejn
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (21) : pp. 45-54

Angl.: "Ultraleft" renegades and the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  08816        Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08817        Santille, Michael Joseph: Christian Georgevich Rakovsky as Soviet diplomat and Trotskyist   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08818         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: O tipach likvidatorskich "ocenok"
/ A. Slepkov
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. XXVI-XXXII

Angl.: On certain types of liquidationist assessments

IDN  08819         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnye tečenija vnutri VKP(b)
/ A. Slepkov. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1926. - 31 pp.
Angl.: Oppositional tendencies within the Allunion Communist party

IDN  08820         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnye tečenija vnutri VKP(b)
/ A. Slepkov. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1926. - 35 pp.

IDN  08821         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnye tečenija vnutri VKP(b)
/ A. Slepkov. - 2., dop. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928. - 45 pp.

IDN  08822         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnyj nacmen'ševizm
: (o "novoj" platforme) / A. Slepkov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda i Bednota, 1927. - 36 pp.
Angl.: The opposition's national Menshevism : about the "new" platform

IDN  08823         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnyj nacmen'ševizm
: (o "novoj" platforme) / A. Slepkov. - Nižnij-Novgorod, 1927. - 48 pp.

IDN  08824         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnyj neomen'ševizm
: (o "novoj" platforme) / A. Slepkov. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 9=nr.153) : pp. 2-3; 1927 (July 11=nr.155) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: The neo-Menshevism of the opposition : about the "new" platform

IDN  08825         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicionnyj neomen'ševizm
: (o "novoj" platforme) / A. Slepkov. - Tiflis : Zakkniga, 1927. - 40 pp.

IDN  08826         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Platforma oppozicionnogo likvidatorstva
: (otvet na stat'ju Ossovskogo "Partija k XIV s"ezdu") / A. Slepkov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (14) : pp. 81-107

Angl.: The platform of oppositional liquidationism

IDN  08827         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Platforma oppozicionnogo likvidatorstva
/ A. Slepkov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 62 pp.

IDN  08828         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Platforma oppozicionnogo likvidatorstva
/ A. Slepkov. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 62 pp.

IDN  08829         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Platforma oppozicionnogo likvidatorstva
/ A. Slepkov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Aug.8=nr.180) : pp. 2-5

IDN  08830         LLTB  Chapter
Šlichter, Artemij Aleksandrovič: Na platforme men'ševizma
/ Artemij Šlichter. Predisl. V.P. Miljutina. - 2., dop. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928. - 188 pp.
Table of contents: p.5 Predislovie/V.P. Miljutin -- p.8 Ot avtora -- p.9 Predislovie avtora ko vtoromu izdaniju -- p.13 Stroitel'stvo socializma i postroenie socializma -- p.25 Nacional'naja organičennost' i kto eju bolen -- p.41 O socialističeskoj zrelosti, techničeskoj otstalosti i stroitel'stve socializma -- p.90 Čto takoe okončatel'naja pobeda socializma po tov. Zinov'evu -- p.103 Gosudarstvo -- p.117 Goskapitalizm -- p.138 Kooperativnyj plan Lenina -- p.168 Stroitel'stvo socializma i "termidor" -- p.184 Dokumenty
1. ed. was publ. with title: Na platforme socialdemokratičeskogo uklona
Angl.: On the platform of Menshevism

IDN  08831         LLTB  Chapter
Šlichter, Artemij Aleksandrovič: Na platforme social-demokratičeskogo uklona
/ Artemij Šlichter. Predisl. V.P. Miljutina. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 163 pp.
2. ed. was publ. with title: Na platforme men'ševizma
Angl.: On the platform of the social-democratic deviation

IDN  08832         LLTB  Chapter
Šlichter, Artemij Aleksandrovič: Suščnost' neomen'ševizma i ego bankrotstvo
/ Artemij Šlichter. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928
Angl.: The danger of neo-Menshevism and its collapse

IDN  08833        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08834        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08835        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Discorso di chiusura del dibattito sul rapporto 'La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08836        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08837        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: La fisionomia politica dell'opposizione russa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08838        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08839        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08840        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08841        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08842        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: The political complexion of the Russian opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08843        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskaja fizionomija russkoj oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08844        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Die politische Physiognomie der russischen Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08845        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08846        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin zur Diskussion über den Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08847        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08848        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08849        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: The Trotskyist opposition before and now   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08850        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08851        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08852        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08853        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08854        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08855        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08856        Steckij, Aleksej Ivanovič: Kak novaja oppozicija prišla k trockizmu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08857         LLTB  Chapter
Stėn, Jan Ėrnestovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
: (ob osnovnych voprosach raznoglasij v VKP) / Jan Stėn
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1926 (2=60) : pp. 20-29

Angl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? : about the crucial issues of the controversies within the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  08858         LLTB  Chapter
Voždi v oppozicii

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1926 (6=64) : pp. 24-32

Other ed., versions, transl.: Führer in Opposition
Angl.: Leaders in opposition

IDN  08859         LLTB  Chapter
Weshalb ist die Abweichung der Opposition eine sozialdemokratische?

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (134) : pp. 2320-2321

Orig.: Počemu uklon oppozicii est' uklon social-demokratičeskij?
Angl.: Why is the opposition's deviation a social-democratic one?

IDN  08860         LLTB  Chapter
Wolfe, Bertram David:
The Trotsky opposition : its significance for American workers / Bertram D. Wolfe. - New York, NY : Workers Library Publ., 1928. - 96 pp. - (Workers library ; 5)
Table of contents: p.7 Leaders and controversies -- p.11 What caused the crisis -- p.17 The nature of the opposition block -- p.23 The political theory of the opposition -- p.29 The economic theory of the opposition -- p.34 The practical proposals of the opposition -- p.41 The opposition and the party -- p.47 The opposition and the C.I. -- p.50 The question of the Chinese opposition -- p.54 The defense of the Soviet Union -- p.58 America discusses the opposition: p.58 Typical viewpoints -- p.64 The gossip of Max Eastman -- p.73 Lore's bridge to socialism -- p.81 Salutsky earns his hire -- p.84 Abramovich gives the socialist view -- p.90 What the liberals "think" -- p.93 Trotskyism as a "Jewish" issue

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08861         LLTB  Chapter
Abrunhosa, Rafael David: Fora o poder tudo é ilusão
: o conceito de dictadura do proletariado em Stálin e a crítica à teoria da revolução permanente = Apart from power, everything is an illusion : the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat in Stalin and criticism of the theory of permanent revolution [Electronic resource]
In: Revista Urutágua : revista acadêmica multidisciplinar [Electronic journal] ‹Maringá› [ISSN 1519-6178] 2018 (37) : pp. 128-143 (751 KB)

IDN  08862        Blinov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Otricanie vozmožnosti pobedy socialističeskoj revoljucii v odnoj strane   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08863         LLTB  Chapter
Brahm, Heinz:
La "révolution permanente" de Trotski et le "socialisme dans un seul pays" de Staline / H. Brahm
In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 6.1965 : pp. 84-99

Transl. of ch. II,13 of author's "Trockijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins" [see ch. 5.1]
Angl.: The "permanent revolution" of Trotsky and the "socialism in one country" of Stalin

IDN  08864        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs ideologischer Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins (1922-1926)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08865        Brahm, Heinz: Trotzkijs Kampf um die Nachfolge Lenins   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08866        Colombo, Arturo: Trotskij e l'unità del partito   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08867        El gran debate (1924-1926)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08868         LLTB  Chapter
Kaczmarek, Bohdan: Spór o możliwości zbudowania socjalizma w jednym kraju
: (argumenty Trockiego, Stalina i ujęcie leninowskie). - Warszawa : Książka i Wiedza, 1988. - 29 pp. - (Materiały, analizy, studia)
Angl.: The controversy about the possibility of building socialism in one country

IDN  08869         LLTB  Chapter
Korey, William: Zinov'ev's critique of Stalin's theory of socialism in one country, December 1925 - December 1926

In: The American Slavic and East European Review ‹New York, NY, etc.› [ISSN 1049-7544] 9.1950 (4) : pp. 255-267

Notes: 58

IDN  08870        Lenk, Kurt: Permanente Revolution und Sozialismus in einem Lande   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08871        Lešnik, Avgust: Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08872        Lešnik, Avgust: Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08873        Lituchy, Barry Michael: Reexamining the economic program of the Left Opposition in the USSR   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08874        Lubitz, Wolfgang: L. Trotzkis Theorie der "permanenten Revolution" als Bestandteil einer historisch-materialistischen Kritik und Einstufung stalinistischer Positionen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08875         LLTB  Chapter
Maestro Martínez, Ángel: Socialismo en un solo país o revolución permanente?
: la polémica Stalin-Trotsky. - [S.l., ca. 1978]. - 89 pp.

IDN  08876        "Permanentna revolucija" i socijalizam u jednoj zemlji   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08877        Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08878        La 'rivoluzione permanente' e il socialismo in un paese solo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08879        Ross, John: How the Soviet economy must be reorganised   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08880         LLTB  Chapter
Schröder, Hans-Henning:
Die Lehre vom Aufbau des Sozialismus in einem Lande
In: Politische Bildung ‹Schwalbach, Ts.› [ISSN 0554-5455] 20.1987 (2) : pp. 35-49

IDN  08881        Stalin mot Trotskij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08882        Staline contre Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08883         LLTB  Chapter
Tal', Boris Markovič: Leninizm, partija i oppozicionnyj blok o charaktere našej revoljucii i vozmožnosti postroenija socializma v SSSR
/ B. Tal'
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1926 (21/22) : pp. 75-95

Angl.: Leninism, the party, and the opposition bloc about the character of our revolution and the possibilities of building socialism in the USSR

IDN  08884         LLTB  Chapter
Varejkis, Iosif Michajlovič: Korennyj vopros našich raznoglasij
: ili ešče raz vozmožna li pobeda socializma v odnoj strane ; (otvet kritikam) / I. Varejkis. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 22 pp.
Angl.: The crucial question of our disagreements

IDN  08885         LLTB  Chapter
Varejkis, Iosif Michajlovič: Vozmožna li pobeda socializma v odnoj strane?
/ I.M. Varejkis. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1925. - 125 pp.
Angl.: Is the victory of socialism in one country possible?

IDN  08886         LLTB  Chapter
Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič:
Le socialisme dans un seul pays / N. Valentinov [i.e. Nikolaj Vladislavovič Vol'skij]. Trad. du russe
In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 9.1965 (2) : pp. 67-77

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il socialismo in un solo paese
Angl.: The socialism "in one country"

IDN  08887         LLTB  Chapter
Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič:
Il socialismo in un solo paese / Nikola Valentinov [i.e. Nikolaj Vladislavovič Vol'skij]
In: Corrispondenza socialista ‹Roma› [ISSN 0010-9304] 6.1965 (8/9) : pp. 427-438

Other ed., versions, transl.: Le socialisme "dans un seul pays"
Angl.: Socialism in one country

IDN  08888        Weber, Nicholas Stephen: Theory, politics and dogma in the nineteen twenties   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  08889         LLTB  Chapter
Ancelovič, Naum Markovič: Partija, sel'skochozjajstvennyj proletariat i oppozicija
/ N. Ancelovič
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.1=nr.275) : p. 5

Angl.: The party, the agricultural proletariat, and the opposition

IDN  08890         LLTB  Chapter
Azizjan, Atyk Kegamovič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po krest'janskomu voprosu
/ A. Azizjan
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1935 (3) : pp. 67-78

Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism as regards the peasant question

IDN  08891         LLTB  Chapter
Bacekalo, Vasilij Denisovič: Kritika sovremennoj zapadnogermanskoj buržuaznoj fal'sifikacii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma za prinjatie leninskogo plana GOĖLRO

In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socializma i kommunizma. 4. (Moskva, 1974) : pp. 171-185

Angl.: Criticism of contemporary West-German bourgeois falsifications of the Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism, for adoption of Lenin's plan of the "State Commission for the Electrification of Russia"

IDN  08892         LLTB  Chapter
Bacekalo, Vasilij Denisovič: Razoblačenie sovremennoj zapadnogermanskoj buržuaznoj fal'sifikacii bor'by Kommunističeskoj partii protiv trockizma po voprosam socialističeskoj industrializacii
. - 198 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1974
Angl.: Exposure of contemporary Western German bourgeois falsifications of the Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism with regard to the socialist industrialization

IDN  08893         LLTB  Chapter
Bacekalo, Vasilij Denisovič: Razoblačenie sovremennoj zapadnogermanskoj buržuaznoj fal'sifikacii bor'by Kommunističeskoj partii protiv trockizma po voprosam socialističeskoj industrializacii
. - 18 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1974

IDN  08894         LLTB  Chapter
Baranov, Andrej Vladimirovič: Soperničestvo vnutriėlitnych bol'ševistskich gruppirovok po probleme traktovki novoj ėkonomičeskoj politiki v 1923-načale 1926 gg.
= Rivalry of intra-elite Bolshevik groups on the problem of interpretation of the new economic policy in the 1923 - beginning 1926 [Electronic resource]
In: Voprosy ėlitologii = Issues in Elitology [Electronic journal] ‹Astrachan'› [ISSN 2712-8415] 1.2020 (3) : pp. 26-50 (721 KB)

Bibliogr.: pp. 44-50
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 5, 2023

IDN  08895         LLTB  Chapter
Beljanova, Antonina Michajlovna: O tempach ėkonomičeskogo razvitija SSSR
: po materialam diskussij 20-ch godov / A.M. Beljanova. - Moskva : Izd-vo Ėkonomika, 1974. - 173 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.9 Vopros o neobchodimosti i vozmožnosti vysokich tempov ėkonomičeskogo razvitija SSSR -- p.48 Diskussija ob istočnikach i faktorach rosta sovetskogo narodnogo chozjajstva -- p.119 Problema tempov v rabotach po general'nomu planu razvitija narodnogo chozjajstva SSSR
Angl.: About the tempi of the economic development of the USSR

IDN  08896         LLTB  Chapter
Berezin, Nikolaj Sergeevič: Industrializacija strany Sovetov v imperialističeskom okruženii
/ N. Berezin
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 96-104

Angl.: The industrialization of the Soviet land faced with imperialist encirclement

IDN  08897         LLTB  Chapter
Berezin, Nikolaj Sergeevič: Oppozicija i osnovnye voprosy chozjajstvennoj politiki
/ N.S. Berezin. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1927. - 61 pp.
Angl.: The opposition and the main questions of economic politics

IDN  08898        Bettanin, Fabio: Trockij e la questione agraria   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08899         LLTB  Chapter
Borovikova, V.G.: Krach trockistskoj teorii o nevozmožnosti priobščenija krest'janstva k stroitel'stvu socializma
: (1921-1927)
In: Iz istoričeskogo opyta bor'by KPSS protiv opportunizma. (Smolensk, 1984) : pp. 119-123

Notes: 37
Angl.: The collapse of the Trotskist theory of the impossibility of the peasantry's participation in the construction of socialism (1921-27)

IDN  08900        Bosch, Victoria: La polémica Bujarin, Trotsky y Preobrajensky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08901        Britovšek, Marjan: Dileme "novega kurza" Leva Davidoviča Trockega   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08902        Britovšek, Marjan: Die Dilemmas des "Neuen Kurses" von Lew Davidowitsch Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08903        Britovšek, Marjan: Die Dilemmata des "Neuen Kurses" von Leo Trotzki   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08904        Britovšek, Marjan: Trocki in proces destalinizacije v zgodovinski znanosti v Sovjetski zvezi   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08905         LLTB  Chapter
Bronger, Dirk:
Die Auseinandersetzungen um die sovetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kommunistischen Opposition in Sovetrußland. - [Various pag.]
Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Diss., 1966
Director of thesis: H. Schlenger
Trade ed. see author's "Der Kampf um die sowjetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929", Köln, 1967
Angl.: The controversy about Soviet agrarian policy 1925-29

IDN  08906         LLTB  Chapter
Bronger, Dirk:
Der Kampf um die sowjetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kommunistischen Opposition in Sowjetrußland. - Köln : Verl. Wissenschaft und Politik, 1967. - 318 pp. - (Abhandlungen des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien [ISSN 0435-7187] ; 16)
Table of contents: p.9 Einleitung -- p.17 Marxismus und Bauerntum -- p.22 Lenins Stellung zum Bauerntum -- p.29 Die bolschewistische Agrarpolitik 1917-1925 -- p.47 Der XIV. Parteitag -- p.83 Die ideologischen Auseinandersetzungen um die Agrarpolitik zwischen Parteiführung und "Vereinigter Opposition" -- p.119 Der XV. Parteitag -- p.155 Der Beginn der Auseinandersetzungen um die Agrarpolitik vom XV. Parteitag bis zum Aprilplenum -- p.186 Die Auseinandersetzungen vom April- bis zum Juniplenum -- p.218 Der Kampf um die Agrarpolitik zwischen Juli- und Novemberplenum -- p.251 Vom offenen Kampf zum Bruch -- p.279 Ausblick -- p.284 Graphische Darstellung der Agrarpolitik 1925-1927 und 1928-1929 -- p.287 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis -- p.317 Personenregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 287-315
Notes: 1.483
Trade ed. of author's "Die Auseinandersetzungen um die sovetische Agrarpolitik 1925-1929", Christian-Albrechts-Univ., Kiel, 1966
Angl.: The controversy about Soviet agrarian policy 1925-29

IDN  08907         LLTB  Chapter
Bronskij, Mečislav Genrichovič: K ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii
/ M. Bronskij
In: Socialističeskoe chozjajstvo ‹Moskva etc.› 1926 (5) : pp. 5-32

Angl.: On the economic platform of the opposition

IDN  08908        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08909        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08910        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ėkonomičeskie perspektivy v derevne   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08911        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: For the Leninist line in the question of our policy in the village   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08912        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Für die Leninsche Politik in den Fragen der Politik auf dem Dorfe   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08913        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08914        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08915        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08916        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08917        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: A new revelation as to Soviet economics   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08918        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08919        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08920        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  08921        Cakunov, Sergej Vladimirovič: V labirinte doktryny   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08922        Dallemagne, Jean-Luc: Le concept d'industrialisation dans l'analyse de Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08923        Dallemagne, Jean-Luc: L'industrializzazione nell'analisi di Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08924        Dallemagne, Jean-Luc: Trockij dalla guerra alla NEP   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08925        Davies, Robert William: Trockij and the debate on industrialisation in the USSR   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08926        Day, Richard Bruce: L. D. Trotsky and the economics of Soviet isolation   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08927        Day, Richard Bruce: Leon Trotsky and the politics of economic isolation   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08928        Day, Richard Bruce: Leon Trotsky on the problems of the smychka and forced collectivization   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08929        Day, Richard Bruce: Lev Trockij i politika ėkonomičeskoj izoljacii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08930        Day, Richard Bruce: The myth of the 'super-industrialiser'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08931        Day, Richard Bruce: Preobrazhensky and Trotsky : the transition to socialism and the afterlife of NEP   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08932        Day, Richard Bruce: Socialism in one country   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08933        Day, Richard Bruce: Trotskij e Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08934         LLTB  Chapter
Day, Richard Bruce: Trotsky and Preobrazhensky
: the troubled unity of the Left Opposition / Richard B. Day
In: Studies in Comparative Communism ‹Los Angeles, Cal.; later: Guildford› [ISSN 0039-3592] 10.1977 (1/2) : pp. 69-86

Table of contents: p.71 Internationalism and the logic of industrialization -- p.75 Concessions policy -- p.77 Foreign loans -- p.78 Capital equipment imports -- p.80 Consumer goods imports -- p.81 The law of value and the world division of labor -- p.84 Conclusions
Notes: 61
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky y Preobrazhensky : la problemática unidad de la Opozición de Izquierda

IDN  08935         LLTB  Chapter
Day, Richard Bruce: Trotsky y Preobrazhensky
: la problemática unidad de la Oposición de Izquierda / Richard Day. Pról. de Daniel Gaido
In: En defensa del marxismo ‹Buenos Aires› [ISSN 2314-047X] 26.2017 (49) : pp. 179-217

Notes: 8
Orig.: Trotsky and Preobrazhensky : the troubled unity of the Left Opposition

IDN  08936        Dičenko, Michail Borisovič: Trockistskaja koncepcija chozjajstvennogo razvitija SSSR v 1920-e gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08937         LLTB  Chapter
Dobb, Maurice:
The discussions of the 1920's about building socialism
In: Annali / Istituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli ‹Milano› [ISSN 0544-1374] 9.1967(1968) : pp. 136-166

Notes: 59
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Diskussion in den zwanziger Jahren über den Aufbau des Sozialismus

IDN  08938         LLTB  Chapter
Dobb, Maurice:
Die Diskussion in den zwanziger Jahren über den Aufbau des Sozialismus / aus dem Engl. von Johannes Buchrucker
In: Probleme des Sozialismus und der Übergangsgesellschaft / hrsg. von P. Hennicke. (Frankfurt a.M., 1973) : pp. 282-331

Notes: 59
Orig.: The discussions of the 1920's about building socialism

IDN  08939         LLTB  Chapter
Dubrovskij, Sergej Mitrofanovič: Rassloenie derevni i naša politika
/ Dubrovskij
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 105-117

Angl.: The stratification of the rural population and our politics

IDN  08940         LLTB  Chapter
Dubrovskij, Sergej Mitrofanovič: Vopros o krest'janstve i o postroenii socializma u sovremennoj oppozicii
/ S. Dubrovskij
In: Na agrarnom fronte ‹Moskva› 1926 (11/12) : pp. 3-13

Angl.: The contemporary opposition and the questions of the peasantry and of building socialism

IDN  08941         LLTB  Chapter
Ėkonomičeskaja politika partii i oppozicija
: sbornik statej / pod red. Š. Dvolajckogo [et al.]. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 70 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: Economic politics of the party and the opposition

IDN  08942         LLTB  Chapter
Erlich, Alexander:
Il dibattito sovietico sull'industrializzazione 1924-1928 / trad.: Lisa Foa. - Bari : Laterza, 1969. - 221 pp. - (Libri del tempo ; 114)
Orig.: The Soviet industrialization debate, 1924-1928
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Industrialisierungsdebatte in der Sowjetunion, 1924-1928

IDN  08943         LLTB  Chapter
Erlich, Alexander:
Die Industrialisierungsdebatte in der Sowjetunion, 1924-1928 / [aus dem Amerikan. übers. von Gisela Engel et al.]. - Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Europäische Verl.-Anst. [etc.], 1971. - 190 pp. - (Politische Ökonomie : Geschichte und Kritik)
Table of contents: p.9 Einleitung -- p.18 Die "Leninsche Revolution" und ihr Interpret -- p.36 Angriffe von rechts und links -- p.66 Versuche einer Synthese -- p.82 Die Bucharinsche Schule modifiziert ihre Position -- p.92 Ein Versuch der Ausflucht -- p.102 Das Ungleichgewicht -- p.124 Entspannungsmöglichkeiten -- p.140 Die langfristige Perspektive -- p.155 Die Entscheidung -- p.176 Chronologisches Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Ereignisse -- p.179 Literaturverzeichnis -- p.185 Namen- und Sachregister
Bibliogr.: pp. 179-184
Notes: 257
Orig.: The Soviet industrialization debate, 1924-1928
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il dibattito sovietico sull'industrializzazione 1924-1928

IDN  08944         LLTB  Chapter
Erlich, Alexander:
The Soviet industrialization debate, 1924-1928. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1960. - XXIII, 214 pp. - (Russian Research Center studies [ISSN 0073-0831] ; 41)
Table of contents: p.XV Introduction -- p.2 The "Lenin revolution" and its interpreter -- p.24 The challenge from the right and from the left -- p.60 Attempt at synthesis -- p.78 The Bukharin school readjusts its views -- p.90 An exercise in evasion -- p.101 The imbalance -- p.126 Relaxation possibilities -- p.145 A long-range view -- p.163 The final decision -- p.189 A chronology of events, 1921-1929 -- p.195 Bibliography of sources cited -- p.202 References -- p.210 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 195-201
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Industrialisierungsdebatte in der Sowjetunion, 1924-1928 ; Il dibattito sovietico sull'industrializzazione 1924-1928

IDN  08945         LLTB  Chapter
Erlich, Alexander:
The Soviet industrialization debate, 1924-1928. - 2. print. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1967. - XXIII, 214 pp. - (Russian Research Center studies [ISSN 0073-0831] ; 41)
Bibliogr.: pp. 195-201
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Industrialisierungsdebatte in der Sowjetunion, 1924-1928 ; Il dibattito sovietico sull'industrializzazione 1924-1928

IDN  08946         LLTB  Chapter
Fischer, Louis: Whither Trotzky?

In: Modern Quarterly ‹Baltimore, Md.› 5.1929/30 (1) : pp. 53-60

IDN  08947         LLTB  Chapter
Gajster, S.: Socialističeskaja racionalizacija i oppozicionnyj tuman

In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 37-52

Notes: 5
Angl.: Socialist rationalization and the opposition's lack of understanding

IDN  08948         LLTB  Chapter
Gol'denberg, Ė.: Chozjajstvennyj vopros na XV konferencii

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (21/22) : pp. 8-24

Angl.: The economic question at the 15th party conference

IDN  08949         LLTB  Chapter
Granovskij, Evgenij L'vovič: Voprosy zarplaty i proizvoditel'nosti truda i demagogija oppozicii
/ E. Granovskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 31=nr.172) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: The questions of wages and productivity of work and the demagogy of the opposition

IDN  08950        Grišin, Zinovij Zinov'evič: K voprosu o bucharinskoj i trockistskoj koncepcijach klassov i klassovoj bor'by v perechodnyj period   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08951        Gueullette, Agota: Trotsky's conceptions concerning foreign economic relations   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08952         LLTB  Chapter
Gurland, Arcadius Rudolf Lang:
Die Opposition in Rußland : nach dem Ausschluß von Trotzki und Sinowjew / A. Gurland
In: Der Klassenkampf ‹Berlin› 1.1927 (5) : pp. 139-144

Angl.: The opposition in Russia : after the expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev

IDN  08953         LLTB  Chapter
Guščin, S.N.: Bor'ba partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosam blagosostojanija rabočego klassa

In: Učenye zapiski Azerbajdžanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija istoričeskich i filosofskich nauk ‹Baku› [ISSN 0522-0432] 1969 (2) : pp. 38-49

Notes: 60
Angl.: The party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc regarding the prosperity of the working class

IDN  08954        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: La colectivización estalinista y los trotskistas soviéticos   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08955        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Osuščestvil li Stalin programmu Trockogo?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08956        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: "Socializm na konnoj tjage"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08957        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Stalinist industrialization and the Trotskyist opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08958        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Stalinskaja industrializacija i trockistskaja oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08959         LLTB  Chapter
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom po voprosam vnešneėkonomičeskoj politiki (1926-1928 gg.)
/ V.L. Ignat'ev ; V.I. Kas'janenko
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1970 (1) : pp. 17-30

Notes: 47
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism regarding foreign economic politics (1926-28)

IDN  08960         LLTB  Chapter
Ingulov, Sergej Borisovič: Protiv demagogii i chvostizma
: o vzgljadach oppozicii na racionalizaciju proizvodstva / S. Ingulov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 48 pp.
Angl.: Against demagogy and passivity : about the opposition's view of the rationalization of the production

IDN  08961         LLTB  Chapter
Kak dolžna byt' perestroena sovetskaja ėkonomika
: ėkonomičeskaja programma levoj oppozicii. - [S.l.], [ca. 1990]. - XXVIII pp.
Angl.: How the Soviet economy must be altered

IDN  08962         LLTB  Chapter
Kanatčikov, Semen Ivanovič: Po ložnomi puti
: (trockizm i krest'janstvo) / S. Kanatčikov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 36 pp.
Angl.: On the wrong track : Trotskyism and the peasantry

IDN  08963         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Ch.N.: Puti industrializacii i novaja oppozicija
. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 96 pp. - (Bibliotečka žurnala "Sputnik agitatora")
Angl.: Methods of industrialization and the New Opposition

IDN  08964         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Ch.N.: Puti industrializacii i novaja oppozicija
. - 3., dop. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 104 pp. - (Bibliotečka žurnala "Sputnik agitatora")

IDN  08965         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Michail Charitonovič: Kooperativnaja dejstvitel'nost' i social-demokratičeskaja teorija
/ M. Kantor
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 118-133

Angl.: The reality of the cooperatives and the social-democratic theory

IDN  08966         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Michail Charitonovič: Oppozicija v bor'be s leninskim kooperativnym planom
/ M. Kantor. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 86 pp.
Angl.: The opposition in struggle against the Leninist cooperative plan

IDN  08967         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Michail Charitonovič: Oppozicionnyj "kurs" v voprosach derevenskoj politiki
/ M. Kantor
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 303-311

Angl.: The opposition's "course" as regards rural politics

IDN  08968         LLTB  Chapter
Kantor, Michail Charitonovič: Oppozicionnyj "kurs" v voprosach derevenskoj politiki
/ M. Kantor
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.6=nr.177) : p. 3

IDN  08969         LLTB  Chapter
Katorgin, Ivan Ivanovič: Preodolenie trudnostej vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva
: bor'ba protiv trockizma / [I.I. Katorgin ; A.S. Velidov]
In: Lekcii po istorii KPSS. 2. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 363-398

Notes: 21
Angl.: The victory over the difficulties in raising the national economy : struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  08970         LLTB  Chapter
Katorgin, Ivan Ivanovič: Preodolenie trudnostej vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva
: bor'ba protiv trockizma / [I.I. Katorgin ; A.S. Velidov]
In: Lekcii po istorii KPSS. 2. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 363-398

Notes: 21

IDN  08971         LLTB  Chapter
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka za leninskij kurs na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR
: (1926-1927 gg). - 253 pp.
Rostov-na-Donu, Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1969
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc, for the Leninist course towards socialist construction in the USSR

IDN  08972         LLTB  Chapter
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka za leninskij kurs na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR
: (1926-1927 gg). - 23 pp.
Rostov-na-Donu, Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1969

IDN  08973         LLTB  Chapter
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Bor'ba KPSS s trockistsko-zinov'evskim antipartijnym blokom za osuščestvlenie leninskogo kursa na stroitel'stvo socializma v SSSR
: (1926-1927 gg.) / M.G. Kiselev
In: KPSS - rukovoditel' mass v bor'be za kommunizm. (Rostov-na-Donu, 1968) : pp. 93-109

Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc, for the realization of Lenin's course of building socialism in the USSR (1926-27)

IDN  08974        Kovačević, Branko: Trocki o proletarskoj partiji i permanentnoj revoluciji i njegove kontraverze u ruskoj socijaldemokratskoj i boljševičkoj partiji   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08975         LLTB  Chapter
Kraval', Ivan Adamovič: Politika partii v rabočem voprose i oppozicionnaja demagogija
/ Iv. Kraval'
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.17=nr.263) : p. 6

Angl.: The politics of the party as regards the workers question and the demagogy of the opposition

IDN  08976         LLTB  Chapter
Krucko, I.E.: Razoblačenie chozjajstvennoj platformy trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka na stranicach partijnoj pečati (1926-1927 gg.)

In: Voprosy ideologičeskoj raboty KPSS. 1. (Volgograd, 1972) : pp. 30-53

Notes: 45
Angl.: The exposure of the economic platform of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc in the pages of the party's press (1926-27)

IDN  08977         LLTB  Chapter
Krumin, Garal'd Ivanovič: Osnovnye voprosy chozjajstva i oppozicija
/ G. Krumin. - Moskva : Izd-vo Ėkonomičeskaja Žizn', 1927. - 83 pp.
Angl.: The opposition and the crucial questions of economics

IDN  08978         LLTB  Chapter
Kuz'min, Valentin Ivanovič: Pervaja v istorii socialističeskaja industrializacija

In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1967 (10) : pp. 71-94

Notes: 105
Angl.: The first socialist industrialization in history

IDN  08979         LLTB  Chapter
Kuz'min, Vladimir: Trockij o putjach razvitija sovetskoj derevni
/ Vl. Kuz'min
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (21) : pp. 55-62

Angl.: Trotsky on methods of Soviet rural development

IDN  08980         LLTB  Chapter
Larin, Jurij: Nalogovoe obloženie i oppozicija
/ Ju. Larin [i.e. Michail Aleksandrovič Lur'e]. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1928. - 36 pp.
Angl.: The income tax and the opposition

IDN  08981         LLTB  Chapter
Larin, Jurij: Social'nyj smysl oppozicionnogo bloka
/ Ju. Larin [i.e. Michail Aleksandrovič Lur'e]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.30=nr.251) : pp. 5-6

Angl.: The social thought of the opposition bloc

IDN  08982         LLTB  Chapter
Lavrent'ev, Z.: Fakty i cifry protiv oppozicii
: ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicionnogo bloka. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 45 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: Facts and figures against the opposition : on the economic platform of the opposition bloc

IDN  08983         LLTB  Chapter
Lewin, Moshe: N. I. Boukharine : ses idées sur la planification économique et leur actualité

In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique ‹Paris› [ISSN 0008-0160] 13.1972 (4) : pp. 481-501

Notes: 36

IDN  08984         LLTB  Chapter
Lifšic, Boris Salomonovič: Pravda li, oppozicija v voprose o raspredelenii narodnogo dochoda?
/ Bor. Lifšic
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.1=nr.275) : p. 6

Angl.: Is the opposition right as regards the distribution of the national income?

IDN  08985         LLTB  Chapter
Lifšic, Michail Iosifovič: Obloženie derevnii i oppozicija
/ M. Lifšic
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (22) : pp. 71-83

Angl.: Rural taxation and the opposition

IDN  08986         LLTB  Chapter
Lituchy, Barry Michael: Reexamining the economic program of the Left Opposition in the USSR
/ Barry M. Lituchy. - 1-3
In: In Defense of Marxism ‹New York, NY› [ISSN 1083-6764] 1992 (92) : pp. 28-32; 1992 (93) : pp. 24-28; 1992 (94) : pp. 24-26

Table of contents: [Pt.1:] p.28 Vital question for today -- p.28 Postrevolutionary Russia and the NEP -- p.30 Achievements of NEP ; The limitations of NEP -- p.31 Debate in the party leadership - [Pt.2:] p.24 The industrialization debate and the future evolution of Stalinism -- p.25 The actual views of the Left Opposition -- p.26 Socialist accumulation and capitalist accumulation -- p.27 Socialist accumulation and the capitalist market - [Pt.3:] p.24 Central role of the state -- p.25 Price policy -- p.26 'Exploitation'? ; Conclusion
Notes: 59

IDN  08987         LLTB  Chapter
Majmin, Arkadij Borisovič: Finansovoe chozjajstvo SSSR i oppozicija
/ A. Majmin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 122 pp.
Angl.: The financial policy of the USSR and the opposition

IDN  08988         LLTB  Chapter
Makarov, Boris Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy trockizma (1921-1927 gg)
. - 16 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1966

IDN  08989         LLTB  Chapter
Makarov, Boris Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy trockizma (1921-1927 gg)
. - 251 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1966
Angl.: Criticism of the economic platform of Trotskyism (1921-27)

IDN  08990         LLTB  Chapter
Makarov, Boris Ivanovič: Kritika trockizma po voprosam stroitel'stva socializma v SSSR
. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1965. - 102 pp.
Angl.: Criticism of Trotskyism with regard to building socialism in the USSR

IDN  08991        Mandel, Ernest: Democracia y socialismo en la URSS en L. D. Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08992        Mandel, Ernest: Démocratie et socialisme en U.R.S.S. chez L.D. Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08993        Mandel, Ernest: Democrazia e socialismo nell'URSS in Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08994        Mandel, Ernest: Trotskij som alternativ   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08995        Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky as alternative   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08996        Mandel, Ernest: Trotsky como alternativa   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08997        Mandel, Ernest: Trotzki als Alternative   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08998        Manevič, Vitalij Efimovič: Ėkonomičeskie diskussii 20-ch godov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  08999         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Chozjajstvennaja platforma ob"edinennoj oppozicii
/ Dm. Mareckij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (18) : pp. 118-146

Angl.: The economic platform of the United Opposition

IDN  09000         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Chozjajstvennaja platforma ob"edinennoj oppozicii
/ D. Mareckij. - Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda i Bednota, 1926. - 64 pp.

IDN  09001         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Chozjajstvennaja platforma ob"edinennoj oppozicii
/ Dm. Mareckij
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 408-446

Table of contents: p.414 Čto takoe industrializacija našej strany? -- p.418 Vopros o tempe. Tri plana ėkonomičeskogo razvitija -- p.426 Možno li krest'janstvo "obodet'" industrializaciej? -- p.429 Sverch industrializacija i differenciacija -- p.430 Sverchindustrializacija i agrarnoe perenaselenie -- p.432 Process industrializacii i dobavočnye sredstva na nee. Tajna "milliarda"
Notes: 16

IDN  09002         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Chozjajstvennaja platforma ob"edinennoj oppozicii
/ Dm. Mareckij
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. 2. izd. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 408-446

Notes: 16

IDN  09003         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Za leninskuju liniju v chozjajstvennoj politike
: štrejkbrechery našich dnej i ich "kontr-tezisy" / D. Mareckij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.17=nr.263) : pp. 4-5

Angl.: For the Leninist line in economic politics

IDN  09004         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: Ėkonomičeskaja platforma oppozicii i Ėkonomičeskaja dejstvitel'nost'
/ A. Martynov
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (42=116) : pp. 27-41

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die ökonomische Plattform der Opposition und die ökonomische Wirklichkeit
Angl.: The economic platform of the opposition and the economic reality

IDN  09005         LLTB  Chapter
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič:
Die ökonomische Plattform der Opposition und die ökonomische Wirklichkeit / A. Martynow
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 8.1927 (43) : pp. 2098-2117

Table of contents: p.2098 Von Stufe zu Stufe -- p.2100 Die Methodologie der Opposition -- p.2102 Wohin wächst die Industrie in der UdSSR? -- p.2105 Was wird in der UdSSR siegen: das Prinzip der Planmäßigkeit oder die Planlosigkeit? -- p.2108 Hebt sich im Sowjetdorf die Mittelwirtschaft oder wird sie zerstört? -- p.2112 In welcher Richtung und in welchem Tempo verändert sich die Lage der Arbeiterklasse der UdSSR? -- p.2115 Was wollen die Oppositionellen?
Orig.: Ėkonomičeskaja platforma oppozicii i Ėkonomičeskaja dejstvitel'nost'
Angl.: The economic platform of the opposition and the economic realities

IDN  09006         LLTB  Chapter
Maslov, Ivan Ivanovič: Bor'ba KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam stroitel'stva socializma v SSSR
/ I.I. Maslov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Znanie, 1965. - 46 pp. - (Novoe v žizni, nauke, technike : Serija 1, Istorija ; 7)
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism as regards the building of socialism in the USSR

IDN  09007         LLTB  Chapter
Morozov, Sergej Viktorovič: 'Ob"edinennaja oppozicija' i puti rešenija problemy zanjatosti i bezrabotnicy v SSSR v konce 1920-ch gg.
/ A.V. Morozov
In: Vestnik Kazanskogo Technologičeskogo Universiteta ‹Kazan'› [ISSN 1998-7072] 15.2012 (14) : pp. 232-238

Notes: 25
With Russ. and Engl. abstract
Angl.: The 'United Opposition' and the decision making with regard to the problems of employment and unemployment in the USSR at the end of the 1920s

IDN  09008         LLTB  Chapter
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Problemy planirovanija v kontekste bor'by za vlast' v uslovijach NĖPA

In: Otečestvennaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 2000 (4) : pp. 54-65

Angl.: Problems of economic planning in the context of the struggle for power under conditions of NEP

IDN  09009         LLTB  Chapter
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Stalin i bor'ba za liderstvo v bol'ševistskoj partii v uslovijach NĖP
. - Moskva : IVI RAN, 2000. - 203 pp.
ISBN 5-201-00542-1

Angl.: Stalin and the struggle for leadership in the Bolshevik party in the context of NEP

IDN  09010         LLTB  Chapter
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskoj partii (1923-1927 gg)
. - 17 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvenyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1995
Director of thesis: V.P. Naumov

IDN  09011         LLTB  Chapter
Nazarov, Oleg Gennad'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskoj partii (1923-1927 gg)
. - 346 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1995
Director of thesis: V.P. Naumov
Angl.: Inner-party struggle within the Bolshevik party (1923-27)

IDN  09012         LLTB  Chapter
Nikulichin, Jakov Petrovič: O tempe industrializacii i istočnikach nakoplenija
/ Ja. Nikulichin
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 66-84

Notes: 18
Angl.: About the tempo of industrialization and the sources of accumulation

IDN  09013        Nove, Alec: New light on Trotskii's economic views   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09014        Nove, Alec: A note on Trotsky and the 'Left Opposition', 1929-31   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09015        Nove, Alec: Nytt ljus över Leo Trotskijs ekonomisker idéer   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09016        Nove, Alec: Trockij e la "opposizione di sinistra", 1929-1931   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09017        Nove, Alec: Trockij, collectivisation and the five year plan   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09018         LLTB  Chapter
Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1929)
. - 185 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1981
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's ideological struggle against anti-Leninist groups as regards the NEP (1921-29)

IDN  09019         LLTB  Chapter
Novikov, Michail Nikitovič: Idejnaja bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii protiv antileninskich gruppirovok po voprosam nėpa (1921-1929)
. - 19 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1981

IDN  09020        Nutsch, James George: Trotsky and the peasants   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09021         LLTB  Chapter
Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii
: sbornik statej. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - VII, 446 pp.
Table of contents: p.1 Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike, ili kak možno pogubit' raboče-krest'janskij blok/N. Bucharin -- p.35 K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii/N. Bucharin -- p.79 Zakon cennosti v sovetskom chozjajstve/E. Preobraženskij -- p.156 Prenija po dokladu tov. Preobraženskogo "Zakon cennosti v sovetskom chaozjajstve" -- p.285 Zapozdalyj refleks/Gol'denberg -- p.297 Voprosy ėkonomičeskogo kursa/Gol'denberg -- p.310 Otvet tov. Preobraženskomu/Gol'denberg -- p.323 Vychod iz zatrudnenij ili obostrenie zatrudnenij?/A. Steckij -- p.349 Stoimost' v chozjajstvennoj sisteme SSSR/B. Berin -- p.361 Tov. Preobraženskij na putjach "uglublennogo issledovanija"/V. Astrov -- p.379 Nekotorye zamečanija po povodu "ėkonomičeskich zametok" tov. Preobraženskogo/Ja. Lejbman i A. Senčenko -- p.387 Tov. Bucharin v bor'be protiv "oppozicionnogo" bloka/Majzlin -- p.408 Chozjajstvennaja platforma ob"edinennoj oppozicii/D. Mareckij
Angl.: On the economic platform of the opposition : collection of essays

IDN  09022         LLTB  Chapter
Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii
: sbornik statej. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - VII, 446 pp.

IDN  09023         LLTB  Chapter
Panfilov, V.: Ėkonomičeskaja platforma oppozicionnogo bloka
. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij rabočij, 1927. - 80 pp.
Angl.: The economic platform of the opposition bloc

IDN  09024         LLTB  Chapter
Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Oppozicija v partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg
. - 264 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 2002
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.30 Diskussija po voprosam stroitel'stva socializma v odnoj strane -- p.90 Al'ternativy ėkonomičeskoj politiki v diskussijach 20-ch godov -- p.129 "Novaja oppozicija", ee dejatel'nost i poraženie -- p.244 Zaključenie -- p.250 Istočniki i literatura
Bibliogr.: pp. 250-263
Director of thesis: A.V. Čunakov
Angl.: The opposition in the Bolshevik party 1925-26

IDN  09025         LLTB  Chapter
Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Oppozicija v partii bol'ševikov v 1925-1926 gg
. - 32 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 2002
Director of thesis: A.V. Čunakov

IDN  09026         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Aleksej Pavlovič: Kommunističeskaja Partija v bor'be za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva (1926-1929 gg.)
/ [A.P. Pavlov ; M.P. Rjabova]
In: Lekcii po istorii KPSS. 2. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 421-493

Notes: 42
Angl.: The Communist Party in struggle for the socialist industrialization of the country and the preparation of the collectivization of agriculture (1926-29)

IDN  09027         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Aleksej Pavlovič: Kommunističeskaja Partija v bor'be za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva (1926-1929 gg.)
/ [A.P. Pavlov ; M.P. Rjabova]
In: Lekcii po istorii KPSS. 2. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1969) : pp. 421-493

Notes: 42

IDN  09028         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva
: (1921-1927) / V.S. Pavlov ; A.N. Šmelev
In: Kul'turno-prosveditel'naja rabota v sisteme ideologičeskoj dejatel'nosti KPSS. (Leningrad, 1984) : pp. 68-79

Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism regarding cultural reconstruction

IDN  09029         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva
: (1921-1927 gg). - 15 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Avtoref. diss., 1985

IDN  09030         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva
: (1921-1927 gg). - 229 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Diss., 1985
Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism regarding cultural reconstruction

IDN  09031         LLTB  Chapter
Pavlov, Valerij Semenovič: Sovetskaja istoriografija o bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockizma po voprosam kul'turnogo stroitel'stva
: (1921-1927)
In: Iz istoričeskogo opyta bor'by KPSS protiv opportunizma. (Smolensk, 1984) : pp. 128-136

Notes: 37
Angl.: The Soviet historiography about the Communist Party's struggle against Trotskyism regarding cultural reconstruction

IDN  09032         LLTB  Chapter
Peršin, Timofej Ivanovič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv "novoj oppozicii" za leninskuju general'nuju liniju stroitel'stva socializma v SSSR (1925 g.)
/ T.I. Peršin
In: Sbornik naučnych statej Kafedr Obščestvennych Nauk. (Omsk, 1970) : pp. 61-78

Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against the "New Opposition", for the Leninist general line of socialist construction in the USSR (1925)

IDN  09033         LLTB  Chapter
Pilling, Geoff:
The economic policies of the Left Opposition
In: Fourth International / International Committee of the Fourth International ‹London; later: Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0015-9204] 4.1967 (3) : pp. 96-100

IDN  09034        Purdue, Richard Bachman: Trotsky and Stalin 1917-1929   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09035         LLTB  Chapter
Ragol'skij, Moisej Naumovič: Zarabotnaja plata, proizvoditel'nost' truda v SSSR i ošibki oppozicii
/ M. Ragol'skij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 100 pp.
Angl.: Wages and productivity in the USSR and the errors of the opposition

IDN  09036        Ree, Erik van: Socialism in one country   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09037        Reiman, Michal: The birth of Stalinism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09038        Reiman, Michal: Die Geburt des Stalinismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09039        Reiman, Michal: El nacimiento del estalinismo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09040        Reiman, Michal: La nascita dello stalinismo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09041        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: L. D. Trockij o krest'janstve i kollektivizacii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09042        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Trockij protiv Stalina   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09043         LLTB  Chapter
Ross, John: How the Soviet economy must be reorganised
: the economic programme of the Left Opposition
In: Socialist Action ‹London› [ISSN 1361-424X] 1991 (12/13,suppl.) : pp. I-XXVIII

Table of contents: p.IV The foundations of Trotsky's economic policy -- p.XI The central choice in the Soviet economy -- p.XX Democracy and the categories of commodity economy
Notes: 136

IDN  09044         LLTB  Chapter
Rozental', Konstantin Jakovlevič: Oppozicija o voprosach sovremennogo ėkonomičeskogo kursa
/ K. Rozental'
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (22) : pp. 117-134

Angl.: The opposition on the questions of the contemporary economic course

IDN  09045         LLTB  Chapter
Rozental', Konstantin Jakovlevič: Perspektivy na buduščee i oppozicionnye "zady"
/ K. Rozental'
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (18) : pp. 81-100

Angl.: Prospects for the future and oppositional platitudes

IDN  09046         LLTB  Chapter
Rozental', Konstantin Jakovlevič: Politika partii v derevne i oppozicija
/ K. Rozental'. Pod red. A. Slepkova. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 56 pp. - (Za edinstvo VKP(b))
Angl.: The party's rural policy and the opposition

IDN  09047         LLTB  Chapter
Rukin, N.S.: Leninskij kurs na industrializaciju strany i ideologičeskaja bor'ba partii s trockizmom v 1925-1927 gg.

In: Idei V.I. Lenina ozarjajut put' k kommunizmu. (Novosibirsk, 1970) : pp. 37-48

Angl.: The Leninist course of industrialization of the country and the ideological struggle of the party against Trotskyism in the years 1925-27

IDN  09048        Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Ėkonomičeskie predskazanija oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09049         LLTB  Chapter
Šachmatov, A.: Pod znakom industrializacii
: (k pjatiletnemu planu razvitija promyšlennosti)
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 85-95

Angl.: Marked by industrialization

IDN  09050         LLTB  Chapter
Schütz, Stephan:
Die wirtschaftlichen Vorstellungen der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des linken Flügels von 1923 bis 1927. - 152 pp.
Berlin, Freie Univ., master thesis, 1988
Table of contents: p.1 Problemstellung, Quellen und Literatur -- p.9 Die politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung -- p.43 Die wirtschaftlichen Vorstellungen in der Kommunistischen Partei 1923/24 -- p.70 Die wirtschaftlichen Vorstellungen in der Kommunistischen Partei 1924/25 -- p.102 Die Industrialisierung in den wirtschaftspolitischen Überlegungen der Kommunistischen Partei von 1926/27 -- p.135 Schlußbetrachtung -- p.142 Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis
Bibliogr.: pp. 142-152
Notes: 470
Directors of thesis: Adelheid Simsch, Klaus Meyer
Angl.: The economic views of the CPSU, with special regard to its left wing from 1923 to 1927

IDN  09051        Selden, Mark: Trotsky and the agrarian question   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09052        Selden, Mark: Trotzki und die Agrarpolitik   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09053        Shapiro, Judith C.: In allem Ernst und für eine lange Zeit, aber nicht für immer   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09054        Shapiro, Judith C.: Seriously and for a long time, but not forever   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09055         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Chozjajstvennaja platforma oppozicii
/ A. Slepkov
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 274-282

Notes: 3
Excerpted from author's "Oppozicionnyj neomen'ševizm" [see ch.]
Angl.: The economic platform of the opposition

IDN  09056         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Protivorečija v ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii
/ A. Slepkov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.8=nr.232) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: Inconsistencies of the economic platform of the opposition

IDN  09057         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma, za postroenie socializma v SSSR
: (1923-1927 gg.)
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1974
Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party against Trotskyism, for the building of socialism in the USSR (1923-27)

IDN  09058         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv trockizma, za postroenie socializma v SSSR
: (1923-1927 gg). - 48 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1974
Bibliogr.: pp. 47-48

IDN  09059         LLTB  Chapter
Šmelev, Anatolij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba partii za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva (1926-1929 gg.)
/ [A.N. Šmelev ; V.A. Smyšljaev]
In: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv melkoburžuaznych grupp i tečenij. (Moskva, 1981) : pp. 218-251

Notes: 48
Angl.: The party's struggle for the socialist industrialization of the country and the realization of the complete collectivization of agriculture (1926-29)

IDN  09060         LLTB  Chapter
Der sozialistische Aufbau in der Sowjetunion und die Opposition
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2496-2499

Angl.: The socialist construction in the Soviet Union and the opposition

IDN  09061         LLTB  Chapter
Strel'cov, G.M.: Politika zarabotnoj platy i oppozicija
: (protiv demagogii) / G. Strel'cov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 56 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: Wage policy and the opposition : against demagogy

IDN  09062         LLTB  Chapter
Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovič: Naši chozjajstvennye perspektivy i oppozicija
/ S. Strumilin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.30=nr.274) : p. 5

Angl.: Our economic perspectives and the opposition

IDN  09063         LLTB  Chapter
Subbotin, Anatolij Aleksandrovič: Oppozicija i voprosy kooperativnogo stroitel'stva derevni
/ A.A. Subbotin. - Moskva : Knigosojuz, 1927. - 52 pp.
Angl.: The opposition and the problems of rural cooperative reconstruction

IDN  09064         LLTB  Chapter
Svetlov, Ferdinand Jur'evič: Puti industrializacii narodnogo chozjajstva SSSR
: politika partii i oppozicija / F.Ju. Svetlov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 159 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: Roads of industrialization of the national economy of the USSR : the politics of the party and the opposition

IDN  09065         LLTB  Chapter
Tirzbanurt, Teodor Andreevič: Ob"edinennaja oppozicija i voprosy truda
/ T. Tirzbanurt. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 102 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: The United Opposition and the problems of labour

IDN  09066         LLTB  Chapter
Tirzbanurt, Teodor Andreevič: Problema bezraboticy
: kak ona est' i kak ee izobražaet oppozicija / T. Tirzbanurt
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 53-65

Notes: 4
Angl.: Problems of unemployment

IDN  09067         LLTB  Chapter
Tirzbanurt, Teodor Andreevič: Racionalizacija proizvodstva i oppozicionnaja demagogija
/ T. Tirzbanurt
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 282-293

Table of contents: p.282 Zadači i charakter racionalizacii -- p.287 Puti našej racionalizacii -- p.291 Racionalizacija, intensinost' i oppozicionnaja cechovščina
Notes: 4
Reprinted from: Pravda (Moskva), 1927 (July 29=nr.169)
Angl.: The rationalization of the production and the demagogy of the opposition

IDN  09068         LLTB  Chapter
Tirzbanurt, Teodor Andreevič: Racionalizacija proizvodstva i oppozicionnaja demagogija
/ T. Tirzbanurt
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 29=nr.169) : pp. 5-6

IDN  09069         LLTB  Chapter
Ustinov, Viktor Michajlovič: Dejatel'nost' partii po vosstanovleniju narodnogo chozjajstva
: bor'ba protiv trockizma / V.M. Ustinov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1983 (12) : pp. 104-114

Notes: 39
Angl.: The activities of the party for raising the national economy

IDN  09070         LLTB  Chapter
Vajsberg, Roman Efimovič: Oppozicija i pjatiletnij plan
/ R. Vajsberg
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.30=nr.274) : p. 5

Angl.: The opposition and the five-year plan

IDN  09071         LLTB  Chapter
Vojtinskij, Vladimir Savel'evič: Ėkonomičeskaja platforma oppozicii
/ Vl. Vojtinskij
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (24=166) : pp. 10-12

Angl.: The economic platform of the opposition

IDN  09072         LLTB  Chapter
Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič: De la "NEP" à la collectivisation
/ N. Valentinov [i.e. Nikolaj Vladislavovič Vol'skij]
In: Le Contrat social ‹Paris› [ISSN 0589-5782] 8.1964 (2) : pp. 72-82

Notes: 2
Other ed., versions, transl.: Della NEP alla collettivizzazione
Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: From "NEP" to collectivization

IDN  09073         LLTB  Chapter
Vol'skij, Nikolaj Vladislavovič: Della NEP alla collettivizzazione
/ Nikola Valentinov [i.e. Nikolaj Vladislavovič Vol'skij]
In: Corrispondenza socialista ‹Roma› [ISSN 0010-9304] 5.1964 : pp. 372-383

Other ed., versions, transl.: De la "NEP" à la collectivisation
Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: From NEP to collectivization

IDN  09074         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Perechod Kommunističeskoj Partii k osuščestvleniju politiki socialističeskoj industrializacii SSSR
: (1925-1927) / Ju.V. Voskresenskij. - Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1969. - 332 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.39 V.I. Lenin - sozdatel' plana socialističeskoj industrializacii SSSR -- p.96 Podgotovka perechoda k industrializacii SSSR -- p.152 Kurs Kommunističeskoj Partii na socialističeskuju industrializaciju SSSR -- p.198 Zaščita i dal'nejšee razvitie Kommunističeskoj Partiej kursa na socialističeskuju industrializaciju SSSR -- p.280 Kommunističeskaja Partija - organizator trudovogo pod"ema rabočego klassa -- p.313 Zaključenie
Angl.: The transition of the Communist Party to the realization of the politics of the socialist industrialization of the USSR (1925-27)

IDN  09075         LLTB  Chapter
Zajcev, S.: Politika partii v derevne i oppozicija

In: Sel'skoe i lesnoe chozjajstvo ‹Moskva› 1927 (1) : pp. 5-10

Angl.: The party's rural policy and the opposition

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09076         LLTB  Chapter
Alypov, S.: Javljaetsja li naše gosudarstvo proletarskim?
: ošibki oppozicii v voprose o klassovom charaktere našego gosudarstva. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 64 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: Isn't our state a workers' state? : errors of the opposition with regard to the class nature of our state

IDN  09077         LLTB  Chapter
Angarov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i oppozicija
/ A. Angarov
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 153-163

Angl.: The Soviet state and the opposition

IDN  09078         LLTB  Chapter
Angarov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Trockizm i gosudarstvo
/ A. Angarov
In: Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i revoljucija prava ‹Moskva› 1930 (7) : pp. 14-28

Notes: 23
Angl.: Trotskyism and the state

IDN  09079        Bergman, Jay Asa: The phantom of the Soviet Thermidor   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09080         LLTB  Chapter
Bor'ba s bjurokratizmom i oppozicija

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (17) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: The struggle against bureaucracy and the opposition

IDN  09081         LLTB  Chapter
Bor'ba s "termidorom"

In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (24=166) : pp. 1-3

Angl.: Struggle against the "Thermidor"

IDN  09082         LLTB  Chapter
Chitarin, Attilio: Victor Serge e Lev Trockij
: i presupposti di un dialogo difficile (1926-1936)
In: Il Ponte ‹Firenze› [ISSN 0032-423X] 36.1980 (11/12) : pp. 1402-1439

Notes: 85
Angl.: Victor Serge and Leon Trotsky : the presupposition of a difficult dialogue (1926-36)

IDN  09083         LLTB  Chapter
Dallin, David J.: O termidore
/ D. Dalin
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (23=165) : pp. 3-10

Angl.: On Thermidor

IDN  09084        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotsky on democracy and bureaucracy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09085        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotsky on proletarian democracy and party bureaucracy, 1923-1937   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09086        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotzki zu proletarischer Demokratie und Parteibürokratie, 1923-1937   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09087        Gurland, Arcadius Rudolf Lang: Die Opposition in Rußland   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09088         LLTB  Chapter
Kolokolkin, V.: Čto takoe termidor
/ V. Kolokolkin i S. Monosov. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928. - 144 pp.
Angl.: What does Thermidor mean?

IDN  09089         LLTB  Chapter
Kuricyn, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Kritika levoopportunističeskich izvraščenij leninskogo učenija o socialističeskom gosudarstve
/ V.M. Kuricyn
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1969 (8) : pp. 18-31

Notes: 48
Angl.: Criticism of the left-opportunistic misrepresentations of Lenin's doctrine of the socialist state

IDN  09090        Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: Oppozicija i bor'ba s bjurokratizmom   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09091        Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: "Predloženija" oppozicii po sovetskomu stroitel'stvu   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09092         LLTB  Chapter
Lockwood, David: Rival Napoleons?
: Stalinism and Bonapartism
In: War & Society ‹Canberra, ACT› [ISSN 0729-2473] 20.2002 (2) : pp. 53-69

IDN  09093         LLTB  Chapter
Makeev, Ivan Ivanovič: Trockij i Stalin o fenomene bjurokratizma
= Trotsky and Stalin about the phenomenon of bureaucracy
In: Čelovečeskij kapital : naučno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2074-2029] 2012 (2) : pp. 115-117

IDN  09094         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Tak nazyvaemyj "termidor" i opasnosti pereroždenija
/ D. Mareckij. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 48 pp.
Angl.: The so-called "Thermidor" and the danger of degeneration

IDN  09095         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Tak nazyvaemyj "termidor" i opasnosti pereroždenija
/ D. Mareckij
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 374-393

Table of contents: p.374 Iz istoričeskogo daleka -- p.378 Dve revoljucii: 1793-1794 i 1917-1927 gg. -- p.382 Termidor i "termidory", termidoriancy, robesp'erovcy, "bešenye", oppozicija -- p.388 Byl li Oktjabr' socialističeskoj revoljuciej?! Trockij i "neonėp"

IDN  09096         LLTB  Chapter
Mareckij, Dmitrij Petrovič: Tak nazyvaemyj "termidor" i opasnosti pereroždenija
/ D. Mareckij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 29=nr.170) : pp. 2-5

IDN  09097         LLTB  Chapter
Marty, Michel: À propos de Thermidor

In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 3.1927 (85) : pp. 1275-1278

Angl.: By the way of Thermidor

IDN  09098         LLTB  Chapter
Monosov, Sergej Michajlovič: O termidore
/ S. Monosov
In: Revoljucija i kul'tura ‹Moskva› 1927 (2)

Angl.: On Thermidor

IDN  09099         LLTB  Chapter
Nincieva, Galina Vasil'evna: Bjurokratija protiv samoupravlenija : itogi vnutripartijnoj diskussii 1920-ch gogov

In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Ėkonomika i Finansov ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2073-0802] 2010 (4) : pp. 91-94

Notes: 24
Angl.: Bureaucracy against self-government : results of the inner-party discussion in the 1920s

IDN  09100        Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič: Bor'ba partii s trockistami i pravymi po voprosam gosudarstva i diktatury proletariata   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09101        Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič: Diktatura proletariata i oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09102        Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič: Der Kampf der Partei gegen die Trotzkisten und die Rechten in den Fragen des Staates und der Diktatur des Proletariats   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09103         LLTB  Chapter
Prado, Carlos:
A burocratização, Stalin e a luta da opozição contra a degeneração do Partido Bolchevique (1922-24) [Electronic resource]
In: Verinotio : revista on-line de educação e ciências humanas [Electronic journal] ‹Rio das Ostas› [ISSN 1981-061X] 12.2017 (23,2) : pp. 152-175 (792 KB)

Notes: 38
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Jan. 20, 2018
Angl.: The bureaucratization, Stalin and the struggle of the opposition against the degeneration of the Bolshevik party (1922-24)

IDN  09104         LLTB  Chapter
Selezenev, K.: Trockizm v voprosach istorii russkogo gosudarstva
. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1931. - 125 pp.
Angl.: Trotskyism in the questions of the history of the Russian state

IDN  09105         LLTB  Chapter
Der "Thermidor"
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2502-2503

IDN  09106         LLTB  Chapter
"Thermidorianische Entartung" oder Aufbau des Sozialismus?

In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2503-2506

Angl.: "Thermidorian degeneration" or construction of socialism?

IDN  09107         LLTB  Chapter
Ugarov, Aleksandr Ivanovič: Rost socializma ili "termidorianskoe pereroždenie
/ A. Ugarov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1928. - 64 pp. - (Serija tekuščej politiki)
Angl.: Growth of socialism or "Thermidorian degeneration"?

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09108         LLTB  Chapter
Barančikov, Petr Grigor'evič: Ugroza vojny i oppozicija
/ P.G. Barančikov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 47 pp.
Angl.: The danger of war and the opposition

IDN  09109        Elleman, Bruce A.: Moscow and the emergence of communist power in China, 1925-30   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09110        Francis, William Wallace: The Stalin-Trotsky controversy over Soviet policy in China   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09111         LLTB  Chapter
Mitin, Mark Borisovič: Voennaja opasnost' i oppozicija
/ M.B. Mitin
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 218-230

Table of contents: p.218 Obostrenie voennoj opasnosti -- p.219 Pričiny približajuščejsja vojny -- p.220 Neposredstvennaja podgotovka Angliej vojny protiv nas -- p.222 Verojatnost' i neizbežnost' vojny -- p.223 Vozmožno li otkupitsja ot vojny -- p.224 Kak ob"jasnjaet oppozicija pričiny voennoj opasnosti -- p.225 Uslovnoe oborončestvo oppozicii
Angl.: The war danger and the opposition

IDN  09112        Nove, Alec: A note on Trotsky and the 'Left Opposition', 1929-31   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09113        Nove, Alec: Trockij e la "opposizione di sinistra", 1929-1931   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09114         LLTB  Chapter
Die Opposition und die Kriegsgefahr
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (80) : pp. 1735-1736

Orig.: Oppozicija i voennaja opasnost'
Angl.: The opposition and the danger of war

IDN  09115         LLTB  Chapter
Die Opposition und die Kriegsgefahr
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2506-2507

Orig.: Oppozicija i voennaja opasnost'

IDN  09116         LLTB  Chapter
Oppozicija i voennaja opasnost'

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.2=nr.173) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Opposition und die Kriegsgefahr
Angl.: The opposition and the danger of war

IDN  09117         LLTB  Chapter
Pozern, Boris Pavlovič: Kak oppozicija "oboronjaet" SSSR
/ B. Pozern. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1928. - 63 pp. - (Serija tekuščej politiki)
Angl.: How the opposition "defends" the USSR

IDN  09118         LLTB  Chapter
Pozern, Boris Pavlovič: Oppozicija na XV partkonferencii
/ B.P. Pozern. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1927. - 87 pp.
Angl.: The opposition at the XV party conference

IDN  09119         LLTB  Chapter
Samojlov, S.: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v voennym voprosach

In: Propagandist ‹Moskva› 1935 (11) : pp. 29-36

Angl.: The struggle of the party against Trotskyism regarding the question of war

IDN  09120        Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Partijnye žurnaly v bor'be protiv avantjurističeskoj platformy trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po vnešnepolitičeskim voprosam   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09121        Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Žurnal "Bol'ševik" - boevoe oružie partii v bor'be s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09122         LLTB  Chapter
Sémard, Pierre:
L' offensive contre l'U.R.S.S. et l'attitude de l'opposition / Pierre Sem [i.e. Pierre Sémard]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 3.1927 (79) : pp. 915-926

Angl.: The offensive against the USSR and the attitude of the opposition

IDN  09123         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Oppozicija i voprosy meždunarodnoj politiki na ob"edinennom plenume CK i CKK VKP(b)
/ A. Slepkov
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 31-44

Angl.: The opposition and the questions of international politics at the joint plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09124        Volkova, Irina Vladimirovna: Sovetskaja kommunističeskaja oppozicija o probleme razvitija nacional'no-revoljucionnogo dviženija v Kitae v 1926-pervoj polovie 1927 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09125         LLTB  Chapter
Antonov-Ovseenko, Anton Vladimirovič: L. Troc'kyj, J. Stalin, V. Antonov-Ovsienko
: (fragmenti istoriï polityčno borot'by) / A.V. Antonov-Ovsienko
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 1992 (3=372) : pp. 124-135

Notes: 19
Other ed., versions, transl.: L. Trotsky, J. Stalin, V. Antonov-Ovseenko
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With Russ. summary
Angl.: L. Trotsky, J. Stalin, V. Antonov-Ovseenko : fragments from the history of a political struggle

IDN  09126         LLTB  Chapter
Antonov-Ovseenko, Anton Vladimirovič: L. Trotsky, J. Stalin, V. Antonov-Ovseenko
: fragments of political struggle / Anton Antonov-Ovseenko. - 26 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Other ed., versions, transl.: L. Troc'kyj, J. Stalin, V. Antonov-Ovsienko
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990

IDN  09127         LLTB  Chapter
Asiaticus: Dokumente der russischen Opposition

In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 10.1927 (17) : pp. 517-524

Angl.: Documents of the Russian opposition

IDN  09128         LLTB  Chapter
Der Trotzkismus und die chinesische Revolution : (Sinowjews Umwälzung der Klassenverhältnisse in China). - [1-2]
In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 10.1927 (19) : pp. 581-587; 10.1927 (20) : pp. 616-623

Angl.: Trotskyism and the Chinese revolution

IDN  09129         LLTB  Chapter
Bayerlein, Bernhard H.: Politische Demokratie und Bürokratie
: Internationalismus, Stalinismus und Kommunistische Internationale ; zu einigen Aspekten der Analyse Trockijs. - Unkorrigierte Fassung. - 6 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: Political democracy and bureaucracy

IDN  09130        Belder, Bas: Trotskij en de Chinese revolutie, 1924-1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09131        Berti, Giuseppe: Mali passi del trotzkismo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09132         LLTB  Chapter
Blinov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Kritika trockistskich vzgljadov na sootnošenie nacional'nych i internacional'nych zadač proletariata posle pobedy socialističeskoj revoljucii
/ [A.G. Blinov]
In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv melkoburžuaznoj revoljucionnosti i avantjurizma. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 194-219

Angl.: Criticism of the Trotskyist views on the interaction of the national and international tasks of the proletariat after the victory of the socialist revolution

IDN  09133        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kitajskaja revoljucija i oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09134        Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Problema kitajskoj revoljucii i oppozicionnyj blok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09135         LLTB  Chapter
Die chinesische Frage und die Opposition
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2499-2501

Angl.: The Chinese question and the opposition

IDN  09136        Corvisieri, Silverio: Trotskij e il comunismo italiano   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09137        Čžao Czjan'bo: Politika Kominterna v Kitae v 1927-1928 gg. i formirovanie "levogo uklona" v KPK   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09138         LLTB  Chapter
Darling, Arthur Burr: Crisis in the struggle between Trotsky and Stalin
/ Arthur B. Darling
In: Current History ‹New York, NY› 27.1927 (3) : pp. 443-336

IDN  09139         LLTB  Chapter
Darling, Arthur Burr: Trotsky expelled from International
/ Arthur B. Darling
In: Current History ‹New York, NY› 27.1927 (2) : pp. 293-297

IDN  09140         LLTB  Chapter
Elleman, Bruce A.: Moscow and the emergence of communist power in China, 1925-30
: the Nanchang uprising and the birth of the Red Army. - London [etc.] : Routledge, 2009. - XII, 241 pp. - (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 55)
ISBN 978-0-415-77614-1 - ISBN 978-0-203-88160-6

Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.8 The origin of Soviet factional battles over the China question -- p.22 Chiang Kai-shek's 1926 political coup and the formation of the United Opposition -- p.37 The Northern expedition and the United Front -- p.49 Rocky shoals ahead -- p.65 Chiang's April 1927 purge and the United Front -- p.80 The United Opposition's spring 1927 campaign against the centrists -- p.103 The failure of the CCP-Left GMD stage of the United Front policy -- p.122 The final stage is set: Stalin orders the Nanchang uprising -- p.136 The Nanchang uprising and the CCP's "false" line -- p.158 The Canton Commune and Trotsky's expulsion from the Bolshevik party -- p.179 Bukharin and the Right Opposition -- p.192 The 1929 Sino-Soviet war and the creation of the Stalinist state -- p.206 Conclusions: China and the victory of "socialism in one country" -- p.212 Notes -- p. 230 Bibliography -- p.234 Index
Bibliogr.: pp. 230-233
Notes: 667

IDN  09141        Fischer, Louis: Trotsky's world revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09142         LLTB  Chapter
Francis, William Wallace:
The Stalin-Trotsky controversy over Soviet policy in China : 1925-1927 / William W. Francis. - 94 pp.
New York, NY, Columbia Univ., Thesis (M.A.), 1957
Bibliogr.: pp. 91-94

IDN  09143        Geis, Jael: Überblick über die Konzeptionen und Aktivitäten der chinesischen Trotzkisten 1929-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09144        Giannuli, Aldo: Alle origini del movimento trotzkijsta (1923-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09145         LLTB  Chapter
Grigor'ev, Aleksandr Mironovič: Bor'ba v VKP(b) i Kominterne po voprosam politiki v Kitae (1926-1927 gg.)
/ A. Grigor'ev. - [1-2]
In: Problemy dal'nego vostoka ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0131-2812] 1993 (2) : pp. 102-117; 1993 (3) : pp. 109-128

Notes: 134
Other ed., versions, transl.: La lutte dans le Parti Communiste Russe et le Comintern sur les questions de la politique en Chine (1926-1927)
Angl.: The struggle in the CPSU(B) and in the Comintern about the Chinese question (1926-1927)

IDN  09146         LLTB  Chapter
Grigor'ev, Aleksandr Mironovič:
La lutte dans le Parti Communiste Russe et le Comintern sur les questions de la politique en Chine (1926-1927) / A. Grigoriev. - [1-3]
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2001 (15) : pp. 67-76; 2001/02 (16) : pp. 35-41; 2002 (18) : pp. 71-89

Notes: 134
Orig.: Bor'ba v VKP(b) i Kominterne po voprosam politiki v Kitae (1926-1927 gg.)
Angl.: The struggle within the Russian Communist party and the Comintern about China policy (1926-27)

IDN  09147         LLTB  Chapter
Gupta, Sobhanial Datta: Contrasting perspectives of international communism on the working class movement, 1924-1934
. - 20 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 49
Paper submitted to the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Montréal, Aug. 27 - Sept. 3, 1995

IDN  09148         LLTB  Chapter
Gurevič, Aleksandr Iosifovič: Trockij-Zinov'ev i voprosy Kominterna
/ A. Gurevič. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1927. - 66 pp.
Angl.: Trotsky-Zinoviev and problems of Comintern

IDN  09149         LLTB  Chapter
Jacobs, Daniel Norman: Borodin, the Trotsky-Stalin conflict, and China
/ Dan N. Jacobs. - 25 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 21
Paper submitted to the International Conference The Trotsky-Stalin Conflict and Russia in the 1920s, Garden City, NY, March 9-10, 1979

IDN  09150         LLTB  Chapter
Kößler, Reinhart: Bukharin, Stalin, and Trotsky on the Chinese revolution
: city and countryside in 1927
In: Bukharin in retrospect / ed. by T. Bergmann [et al.] (Armonk, NY, 1994) : pp. 22-34

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Dominanz des russischen Paradigmas
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Bucharin-Symposium, Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988

IDN  09151         LLTB  Chapter
Kößler, Reinhart:
Die Dominanz des russischen Paradigmas : Bucharin, Stalin und Trotzki zur "chinesischen Frage" 1927
In: Liebling der Partei : Bucharin, Theoretiker des Sozialismus / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hrsg.) (Hamburg, 1989) : pp. 112-123

Table of contents: p.113 Die chinesische Frage 1927 -- p.115 Fraktionen und Friktionen : die Kontroverse um China 1927 -- p.116 Der Block aus vier Klassen und die Dynamik der Revolution -- p.119 Kritik am "inneren Block" -- p.120 Die Städte als zentraler Schauplatz der Revolution -- p.122 Literatur
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bukharin, Stalin, and Trotsky on the Chinese revolution
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Bucharin-Symposium, Wuppertal, Oct. 10-13, 1988
Angl.: The predominance of the Russian paradigma : Bukharin, Stalin and Trotsky on the "Chinese question" 1927

IDN  09152        Kovačević, Branko: Trocki o proletarskoj partiji i permanentnoj revoluciji i njegove kontraverze u ruskoj socijaldemokratskoj i boljševičkoj partiji   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09153        Lauscher, Horst: Trotzki und der Sechste Kongreß der Kommunistischen Internationale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09154         LLTB  Chapter
Lencner, Naum Michajlovič:
Die chinesische Revolution und die Opposition in der KPSU / N. Lenzner. - Hamburg [etc.] : Hoym, [1927]. - 56 pp.
Orig.: Kitajskaja revoljucija i oppozicija
Angl.: The Chinese revolution and the opposition in the CPSU

IDN  09155         LLTB  Chapter
Lencner, Naum Michajlovič: Kitajskaja revoljucija i oppozicija
/ N. Lencner. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 68 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die chinesische Revolution und die Opposition in der KPSU
Angl.: The Chinese revolution and the opposition

IDN  09156        Levine, Steven I.: Trotsky on China   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09157         LLTB  Chapter
Löw, Raimund:
Die russische Revolution und die internationale Arbeiterbewegung
In: Theorie und Praxis der Revolution / W.W. Ernst (Hrsg.) (Wien etc., 1980) : pp. 83-149

Notes: 13 (ch.5)
Particularly ch. 5, "Die Verteidigung des bolschewistischen Erbes : der Kampf Leo Trotzkis" (pp. 118-127)
Angl.: The Russian revolution and the international labour movement

IDN  09158         LLTB  Chapter
Mandaljan, T.: Problemy kitajskoj revoljucii i oppozicija v VKP(b)

In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 198-210

Table of contents: p.199 Agrarnaja ili antitamožennaja revoljucija? -- p.203 Nacional'naja buržuazija i gomindan -- p.206 Severnyj pochod i nacional'no-revoljucionnaja armija -- p.208 Vopros o vlasti
Angl.: Problems of the Chinese revolution and the opposition inside the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09159        Nove, Alec: A note on Trotsky and the 'Left Opposition', 1929-31   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09160        Nove, Alec: Trockij e la "opposizione di sinistra", 1929-1931   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09161         LLTB  Chapter
Die Opposition und das Anglo-Russische Komitee
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2508-2509

Angl.: The opposition and the Anglo-Russian Committee

IDN  09162         LLTB  Chapter
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Ob"edinennaja levaja oppozicija v otkrytoj bor'be so Stalinym
: kitajskij faktor, 1926-1927 gg. / A.V. Pancov
In: Totalitarizm i antitotalitarnye dviženija v Bolgarii, SSSR i drugich stranach Vostočnoj Evropy. (Char'kov, 1994) : pp. 326-331

Notes: 3
Angl.: The United Left Opposition in open struggle against Stalin : the Chinese issue, 1926-27

IDN  09163        Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Političeskaja teorija trockizma i Kommunističeskaja Partija Kitaja (20-e gody)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09164         LLTB  Chapter
Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: Stalin i kitajskaja levaja oppozicija
/ A.V. Pancov
In: Revoljucija i reformy v Kitae novejšego vremeni / red.-sost. V.A. Kozyrev. (Moskva, 2004) : pp. 81-98

Angl.: Stalin and the Chinese Left Opposition

IDN  09165         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič:
Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition / D. Bennet [David Aleksandrovič Petrovskij]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (77) : pp. 1646-1650

Orig.: Anglo-russkij komitet i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition in der KPSU
Angl.: The Anglo-Russian Committee and the opposition

IDN  09166         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič:
Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition in der KPSU / D. Petrowski. - Hamburg : Hoym, 1927. - 55 pp.
Orig.: Anglo-russkij komitet i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition
Angl.: The Anglo-Russian Committee and the opposition in the CPSU

IDN  09167         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič: Anglo-russkij komitet i oppozicija
/ D. Petrovskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 87 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition ; Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition in der KPSU
Angl.: The Anglo-Rusian Committee and the opposition

IDN  09168         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič: Anglo-russkij komitet i oppozicija
/ Bennet [David Aleksandrovič Petrovskij]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 30=nr.171) : pp. 2-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition ; Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und die Opposition in der KPSU

IDN  09169         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskaja proverka oppozicii na voprose ob anglo-russkom komitete
/ D. Petrovskij
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 211-217

Angl.: Historical examination of the opposition regarding the Anglo-Russian Committee

IDN  09170        Plato, Alexander von: "Trotzkismus" und Bolschewismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09171        Plato, Alexander von: Zur Einschätzung der Klassenkämpfe in der Weimarer Republik   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09172         LLTB  Chapter
Prado, Carlos:
A revolução chinesa e o problema das revoluções nos paises ditos coloniais ou semicoloniais (1924-1927) [Electronic resource]
In: Revista electrônica Trilhas da história [Electronic journal] ‹Três Lagoas› [ISSN 2238-1651] 8.2019 (16) : pp. 195-210

Notes: 7
With Port. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Aug. 10, 2020
Angl.: The Chinese revolution and the problem of revolutions in so-called colonial or semi-colonial countries (1924-1927)

IDN  09173        Quade, Marianne: Trotzkis Theorie der permanenten Revolution und die Analyse der Klassenverhältnisse der chinesischen Gesellschaft 1927 innerhalb der Kommunistischen Internationale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09174         LLTB  Chapter
Saran, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vosprijatie Kitaja političeskoj ėlitoj SSSR 1920-ch godov
: L.D. Trockij / A. Ju. Saran
In: Rossija i mir glazami drug druga : iz istorii vzaimovosprijatija. 1. (Moskva, 2001) : pp. 271-283

Notes: 47
Angl.: The perception of China in the political elites of the USSR in the 1920s

IDN  09175         LLTB  Chapter
Sémard, Pierre:
L' opposition fait une besogne de démolisseurs / Pierre Sem [i.e. Pierre Sémard]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 3.1927 (82) : pp. 1035-1043

Angl.: The opposition does a job of the subverters

IDN  09176         LLTB  Chapter
Sémard, Pierre:
L' opposition russe et l'Internationale
In: L'Humanité ‹Paris› [ISSN 0242-6870] 1927 (Jan. 7)

Angl.: The Russian and the international opposition

IDN  09177        Širinja, Kirill Kirillovič: Trockij i Komintern   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09178         LLTB  Chapter
Spoerry, Philip Scott:
The Stalin-Trotsky controversy on the Chinese revolution : 1925-1928. - III, 110 pp.
Seattle, Wash., Univ. of Washington, Thesis (M.A.), 1952
Bibliogr.: pp. 107-110

IDN  09179        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Revoljucija v Kitae i ošibki oppozicii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09180         LLTB  Chapter
Thornton, Richard Chester: Stalin, Trotsky, and the Chinese revolution
/ Richard C. Thornton
In: Thornton, R.C.: China, a political history, 1917-1980. (Boulder, Colo., 1982) : pp. 16-19

IDN  09181        Trotsky and the Russian Left Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09182        Trotzki und die russische Linke Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09183         LLTB  Chapter
Tutočkin, Jurij Tichonovič: Apelljacija Trockogo v "vysšuju instanciju"
: (zajavlenie VI kongressu Kominterna) / Ju.T. Tutočkin
In: Otečestvennye archivy ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0130-3554] 1993 (1) : pp. 73-76

Notes: 9
On pp. 77-88 text of Trotsky's declaration
Angl.: Trotsky's appeal to the "higher instance"

IDN  09184         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič:
Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und der innerparteiliche Kampf in der KPdSU(B) / Alexander Watlin. Aus dem Russ. von Wladislaw Hedeler
In: Vatlin, A.Ju.: Die Komintern : 1919-1929. (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 103-124

Notes: 44
Angl.: The Anglo-Russian Committee and the inner-party struggle of the CPSu

IDN  09185         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič:
Das Anglo-Russische Komitee und der innerparteiliche Kampf in der KPdSU(B) / Aleksandr J. Watlin. Aus dem Russ.: Wladislaw Hedeler
In: Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit ‹Various places› [ISSN 0174-4658 - ISSN 0936-1014] 1994 (13) : pp. 137-156

Notes: 44

IDN  09186         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: "Class brothers unite!"
: the British general strike and the formation of the "United Opposition" / Alexander Vatlin
In: The lost politbureau transcripts : from collective rule to Stalin's dictatorship / ed. by P.R. Gregory [et al.] (New Haven, Conn., 2008) : pp. 57-77

IDN  09187         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Kominternovskij aspekt vnutripartijnoj bor'by v VKP(b) v seredine 20-ch godov
/ A.Ju. Vatlin
In: Vatlin, A.Ju.: Komintern : pervye desjat' let. (Moskva, 1993) : pp. 56-80

Notes: 57
Angl.: Comintern aspects of the inner-party struggle in the Allunion Communist Party in the mid-1920s

IDN  09188        Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: On the verge of the break   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09189         LLTB  Chapter
Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Programmnaja diskussija v Kominterne
/ A.Ju. Vatlin
In: Voprosy istorii ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8779] 1995 (4/5) : pp. 97-110

Angl.: The programmatic discussion in the Comintern

IDN  09190        Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Trockij i Komintern (1923-1933)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09191        Vatlin, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Trotzki und die Komintern (1923-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09192         LLTB  Chapter
Volkov, Sergej Vasil'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosu ob Anglo-Russkom Komitete Profsojuznogo Edinstva
/ S.V. Volkov
In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socialističeskoj revoljucii i postroenie kommunističeskogo obščestva. 3. (Moskva, 1972) : pp. 194-217

Angl.: The Communist Party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc on the issue of the Anglo-Russian Committee for Trade Union Unity

IDN  09193         LLTB  Chapter
Volkova, Irina Vladimirovna: Sovetskaja kommunističeskaja oppozicija o probleme razvitija nacional'no-revoljucionnogo dviženija v Kitae v 1926-pervoj polovie 1927 gg.
: (po materialam "Archiva Trockogo") / I.V. Volkova
In: Vnešnepolitičeskie interesy Rossii : istorija i sovremennost' / otv. red.: A.N. Skvoznikov. (Samara, 2018) : pp. 17-25

Paper originally submitted to the 5. Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija 'Vnešnepolitičeskie Interesy Rossii', Samara, Apr. 27, 2018
Angl.: The Soviet communist oppostion on the problem of development of the national-revolutionary movement in China 1926 and the first half of 1927

IDN  09194        Wang Fanxi: Leon Trotsky and Chinese communism   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09195        Wang Fanxi: Trotskyism versus Stalinism in the Chinese revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09196        Wang Fanxi: Trotzki und der chinesische Kommunismus   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09197        Wernicke, Günter: Die Radikallinke der KPD und die russische Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09198        Wu Jixue: The great revolution China   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09199        Yin Xuyi: Trotzki und die Probleme der chinesischen Revolution   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09200         LLTB  Chapter
Afanas'ev, Michail Jur'evič: Istoričeskoe značenie bor'by partii s trockizmom za leninskie organizacionnye principy
/ M.Ju. Afanas'ev ; A.N. Šmelev
In: Geroičeskij put' KPSS, put' bor'by i pobed. (Leningrad, 1985) : pp. 77-87

Angl.: Historical meaning of the party's struggle against Trotskyism, for Leninist organizational principles

IDN  09201         LLTB  Chapter
Afanas'ev, Michail Jur'evič: Zaščita Kommunistčeskoj Partiej leninskich organizacionnych principov v bor'be s trockizmom, 1923-1927 gg
. - 212 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1969
Bibliogr.: pp. 196-212
Angl.: The Communist Party's defence of the Leninist organizational principles in the struggle against Trotskyism, 1924-1927

IDN  09202         LLTB  Chapter
Astrov, Valentin V.: O vnutripartijnoj demokratii
/ V. Astrov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 38 pp.
Angl.: On the inner-party democracy

IDN  09203         LLTB  Chapter
Le bloc d'opposition glisse vers la constitution d'un parti trotskiste
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 3.1927 (83) : pp. 1152-1156

Angl.: The opposition bloc slides down to the constitution of a Trotskyist party

IDN  09204        Colombo, Arturo: Trotskij e l'unità del partito   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09205        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotsky on democracy and bureaucracy   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09206        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotsky on proletarian democracy and party bureaucracy, 1923-1937   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09207        Daniels, Robert Vincent: Trotzki zu proletarischer Demokratie und Parteibürokratie, 1923-1937   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09208         LLTB  Chapter
Grišin, Michail Iosifovič: Ob oppozicionnom bloke i vnutripartijnom položenii
/ M. Grišin
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1926 (21/22) : pp. 133-148

Angl.: On the opposition bloc and the inner-party situation

IDN  09209        Gurland, Arcadius Rudolf Lang: Die Opposition in Rußland   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09210         LLTB  Chapter
Der innerparteiliche Kurs und die Opposition
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2510-2511

Angl.: The inner-party course and the opposition

IDN  09211         LLTB  Chapter
Izveščenie Central'nogo Komiteta VKP(b) o vnutripartijnom položenii
: (vsem organizacijam VKP(b))
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.16=nr.240) : p. 1

Angl.: Communication of the Central Committee of the Allunion Communist Party on the inner-party situation

IDN  09212         LLTB  Chapter
Kačan, Ivan Tichonovič: Melkoburžuaznaja suščnost' trockistskich vzgljadov na organizacionnye principy i normy partijnoj žizni
/ I.T. Kačan
In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina protiv melkoburžuaznoj revoljucionnosti i avantjurizma. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 269-285

Angl.: The petty-bourgeois peril of the Trotskyist views on the organizational principles and rules of party life

IDN  09213         LLTB  Chapter
Kalugin, Aleksej Charitonovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v period meždu XIV i XV s"ezdami (1926-1927 gg.)
. - 281 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Diss., 1953
Angl.: The Bolshevik party's struggle for the consolidation of its ranks in the period between the 14th and 15th party congress (1926-27)

IDN  09214         LLTB  Chapter
Kalugin, Aleksej Charitonovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v period meždu XIV i XV s"ezdami (1926-1927 gg.)
. - 18 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Avtoref. diss., 1953

IDN  09215         LLTB  Chapter
Kolokolkin, V.: Ob edinstve partii i oppozicionnom bloke

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1926 (21/22) : pp. 47-52

Angl.: On party unity and the opposition bloc

IDN  09216        Law, David S.: Trotsky in opposition 1923-1940   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09217        Lešnik, Avgust: Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09218        Lešnik, Avgust: Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09219        Maitan, Livio: La costruzione del partito e dell'Internazionale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09220        Maitan, Livio: L'évolution des idées de Trotsky sur la construction d'un parti et d'une Internationale révolutionnaires   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09221        Maitan, Livio: Trotsky et la construction du parti et de l'Internationale   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09222        Maitan, Livio: Trotsky y la construcción del partido y la Internacional   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09223        Mandel, Ernest: Democracia y socialismo en la URSS en L. D. Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09224        Mandel, Ernest: Démocratie et socialisme en U.R.S.S. chez L.D. Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09225        Mandel, Ernest: Democrazia e socialismo nell'URSS in Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09226         LLTB  Chapter
Mandel'štam, Nikolaj Nikolaevič: Vnutripartijnaja demokratija i bol'ševistskaja disciplina
/ N. Man'delštam
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1926 (8) : pp. 90-96

Angl.: Inner-party democracy and Bolshevik discipline

IDN  09227         LLTB  Chapter
Nikulichin, Jakov Petrovič: O frakcionnosti i političeskoj demokratii
/ Ja. Nikulichin. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 64 pp.
Angl.: On factionalism and political democracy

IDN  09228         LLTB  Chapter
O vnutripartijnoj demokratii i edinstve partii

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (7/8) : pp. 3-9

Angl.: On inner-party democracy and unity of the party

IDN  09229         LLTB  Chapter
Ob oppozicionnom bloke i vnutripartijnom položenii
/ sost. M.I. Grišin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 141 pp. - (Serija posobij po prorabotke rešenij XV konferencii VKP(b))
Angl.: On the opposition bloc and the inner-party situation

IDN  09230         LLTB  Chapter
Papkov, Gennadij Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'
. - Moskva : Izd-vo Mysl', 1973. - 91 pp.
Angl.: The historical significance of the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism regarding party building and the present time

IDN  09231         LLTB  Chapter
Papkov, Gennadij Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'
. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1974

IDN  09232         LLTB  Chapter
Papkov, Gennadij Aleksandrovič: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by KPSS protiv trockizma po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva i sovremennost'
. - 192 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1974
Angl.: The historical significance of the struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyism regarding party building and the present time

IDN  09233         LLTB  Chapter
Rjutin, Michail Nikitič: Edinstvo partii i disciplina
/ M. Rjutin. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1926. - 68 pp.
Angl.: Unity of the party and discipline

IDN  09234         LLTB  Chapter
Rošal', Lev Borisovič: Bol'ševistskaja partijnost' i trockizm
/ L. Rošal. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 58 pp.
Angl.: Bolshevik partiality and Trotskyism

IDN  09235         LLTB  Chapter
Rošal', Lev Borisovič: K itogam preds"ezdovskoj diskussii
/ L. Rošal'
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.2=nr.276) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: The results of the pre-convention discussion

IDN  09236         LLTB  Chapter
Rošal', Lev Borisovič: K voprosu o režime v VKP(b)
/ L. Rošal'
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 408-416

Extracted from author's "Puti organizacionno-partijnoj raboty"
Angl.: Concerning the regime inside the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09237         LLTB  Chapter
Rošal', Lev Borisovič: Puti organizacionno-partijnoj raboty
: k voprosam o "režime" v VKP(b) / L. Rošal'
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.2=nr.173) : pp. 2-3

See also author's "K voprosu o režime v VKP(b)"
Angl.: Methods of organizational and party work

IDN  09238         LLTB  Chapter
Rubinštejn, I.: O vnutripartijnom položenii
. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 28 pp. - (Itogi XV partkonferencii)
Angl.: On the inner-party situation

IDN  09239         LLTB  Chapter
Šlichter, Artemij Aleksandrovič: Ustav partii i oppozicija
/ Art. Šlichter
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1928 (2) : pp. 28-38

Angl.: The party statutes and the opposition

IDN  09240         LLTB  Chapter
Speranskij, N.: Oppozicija, social-demokratija, partijnyj režim

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (23/24) : pp. 67-80

Angl.: The opposition, the social democracy, and the party regime

IDN  09241        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09242        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09243        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09244        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09245        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09246        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09247        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09248        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09249        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09250        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09251        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Die Partei und die Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09252        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Partija i oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09253        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Il partito e l'opposizione   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09254        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: The party and the opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09255        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: The social-democratic deviation in our party   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09256        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09257        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09258         LLTB  Chapter
Strel'cov, G.M.: Istoričeskoe razmeževanie
: (programma partii i revizija ee oppoziciej) / G. Strel'cov
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1928 (2) : pp. 18-27

Angl.: Historical boundary line : the party programme and its revision by the opposition

IDN  09259         LLTB  Chapter
Strel'cov, G.M.: K voprosu o vnutripartijnoj demokratii i edinstve partii
/ G. Strel'cov
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 177-197

Angl.: Concerning inner-party democracy and party unity

IDN  09260         LLTB  Chapter
Strel'cov, G.M.: Za bol'ševizm
: (k voprosu o vnutripartijnoj demokratii i edinstve partii) / G. Strel'cov. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 96 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Angl.: For Bolshevism : concerning inner-party democracy and party unity

IDN  09261        Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: Die Parteidisziplin und die trotzkistische Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09262         LLTB  Chapter
Za CK, za leninizm, za partiju - protiv trockistov-raskol'nikov

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.27=no.246) : p. 1

Angl.: For the Central Committee, for Leninism, for the party - against the Trotskyist sectarians

IDN  09263         LLTB  Chapter
Za leninskij režim v partii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.1=nr.224) : p. 1

Angl.: For the Leninist regime in the party

IDN  09264         LLTB  Chapter
"Zajavlenie" oppozicii i plenum CK i CKK

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.11=nr.181) : p. 1

Angl.: The "declaration" of the opposition and the plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09265         LLTB  Chapter
Acarkin, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Komsomol v bor'be s trockizmom
: (1923-1927) / A.N. Acarkin ; D.N. Galkova. - Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ., 1985. - 188 pp.
Angl.: Komsomol in struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  09266         LLTB  Chapter
Andreev, Andrej Andreevič: XIV s"ezd VKP(b), oppozicija i profsojuzy
/ A. Andreev. - Leningrad, 1926. - 64 pp.
Angl.: The 14th party congress, the opposition, and the trade unions

IDN  09267         LLTB  Chapter
Azarenko, Vera Michajlovna: Bol'ševistskaja pečat' kak instrument vnutripartijnoj bor'by (1920-1928 gg)
. - 210 pp.
Slavjansk-na-Kubani, Slavjanski-na-Kubani Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst., Diss., 2008
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.35 Ukreplenie "diktatury partii" i praktika ograničenija diskussionnoj aktivnosti v RKP(b) v 1920-1923 -- p.94 Transformacija bol'ševistskoj pečati v instrument frakcionnoj bor'by (1923-1925 gg.) -- p.144 Otrabotka mechanizmov ispol'zovanija pečati kak orudija podavlenija vnutripartijnogo inakomyslija (1926-1928 gg.)
Director of thesis: I.Ch. Urilov
Angl.: The Bolshevik press as an instrument of the inner-party struggle (1920-28)

IDN  09268         LLTB  Chapter
Barbarova, I.L.: Iz istorii bor'by Komsomola s trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppoziciej

In: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, jazyk, literatura [partly: Serija istorii, jazyka i literatury] ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0024-0842] 27.1972 (4) : pp. 119-122

Notes: 21
Angl.: On the history of Komsomol's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition

IDN  09269         LLTB  Chapter
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Levaja oppozicija v Leningradskom universitete
= Left Opposition at Leningrad State University / D.A. Barinov
In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta : Istorija ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 1812-9323] 66.2021 (4) : pp. 1118-1131

Bibliogr.: p. 1131
Notes: 61
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  09270         LLTB  Chapter
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Put' v oppoziciju : pričiny studenčeskogo protesta v Leningrade 1920-ch gg.
= Path to opposition : the motives of the student protest in Leningrad in the 1920-ies / D.A. Barinov
In: Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta : Istorija, pedagogika, filologija = Vestnik of Samara University : History, pedagogics, philology. ‹Samara› [ISSN 2542-0445] 28.2022 (3) : pp. 52-61

Bibliogr.: pp. 60-61
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  09271         LLTB  Chapter
Bespalov, G.: Trockisty v Komsomole

In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1927 (12) : pp. 168-174

Angl.: The Trotskyists in the Komsomol

IDN  09272         LLTB  Chapter
Bogatikova, G.I.: K voprosu ob osveščenii v literature bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv vlijanija trockizma na Komsomol i molodež v period stroitel'stva socializma

In: Nekotorye voprosy istoriografii partijnogo rukovodstva Komsomolom. (Moskva, 1980) : pp. 54-72

Angl.: Concerning the representation in the literature of the Communist Party's struggle against the influence of Trotskyism in the Komsomol and the youth in the period of socialist reconstruction

IDN  09273         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Komsomol i vnutripartijnaja diskussija
/ N. Čaplin. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 19 pp.
Angl.: Komsomol and the inner-party discussion

IDN  09274         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Ob oppozicionnoj klevete na Komsomol
/ M. Čaplin. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 29 pp. - (Voprosy partijnoj politiki)
Angl.: On the oppositional slanders about Komsomol

IDN  09275         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Ob oppozicionnoj klevete na Komsomol
/ N. Čaplin
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 453-462

IDN  09276         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Ob oppozicionnoj klevete na Komsomol
/ N. Čaplin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.20=nr.188) : pp. 3-4

IDN  09277         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Partijnaja oppozicija i Komsomol
/ N. Čaplin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 34 pp.
Angl.: The party opposition and the Komsomol

IDN  09278         LLTB  Chapter
Čaplin, Nikolaj Pavlovič: Partijnaja oppozicija i Komsomol
/ N. Čaplin. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1926. - 59 pp.

IDN  09279        Černyšov, A.L.: Rol' sibirskich partijnych žurnalov v razoblačenii antileninskoj suščnosti trockizma i ego idejno-političeskom razgrome (1926-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09280         LLTB  Chapter
Chanin, David Markovič: Bol'ševistskoe vospitanie molodeži i oppozicija
/ D. Chanin
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1926 (9) : pp. 94-102

Angl.: The Bolshevik education of the youth and the opposition

IDN  09281         LLTB  Chapter
Chanin, David Markovič: Komsomol i oppozicija
/ D. Chanin. - Moskva [etc.] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1927. - 130 pp.
Angl.: Komsomol and opposition

IDN  09282        Dines, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom v vosstanovitel'nyj period (1921-1925 gg)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09283        Dmitrenko, Sergej Leonidovič: Spločennymi rjadami   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09284        Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: Iz istorii bor'by partii i Komsomola s trockizmom za molodež   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09285        Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: Problemy edinstva Komsomola vo vnutripartijnoj bor'be 20-ch godov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09286        Dolgov, Viktor Vasil'evič: S bol'šaka na staryj proselok   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09287         LLTB  Chapter
Galkova, Dina Nikolaevna: Komsomol - aktivnyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be s trockizmom
/ D.N. Galkova
In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socialističeskoj revoljucii i postroenie kommunističeskogo obščestva. 11. (Moskva, 1971)

Angl.: Komsomol - active supporter of the party in the struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  09288         LLTB  Chapter
Galkova, Dina Nikolaevna: Komsomol - vernyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1927 gg.)
. - 405 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1971
Angl.: Komsomol - a reliable supporter of the party in the struggle against Trotskyism (1923-27)

IDN  09289         LLTB  Chapter
Galkova, Dina Nikolaevna: Komsomol - vernyj pomoščnik partii v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1927 gg.)
. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1971

IDN  09290         LLTB  Chapter
Glazov, L.: Put' komsomol'skoj oppozicii
. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 48 pp.
Angl.: The road of the Komsomol opposition

IDN  09291         LLTB  Chapter
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba RKP(b)-VKP(b)
: (na materialach periodičeskoj pečati 20-ch godov) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 457 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Diss. (Dokt.), 1992
Angl.: The ideological-political struggle in the RKP(B)-VKP(B)

IDN  09292         LLTB  Chapter
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba RKP(b)-VKP(b)
: (na materialach periodičeskoj pečati 20-ch godov) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 38 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Avtoref. Diss. (Dokt.), 1992

IDN  09293        Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Partijnaja i sovetskaja pečat' Ukrainy v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosu o vozmožnosti postroenija socializma v SSSR   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09294        Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Partijno-radjans'ka presa Ukraïny - bojova zbroja partiï u borot'bi proty troc'kists'ko-zinov'jevs'koho bloku   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09295        Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Rol' partijno-sovetskoj pečati v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09296         LLTB  Chapter
Jakimova, V.A.: Bor'ba leninskoj partii s "novoj oppozicii" i trockistsko-zinov'evskim antipartijnym blokom za molodež'
: (na materialach Severo-Zapadnoj oblasti)
In: Bor'ba leninskoj partii protiv opportunizma. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 126-134

Notes: 32
Angl.: The struggle of Lenin's party against the "New Opposition" and the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc, for the youth

IDN  09297         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: Illjustracija edinstva partii v žurnale "Krokodil" v kontekste bor'by za vlast' v seredine 20-ch godov XX v.
= Illustration of party unity in the magazine "Crocodile" in the context of the struggle for power in the mid-20s / Andrej L. Jurganov
In: Vestnik RGGU : Serija Literaturovedenie, jazykoznanie, kul'turologija = RSUH/RGGU Bulletin : Literary theory, linguistics, cultural studies series ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2686-7249] 2020 (10) : pp. 135-145

Notes: 8

IDN  09298         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: O pervom opyte političeskogo zombirovanija v satiričeskom žurnale "Krokodil"
: avgust 1927 goda / Andrej Jurganov
In: Rossija XXI : obščestvenno-političeskij i naučnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-8503] 2020 (6) : pp. 100-113

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: About the first experience of political brainwashing in the satirical journal "Krokodil"

IDN  09299         LLTB  Chapter
Jurganov, Andrej L'vovič: Strannaja satiričeskaja kartinka v žurnale "Krokodil" i političeskaja bor'ba na oktjabr'skom plenume CK VKP(B) v 1927 godu
/ A.L. Jurganov
In: Rossija XXI : obščestvenno-političeskij i naučnyj žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-8503] 2021 (2) : pp. 28-39

Angl.: A strange satirical image in the journal "Krokodil" and the political struggle at the 1927 October plenum of the VKP(B)

IDN  09300        Kruglova, Tatjana Aleksandrovna: Leninskij prizyv v Komsomol i usilenie idejno-vospitatel'noj raboty komsomolskoj organizacii Urala (1924-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09301         LLTB  Chapter
Lenoe, Matthew Edward: Reader response to the Soviet press campaign against the Trotskii-Zinov'ev opposition, 1926-1928
/ Matthew E. Lenoe
In: Russian History = Histoire russe ‹Idyllwild, Cal.› [ISSN 0094-288X] 24.1997 (1/2) : pp. 89-116

Notes: 52

IDN  09302         LLTB  Chapter
Maksimova, V.E.: Bor'ba partii i Komsomola protiv trockizma za molodež' (1923-1927 gg.)

In: Partijnoe rukovodstvo Komsomolom. (Leningrad, 1981) : pp. 90-106

Angl.: The struggle of the party and the Komsomol against Trotskyism and for the youth (1923-27)

IDN  09303        Mogila, N.L.: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Sibiri protiv trockizma (1925-1927)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09304        Murphy, Kevin: Opposition at the local level   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09305        Murphy, Kevin: L'opposition de gauche à l'Usine de la Faucille et du Marteau   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09306         LLTB  Chapter
Otvet na klevetu
: fakty i cifry protiv oppozicionnych izmyšlenij o Komsomole / so vstup. statej N. Čaplina. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1928. - 101 pp. - (Materialy i dokumenty k XV s"ezdu VKP(b))
Angl.: Reply to a slander : facts and figures against the opposition's lies about the Komsomol

IDN  09307         LLTB  Chapter
Partijnaja oppozicija i Komsomol
: (metodičeskaja razrabotka). - Novosibirsk, 1927. - 19 pp.
Angl.: The party opposition and the Komsomol

IDN  09308         LLTB  Chapter
Platonova, L.N.: Partijnye organizacii pedagogičeskich vuzov RSFSR v bor'be protiv trockizma i pravoopportunističeskogo uklona
: (konec 20-ch - načalo 30-ch godov)
In: Bor'ba KPSS protiv melkoburžuaznoj, buržuaznoj ideologii i antipartijnych tečenij (1895-1932 g.) (Kalinin, 1979) : pp. 104-120

Angl.: The party organizations of the colleges of education of the RSFSR in the struggle against Trotskyism and the right-opportunistic deviation

IDN  09309         LLTB  Chapter
Protiv atak na partiju s komsomol'skogo flanga
: (fakty i cifry) / sost. APO Sevzapbjuro CK VLKSM. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1927. - 63 pp.
Angl.: Against the attack on the party in the Komsomol flank

IDN  09310         LLTB  Chapter
Šackin, Lazar' Abramovič:
Die Opposition und der Kommunistische Jugendverband der Sowjetunion : Rede des Genossen Schatzkin in der Sitzung des Präsidiums der KJI am 17. Nov. 1927. - Berlin : Verl. der Jugend-Internationale. - 16 pp. - (Jugend-Internationale ‹Berlin› ; 9.1928,4,Beil.)
Orig.: Oppozicija i Komsomol
Angl.: The opposition and the communist youth federation of the Soviet Union

IDN  09311         LLTB  Chapter
Šackin, Lazar' Abramovič: Oppozicija i Komsomol
/ Lazar' Šackin
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1927 (12) : pp. 152-167

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Opposition und der Kommunistische Jugendverband der Sowjetunion
Angl.: The opposition and the Komsomol

IDN  09312         LLTB  Chapter
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Partijnye žurnaly v bor'be protiv avantjurističeskoj platformy trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po vnešnepolitičeskim voprosam
/ O.N. Savinčenko
In: Nekotorye voprosy istorii Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza. 1. (Moskva, 1972) : pp. 253-270

Angl.: The party journals in struggle against the adventurist platform of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc as regards foreign policy issues

IDN  09313         LLTB  Chapter
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Rol' i mesto partijnych žurnalov v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka, 1926-1927 gg.
. - 233 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1972
Angl.: The role and place of party journals in the party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc, 1926-1927

IDN  09314         LLTB  Chapter
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Rol' i mesto partijnych žurnalov v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka, 1926-1927 gg.
. - 22 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1972

IDN  09315         LLTB  Chapter
Savinčenko, Ol'ga Naumovna: Žurnal "Bol'ševik" - boevoe oružie partii v bor'be s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom
: (1926-1927 gg.). O.N. Savinčenko
In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socialističeskoj revoljucii i postroenie kommunističeskogo obščestva. 2. (Moskva, 1971) : pp. 201-219

Angl.: The journal "Bolshevik" - an outstanding weapon of the party in the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  09316         LLTB  Chapter
Sovetskie profsojuzy protiv "novoj oppozicii" (1927 g.)
/ publikacija podgotovil D.T. Subbotin
In: Sovetskie archivy ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0130-3554] 1967 (3) : pp. 27-37

Notes: 10
Angl.: The Soviet trade unions against the "New Opposition" (1927)

IDN  09317         LLTB  Chapter
Sozinov, Evgenij Michajlovič: Idejno-političeskaja bor'ba KPSS protiv trockistov i pravych opportunistov v profsojuzach v period stroitel'stva socializma
: (na materialach Verchnogo Povolž'ja) / E.M. Sozinov
In: Massavo-političeskaja rabota KPSS v period stroitel'stva socializma (1917-1937 gg.) (Ivanovo, 1985) : pp. 100-113

Angl.: Ideological and political struggle of the CPSU against Trotskyists and right opportunists in the trade unions in the period of socialist reconstruction

IDN  09318         LLTB  Chapter
Stecura, Jurij Anatol'evič: Bor'ba partii protiv "novoj oppozicii", za leninskie organizacionnye principy Komsomola

In: Problemy vozrastanija rukovodjaščej roli KPSS v period stroitel'stva socializma i kommunizma. 1. (Moskva, 1981) : pp. 32-41

Angl.: The struggle of the party against the "New Opposition", for the Leninist organizational principles of Komsomol

IDN  09319        Sulemov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Iz istorii bor'by s trockizmom v molodežnom dviženii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09320        Sulemov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: "Ložnye druz'ja" molodeži   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09321         LLTB  Chapter
Timonin, Valentin Ivanovič: Partijnaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: 1926-1927 gg. - 269 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1971
Bibliogr.: pp. 252-269
Angl.: The party press in the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  09322         LLTB  Chapter
Timonin, Valentin Ivanovič: Partijnaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: 1926-1927 gg. - 17 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1971

IDN  09323         LLTB  Chapter
Timonin, Valentin Ivanovič: Pečat' - oružie bor'by leninskoj partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka (1926-1927 gg.)
/ V.I. Timonin
In: Voprosy partijnogo stroitel'stva. (Moskva, 1971) : pp. 221-254

Notes: 93
Angl.: The press, a weapon of Lenin's party against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  09324         LLTB  Chapter
Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Učastie sovetskich profsojuzov v bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii s trockistami v 1926-1927 gg.
: (obzor materialov profsojuznych fondov Central'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Archiva Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii) / Ju.V. Voskresenskij i D.T. Subbotin
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 10.1966 (7) : pp. 113-119

Notes: 66
Angl.: Participation of the Soviet trade unions in the struggle of the Communist Party against the Trotskyists, 1926-27

IDN  09325         LLTB  Chapter
Zubkov, S.N.: Žurnal "Bol'ševik" - partijnaja tribuna idejnogo razgroma trockizma (1924-1927 gg.)

In: Leninskie principy partijnoj propagandy i agitacii. (Gor'kij, 1978) : pp. 143-157

Angl.: The journal "Bolshevik" - a party platform of the ideological destruction of Trotskyism (1924-27)

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09326         LLTB  Chapter
Abramov, Boris Alekseevič: Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ B.A. Abramov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 3.1959 (6) : pp. 25-47

Notes: 82
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  09327         LLTB  Chapter
Alypov, S.: Čto rešila XV konferencija VKP(b)
. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 48 pp.
Angl.: What the 15th conference of the Allunion Communist Party decided

IDN  09328         LLTB  Chapter
Der Bankrott des Trotzkismus
In: Die Rote Fahne ‹Berlin› 10.1927 (Dec.21=Nr.299,Beil.)

Angl.: The bankrupcy of Trotskyism

IDN  09329         LLTB  Chapter
Brauns, Nick: Parteiausschlüsse
: vor 75 Jahren - das Ende der Linken Opposition in der Sowjetunion
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 2002 (Nov.9) : p. 14

Angl.: Party exclusions

IDN  09330         LLTB  Chapter
Burin, Sergej Nikolaevič: Poslednyj šans
/ Sergej Burin
In: Sobesednik ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1560-5663] 1989 (40=293) : p. 5

Angl.: The last chance

IDN  09331         LLTB  Chapter
Cejtlin, Efim Viktorovič: Oppozicija "rastet"
/ E.C. [i.e. Efim Viktorovič Cejtlin]
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (43=117) : pp. 38-40

Angl.: The opposition "grows"

IDN  09332         LLTB  Chapter
Cejtlin, Efim Viktorovič: Oppozicija "rastet"
/ Ef. Cejtlin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.28=nr.247) : p. 2

IDN  09333         LLTB  Chapter
Demonstracija millionov i "demonstracija" štrejkbrecherov

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (46=120) : pp. 3-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Demonstration der Millionen und die "Demonstration" der Streikbrecher
Angl.: The demonstration of the millions and the "demonstration" of the strikebreakers

IDN  09334         LLTB  Chapter
Die Demonstration der Millionen und die "Demonstration" der Streikbrecher
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 8.1927 (47) : pp. 2287-2293

Orig.: Demonstracija millionov i "demonstracija" štrejkbrecherov
Angl.: The demonstration of the millions and the "demonstration" of the strikebreakers

IDN  09335         LLTB  Chapter
Das Ende der trotzkistischen Opposition
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 9.1928 (1) : pp. 1-6

Orig.: Konec trockistskoj oppozicii
Angl.: The end of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09336         LLTB  Chapter
Ewert, Artur:
Das Maß ist voll!
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (112) : pp. 2466-2467

Angl.: That's enough now!

IDN  09337         LLTB  Chapter
Fisjukov, Vjačeslav Aleksandrovič: Ispol'zovanie technologij karajuščego zabvenija na primere legitimacii isključenija L.D. Trockogo iz VKP(b)
= The use of techniques of repressive oblivion by the example of the legitimization of exclusion of L.D. Trotsky from the VKP(b)
In: Istoričeskij kur'er : naučnyj ėlektronnyj žurnal = Historical courier [Electronic journal] ‹Novosibirsk› [ISSN 2618-9100] 2022 (1=21) : pp. 77-88 (1,19 MB)

Bibliogr.: pp. 87-88
Notes: 70
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Accessed March 2, 2022

IDN  09338         LLTB  Chapter
Hoernle, Edwin: Um die Liquidierung der Opposition

In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 10.1927 (20) : pp. 633-638

See also Meyer, E.: Zur Kritik des Genossen Hoernle
Angl.: Concerning the liquidation of the opposition

IDN  09339        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Oppozicija pered sudom partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09340         LLTB  Chapter
Jena, Kai von: Zur Geschichte der trotzkistischen Opposition in der UdSSR
: ein Dokumentenfund in den Akten des Auswärtigen Amtes
In: Aus der Arbeit der Archive. (Boppard am Rhein, 1989) : pp. 451-488

Notes: 67
On pp. 463-488: Transcript of proceedings of the CPSU Central Committee meeting, Oct. 21-23, 1927
Angl.: On the history of the Trotskyist opposition in the USSR

IDN  09341        Kalugin, Aleksej Charitonovič: Bor'ba bol'ševistskoj partii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v period meždu XIV i XV s"ezdami (1926-1927 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09342         LLTB  Chapter
Kiselev, Michail Grigor'evič: Iz istorii bor'by partii za leninizm, protiv trockizma
: (razoblačenie frakcionno-raskol'ničeskoj dejatel'nosti trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka na ob"edinennom plenume CK i CKK VKP(b), ijul'-avgust 1927 g.) / M.G. Kiselev
In: Voploščenie idej V.I. Lenina v stroitel'stve socializma. (Rostov-na-Donu, 1970) : pp. 142-158

Notes: 66
Angl.: On the history of the party's struggle for Leninism, against Trotskyism

IDN  09343         LLTB  Chapter
Konec trockistskoj oppozicii

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (52=126) : pp. 3-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Ende der trotzkistischen Opposition
Angl.: The end of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09344        Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Perchè la II Internazionale difende Trotski   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09345        Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Počemu II Internacional zaščiščaet Trockogo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09346        Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Weshalb die II. Internationale Trotzki verteidigt   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09347         LLTB  Chapter
Lešnik, Avgust:
Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU
In: Leo Trotzki : Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft / T. Bergmann [et al.] (Hg.) (Mainz, 1993) : pp. 208-212

Bibliogr.: p. 212
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Ausschluß Lew D. Trotzkijs aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU(B) ; Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)
Paper originally submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
Angl.: Leon Trotsky's expulsion from the Central Committee of the CPSU

IDN  09348         LLTB  Chapter
Lešnik, Avgust:
Der Ausschluss Lew D. Trotzkijs aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU(B). - 8, 1 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Notes: 26
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU ; Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With summary
Angl.: Leon D. Trotsky's expulsion from the Central Committee of the CPSU

IDN  09349         LLTB  Chapter
Lešnik, Avgust: Izključitev Trockega iz Centralnega Komiteja VKP(b)
: referat na mednarodnem simpoziju o Trockem, Wuppertal, 26. do 29. marca 1990
In: Zgodovinski časopis ‹Ljubljana› [ISSN 0350-5774] 44.1990 (2) : pp. 271-277

Notes: 42
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Ausschluß Leo Trotzkis aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU ; Der Ausschluss Lew D. Trotzkijs aus dem Zentralkomitee der KPdSU(B)
Rev. version of paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990
With German summary
Angl.: Trotsky's expulsion from the Central Committee of the CPSU

IDN  09350         LLTB  Chapter
Der letzte Ritt der Opposition
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 8.1927 (50) : pp. 2435-2446

Orig.: Poslednyj rejs oppozicii
Angl.: The last ride of the opposition

IDN  09351         LLTB  Chapter
Die Liquidation des Trotzkismus / Rt.
In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 11.1928 (1) : pp. 4-9

Angl.: The liquidation of Trotskyism

IDN  09352         LLTB  Chapter
Mariátegui, José Carlos: Trotsky y la oposición comunista

In: Variedades ‹Lima› 24.1928 (1043)

IDN  09353         LLTB  Chapter
Mariátegui, José Carlos: Trotsky y la oposición comunista

In: Mariátegui, J.C.: Figuras y aspectos de la vida mundial. 2. 8.ed. (Lima, 1989) : pp. 213-217

IDN  09354        Merridale, Catherine: Trotsky and Trotskyism in Moscow, 1924-1932   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09355        Merridale, Catherine: Trotzki und Trotzkismus in Moskau, 1924-1932   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09356         LLTB  Chapter
Meyer, Ernst: Zur Kritik des Genossen Hoernle

In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 10.1927 (20) : pp. 638-640

Rejoinder to Hoernle, E.: Um die Liquidierung der Opposition
Angl.: Concerning the criticism of comrade Hoernle

IDN  09357         LLTB  Chapter
Ob"edinennyj plenum CK i CKK i oppozicija

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.25=nr.244) : p. 1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ob"edinennyj plenum i oppozicija ; Das Vereinigte Plenum des ZK und der ZKK und die Opposition
Angl.: The joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission, and the opposition

IDN  09358         LLTB  Chapter
Ob"edinennyj plenum i oppozicija

In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 497-506

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ob"edinennyj plenum CK i CKK i oppozicija ; Das Vereinigte Plenum des ZK und der ZKK und die Opposition
Angl.: The joint plenum and the opposition

IDN  09359         LLTB  Chapter
Partija pobedila

In: Krasnaja pečat' ‹Moskva› 1927 (21) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: The party won the battle

IDN  09360        Pečenkin, Sergej Vladimirovič: Ssylka kak metod davlenija na trockistskuju oppoziciju (20-30-e gg. XX v.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09361         LLTB  Chapter
Pered partijnym s"ezdom
/ V.K.
In: Krasnaja pečat' ‹Moskva› 1927 (22) : pp. 40-44

Angl.: Before the party congress

IDN  09362         LLTB  Chapter
Petrovskij, David Aleksandrovič:
Die Erklärung der Opposition und die Resolution des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU / D. Bennet [David Aleksandrovič Petrovskij]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (83) : pp. 1797-1799

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: The declaration of the opposition and the resolution of the joint plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU

IDN  09363         LLTB  Chapter
Politbjuro i oppozicija

In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (10=152) : pp. 15-16

Angl.: The politburo and the opposition

IDN  09364         LLTB  Chapter
Poslednyj rejs oppozicii

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (48=122) : pp. 3-13

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der letzte Ritt der Opposition
Angl.: The last ride of the opposition

IDN  09365         LLTB  Chapter
Posles"ezdovskaja bor'ba s oppoziciej

In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 6.1926 (6=124) : pp. 13-14

Angl.: Struggle against the opposition after the party congress

IDN  09366         LLTB  Chapter
Reiman, Michal:
Der Untergang der Linken Opposition
In: Pensiero e azione politica di Lev Trockij / a cura di F. Gori. 1. ([Firenze], 1982) : pp. 359-365

Paper originally submitted to the Convegno Internazionale di Studi in Occasione del 40° Anniversario della Morte di Leon Trockij, Follonica, Oct. 7-11, 1980
Angl.: The downfall of the Left Opposition

IDN  09367        Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Za bol'ševistskoe edinstvo   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09368         LLTB  Chapter
Salat, Ja. I.: Osnovnye itogi XV s"ezda VKP(b)

In: Voprosy prosveščenija na Severnom Kavkaze ‹Rostov-na-Donu› 1927 (12/13) : pp. 3-6

Angl.: Main results of the 15th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09369         LLTB  Chapter
Samorazoblačenie trockistskoj oppozicii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.26=nr.245) : p. 1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Selbstenthüllung der trotzkistischen Opposition
Angl.: The self-exposure of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09370         LLTB  Chapter
Schneller, Ernst: Entweder - oder!
: zum Ausschluß von Trotzki und Sinowjew aus der Kommunistischen Partei / E.S. [i.e. Ernst Schneller]
In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 10.1927 (23) : pp. 729-737

Angl.: Either - or : concerning the expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev from the Communist Party

IDN  09371         LLTB  Chapter
Die Selbstenthüllung der trotzkistischen Opposition
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (105) : pp. 2262-2263

Orig.: Samorazoblačenie trockistskoj oppozicii
Angl.: The self-exposure of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09372         LLTB  Chapter
Lo sfacelo della opposizione trotzkista
In: Lo Stato operaio ‹Paris› 2.1928 : pp. 266-269

Angl.: The collapse of the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09373         LLTB  Chapter
Slepkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevič: Kak reagirovala oppozicija na rešenija XV s"ezda
/ A. Slepkov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1927 (23/24) : pp. 67-80

Angl.: How the opposition responded on the decisions of the 15th congress

IDN  09374         LLTB  Chapter
Sol'c, I.: "Mjasnikovščina" i trockistskaja oppozicija

In: Krasnaja pečat' ‹Moskva› 1927 (22) : pp. 9-16

Angl.: "Mjasnikovism" and the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  09375         LLTB  Chapter
Souvarine, Boris:
La "défaite" de l'opposition
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] 2.1926 (23)

Angl.: The "defeat" of the opposition

IDN  09376         LLTB  Chapter
Souvarine, Boris:
La "défaite" de l'opposition
In: Souvarine, B.: A contre-courant. (Paris, 1985)

IDN  09377        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Political report of the Central Committee, December 3 [1927]   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09378        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta XV s"ezdu VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09379        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta, 3 dekabrja [1927]   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09380        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees an den XV. Parteitag der KPdSU(B)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09381        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Politischer Rechenschaftsbericht des Zentralkomitees, 3. Dezember [1927]   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09382        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Rapporto politico del CC al 15 congresso del PC(b) dell'URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09383        Steckij, Aleksej Ivanovič: Pjatnadcatyj s"ezd partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09384         LLTB  Chapter
Takiguchi, Junya: Stalinist political spectacle and the defeat of the opposition
: the fifteenth congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1927
In: History : journal of the Historical Association ‹Oxford etc.› [ISSN 0018-2648] 108.2023 (379/380) : pp. 108-130

Notes: 105

IDN  09385         LLTB  Chapter
Trockistskaja oppozicija pered finalom

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.9=nr.282) : p. 1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die trotzkistische Opposition vor dem Finale
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition before the end

IDN  09386         LLTB  Chapter
Die trotzkistische Opposition vor dem Finale
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (122) : pp. 2780-2781

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija pered finalom
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition before the end

IDN  09387         LLTB  Chapter
Vaganov, Fedor Michajlovič: XV s"ezd VKP(b)
/ F.M. Vaganov. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1973. - 96 pp. - (Konsul'tacii po istorii KPSS)
Angl.: The XV congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09388         LLTB  Chapter
Das Vereinigte Plenum des ZK und der ZKK und die Opposition
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (105) : pp. 2263-2264

Orig.: Ob"edinennyj plenum CK i CKK i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ob"edinennyj plenum i oppozicija
Angl.: The united plenum of the CC and CCC and the opposition

IDN  09389         LLTB  Chapter
Vokrug s"ezda VKP

In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 7.1927 (24=166) : pp. 14-16

About the 15th party congress of the CPSU
Angl.: Concerning the congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09390        Voskresenskij, Jurij Vladimirovič: Perechod Kommunističeskoj Partii k osuščestvleniju politiki socialističeskoj industrializacii SSSR   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09391         LLTB  Chapter
Weinrich, Udo: "In der letzten Instanz hat die Partei immer recht ..."
: vor 70 Jahren wurde Trotzki aus dem ZK der KPdSU ausgeschlossen
In: Junge Welt ‹Berlin› [ISSN 0323-8601] 1997 (Oct.25)

Angl.: "In the last instance, the party is always right ..."

IDN  09392         LLTB  Chapter
XV s"ezd partii i ego istoričeskoe značenie
: materialy naučnoj konferencii. - Moskva : IML, 1978. - 201 pp.
Angl.: The XV party congress and its historical significance

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09393         LLTB  Chapter
Antisovetskoe vystuplenie oppozicii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.10=nr.257) : p. 1

Angl.: The anti-Soviet appearance of the opposition

IDN  09394         LLTB  Chapter
Astrov, Valentin V.: Kadety ob oppozicionnom bloke
/ V. Astrov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.10=nr.227) : p. 2

Angl.: The Cadets on the opposition bloc

IDN  09395         LLTB  Chapter
Buranov, S.: Zarubežnaja "Rossija" i oppozicija

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1926 (18) : pp. 12-17

Angl.: The foreign "Russia" [the emigrants] and the opposition

IDN  09396         LLTB  Chapter
Grant, Natalie:
A Thermidorian amalgam
In: The Russian Review ‹Various places› [ISSN 0036-0341] 22.1963 : pp. 253-273

Notes: 61

IDN  09397         LLTB  Chapter
Grišin, Michail Iosifovič: Oppozicija i tret'ja sila
/ M.I. Grišin. - Moskva [etc.] : Irkutskij Gubkom RKP(b), 1928. - 48 pp.
Angl.: The opposition and the third camp

IDN  09398         LLTB  Chapter
Kiršon, Vladimir Michajlovič: Ėmigracija i oppozicija
/ V. Kiršon. Predisl. E. Jaroslavskogo. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 68 pp.
Angl.: The emigrants and the opposition

IDN  09399         LLTB  Chapter
Krylov, Semen Nikolaevič: Kto kogo?
/ S. Krylov. - 48 pp.
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 16-36

Angl.: Who whom

IDN  09400         LLTB  Chapter
Krylov, Semen Nikolaevič: Kto kogo?
: Oppozicija i tret'ja sila / S. Krylov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 48 pp.

IDN  09401         LLTB  Chapter
Marov, Gr.: Naši klassovye vragi ob oppozicii

In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 246-260

Angl.: Our class enemies on the opposition

IDN  09402         LLTB  Chapter
Die Opposition und die Feinde des Kommunismus gegen Lenin und gegen die KPSU : Auszüge aus Reden und Artikeln
In: Die Opposition in der KPSU. (Berlin, 1927) : pp. 2518-2522

Angl.: The opposition and the enemies of communism against Lenin and against the CPSU

IDN  09403         LLTB  Chapter
Trockistskaja oppozicija i tret'ja sila

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.27=nr.246) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die trotzkistische Opposition und die dritte Kraft
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition and the third camp

IDN  09404         LLTB  Chapter
Die trotzkistische Opposition und die dritte Kraft
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (105) : pp. 2261-2262

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija i tret'ja sila
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition and the third camp

IDN  09405         LLTB  Chapter
Zajcev, Aleksandr Danilovič: Men'ševizm ob oppozicionnom bloke
/ A. Zajcev
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.2=nr.226) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: Menshevism on the opposition bloc

IDN  09406         LLTB  Chapter
Zajcev, Aleksandr Danilovič: Meždunarodnaja social-demokratija i oppozicija v VKP(b)
/ A. Zajcev
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (18) : pp. 33-54

Angl.: The international social democracy and the opposition in the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09407         LLTB  Chapter
Zajcev, Aleksandr Danilovič: Naši vragi ob oppozicii
/ sbornik statej A. Zajceva i V. Astrova. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 84 pp.
Angl.: Our enemies about the opposition

IDN  09408         LLTB  Chapter
Zetkin, Clara: Trotsky's 'exile' and social democracy
[Electronic resource] / Clara Zetkin. Transl. from the German by Milind Brahme. - 19 KB (8 pp.)
In: Revolutionary Democracy [Electronic journal] ‹Delhi› 20.2014 (2)

Orig.: Trotzkis Verbannung und die Sozialdemokratie
Accessed March 20, 2018

IDN  09409         LLTB  Chapter
Zetkin, Clara: Trotzkis Verbannung und die Sozialdemokratie
. - Berlin : Internationaler Arbeiter-Verl., 1928. - 22 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotsky's 'exile' and social democracy

LLTB Chapter

IDN  09410         LLTB  Chapter
Auseinandersetzung mit Trotzki
: kritische Bemerkungen über den gegenwärtigen Stand der Fraktionskämpfe innerhalb der KPSU
In: Kommunistische Politik ‹Berlin› 1927 (15/16) : pp. 5-7

Angl.: Confrontation with Trotsky

IDN  09411         LLTB  Chapter
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Istoriki i oppozicija v Leningrade (1920-30-e gg.)
= Historians and opposition in Leningrad (1920s-1930s)
In: Vestnik Kostromskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta ‹Kostroma› [ISSN 1998-0817] 27.2021 (3) : pp. 25-37

Table of contents: p.26 Istoriki v političeskoj bor'be- p.28 oppozicionery i istoričeskaja nauka -- p.30 "Trockistskaja kontrbanda" -- p.34 Primečanija -- p.35 Spisok literatury
Bibliogr.: pp. 25-37
Notes: 32
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  09412         LLTB  Chapter
Broué, Pierre: Trotskyism and working class
. - [3] pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Montréal, Aug. 27 - Sept. 3, 1995
About the working class basis of the Left and United Opposition in the Soviet Union, 1920s

IDN  09413        Corin, Chris: Stalin's defeat of Trotsky and his allies   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09414         LLTB  Chapter
Cunha Leal, Franscisco Pinto da: Internacionalismo : Trotsky e Staline
. - Lisboa : Formosa, 1928. - 40 pp.

IDN  09415         LLTB  Chapter
Duell im Kreml
: Stalin kontra Trotzki
In: G - Geschichte : Menschen, Ereignisse, Epochen ‹Nürnberg› [ISSN 1617-9412] 2003 (3) : pp. 14-18

IDN  09416         LLTB  Chapter
Eastman, Max:
La vérité sur l'opposition
In: La Révolution prolétarienne ‹Paris› [ISSN 0755-3277] 1928 (68)

Angl.: The truth about the opposition

IDN  09417         LLTB  Chapter
Fischer, Ernst: Tragödie Trotzki

In: Arbeiterzeitung ‹Wien› 1927 (Nov.27)

Angl.: Trotsky's tragedy

IDN  09418         LLTB  Chapter
Gol'denberg, Ė.: Levaja fraza i social-demokratičeskie illjuzii
: (oppozicija o nacional'noj politike)
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 166-173

Angl.: Left phrases and social-democratic illusions : the opposition on nationality politics

IDN  09419         LLTB  Chapter
Gol'denberg, Ė.: Levaja fraza i social-demokratičeskie illjuzii
: (oppozicija o nacional'noj politike)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 21=nr.163) : p. 2

IDN  09420        Gordon, Roderick: Stalin vs Trotsky   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09421         LLTB  Chapter
Graser, Ulrich: Trotzki : Stalins Rivale

In: G - Geschichte : Menschen, Ereignisse, Epochen ‹Nürnberg› [ISSN 1617-9412] 2010 (8) : pp. 72-75

Angl.: Trotsky : Stalin's rival

IDN  09422         LLTB  Chapter
Haberkorn, Bernd: Leninismus, Trotzkismus, Stalinismus
: wie wird die Sowjetunion mit der Vergangenheit fertig?
In: Geschichte Lernen ‹Velber› [ISSN 0933-3096] 1991 (20) : pp. 43-48

IDN  09423         LLTB  Chapter
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Partijno-sovetskaja pečat' v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka po voprosam nacional'noj politiki (1926-1927 gg.)

In: KPSS - partija internacionalistov-lenincev. (Kiev, 1981) : pp. 49-57

Angl.: The Soviet party press in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc regarding nationality politics (1926-27)

IDN  09424         LLTB  Chapter
Kapituljacija oppozicii i ee "principial'nye" vzgljady

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.23=nr.245) : p. 1

Angl.: The capitulation of the opposition and its "steady" views

IDN  09425         LLTB  Chapter
Kazanceva, Angelina Michajlovna: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v SSSR v zerkale vizual'nych agitacionno-satiriceskich materialov 1920-1930-ch gg.
. - 58 pp.
Tomsk, Nac. Issl. Tomskij Gos. Univ., Vyp. kval. rab. bakalavra [bachelor thesis], 2023
Director of thesis: E.A. Fedosov
Angl.: The inner-party struggle in the USSR in the mirror of visual agitational-satirical material of the 1920s-1930s

IDN  09426        Komar, Vitaly: The Trotsky-Stalin conflict and Russia in the 1920s   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  09427         LLTB  Chapter
Krieg, Friedrich: Herrn Trotzkis Fälschung von Lenin-Zitaten, dokumentarisch belegt

In: Der Rote Aufbau ‹Berlin› 5.1932 (4) : pp. 161-166

Angl.: Mister Trotsky's falsification of Lenin quotations, documentary substantiated

IDN  09428         LLTB  Chapter
Kuznecov, K. V.: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningrade v 1926-1928 gg.
: ėmocional'nye charakteristiki apelljacij oppozicionerov
In: Vestnik gumanitarnogo obrazovanija = Herald of Humanitarian Education ‹Kirov› [ISSN 2411-2070] 2021 (1=21) : pp. 64-72

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Internal party struggle in Leningrad in 1926-1928 : emotional characteristics of opposition appeals

IDN  09429        Levaja oppozicija v RKP(b) i VKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09430        Levy, Emanuel: The Trotsky-Stalin conflict and Russian theater in the 1920s   ... Main entry see within Chapter 4…  

IDN  09431         LLTB  Chapter
Loriot, Fernand:
La campagne contre l'opposition / F. Loriot
In: Contre le courant ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-3879] 1.1927 (2/3) : pp. 6-8

Angl.: The campaign against the opposition

IDN  09432         LLTB  Chapter
Milovidov, Vladimir Leonidovič: Opyt Kommunističeskoj Partii po marksistsko-leninskomu vospitaniju ideologičeskich kadrov na urokach bor'by s trockizmom
/ V.L. Milovidov
In: Istoričeskij opyt KPSS po formirovaniju ideologičeskich kadrov [...] (Jaroslavl', 1985) : pp. 13-23

Angl.: The experience of the Communist party in the Marxist-Leninist education of the ideoelogical cadres by means of the lessons of the struggle against Trotskyism

IDN  09433         LLTB  Chapter
Mlinik, R.: Partija i oppozicija

In: Voprosy prosveščenija na Severnom Kavkaze ‹Rostov-na-Donu› 1927 (9) : pp. 3-4

Angl.: The party and the opposition

IDN  09434         LLTB  Chapter
Murphy, Kevin: Opposition at the local level
: a case study of the Hammer and Sickle Factory
In: Europe-Asia Studies ‹Abingdon etc.› [ISSN 0966-8136] 53.2001 (2) : pp. 329-350

Table of contents: p.331 The 1923-1924 Trotskyist Opposition -- p.334 The United Opposition
Notes: 84
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposition de gauche à l'Usine de la Faucille et du Marteau

IDN  09435         LLTB  Chapter
Murphy, Kevin:
L' opposition de gauche à l'Usine de la Faucille et du Marteau
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2006 (29) : pp. 67-74

Abridged version of author's "Opposition at the local level"
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the Hammer and Sickle Factory

IDN  09436         LLTB  Chapter
Naši trudnosti i oppozicija

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.2=nr.226) : p. 1

Angl.: Our problems and the opposition

IDN  09437         LLTB  Chapter
Oppozicija na meli

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 24=nr.166) : p. 1

Angl.: The opposition is stranded

IDN  09438        Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: From students to dissidents   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09439        Pancov, Aleksandr Vadimovič: La naissance de l'opposition de gauche dans le PC chinois   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09440         LLTB  Chapter
Panin, Evgenij Leonidovič: Metody vnutripartijnoj bor'by v SSSR v seredine 1920-ch godov
= Methods of inner-party struggle in the USSR in the mid-1920s [Electronic resource]
In: Nauka bez granic [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2017-1191] 2017 (5=10) : pp. 99-102

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed March 21, 2018

IDN  09441        Pavlova, Irina Vladimirovna: Zagadki vnutripartijnoj bor'by (1923-1929 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09442         LLTB  Chapter
Piątkowski, Leszek: Walka Stalina z Trockim w świetle publiczystyki polskiej lat 1924-1928
= La lutte de Staline contre Trotski vue à travers la presse polonaise des années 1924-1928
In: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska : Sectio F ‹Lublin› [ISSN 0239-4251 - ISSN 0137-2033] 46/47.1991/92 : pp. 427-449

Notes: 139
With French abstract
Angl.: Stalin's struggle against Trotsky in the view of the Polish press 1924-28

IDN  09443         LLTB  Chapter
Rapoport, Louis:
Der Kampf gegen "Judas" : Stalins Rivalität mit Trotzki
In: Rapoport, L.: Hammer, Sichel, Davidstern. (Berlin, 1992) : pp. 38-55, 272-274

Notes: 46
Orig.: The struggle against "Judas"

IDN  09444         LLTB  Chapter
Rapoport, Louis:
The struggle against "Judas" : Stalin's rivalry with Trotsky
In: Rapoport, L.: Stalin's war against the Jews. (New York, NY [etc.], 1990) : pp. 24-40, 238-241

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf gegen "Judas"

IDN  09445         LLTB  Chapter
Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba 20-ch godov
: pričiny i uroki / V. Rogovin
In: Političeskoe obrazovanie ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0132-070X] 1989 (14) : pp. 90-98

Angl.: The inner-party struggle of the 1920s : causes and lessons

IDN  09446         LLTB  Chapter
Solenik, Anton Francevič: Lenin protiv oppozicii
: mysli i zavety Lenina v rešenijach 14 s"ezda po voprosam byvšej diskussii / A. Solenik. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 57 pp.
Angl.: Lenin against the opposition

IDN  09447        Ticktin, Hillel H.: What if the Left Opposition had taken power?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09448         LLTB  Chapter
Troickij, An.: Perevybory sovetov i oppozicija
. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 45 pp.
Angl.: Soviet elections and the opposition

IDN  09449         LLTB  Chapter
Vargin, N.F.: K istoriografii bor'by V.I. Lenina, RKP(b) s opportunizmom v voprosach partijnogo stroitel'stva
: (nojabr' 1917 - 1922 gg.)
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1979 (1) : pp. 114-122

Notes: 49
Angl.: On the historiography of the struggle of V.I. Lenin and the RCP(B) against opportunism in the question of party building

LLTB Chapter  5.3.06

IDN  09450         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Achmanov, Moisej Naumovič: "Levyj" zagib kak recidiv trockizma
/ M. Achmanov. - [Moskva] : Molodaja Gvardija, 1930. - 30 pp.
Angl.: The "left" deviation as an echo of Trotskyism

IDN  09451         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Allen, Naomi: [Foreword] Introduction

In: Trockij, L.D.: The challenge of the Left Opposition. [3.] (New York, NY, 1981) : pp. 15-27

IDN  09452         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Anfert'ev, Ivan Anatol'evič: Dejatel'nost' "Sojuza Marksistov-Lenincev"
: M.N. Rjutin i bor'ba za vlast' v 1928-1932 gg.. - 299 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Agrarnyj Univ., Diss., 2004
Director of thesis: V.V. Morozan
Angl.: The activity of the "Union of Marxist-Leninists"

IDN  09453         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Anfert'ev, Ivan Anatol'evič: Dejatel'nost' "Sojuza Marksistov-Lenincev"
: M.N. Rjutin i bor'ba za vlast' v 1928-1932 gg. - 23 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Agrarnyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2004
Director of thesis: V.V. Morozan
Angl.: The activity of the "Union of Marxist-Leninists"

IDN  09454         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Artamonova, Žanna Vladimirovna: Ėtapy formirovanija obvinenij protiv liderov trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii v 1934-1936 gg.
/ Ž.V. Artamonova
In: Vestnik archivista = Herald of an Archivist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-0101] 2011 (3) : pp. 193-204

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Stages of accusations' constructing against the leaders of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition in 1934-1936

IDN  09455         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Barančikov, Petr Grigor'evič: Kak oppozicija skatilas' v men'ševizmu
/ P.G. Barančikov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 32 pp.
Angl.: How the opposition slides down to Menshevism

IDN  09456         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Barančikov, Petr Grigor'evič: Pravda li, čto naša partija otstupaet ot proletarskoj linii?
/ P.G. Barančikov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 16 pp. - (Biblioteka Prostye besedy)
Angl.: Is it right that our party deviates from the proletarian line?

IDN  09457         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Barbusse, Henri: Vojna s parazitičeskoj oppoziciej
/ A. Burbjus
In: Voenno-istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0321-0626] 1990 (1) : pp. 50-54

Excerpted from author's "Stalin", Moskva, 1936
Angl.: War against parasitic oppositions

IDN  09458        Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Demonstracija oppozicii v Leningrade 7 nojabrja 1927 g.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09459         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Gruppy levoj oppozicii v Leningrade 1930-1932 gg.
[Electronic resource] / D.A. Barinov
In: Učenye zapiski Novgorodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta = Memoirs of NovSU [Electronic journal] ‹Novgorod› [ISSN 2411-7951] 2023 (2=47) : pp. 70-74 (619 KB)

Bibliogr.: pp. 74-76
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed July 20, 2023
Angl.: Left Opposition groups in Leningrad 1930-1932

IDN  09460        Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Studenty v kommunističeskom podpol'e Leningrada (1928-1929)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09461        Becker von Sothen, Hans: Wo ist Trotzki?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  09462         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Bellaïche, Avshalom J.: Verkhnéouralsk, l'isolateur politique 1925-1938
: combats, débats et extermination d'une génération de révolutionnaires / [préf.: Jean-Jacques Marie]. - Paris : La Brèche, 2022. - 461 pp.
ISBN 978-2-493-18000-1

Bibliogr.: pp. 456-463
Angl.: The Verkhne-Uralsk political isolator 1925-1938

IDN  09463         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre:
The "bloc" of the oppositions against Stalin in the USSR in 1932 / transl. by John Archer
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 159-189

Notes: 133
Orig.: Trotsky et le bloc des oppositions de 1932
Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotskij och blocket mot Stalin 1932

IDN  09464         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre:
The Bolshevik-Leninist faction : chapter XXXV of Broué's Trotsky / transl. by Ted Crawford and Ian Birchall
In: Revolutionary History ‹London› [ISSN 0953-2382] 9.2007 (4) : pp. 135-158

Notes: 144
Orig.: La fraction des bolcheviks-léninistes [in Broué, P.: Trotsky, Paris, 1988, pp. 563-581]

IDN  09465        Broué, Pierre: Communistes contre Staline   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  09466         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre: Compléments à un article sur les trotskystes en U.R.S.S.

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1985 (24) : pp. 63-72

Notes: 27
See also author's "Les trotskystes en Union Soviétique (1929-1938)" [see ch. 6.1.]
Angl.: Addition to an article about the Trotskyists in the USSR

IDN  09467        Broué, Pierre: Comunistas contra Stalin   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  09468         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre: Oppositionen mot Stalin inom partiet (1930-32) och den första Moskvarättegången
[Electronic resource] / övers.: Göran Källqvist. - 80 KB (9 pp.)
Notes: 15
Orig.: Party opposition to Stalin (1930-1932) and the first Moscow trial
Paper originally submitted to the 3rd World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1985
Accessed March 24, 2014

IDN  09469         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre:
L' organisation des trotskystes en URSS
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (53) : pp. 71-85

Table of contents: p.72 Nouvelles sources d'information -- p.74 Centres de Moscou -- p.75 Le centre de Biisk -- p.77 Les "centres pan-russes" -- p.82 Qui étaient les trotskystes? -- p.84 Trotsky au crible des archives
Angl.: The organization of the Trotskyists in the USSR

IDN  09470         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre: Party opposition to Stalin (1930-1932) and the first Moscow trial

In: Essays on revolutionary culture and Stalinism / ed. by J.W. Strong. (Columbus, Ohio, 1990) : pp. 98-111

Notes: 14
Other ed., versions, transl.: Oppositionen mot Stalin inom partiet (1930-32) och den första
Paper originally submitted to the 3rd World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Washington, DC, Oct. 30 - Nov.4, 1985

IDN  09471         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre: Trotskij och blocket mot Stalin 1932
[Electronic resource] / övers. (från franska): Björn-Erik Rosin. - 275 KB (22 pp.)
Notes: 25
Orig.: Trotsky et le bloc des oppositions de 1932
Other ed., versions, transl.: The "bloc" of the oppositions against Stalin in the USSR in 1932
Accessed Febr. 24, 2014
Angl.: Trotsky and the opposition bloc of 1932

IDN  09472         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre:
Los trotskistas de la URSS, alternativa al stalinismo?
In: Trotsky como alternativa. ([Buenos Aires, 2002]) : pp. 43-45

Paper originally submitted to the Taller 'Trotsky como alternativa', Buenos Aires, Nov. 14 and 29, 2002
Angl.: The Trotskyists in the USSR, an alternative to Stalinism?

IDN  09473         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Broué, Pierre: Trotsky et le bloc des oppositions de 1932

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1980 (5) : pp. 5-37

Table of contents: p.7 Les groupes en présence -- p.15 Un bloc éphémère -- p.20 Trotsky et le mot d'ordre "Chasser Staline" -- p.22 Le tournant de 1933 -- p.25 Le bloc au procès de Moscou -- p.31 Un nouvel éclairage -- p.34 Annexe [3 documents]
Notes: 107
Other ed., versions, transl.: The "bloc" of the oppositions against Stalin in the USSR in 1932 ; Trotskij och blocket mot Stalin 1932
Angl.: Trotsky and the opposition bloc of 1932

IDN  09474         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Brudnyj, M.: O pravoj i levoj opasnosti

In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1928 (1) : pp. 26-34

Angl.: On the right and left dangers

IDN  09475         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Les cahiers de Verkhnéouralsk : récits de militants trotskystes soviétiques 1930-1933 / trad., prés. et notes: Pierre Lafitte [et al.]. - Pantin : Les Bons Caractères, 2022. - 246 pp. - (Classiques)
ISBN 978-2-493083-04-3

Related work see "Tetradi Verchne-Ural'skogo političeskogo izoljatora, 1932-1933"
Angl.: The Verchne-Uralsk notebooks

IDN  09476         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Cifrinovič, Vladimir Efimovič: Rost vnutripartijnoj demokratii
/ V. Cifrinovič. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 83 pp.
Angl.: Growth of inner-party democracy

IDN  09477         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Dan, Fedor Il'ič: Razgrom trockistov
/ F. Dan
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 9.1929 (3=193) : pp. 3-6

Angl.: Smashing of the Trotskyists

IDN  09478        Dazy, René: Fusillez ces chiens enragés!   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  09479         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Al'ternativnyj sovetskij proekt v dokumentach "bol'ševikov-lenincev"
/ A.A. Fokin
In: Sovetskij proekt, 1917-1930-e gg. : ėtapy i mechanizmy realizacii / red. koll.: O.V. Gorbačev [et al.] (Ekaterinburg, 2018) : pp. 15-21

Other ed., versions, transl.: La Opozición de Izquierda soviética y el hallazgo de los cuadernos de la cárcel de Verjneuralsk
With Engl. abstract
Angl.: An alternative Soviet project in documents of the "Bolshevik-Leninists"

IDN  09480         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: "Krizis revoljucii i zadači proletariata"
: i osobennosti istočnikovedčeskogo analiza dokumentov bol'ševikov-lenincev 1930-ch godov / A.A. Fokin
In: Vestnik Permskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Istorija ‹Perm'› [ISSN 2219-3111] 2019 (1=44) : pp. 165-174

Notes: 2
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
"The paper examines a handwritten document composed in the 1930s by representatives of the Left Opposition in the Verchneuralsk prison and found there in 2018...The existence of these documents is the conclusive proof of the Left Opposition's activities during their imprisonment..." [from the Engl. abstract]
Angl.: "The crisis of the revolution and the tasks of the proletariat" : source evaluation of documents composed during the 1930s by the Bolshevik-Leninists

IDN  09481        Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Levaja oppozicija na Urale posle 1927   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09482         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič:
La Oposición de Izquierda soviética y el hallazgo de los cuadernos de la cárcel de Verjneuralsk [Electronic resource] / Aleksandr Fokin. Trad.: Guillermo Iturbide. - 109 KB (12 pp.)
Orig.: Al'ternativnyj sovetskij proekt v dokumentach "bol'ševikov-lenincev"
Accessed July 11, 2023
Angl.: The Soviet Left Opposition and the discovery of the prison notebooks of Verchne-Uralsk

IDN  09483         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Tetradi Verchne-Ural'skogo političeskogo izoljatora
: predstavlenie istočnika i razmyšlenija o ego značenii / Aleksandr Fokin
In: Ab imperio ‹Amherst, Mass.› [ISSN 2166-4072] 2017 (4) : pp. 177-194

Bibliogr.: pp. 192-194
Notes: 9
With Engl. abstract
Angl.: Notebooks from the Verchne-Uralsk political isolator

IDN  09484         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Voprosy vnešnej politiki v programme bol'ševikov-lenincev Verchneural'skogo političeskogo isolatora
/ A.A. Fokin
In: Novejšaja istorija Rossii = Modern History of Russia ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2219-9659] 10.2020 (3=30) : pp. 797-817

Notes: 3
Angl.: Foreign policy issues in the programme of the Bolshevik-Leninists of the Verchne-Uralsk political isolator

IDN  09485         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gambee, Sumner Brown: "Trotskyism" as an issue in Soviet politics (1928-1940)
/ Sumner B. Gambee. - X, 64 pp.
Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ., Thesis (B.A.), 1951
Table of contents: p.III Introduction -- p.1 Reform from within - the policy of Left Opposition (1928-1932) -- p.16 Stealing the thunder -- p.27 Revolution from without - the policy of the Fourth International (1933-1936) -- p.41 Devouring one's children -- p.59 Bibliography
Bibliogr.: pp. 59-64
Notes: 95

IDN  09486         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Garvi, Petr Abramovič: Oppozicija nakanune parts"ezda
/ P. Garvi
In: Socialističeskij vestnik ‹Berlin etc.› 10.1930 (13=227) : pp. 3-7

Angl.: The opposition on the eve of the party congress

IDN  09487        Getty, John Archibald: Trockij v izgnanii: osnovanie IV Internacionala   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09488        Getty, John Archibald: Trotsky in exile: the founding of the Fourth International   ... Main entry see within Chapter 7…  

IDN  09489         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Girinis, Sergej Vladimirovič: Struvizm-trockizm protiv marksizma-leninizma
/ S. Girinis
In: Molodoj bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1932 (1) : pp. 48-51

Angl.: Struvism-Trotskyism against Marxism-Leninism

IDN  09490         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Goloviznin, Mark Vasil'evič:
Les relations avec l'étranger de l'Opposition de gauche soviétique dans les années 1930 : (d'après les matériaux des archives de Henk Sneevliet) / Mark Goloviznine. [Transl. from the Russ. by Catherine Prokhoroff]
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 1998 (2) : pp. 31-33

Notes: 5
Angl.: The foreign relations of the Soviet Left Opposition in the 1930s

IDN  09491         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič:
The "Bolshevik Leninist" opposition and the working class, 1928-1929 / Aleksei Gusev
In: A dream deferred : new studies in Russian and Soviet labour history / ed. by D. Filtzer [et al.] (Bern [etc.], 2008) : pp. 153-169

Notes: 55
Orig.: Oppozicija "bol'ševikov-lenincev" i rabočij klass (1928-1929 gg.)
Rev. version of paper submitted to the III. Naučno-praktičeskaja Konferencija 'Rabočij Klass i Rabočee Dviženie Rossii', Moskva, 2002
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  09492         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Itogi i perspektivy NĖPa v predstavlenijach oppozicii "bol'ševikov-lenincev" v načale 1930-ch gg.
: (po materialam "Tetradej verchne-ural'skogo političeskogo izoljatora")
In: Klio : žurnal dlja učenych ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2070-9773] 2022 (1=181) : pp. 48-55

Angl.: Results and prospects of the NEP in the views of the "Bolshevik-Leninist" opposition in the early 1930s

IDN  09493         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Levokommunističeskaja oppozicija v pervoj položenie 30-ch godov
/ A.V. Gusev
In: Političeskie partii Rossii : stranicy istorii ; k 70-letiju Liry Stepanovny Leonovoj / [red. kollegija: N.D. Erofeev et al.] (Moskva, 2000) : pp. 166-192

Notes: 78
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposition de gauche du parti communiste soviétique dans la première moitié des années 30
Angl.: The left-communist opposition in the first half of the 30s

IDN  09494         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Levokommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR v konce 20-ch godov
/ A.V. Gusev
In: Otečestvennaja istorija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0869-5687] 1996 (1) : pp. 85-103

Notes: 100
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposition communiste de gauche en URSS à la fin des années 20
Angl.: The left-communist opposition in the USSR at the end of the 1920s

IDN  09495         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Meždunarodnoe položenie načala 1930-ch gg. v ocenke "bol'ševikov-lenincev" zaklučennych Verchne-Ural'skogo politizoljatora
= The international situation of the early 1930s in the assessment of the "Bolshevik-Leninists", prisoners of the Verkhne-Uralsk political isolator [Electronic resource] / A.V. Gusev ; Ju.V. Guseva
In: Gumanitarnyj naučnyj vestnik = Humanitarian Scientific Bulletin [Electronic journal] ‹Smolensk› [ISSN 2541-7509] 10.2020 (3=30) : pp. 1-8 (493 Kb)

Bibliogr.: pp. 7-8
Accessed March 1, 2022

IDN  09496         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič:
L' opposition communiste de gauche en URSS à la fin des années 20 / Alekséi Viktorovitch Goussev
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1997 (59) : pp. 5-25

Table of contents: p.6 L'opposition de gauche et le XVe congrès -- p.7 La crise économique en URSS -- p.10 Le programme économique de l'opposition -- p.13 La grande crise de l'opposition de gauche -- p.14 Les "résistants" -- p.19 Les contradictions de l'opposition -- p.24 Les décistes et le débat sur l'unification -- p.27 Radek, le "capitulard" et les gauchistes -- p.29 La répression met fin à l'opposition -- p.31 Indication biographiques -- p.33 Notes
Notes: 95
Orig.: Levokommunističeskaja oppozicija v SSSR v konce 20-ch godov
Angl.: The left-communist opposition in the USSR at the end of the 1920s

IDN  09497         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič:
L' opposition de gauche du parti communiste soviétique dans la première moitié des années 30 / Aleksei V. Goussev
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 2000 (72) : pp. 71-102

Notes: 83
Orig.: Levokommunističeskaja oppozicija v pervoj položenie 30-ch godov
Angl.: The left opposition of the Soviet Communist Party in the first half of the 30s

IDN  09498         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Oppozicija "bol'ševikov-lenincev" i rabočij klass (1928-1929 gg.)
/ A.V. Gusev
In: Rabočij klass i rabočee dviženie Rossii : teorija, istorija, sovremennost' / red.-sost. A.V. Buzgalin [et al.] (Moskva, 2003) : pp. 163-181

Notes: 58
Other ed., versions, transl.: The "Bolshevik Leninist" opposition and the working class, 1928-1929
Rev. version of paper submitted to the III. Naučno-praktičeskaja Konferencija 'Rabočij Klass i Rabočee Dviženie Rossii', Moskva, 2002

IDN  09499         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Oppozicija za rešetkoj
: "kommunističeskij sektor" Verchne-Ural'skogo političeskogo izoljatora v načale 1930-ch gg. [Electronic resource]. - 507 KB
In: Istorija : ėlektronnyj naučno-obrazovatel'nyj žurnal [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2079-8784] 12.2021 (3=101)

Notes: 65
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Publ. Apr. 15, 2021
Accessed Dec. 20, 2022
Angl.: Opposition behind bars : the "communist sector" of the Verkhne-Uralsk political isolator in the early 1930s

IDN  09500        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Osuščestvil li Stalin programmu Trockogo?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09501        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Stalinist industrialization and the Trotskyist opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09502        Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Stalinskaja industrializacija i trockistskaja oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09503         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: 'Theses on economic policy'
: a document from the Verkhne-Uralsk political prison of 1933 / Alexey V. Gusev. Transl. by Giuliano Vivaldi
In: Historical Materialism : research in critical Marxist theory ‹London; later: Leiden› [ISSN 1465-4466] 30.2022 (4) : pp. 199-208

Bibliogr.: pp. 207-208
Notes: 12
With abstract

IDN  09504         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija v konce 20-ch - načale 30-ch godov
. - 222 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstevennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1996
Director of thesis: L.S. Leonova
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition from the late 1920s to the early 1930s

IDN  09505         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Gusev, Aleksej Viktorovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija v konce 20-ch - načale 30-ch godov
. - 24 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstevennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1996
Director of thesis: L.S. Leonova

IDN  09506         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Halfin, Igal:
The demonization of the opposition : Stalinist memory and the "communist archive" at Leningrad communist university
In: Kritika : explorations in Russian and Eurasian history ‹Bloomington, Ind.› [ISSN 1531-023x] 2.2001 (1) : pp. 45-80

Table of contents: p.48 The nature of oppositionism in the Bolshevik universe -- p.54 Radicalization of the diagnosis of oppositionism in the 1930s -- p.61 Oppositionism as memory -- p.80 Conclusion
Notes: 111

IDN  09507         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Haslam, Jonathan: Political opposition to Stalin and the origins of the terror in Russia, 1932-1936

In: The Historical Journal ‹Cambridge etc.› [ISSN 0018-246X] 29.1986 (2) : pp. 395-418

Notes: 131

IDN  09508         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Hidden manuscripts of the Left Opposition found in Verkhneuralsk
[Electronic resource]
In: The International Newsletter of Communist Studies = Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung = La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme [Electronic journal] ‹Bochum› [ISSN 1862-698X] 24/25.2018/19 (2020) = no.31/32 : p. 15

Accessed Febr. 29, 2020

IDN  09509         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
L' imprimerie clandestine et l'officier de Wrangel : un point d'histoire ; pour les lecteurs de Jean Elleinstein
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1979 (4) : pp. 21-37

Angl.: The underground print-shop and the Wrangel officer

IDN  09510         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Indications biographiques sur quelques oppositionnels
: (extraites des fichiers de l'Institut Léon Trotsky établis sous la dir. de Pierre Broué sur la base de la documentation disponible en Occident)
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (53) : pp. 87-114

Biographical sketches about members of the Russian Trotskyist opposition, 1920s and 1930s
Angl.: Biographical notes concerning some oppositionists

IDN  09511         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Iturbide, Guillermo:
Una alternativa al estalinismo, la lucha de los trotskistas en la URSS [Electronic resource]. - 143 KB (10 pp.)
Notes: 2
Accessed Aug. 13, 2021
Angl.: An alternative to Stalinism, the struggle of the Trotskyists in the USSR

IDN  09512        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Ein entlarvendes Manöver der Trotzkisten   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09513        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Der Kampf gegen den Opportunismus in der Periode zwischen dem 15. und 16. Parteitag der KP(b)SU   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09514        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O novejšej ėvoljucii trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09515        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Oppozicija na puti ko vtoroj partii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09516        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Ot oppozicii k kontrrevoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09517        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: U poslednej čerty   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09518        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Včerašnij i zavtrašnij den' trockistov   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09519        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Walka z oportunimem w okresie między XV i XVI zjazdem WKP(b)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09520        Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Der Zersetzungsprozeß des Trotzkismus nach dem VI. Weltkongreß   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09521         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Karpačev, Sergej Pavlovič: Iz istorii trockistskoj oppozicii v SSSR
: listovki 1929 goda / S.P. Karpačev
In: Istorija SSSR ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0021-2660] 1991 (5) : pp. 104-120

Notes: 53
On pp. 106-116 eight original documents from hitherto closed party archives, with notes and introd. by the author
Angl.: From the history of the Trotskyist opposition in the USSR : 1929 leaflets

IDN  09522         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kiš, Grigorij Isaakovič: Pis'mo Trockomu
. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1930. - 45 pp. - (Biblioteka Smeny)
Angl.: Letter to Trotsky

IDN  09523         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kogda zagovorili fakty
: sbornik. - Taškent : Sredazkniga, 1928. - 109 pp.
Angl.: When facts begin to speak

IDN  09524         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kostko, K.: S. Pokrovskij v roli restavratora trockizma
: (o knige S. Pokrovskogo "Teorija proletarskoj revoljucii", 3-e pererab. izd., GIZ, 1931 g.)
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1931 (22) : pp. 83-91

Angl.: S. Pokrovsky in the role of a restorer of Trotskyism

IDN  09525         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kovalenko, Nadežda Vjačeslavovna: Trockij i ego korrespondenty
: pis'ma trockistov kak istočnik po vnutri-partijnoj bor'be i oppozicijami konca 1920-ch - načala 1930-ch gg. [Electronic resource]
In: Istorija : ėlektronnyj naučno-obrazovatel'nyj žurnal [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2079-8784] 6.2015 (6=39)

Notes: 34
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Febr. 15, 2017
Angl.: Trotsky and his correspondents

IDN  09526         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kun, Miklós: Trotsky and the anti-Stalin illegal movement in the late 1920s

Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 Years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  09527         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kun, Miklós: Trotsky e o movimento clandestino anti-stalinista nas décadas de 1920 e 1930

In: Trotsky hoje / org.: O. Coggiola. (São Paulo, 1994) : pp. 97-118

Notes: 13
Paper originally submitted to the Simpósio Internacional Passado e Presente do Socialismo - 50° Aniversário da Morte de Leon Trotsky, São Paulo, Sept. 10-14, 1990
Angl.: Trotsky and the anti-Stalinist underground movement in the 1920s and 1930s

IDN  09528         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Kuz'minych, Jakov Sergeevič: Rol' E.A. Preobraženskogo v processe transformacii trockistskoj oppozicii v 1928-1929 gg.
[Electronic resource] / Ja.S. Kuz'minych
In: Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie = Public Administration [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2070-1381] 2014 (42) : pp. 262-279 (420 KB)

Notes: 43
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Accessed Febr. 2, 2017
Angl.: The role of E.A. Preobrazhensky in the transformation of the Trotskyist opposition in 1928-29

IDN  09529         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Le Blanc, Paul: In honor of the Left Opposition
: revolutionaries who resisted bureaucratic tyranny
In: Against the Current : a socialist journal ‹Detroit, Mich.› [ISSN 0739-4853] N.s. 12.1997/98 (1=67) : pp. 42-44

IDN  09530         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Leonidov, A.: Trockistskaja kontrabanda v "rabotach" S. Pokrovskogo
/ A. Leonidov i M. Mišin
In: Partrabotnik ‹Moskva› 1932 (1=103) : pp. 94-98

Angl.: Trotskyist contraband in the "works" of S. Pokrovsky

IDN  09531         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Likvidacija opportunizma v rjadach VKP(b)

In: Na dva fronta. (Moskva, 1973) : pp. 219-253

Table of contents: p.219 Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka -- p.233 Bor'ba s oppoziciej v Kominterne -- p.239 Bor'ba partii protiv pravogo uklona
Notes: 51
Angl.: The liquidation of opportunism from the ranks of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09532         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Longuet, Isabelle:
L' Opposition de gauche en URSS (1928-1929)
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (53) : pp. 33-61

Table of contents: p.33 La déportation -- p.36 L'"opposition de l'autre côté" -- p.39 Débat sur les mesures d'urgence -- p.41 Débat sur le projet de programme -- p.42 Les fissures dans l'opposition -- p.44 L'opposition et le VIe congrès de l'IC -- p.46 Une répression aggravée -- p.50 La crise du bloc au pouvoir -- p.51 La crise au sein de l'opposition de gauche -- p.53 Radek, Smilga, Préobrajensky: de la conciliation à la capitulation -- p.54 Panique dans les rangs -- p.57 Le combat en retraite d'Ivan Nikititch Smirnov -- p.59 La dernière vague de capitulations -- p.60 Ceux qui restent -- p.61 Perspectives historiographiques
Notes: 87
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the URSS (1928-29)

IDN  09533         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Longuet, Isabelle: U.R.S.S : la crise de l'opposition de gauche en 1928-1929
. - 238 pp.
Paris, Univ. de Paris VIII (Paris-Vincennes), Mém. de maîtrise, 1987
Table of contents: p.1 Introduction -- p.5 Les irréductibles -- p.28 La déportation, début 1928 -- p.49 Clandestine ou non : l'opposition de l'autre coté -- p.71 Les débats entre les déportés - 1928 -- p.102 Carte des lieux de déportation -- p.103 L'O.G. et le sixième congrès de l'I.C. -- p.115 Une repression accrue -- p.129 L'expulsion de Trotsky -- p.138 La crise du bloc au pouvoir -- p.155 Vers la déclaration des trois -- p.173 Panique dans les rangs -- p.193 Dernière vague de capitulation : I.N. Smirnov -- p.211 État de la fraction - fin 1929 -- p.226 Conclusion -- p.233 Annexes
Notes: 279
Director of thesis: Alexandre Adler
Angl.: URSS : crisis of the Left Opposition 1928-29

IDN  09534         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: Trockij na tribune Čemberlena
/ A. Martynov
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 11.1929 (11=189) : pp. 6-10

Other ed., versions, transl.: Trotzki auf der Tribüne Chamberlains
Angl.: Trotsky on Chamberlain's platform

IDN  09535         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Martynov, Aleksandr Samojlovič: Trotzki auf der Tribüne Chamberlains
/ A. Martynow
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 10.1929 (12) : pp. 704-709

Orig.: Trockij na tribune Čemberlena
Angl.: Trotsky on Chamberlain's platform

IDN  09536        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposition communiste en URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09537        Merlet, Pierre: L'opposizione comunista in URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09538        Merridale, Catherine: Trotsky and Trotskyism in Moscow, 1924-1932   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09539        Merridale, Catherine: Trotzki und Trotzkismus in Moskau, 1924-1932   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09540        Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Auf zwei Fronten   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09541        Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Na dva fronta   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09542        Novikov, Sergej Aleksandrovič: Političeskaja metodologija trockizma   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09543         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Novikov, Sergej Aleksandrovič: Put' Trockogo
: (ot "Anti-Kautskogo" k Kautskomu) / S. Novikov
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 11.1929 (12=190) : pp. 23-32

Notes: 22
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Weg Trotzkis
Angl.: Trotsky's road : from "Anti-Kautsky" to Kautsky

IDN  09544         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Novikov, Sergej Aleksandrovič:
Der Weg Trotzkis : vom "Anti-Kautsky" zu Kautsky / S. Nowikow
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 10.1929 (13) : pp. 770-783

Notes: 23
Orig.: Put' Trockogo
Angl.: Trotsky's road : from "Anti-Kautsky" to Kautsky

IDN  09545        L'opposition de gauche en URSS   ... Main entry see within Chapter 6…  

IDN  09546         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Ozerov, Leonid Stepanovič: Bor'ba partii s trockizmom v 1928-1930 gg.
/ L.S. Ozerov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1968 (3) : pp. 47-55

Notes: 44
Angl.: The party's struggle against Trotskyism in the years 1928-30

IDN  09547         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Pečenkin, Sergej Vladimirovič: Ssylka kak metod davlenija na trockistskuju oppoziciju (20-30-e gg. XX v.)

In: Zaščita prav čeloveka kak cel' i soderžanie pravoprimenitel'noj dejatel'nosti / red. koll.: V.V. Denisenko [et al.] (Voronež, 2018) : pp. 217-225

With abstract
Angl.: Banishment as a method of pressurization against the Trotskyist opposition (1920s and 1930s)

IDN  09548         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Poletaev, D.: Trockistskaja kontrabanda pod flagom "bor'by na dva fronta"

In: Sovetskoe gosudarstvo ‹Moskva› 1932 (1) : pp. 129-141

Notes: 33
Angl.: Trotskyist contraband under the colour of the "struggle at two fronts"

IDN  09549         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Potemkina, Marina Nikolaevna: Materialy nelegal'noj tjuremnoj pressy kak istočnik po istorii bol'ševistskoj oppozicii konca 1920-načala 1930 gg.
/ M.N. Potemkina ; N.N. Makarova ; A.E. Ljubeckij
In: Vestnik archivista = Herald of an Archivist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-0101] 2018 (3) : pp. 844-855

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Illegal prison press material as a source for the history of the Bolshevik opposition, end of the 1920s til early 1930s

IDN  09550         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Protiv pravoj opasnosti i primirenčestva
: sbornik. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1929. - 224 pp.
Angl.: Against the right danger and reconciliationism

IDN  09551         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Puchov, F.A.: Rol' kontrol'nych komissij VKP(b) v likvidacii ostatkov trockizma v partii v period meždu XV i XVI s"ezdami
: (na materialach partorganizacij CČO)
In: Izvestija Voronežskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogičeskogo Instituta ‹Voronež'› 1971 (101) : pp. 92-104

Notes: 45
Angl.: The role of the control commissions of the Allunion Communist Party in the liquidation of the remnants of Trotskyism in the party during the period between the 15th and 16th party congress

IDN  09552        Radek, Karl: Ot oppozicii v kloaku kontrrevoljucii   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09553         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Razgrom levoj oppozicii v SSSR
: pis'ma ssyl'nych bol'ševikov (1928 g.) / publikacija Ju.G. Fel'štinskogo
In: Minuvšee : istoričeskij al'manach ‹Paris; later: Moskva› 7.1992 : pp. 245-313

Angl.: The smashing of the left opposition in the USSR

IDN  09554         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Razoblačim trockistskuju kontrabandu

In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1932 (1) : pp. 13-19

Angl.: Let us expose the Trotskyist contraband

IDN  09555        Reiman, Michal: Der Untergang der Linken Opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09556         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: K izučeniju jazyka dokumentov oppozicionerov-zaključennych Verchneuralskogo političeskogo izoljatora
[Electronic resource] / A.V. Reznik
In: Istoričeskij žurnal : naučnye issledovanija = History Magazine : researches [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2454-0609] 2021 (1) : pp. 39-47

Dated Jan. 10, 2021. - Accessed June 10, 2021
Angl.: Foreign policy issues in the programme of the Bolshevik-Leninists of the Verchne-Uralsk political isolator

IDN  09557         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Rezunov, Michail Denisovič: Na putjach kontrrevoljucionnogo trockizma
/ M. Rezunov ; V. Undrevič
In: Problemy marksizma ‹Leningrad› 1932 (1/2) : pp. 114-130

Angl.: On the road of counter-revolutionary Trotskyism

IDN  09558        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Byla li al'ternativa?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09559        Rogovin, Vadim Zacharovič: Gab es eine Alternative?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09560        Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Partijnye instituty i levaja oppozicija posle XV s"ezda VK?(b) (na primere Ural'skoj oblasti)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09561         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Professional'naja dejatel'nost' byvšich učastnikov Ob"edinennoj Oppozicii v 1930-e gg.
: (na primere biografij bol'ševikov, polisavšich "zajavlenie") / V.V. Šabalin
In: Genesis : istoričeskie issledovanija ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2409-868X] 2021 (1) : pp. 1-11

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Professional activities of former members of the United Opposition in the 1930s.

IDN  09562         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Šačnev, M.: S kornem vyrvat' trockistskuju kontrabandu

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1932 (1) : pp. 61-70

Angl.: Eradicate the Trotskyist contraband!

IDN  09563         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Savin, A.: Bor'ba na dva fronta

In: Žurnalist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0022-5568 - ISSN 0130-3589] 1928 (12) : pp. 1-3

Angl.: Struggle at two fronts

IDN  09564         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Sedov, Lev L'vovič: Stalinismo e opposizione di sinistra
: scritti 1930-1937 / Lev Sedov. Trad. e introd. di Valentina Giusti. - Roma : Prospettiva, [1999]. - 95 pp. - (Utopia marxista)
ISBN 88-2022-059-4*

Angl.: Stalinism and the Left Opposition

IDN  09565        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Dokatilis'   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09566        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: So tief sind die gesunken   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09567        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Die Tätigkeit der illegalen trotzkistischen Organisationen   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09568        Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: They have sunk to the depths   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09569         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Stalins Vernichtungsfeldzug gegen die Linke Opposition

In: Permanente Revolution / Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) ‹Berlin› 1.1931 (5) : pp. 6-7

Angl.: Stalin's internecine war against the Left Opposition

IDN  09570         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Starkov, Boris Anatol'evič: Trotsky and Ryutin
: from the history of the anti-Stalin resistance in the 1930s / Boris Starkov. [Transl. from the Russ. ms. by Brian Pearce]
In: The Trotsky reappraisal / ed. by T. Brotherstone [et al.] (Edinburgh, 1992) : pp. 70-83

Notes: 6
Rev. version of paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  09571         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Strel'cov, G.M.: Po tu storonu barrikady

In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1929 (2) : pp. 18-22

Angl.: On the other barricade

IDN  09572        Takiguchi, Junya: Stalinist political spectacle and the defeat of the opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09573         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Tetradi Verchne-Ural'skogo političeskogo izoljatora, 1932-1933
: sbornik dokumentov / sost. A.V. Gusev (otvetsv. sost.) [et al.]. - Moskva : Trobant, 2022. - 479 pp.
ISBN 978-5-89513-505-1

Table of contents: p.3 Predislovie/A.V. Gusev -- p.18 Ot sostavitelej -- p.19 Krizis revoljucii i zadači proletariata [proekt tezisov k obščekollektivnoj diskussii b[olševikov]-l[enincev] V[erchne]ural'[skogo] politizoljatora) -- p.163 Materialy periodičeskich izdanij, diskussionnye dokumenty i otdel'nye stati -- p.435 Perepiska i drugie materialy -- p.460 Biografičeskie spravki o zaključennych kommunistach-oppozicionerach, upomjantych v "Tetrady Verchne-Ural'skogo politizoljatora"/A.V. Gusev, V.V. Šabalin -- p.475 Spisok sokraščenij -- p.477 Svedenija o sostavitel'jach
Related work see "Les cahiers de Verchnéouralsk"
Angl.: Notebooks from the Verchne-Uralsk political isolator, 1932-1933

IDN  09574         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Thorez, Maurice:
Les trotskistes et l'attaque impérialiste en Mandchourie / M.T. [i.e. Maurice Thorez]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 4.1929 (21) : pp. 768-775

Angl.: The Trotskyists and the imperialist attack in Mandchuria

IDN  09575         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Los trotskistas contra Stalin. - Buenos Aires : Centro de Estudios, Investigaciones y Publicaciones "León Trotsky", 2011. - 103 pp. - (Cuadernos C.E.I.P. "León Trotsky" ‹Buenos Aires› ; 2011,15 = Especial aniversario del asesinato de León Trotsky)
Angl.: The Trotskyists against Stalin

IDN  09576         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06

In: Lo Stato operaio ‹Paris› 3.1929 (2) : pp. 157-159

IDN  09577         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Vakulenko, Artem Aleksandrovič: Levaja kommunističeskaja oppozicija o suščnosti sovetskogo gosudarstva na rubeže 1920-ch - 1930-ch gg.
/ A.A. Vakulenko
In: Tjumenskij istoričeskij sbornik ‹Tjumen'› 2008 (11) : pp. 75-80

Angl.: The left communist opposition about the danger to the Soviet state at the transition of the 1920s to the 1930s

IDN  09578        Vakulenko, Artem Aleksandrovič: Repressii 1935-1938 gg. v ocenke žurnala "Bjulleten' oppozicii"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09579        Vakulenko, Artem Aleksandrovič: Vnešnjaja politika SSSR i levaja kommunističeskaja oppozicija   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09580         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Vasilev, Michail:
L' Opposition de gauche à Leningrad en 1929 / Mikhaïl Vassiliev
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2003 (20) : pp. 33-40

Notes: 5

IDN  09581        Velidov, Aleksej Sergeevič: Jakov Bljumkin i Lev Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 3…  

IDN  09582         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
La vérité trotskyste
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 4.1929 (22) : pp. 903-913

Angl.: The Trotskyist truth

IDN  09583         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Vjazinkin, Aleksej Jur'evič: Sovetskaja molodež i trockizm v gody "bol'šogo terrora" 1930-ch gg. v SSSR
: po archivnym istočnikam = Soviet youth and Trotskyism in the days of the "great terror" of the 1930s in the USSR : based on archival sources / Aleksej Ju. Vjazinkin ; Kuzma A. Jakimov
In: Vestnik archivista = Herald of an Archivist ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2073-0101] 2022 (4) : pp. 1185-1197

Bibliogr.: pp.1195-1196
Notes: 22
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  09584         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Volkov, Vladimir: Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s
[Electronic resource] / Vladimir Volkov and Clara Weiss. - 30 KB (6 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Manuskripte der Linken Opposition in der Sowjetunion von Anfang der 1930er Jahre entdeckt ; Istoričeskaja nachodka rukopisej Levoj oppozicii načala 1930-ch godov
Dated Aug. 27, 2018
Accessed June 6, 2019

IDN  09585         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Volkov, Vladimir: Istoričeskaja nachodka rukopisej Levoj oppozicii načala 1930-ch godov
[Electronic resource] / Vladimir Volkov i Klara Vajs. - 40 KB (4 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Manuskripte der Linken Opposition in der Sowjetunion von Anfang der 1930er Jahre entdeckt ; Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s
Dated Aug. 31, 2018
Accessed June 6, 2019

IDN  09586         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Volkov, Vladimir: Manuskripte der Linken Opposition in der Sowjetunion von Anfang der 1930er Jahre entdeckt
[Electronic resource] / Wladimir Wolkow und Clara Weiss. - 30 KB (6 pp.)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s ; Istoričeskaja nachodka rukopisej Levoj oppozicii načala 1930-ch godov
Dated Sept. 4, 2018
Accessed June 6, 2019

IDN  09587         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Vrevskij, Andrej Michajlovič: Partija v bor'be na dva fronta
: (ot XV parts"ezda k XVI) / A. Vrevskij. - Moskva : Molodaja Gvardija, 1930. - 94 pp.
Angl.: The party in struggle at two fronts

IDN  09588         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Walecki, Henryk: Trockistie i pravye renegaty i konflikt na KVŽD
/ G. Valecki
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 11.1929 (38/39=216/217) : pp. 68-74

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die trotzkistischen und rechten Renegaten und die ostchinesische Eisenbahn
Angl.: The Trotskyists and right renegades and the conflict about the Eastern Chinese railway

IDN  09589         LLTB  Chapter  5.3.06
Walecki, Henryk:
Die trotzkistischen und rechten Renegaten und die ostchinesische Eisenbahn / H. Walecki
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 10.1929 (37) : pp. 1281-1289

Orig.: Trockistie i pravye renegaty i konflikt na KVŽD
Angl.: The Trotskyist and rightist renegades and the Eastern Chinese railway

IDN  09590        Waschik, Klaus: Virtual reality   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  09591        Waschik, Klaus: Wo ist Trotzki?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  09592        Waschik, Klaus: Wo ist Trotzki?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  09593        Žalmagambetov, Tanirbergen Žalmagambetovič: L. D. Trockij v Alma-Atinskoj ssylke   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

IDN  09594        Žalmagambetov, Tanirbergen Žalmagambetovič: Trockij v Alma-Atinskoj ssylke   ... Main entry see within Chapter 2…  

LLTB Chapter  5.4

IDN  09595         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bauman, Karl Janovič: Osnovnye voprosy raznoglasij i rešenija XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
/ K. Bauman. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 55 pp.
Angl.: Crucial questions regarding the controversies and determinations of the 14th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09596         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bauman, Karl Janovič: Rost i regulirovanie social'nogo sostava VKP(b)
: (otvet kritikam) / K. Bauman
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 164-176

Angl.: The increase in number and the regulation of the social composition of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09597         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bauman, Karl Janovič: Za leninskuju liniju v voprosach derevenskoj politiki
: demagogija oppozicii o sovetach / K. Bauman
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.15=no.261) : pp. 5-6

Angl.: For the Leninist line regarding rural politics

IDN  09598         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bubnov, Andrej Sergeevič:
"The lessons of October" and Trotskyism / A. Bubnov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 647-680

Notes: 91
Orig.: "Uroki Oktjabrja" i trockizm

IDN  09599         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bubnov, Andrej Sergeevič: Partija i oppozicija 1925 goda
: doklad ob itogach ijul'skogo plenuma CK i CKK V.K.P.(b) na sobranii partaktiva Leningradskogo Voennogo Okruga i Baltijskogo Flota, 29 ijulja 1926 g. / A. Bubnov. - Moskva : Izd-vo Voennyj Vestnik, 1926. - 75 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition in the year 1925

IDN  09600         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bubnov, Andrej Sergeevič: "Uroki Oktjabrja" i trockizm
/ A. Bubnov. - Moskva : Krasnaja Zvezda, 1925. - 50 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: "The lessons of October" and Trotskyism

IDN  09601         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bubnov, Andrej Sergeevič: "Uroki Oktjabrja" i trockizm
/ A. Bubnov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 210-240

Other ed., versions, transl.: "The lessons of October" and Trotskyism

IDN  09602         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: À bas le fractionnisme!
: réponse de "La Pravda", organe central du P.C.R., au camarade Trotsky / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. (Paris, 1924) : pp. 89-142

Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei!
Angl.: Down with factionalism!

IDN  09603         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: À bas le fractionnisme!
: réponse de "La Pravda", organe central du P.C.R., au camarade Trotsky / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. [Reprint.] (Milano, 1966) : pp. 89-142

Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei!

IDN  09604         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: "Apelljacija" oppozicii
: reč na 7 rasširennom plenume Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta Kommunističeskogo Internacionala, 8 dek. 1926 g. / N.I. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 46 pp.
Angl.: The "appeal" of the opposition

IDN  09605         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Building up socialism
/ N. Bukharin. - London : Communist Party of Great Britain, 1926. - 66 pp.
Orig.: O charaktere našej revoljucii [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste

IDN  09606         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan / N. Boukharine. - Paris : Librairie de l'Humanité, 1925. - 98 pp. - (Petite bibliothèque communiste)
Orig.: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Weg zum Sozialismus
Angl.: The road to socialism and the bloc of the workers and peasants

IDN  09607         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan / Boukharine
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Le socialisme dans un seul pays. (Paris, 1974) : pp. 93-188

Orig.: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Weg zum Sozialismus

IDN  09608         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre
: à propos de l'ouvrage de Trotsky: "1917" / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (1) : pp. 12-23

Orig.: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09609         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición
: la lección de octubre de 1923 / Nikolai Bukharin. Trad. de Carlos Castro
In: Debate sobre la economía soviética y la ley del valor. (México, D.F., 1974)

Orig.: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition
Angl.: Criticism of the opposition's economic platform

IDN  09610         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition
: la leçon d'octobre 1923 / Nicolas Boukharine
In: Le Débat soviétique sur la loi de la valeur. (Paris, 1972) : pp. 201-240

Orig.: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición
Angl.: Criticism of the economic platform of the opposition : the lesson of October 1923

IDN  09611         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Doklad t. Bucharina o diskussii v RKP(b)

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / Rasširennyj plenum Ispolkoma Kommunističeskogo Internacionala (21 marta - 6 aprelja 1925 g.) (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 364-384

Angl.: Report of comrade Bukharin on the discussion in the Russian CP

IDN  09612         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Doloj frakcionnost'!
: (otvet red. C.O. tov. Trockomu) / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]. - [1-5]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1923 (Dec.28=nr.294) - 1923 (Dec.30=nr.296); 1924 (Jan.2=nr.1); 1924 (Jan.4=nr.3)

Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme! ; Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei!
Angl.: Down with factionalism!

IDN  09613         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Doloj frakcionnost'!
: otvet central'nogo organa partii tov. Trockomu / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]. - Moskva : Krasnaja Nov', 1924. - 41 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme! ; Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei!

IDN  09614         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Doloj frakcionnost'!
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: K voprosu o trockizme. (Moskva etc., 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme! ; Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei!

IDN  09615         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ėkonomičeskie perspektivy v derevne
: (o pervych odinnadcati tezisach oppozicii po krest'janskomu voprosu) / N. Bucharin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.5=nr.254) : pp. 4-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: For the Leninist line in the question of our policy in the village ; Für die Leninsche Politik in den Fragen der Politik auf dem Dorfe
Angl.: Economic prospects in the village

IDN  09616         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die Ergebnisse des Plenums des EKKI : Bericht, erstellt auf dem Plenum des Moskauer Komitees der KPSU am 4. Juni 1927 / N.I. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (65) : pp. 1361-1373

Orig.: Itogi plenuma IKKI
Angl.: The results of the plenary meeting of the Moscow Committee of the CPSU, June 4, 1927

IDN  09617         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion : Referat des Genossen Bucharin in der Funktionärsversammlung der Moskauer Parteiorganisation am 5. Jan. 1926
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (15) : pp. 199-220

Orig.: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
Angl.: The results of the 14th party congress of the CPSU

IDN  09618         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: For the Leninist line in the question of our policy in the village
/ N. Bukharin
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 7.1927 (70) : pp. 4-5

Orig.: Ėkonomičeskie perspektivy v derevne
Other ed., versions, transl.: Für die Leninsche Politik in den Fragen der Politik auf dem Dorfe

IDN  09619         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Der Fraktionskampf der Genossen Trotzki und Sinowjew nach dem August-Plenum des ZK und der ZKK der KPdSU : Rede auf dem Plenum von ZK und ZKK der KPdSU im Okt. 1927 / N. Bucharin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 504-514

Orig.: Reči na oktjabr'skom plenume CK i CKK VKP(b) [...]

IDN  09620         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Der Fraktionskampf der Genossen Trotzki und Sinowjew nach dem August-Plenum des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU : Rede, gehalten auf dem Oktober-Plenum des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU / N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (109) : pp. 2372-2375

Orig.: Reči na oktjabr'skom plenume CK i CKK VKP(b) [...]
Angl.: The factional fight of Trotsky and Zinoviev after the August plenary meeting of the CC and CCC of the CPSU

IDN  09621         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Für die Leninsche Politik in den Fragen der Politik auf dem Dorfe
: die ökonomischen Perspektiven im Dorfe ; (über die ersten 11 Thesen der Opposition zur Bauernfrage) / N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (118) : pp. 2679-2682

Orig.: Ėkonomičeskie perspektivy v derevne
Other ed., versions, transl.: For the Leninist line in the question of our policy in the village

IDN  09622         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: How the history of October must not be written
: (on L. Trotsky's book "1917") / N. Bukharin. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 147-162

Notes: 24
Orig.: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09623         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union / N. Bukharin
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 7.1927 (10) : pp. 189-200

Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09624         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion : Referat ... auf der 15. Moskauer Gouvernements-Parteikonferenz / N.I. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (11) : pp. 201-213

Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09625         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die internationale und die innere Lage der USSR / N. Bucharin. - Hamburg : Hoym, 1927. - 63 pp.
Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09626         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Itogi plenuma IKKI
: doklad tov. N.I. Bucharina na plenume Moskovskogo Komiteta VKP(b), 4 ijunja 1927. - Moskva : Pravda i Bednota, 1927. - 54 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des Plenums des EKKI
Angl.: The results of the ECCI plenum

IDN  09627         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Itogi plenuma IKKI
. - 2. izd. - Moskva : Pravda i Bednota, 1927. - 54 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des Plenums des EKKI

IDN  09628         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Itogi plenuma IKKI

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (June 18=nr.135) : pp. 3-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des Plenums des EKKI

IDN  09629         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
: doklad na sobranii aktivnych rabotnikov Moskovskoj organizacii, 5-go jan. 1926 g. - Leningrad, 1926. - 50 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion
Angl.: The results of the 14th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09630         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
. - Moskva [etc.], 1926. - 63 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion

IDN  09631         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
. - Moskva [etc.], 1926. - 62 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion

IDN  09632         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
. - Nižnij Novgorod, 1926. - 95 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion

IDN  09633         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K itogam XIV s"ezda VKP(b)
. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Jan.10=nr.8) : pp. 5-6; 1926 (Jan.12=nr.9) : pp. 3-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Ergebnisse des XIV. Parteitages der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion

IDN  09634         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
: uroki oktjabrja 1923 g.
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1925 (17) : pp. 25-57

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición
Angl.: Criticism of the economic platform of the opposition

IDN  09635         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: K voprosu o trockizme. (Moskva etc., 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición

IDN  09636         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Nekotorye voprosy ėkonomičeskoj politiki. (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición

IDN  09637         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii. (Leningrad, 1926)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición

IDN  09638         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
: (uroki oktjabrja 1923 g.) / N. Bucharin
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 35-78

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición

IDN  09639         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
: (uroki oktjabrja 1923 g.) / N. Bucharin
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. 2. izd. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 35-78

Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición

IDN  09640         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K voprosu o našich raznoglasijach
: reč' na 14 s"ezde RKP(b). - Leningrad, 1926. - 24 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Reč' na XIV s"ezde RKP(b)
Angl.: Concerning our controversies

IDN  09641         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: K voprosu o trockizme
: sbornik statej / N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 192 pp.
Angl.: Concerning Trotskyism : collection of essays

IDN  09642         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1924. - 16 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09643         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 44-55

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09644         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ redakcija C.O. ("Pravda") [i.e. Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 193-211

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09645         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
: (po povodu knigi t. Trockogo "1917 g.") / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.2=nr.251) : pp. 2-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09646         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: K voprosu o trockizme. (Moskva etc., 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09647         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja" tov. Trockogo. (Rostov-na-Donu, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09648         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ N. Bucharin
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 9-25

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09649         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 10-27

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09650         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ redakcija C.O. ("Pravda") [i.e. Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 193-211

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09651         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
/ N. Bucharin
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 305-322

Notes: 6
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written ; Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll

IDN  09652         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kitajskaja revoljucija i oppozicija
/ N. Bucharin
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 110-119

Angl.: The Chinese revolution and the opposition

IDN  09653         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kritik der ökonomischen Plattform der Opposition
: die Lehren des Oktober 1923 / Nikolai Bucharin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 3. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 57-91

Orig.: K kritike ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Critique de la plate-forme économique de l'opposition ; Crítica de la platforma económica de la oposición
Angl.: Criticism of the opposition's economic platform

IDN  09654         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii
/ N. Bucharin. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 91 pp.
Angl.: Criticism of the economic platform of the opposition

IDN  09655         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Une lettre de Boukharine aux membres du Comité Central du Parti Communiste de l'URSS sur l'attitude à adopter à regard de Trotsky
In: Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier ‹Paris› [ISSN 1287-2598] 2004 (24) : pp. 51-64

Other ed., versions, transl.: To all members of the Central Committee who are enemies of Trotskyism
Confidential letter by Bucharin to Zinov'ev, Kamenev, and Stalin, dated 1924

IDN  09656         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Der menschewistische Charakter der Ideologie und der Taktik der Opposition : Rede, gehalten auf der 16. Moskauer Gouvernements-Parteikonferenz / N.I. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (117) : pp. 2617-2620

Other ed., versions, transl.: The Menshevik character of the ideology and tactics of the opposition
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  09657         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The Menshevik character of the ideology and tactics of the opposition / N. Bukharin
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 7.1927 (69)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der menschewistische Charakter der Ideologie und der Taktik der Opposition
Transl. from the Russ.

IDN  09658         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR
: doklad na 15 Moskovskoj gubpartkonferencii / N. Bucharin. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 46 pp.
Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S.

IDN  09659         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft : oder wie man den Block der Arbeiter und Bauern zugrunderichten kann ; (zur Frage der wirtschaftlichen Begründung des Trotzkismus) / N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (167) : pp. 2291-2301

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09660         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft : oder wie man den Block der Arbeiter und Bauern zugrunderichten kann ; (zur Frage der wirtschaftlichen Begründung des Trotzkismus) / N. Bucharin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 393-426

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ;Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09661         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
A new revelation as to Soviet economics : or How the workers' and peasants' bloc can be destroyed / N. Bukharin
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 5.1925 : pp. 39-48

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09662         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei
/ N. Bucharin. - [Berlin, 1924]. - 27 pp. - (Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› ; 7.1924,7/8,Beil.)
Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme!
Angl.: Down with factionalism!

IDN  09663         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei
/ N. Bucharin. Im Anh.: Der neue Kurs / L. Trotzki. - Hamburg : Hoym, 1924. - 67 pp.
Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme!

IDN  09664         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (13) : pp. 128-138

Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme!

IDN  09665         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Nieder mit der Fraktionsmacherei
/ [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 436-470

Orig.: Doloj frakcionnost'!
Other ed., versions, transl.: À bas le fractionnisme!

IDN  09666         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique : ou comment on peut couler le bloc ouvrier et paysan / N. Boukharine
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (12) : pp. 806-820

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09667         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique : ou comment on peut couler le bloc ouvrier et paysan ; (la base économique du trotskysme) / Nicolas Boukharine
In: Le Débat soviétique sur la loi de la valeur. (Paris, 1972) : pp. 182-200

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09668         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
: ili kak možno pogubit' raboče-krest'janskij blok ; (k voprosu ob ėkonomičeskom obosnovanii trockizma) / N.I. Bucharin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.12=nr.283) : pp. 7-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09669         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1924 (15/16) : pp. 9-33

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09670         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (234) : pp. 5-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09671         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: K voprosu o trockizme. (Moskva etc., 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09672         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Nekotorye voprosy ėkonomičeskoj politiki. (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09673         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N.I. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 35 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09674         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 285-317

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09675         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Kritika ėkonomičeskoj platformy oppozicii. (Leningrad, 1926)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09676         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 1-34

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09677         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N. Bucharin
In: Ob ėkonomičeskoj platforme oppozicii. 2. izd. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 1-34

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09678         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Izbrannye proizvedenija. (Moskva, 1988) : pp. 86-115

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09679         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
/ Nikolaj Bucharin
In: Voprosy ėkonomiki ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0042-8736] 1988 (9) : pp. 138-152

Other ed., versions, transl.: Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft ; A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética

IDN  09680         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética : o cómo se puede hundir el bloque obrero y campesino ; sobre la base económica del trotskismo / Nikolai Bukharin. Trad. de Carlos Castro
In: Debate sobre la economía soviética y la ley del valor. (México, D.F., 1974)

Orig.: Novoe otkrovenie o sovetskoj ėkonomike
Other ed., versions, transl.: A new revelation as to Soviet economics ; Une nouvelle révélation sur l'économie soviétique ; Una nueva revelación sobre la economía soviética ; Eine neue Offenbarung über die Sowjetwirtschaft

IDN  09681         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
/ N. Bucharin. - Leningrad, 1926. - 80 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism ; Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste
Angl.: On the character of our revolution and on the possibility of a victorious socialist reconstruction in the USSR

IDN  09682         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (19/20) : pp. 28-59

Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism ; Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste

IDN  09683         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
/ N. Bucharin
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 341-363

Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism ; Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste

IDN  09684         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: V zaščitu proletarskoj diktatury. (Moskva etc., 1928) : pp. 158-200

Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism ; Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste

IDN  09685         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
/ N. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Izbrannye proizvedenija. (Moskva, 1988) : pp. 277-314

Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism ; Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste

IDN  09686         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
: doklad tov. N.I. Bucharina na 15. Moskovskoj gubpartkonferencii
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Jan.13=nr.10) : pp. 2-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S.

IDN  09687         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
/ N. Bucharin. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1927. - 75 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S.S.

IDN  09688         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
/ N. Bucharin. - Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda i Bednota, 1927. - 107 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S.

IDN  09689         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
/ N. Bucharin. - Nižnij Novgorod, 1927. - 75 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR ; La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S.

IDN  09690         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
: doklad na sobranii partaktiva Leningradskogo organizacii VKP(b), 11 avg. 1927 g. - Leningrad, 1927. - 168 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Über das Ergebnis des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU
Angl.: About the results of the joint plenary meeting of the CC and CCC of the CPSU

IDN  09691         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
: doklad na sobranii partaktiva Leningradskogo organizacii VKP(b), 11 avg. 1927 g. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 62 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Über das Ergebnis des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU

IDN  09692         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
: doklad tov. N.I. Bucharina na sobranii aktiva Leningradskoj organizacii VKP(b), 26 okt. 1927 g.
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.4=nr.253) : pp. 5-7

IDN  09693         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
: doklad tov. Bucharina na sobranii partaktiva Leningradskogo organizacii VKP(b), 11 avg. [1927]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.18=nr.186) : pp. 3-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Über das Ergebnis des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU

IDN  09694         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Ob oppozicii v VKP(b) i v Kominterne
: doklad tov. N.I. Bucharina
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1928 (Febr.2=nr.41) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Opposition in der KPSU und in der Komintern ; The opposition in the CPSU and in the Comintern
Angl.: On the opposition in the Allunion Communist Party and in the Comintern

IDN  09695         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Očerednye zadači partii
: doklad na 16 Moskovskoj gubernskoj partkonferencii, 20 nojabrja 1927 g. / N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 124 pp.
Angl.: Topical tasks of the party

IDN  09696         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die Opposition in der KPSU und in der Komintern : Diskussion / N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 8.1928 (18) : pp. 369-390

Orig.: Ob oppozicii v VKP(b) i v Kominterne
Other ed., versions, transl.: The opposition in the CPSU and in the Comintern

IDN  09697         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The opposition in the CPSU and in the Comintern : report of comrade Bukharin
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 8.1928 (10) : pp. 213-228

Orig.: Ob oppozicii v VKP(b) i v Kominterne
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Opposition in der KPSU und in der Komintern

IDN  09698         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock : Referat des Genossen Bucharin in der Funktionärsversammlung der Leningrader Organisation der KPdSU am 28. Juli [1926] über das Ergebnis des Plenums des ZK und der ZKK / N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (103) : pp. 1711-1725

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09699         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock / N. Bucharin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 134-177

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09700         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition : rapport du camarade Boukharine sur les résultats de l'assemblée plénaire du C.C. et de la C.C.C., fait le 28 juillet 1926 ...
In: La Correspondance internationale ‹Paris› 1926 (92) : pp. 1021-1032

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09701         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
O partido e o bloco da oposição / Bukharine
In: A transição socialista. (Lisboa, 1977) : pp. 111-154

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09702         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicija na poroge XV parts"ezda
/ N. Bucharin. - 2. izd.. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 123 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition on the threshold of the 15th party congress

IDN  09703         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicija na poroge XV parts"ezda
: doklad na sobranii partaktiva Leningradskoj organizacii VKP(b), 26 okt. 1927 g. / N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 123 pp.

IDN  09704         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicija na poroge XV parts"ezda
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Izbrannye proizvedenija. (Moskva, 1988) : pp. 315-367

IDN  09705         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicija na poroge XV s"ezda partii

In: Bucharin, N.I.: V zaščitu proletarskoj diktatury. (Moskva etc., 1928) : pp. 201-260

Angl.: The party and the opposition on the threshold of the 15th congress of the party

IDN  09706         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
: doklad tov. N.I. Bucharina na sobranii aktiva Leningradskoj organizacii VKP(b), 28 ijulja 1926 g. / N. Bucharin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Aug.3=nr.176) : pp. 3-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09707         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
/ N. Bucharin. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 132 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09708         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
/ N. Bucharin. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 125 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09709         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
/ N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 65 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição ; The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09710         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The party and the opposition bloc. - [1-3]
In: The Communist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0965-7339] 1926 (Sept.5) : pp. 208-218; 1926 (Oct.6) : pp. 267-281; 1926 (Nov.7) : pp. 326-336

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição

IDN  09711         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The party and the opposition bloc
In: International Press Correspondence ‹Vienna etc.› 6.1926 (57/58)

Orig.: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und der Oppositionsblock ; Le parti et le bloc de l'opposition ; O partido e o bloco da oposição

IDN  09712         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Problema kitajskoj revoljucii i oppozicionnyj blok
: (iz doklada na sobranii aktiva Leningradskoj organizacii VKP(b), 11 avg. 1927 g. ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b) / N. Bucharin
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 213-225

Angl.: The problem of the Chinese revolution and the opposition bloc

IDN  09713         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Les problèmes de l'édification socialiste : charactère de la révolution d'octobre et possibilitées de victoire de l'édification socialiste en U.R.S.S. / N. Boukharine. - Paris, 1926. - 36 pp.
Orig.: O charaktere našej revoljucii i o vozmožnosti pobedonosnogo socialističeskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: Building up socialism
Angl.: Problems of socialist construction

IDN  09714         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
/ N.I. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 106 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan ; Der Weg zum Sozialismus

IDN  09715         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
/ N.I. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 106 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan ; Der Weg zum Sozialismus

IDN  09716         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Izbrannye proizvedenija. (Moskva, 1988) : pp. 146-230

Other ed., versions, transl.: Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan ; Der Weg zum Sozialismus
Angl.: The road towards socialism and the workers and peasants alliance

IDN  09717         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV konferencii RKP(b)

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 5-14

Angl.: Speech at the 14th conference of the Russian CP

IDN  09718         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV konferencii RKP(b)

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. 21-45 tys. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 5-14

IDN  09719         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV Moskovskoj gubpartkonferencii

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. 21-45 tys. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 15-40

IDN  09720         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV Moskovskoj gubpartkonferencii

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 15-40

Angl.: Speech at the 14th party conference of the Moscow Government

IDN  09721         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV s"ezde RKP(b)

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. 21-45 tys. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 41-69

Orig.: K voprosu o našich raznoglasijach

IDN  09722         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reč' na XIV s"ezde RKP(b)

In: Bucharin, N.I.: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach. (Moskva etc., 1926) : pp. 41-69

Orig.: K voprosu o našich raznoglasijach
Angl.: Speech at the 14th congress of the Russian CP

IDN  09723         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Reči na oktjabr'skom plenume CK i CKK VKP(b) po voprosu frakcionnoj bor'by tt. Trockogo i Zinov'eva posle avgustovskogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.2=nr.251) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Fraktionskampf der Genossen Trotzki und Sinowjew [...]
Angl.: Speeches at the October plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the Allunion Communist Party concerning the factional struggle of comrades Trotsky and Zinoviev ...

IDN  09724         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. : rapport fait à la 15. conférence de parti du gouvernement de Moscou / N. Boukharine. - Metz : Impr. Populaire de Lorraine, 1927. - 62 pp.
Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09725         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. : rapport fait à la 15. conférence de parti du gouvernement de Moscou / N. Boukharine. - Paris : Bureau d'Edition, de Diffusion et de Publicité, 1927. - 59 pp. - (Dans l'U.R.S.S. ; 5)
Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09726         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
La situation extérieure et intérieure de l'U.R.S.S. en 1927 / Boukharine
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Le socialisme dans un seul pays. (Paris, 1974) : pp. 211-226

Orig.: O meždunarodnom i vnutrennem položenii SSSR
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die internationale Lage und die innere Lage der Sowjetunion ; The international situation and the inner situation in the Soviet Union ; Meždunarodnoe i vnutrennee položenie SSSR

IDN  09727         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Le socialisme dans un seul pays / Boukharine. - Paris : Union Générale d'Ed., 1974. - 435 pp. - (Collection 10/18 ; 876)
Angl.: Socialism in one country

IDN  09728         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permanente
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: La 'Rivoluzione permanente' e il socialismo in un paese solo / a cura di G. Procacci. (Roma, 1963) : pp. 97-137

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution
Angl.: On the theory of permanent revolution

IDN  09729         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente"
/ N. Boukharine
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (14) : pp. 886-900

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09730         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente"
/ Boukharine
In: Bucharin, N.I.: Le socialisme dans un seul pays. (Paris, 1974) : pp. 281-307

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09731         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
La teoría de la revolución permanente de Trotsky / Nicolás Bujarin. Trad.: Alberto Sánchez Mascuñán. - México, D.F. : Roca, 1975. - 156 pp. - (Colección R ; 63)
Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09732         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
/ stat'ja N.I. Bucharina
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.28=nr.295) : pp. 5-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09733         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
/ N.I. Bucharin
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (296) : pp. 4-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09734         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii

In: Bucharin, N.I.: K voprosu o trockizme. (Moskva etc., 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09735         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
/ N. Bucharin
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 332-373

Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution

IDN  09736         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The theory of permanent revolution / Nikolai Bukharin
In: The Communist Review ‹London› [ISSN 0965-7339] 5.1925 (10)

Notes: 18
Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permanente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution
Considerably abridged version

IDN  09737         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
The theory of permanent revolution / N. Bukharin. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 514-554

Table of contents: p.516 The formal logic of Trotskyism and the Leninist dialectic -- p.522 The general estimation of our revolution -- p.530 The general estimate of classes in the progress of our revolution -- p.536 The stages of our revolution and comrade Trotsky's theory -- p.546 The uniqueness of our revolution
Notes: 48
Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permanente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution
Dated Dec. 28, 1924

IDN  09738         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: To all members of the Central Committee who are enemies of Trotskyism
/ N. Bukharin
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 555-569

Notes: 5
Other ed., versions, transl.: Une lettre de Boukharine aux membres du Comité Central du Parti Communiste de l'URSS sur l'attitude à adopter à regard de Trotsky
Confidential letter by Bucharin to Zinov'ev, Kamenev, and Stalin, dated 1924

IDN  09739         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach
/ N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 69 pp.
Angl.: 3 speeches about the question of our controversies

IDN  09740         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Tri reči k voprosu o našich raznoglasijach
/ N. Bucharin. - 21-45 tys. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 69 pp.

IDN  09741         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Über das Ergebnis des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU
: Wortlaut des Berichts, erstattet in der Versammlung der Parteifunktionäre der Leningrader Organisation der KPSU am 11. Aug. [1927] / N.I. Bucharin. - [1-3]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (87) : pp. 1881-1885; 7.1927 (88) : pp. 1918-1921; 7.1927 (89) : pp. 1932-1937

Orig.: Ob itogach ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b)
Angl.: About the results of the joint plenary meeting of the CC and CCC of the CPSU

IDN  09742         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution
/ Bucharin
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) : pp. 179-211

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution

IDN  09743         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Über die Theorie der permanenten Revolution
/ N. Bucharin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 427-475

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution

IDN  09744         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Über die Theorien [sic!] der permanenten Revolution
/ N. Bucharin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (11) : pp. 119-133

Orig.: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sulla teoria della rivoluzione permnente ; Sur la théorie de la "révolution permanente" ; La teoria de la revolución permanente de Trotsky ; The theory of permanent revolution

IDN  09745         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: V zaščitu proletarskoj diktatury
: sbornik / N. Bucharin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 260 pp.
Angl.: In defence of the proletarian dictatorship

IDN  09746         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Der Weg zum Sozialismus / N. Bucharin. - Hamburg [etc.] : Hoym, 1925. - 128 pp.
Orig.: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan
Angl.: The road towards socialism

IDN  09747         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič:
Der Weg zum Sozialismus / N. Bucharin. - Wien : Verl. für Literatur und Politik, [1926]. - 125 pp.
Orig.: Put' k socializmu i raboče-krest'janskij sojuz
Other ed., versions, transl.: Le chemin du socialisme et le bloc ouvrier-paysan

IDN  09748         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll
: (zum Buche des Genossen Trotzki: "1917") / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (147) : pp. 1987-1992

Orig.: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written

IDN  09749         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Bucharin, Nikolaj Ivanovič: Wie man die Geschichte des Oktober nicht schreiben soll
: (zum Buche des Genossen Trotzki: "1917") / [Nikolaj Ivanovič Bucharin]
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 252-270

Orig.: Kak ne nužno pisat' istoriju Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment il ne faut pas écrire l'histoire d'Octobre ; How the history of October must not be written

IDN  09750         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Evdokimov, Grigorij Eremeevič: V zaščitu partii
/ G. Evdokimov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1924. - 69 pp. - (Za partiju, za leninizm)
Angl.: In defence of the party

IDN  09751         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Dvurušničestvo - osnovnyj metod maskirovki trockistov
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Partijnoe stroitel'stvo ‹Moskva› 1936 (17) : pp. 8-16

Angl.: "Double-dealing" - the Trotskyists' principal method of masking

IDN  09752         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
Ein entlarvendes Manöver der Trotzkisten / E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (91) : pp. 2190-2192

Angl.: An unmasking manœuvre of the Trotskyists

IDN  09753         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Itogi processa trockistskich izmennikov i predatelej socialističeskoj rodiny
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Istorik-marksist ‹Moskva› 1937 (1=59) : pp. 7-8

Angl.: The outcome of the trial of the Trotskyist swindlers and traitors of the socialist fatherland

IDN  09754         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Itogi processa trockistsko-zinov'evskogo terrorističeskogo kontrrevoljucionnogo centra i istoričeskij front
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Istorik-marksist ‹Moskva› 1936 (4=56) : pp. 3-15

Angl.: The outcome of the trial of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist terrorist counter-revolutionary centre and the historical front

IDN  09755         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Kak "otvečaet" Trockij i kak rabočie otvečajut Trockomu
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1929 (9/10) : pp. 25-37

Angl.: How Trotsky "replies" and how the workers reply to Trotsky

IDN  09756         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
Der Kampf gegen den Opportunismus in der Periode zwischen dem 15. und 16. Parteitag der KP(b)SU / Jem. Jaroslawski. - Moskau : Zentral-Völker-Verl., 1930. - 39 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba protiv opportunizma meždu XV i XVI s"ezdom partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Walka z oportunimem w okresie między XV i XVI zjazdem WKP(b)
Angl.: The struggle against opportunism in the period between the 15th and 16th party congress of the CPSU

IDN  09757         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
Der Kampf gegen den Opportunismus in der Periode zwischen dem 15. und 16. Parteitag der KPdSU : (über die neuen Erscheinungsformen des Opportunismus in Theorie und Praxis) / E. Jaroslawski
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 11.1930 (21) : pp. 1156-1174

Orig.: Bor'ba protiv opportunizma meždu XV i XVI s"ezdom partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Walka z oportunimem w okresie między XV i XVI zjazdem WKP(b)

IDN  09758         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: "Levye" v VKP(b) v krest'janskom voprose
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1926 (10/11=68/69) : pp. 37-48

Angl.: The "left" in the Allunion Communist Party and the peasant question

IDN  09759         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
The meaning of the Soviet trials / E. Yarsolavsky. Incl. the official text of the indictment of the Bukharin-Trotskyite bloc / introd. by William Z. Foster. - New York, NY : Workers Library publ., 1938. - 46 pp.

IDN  09760         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mertvye šagajut bystro
: (razval trockizma) / Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1929 (18) : pp. 55-79

Angl.: Dead bodies are walking quickly : the disintegration of Trotskyism

IDN  09761         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trockij na službe buržuazii ili pervye šagi L. Trockogo za granicej
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1929. - 31 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mister Trotzki im Dienste der Bourgeoisie
Originally publ. in: Pravda (Moskva) 1929 (March 9)
Angl.: Mister Trotsky at disposal of the bourgeoisie, or, L. Trotsky's first steps in exile

IDN  09762         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trockij na službe buržuazii ili pervye šagi L. Trockogo za granicej
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1929. - 56 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mister Trotzki im Dienste der Bourgeoisie
Originally publ. in: Pravda (Moskva) 1929 (March 9)

IDN  09763         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trockij na službe buržuazii ili pervye šagi L. Trockogo za granicej
/ E.M. Jaroslavskij
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 334-345

Notes: 12
Other ed., versions, transl.: Mister Trotzki im Dienste der Bourgeoisie
Originally publ. in: Pravda (Moskva) 1929 (March 9)
On pp. 808-813 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  09764         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Mister Trotzki im Dienste der Bourgeoisie
: die ersten Schritte L. Trotzkis im Ausland / E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (24) : pp. 509-513

Orig.: Mister Trockij na službe buržuazii ili pervye šagi L. Trockogo za granicej
Angl.: Mister Trotsky at disposal of the bourgeoisie

IDN  09765         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition / J. Jaroslawski. - [1-3]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (76) : pp. 1617-1625; 7.1927 (77) : pp. 1650-1653; 7.1927 (79) : pp. 1707-1713

Orig.: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
Angl.: New and old in the "New" Opposition

IDN  09766         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novaja oppozicija i trockizm
/ E. Jaroslavskij. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 158 pp. - (Biblioteka žurnala Sputnik agitatora)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Nowa opozycja a trockizm
Angl.: The New Opposition and Trotskyism

IDN  09767         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novaja oppozicija i vopros o stroitel'stve partii
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1926 (10) : pp. 3-11

Angl.: The New Opposition and the question of party building

IDN  09768         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
O novejšej ėvoljucii trockizma : stenogramma doklada čitannogo v Komakademii 15 apr. 1930 / E. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva : Izd-vo Kommunističeskoj Akad., 1930. - 30 pp.
Angl.: On the recent evolution of Trotskyism

IDN  09769         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - [1-4]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (July 22=nr.164) : pp. 3-4; 1927 (July 23=nr.165) : p. 4; 1927 (July 24=nr.166) : pp. 4-5; 1927 (July 26=nr.167) : pp. 4-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition
Angl.: New and old in the "New" Opposition

IDN  09770         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva : Voennyj Vestnik, 1927. - 84 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition

IDN  09771         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 83 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition

IDN  09772         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 83 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition

IDN  09773         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe i staroe v "novoj" oppozicii
: (stat'i) / E. Jaroslavskij. - Tiflis : Zakkniga, 1927. - 78 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Neue und das Alte in der "Neuen" Opposition

IDN  09774         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Novoe otkrovenie oppozicii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.22=nr.267) : p. 7

Angl.: A new revelation of the opposition

IDN  09775         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Nowa opozycja a trockizm
/ E. Jaroslawski. - Moskva, 1927. - 158 pp.
Orig.: Novaja oppozicija i trockizm
Angl.: The New Opposition and Trotskyism

IDN  09776         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O bor'be našej partii s trockistami v 1923-1924 gg.
: stenogramma t. Jaroslavskogo [...] 23 apr. 1935 g.
In: Propagandist ‹Moskva› 1935 (11) : pp. 9-28

Notes: 6
Angl.: On the struggle of our party against the Trotskyists in 1923-24

IDN  09777         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O bor'be našej partii s trockistami v 1923-1924 gg.
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 117-132

Notes: 6

IDN  09778         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O čem sporit partija s Trockim
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Izba-čital'naja ‹Moskva› 1927 (10) : pp. 11-19

Angl.: What about the party is arguing with Trotsky

IDN  09779         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: O dvurušničestve voobšče i dvurušnikach-trockistach v častnosti
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1929 (4) : pp. 18-28

Angl.: About double-dealing in general and Trotskyist double-dealers in particular

IDN  09780         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Oppozicija na puti ko vtoroj partii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Protiv trockistskoj oppozicii. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 3-15

Angl.: The opposition on the road to a second party

IDN  09781         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Oppozicija pered sudom partii
/ E. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1928. - 46 pp. - (Biblioteka Sputnika agitatora : Itogi 15 s"ezda VKP(b))
Angl.: The opposition before the tribunal of the party

IDN  09782         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Ot kritiki vnutripartijnogo režima k kritike proletarskoj diktatury
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.1=nr.250) : p. 5; 1927 (Nov.2=nr.251) : p. 8

Angl.: From criticism of the inner-party regime to criticism of proletarian dictatorship

IDN  09783         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Ot oppozicii k kontrrevoljucii
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Proletarskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva etc.› 1935 (5)

Notes: 17
Angl.: From opposition to counter-revolution

IDN  09784         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Ot oppozicii k kontrrevoljucii
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 32-47

Notes: 17

IDN  09785         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Pravda ob oppozicii, rasskazannaja samimi oppozicionerami
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.24=nr.243) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: The truth about the opposition, pointed out by oppositionals themselves

IDN  09786         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Prinzipielle Begründung des Renegatentums
: zu Trotzkis Brief an die russischen Arbeiter / E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (44) : pp. 1053-1055

Angl.: The proper reason of deviationism

IDN  09787         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Protiv oppozicii
: sbornik statej / E. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 327 pp.
Angl.: Against the opposition : collection of essays

IDN  09788         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Punkt pervyj ustava VKP(b) i oppozicija
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.13=nr.260) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: Clause 1 of the statutes of the Allunion Communist Party and the opposition

IDN  09789         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Social'no-političeskie korni oppozicii
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Kommunističeskaja revoljucija ‹Moskva› 1927 (21/22) : pp. 26-39

Angl.: Socio-political roots of the opposition

IDN  09790         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Social'no-političeskie korni oppozicii
: (vmesto predisl.) / Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. IX-XXIII

IDN  09791         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: U istokov men'ševizma
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: L. D. Trockij o partii v 1904 g. (Moskva, 1928) : pp. 5-36

Table of contents: p.7 Počemu my izdaem "Naši političeskie zadači" -- p.13 Lenin v izobraženii Trockogo -- p.20 "Naši političeskie zadači" : men'ševistskij manifest -- p.25 Organizacija partii i partijnaja disciplina -- p.33 O jakobinstve -- p.34 Zaključenie
Angl.: At the sources of Menshevism

IDN  09792         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: U poslednej čerty
: (antipartijnye gruppy posle XV s"ezda) / Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1928 (23/24) : pp. 13-24

Angl.: At its last gasp : the anti-party groups after the 15th party congress

IDN  09793         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Und nochmals Mister Trotzki
/ E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (28) : pp. 627-630

Angl.: Once again Mister Trotsky

IDN  09794         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: V zaščitu partijnosti i partijnoj discipliny
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 506-522

Other ed., versions, transl.: Zur Verteidigung der Partei und der Parteidisziplin
Angl.: In defence of partiality and party discipline

IDN  09795         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: V zaščitu partijnosti i partijnoj discipliny
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.15=nr.236) : pp. 3-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Zur Verteidigung der Partei und der Parteidisziplin

IDN  09796         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Včerašnij i zavtrašnij den' trockistov
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1929 (2)

IDN  09797         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Včerašnij i zavtrašnij den' trockistov
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - Moskva : Pravda i Bednota, 1929. - 29 pp.
Angl.: The Trotskyists' past and present

IDN  09798         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Včerašnij i zavtrašnij den' trockistov
/ Em. Jaroslavskij. - 2. izd. - Moskva : Pravda i Bednota, 1929. - 29 pp.

IDN  09799         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: VKP(b) i oppozicija
/ E. Jaroslavskij
In: Molodaja gvardija : ežemesjačnyj literaturno-chudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0026-9050 - ISSN 0131-2251] 1926 (10) : pp. 106-111

Angl.: The Allunion Communist Party and the opposition

IDN  09800         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Walka z oportunimem w okresie między XV i XVI zjazdem WKP(b)
/ E. Jarosławski. - Moskva : CWL ZSRR, 1930. - 27 pp.
Orig.: Bor'ba protiv opportunizma meždu XV i XVI s"ezdom partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf gegen den Opportunismus in der Periode zwischen dem 15. und 16. Parteitag der KP(b)SU
Angl.: The struggle against opportunism between the 15th and 16th congress of the CPSU

IDN  09801         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Za bol'ševistskoe edinstvo, za bol'ševistskuju disciplinu
/ Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.19=nr.291) : p. 4

Angl.: For Bolshevik unity, for Bolshevik discipline

IDN  09802         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Za poslednej čertoj
: trockistskaja oppozicija posle XV s"ezda ; sbornik statej / Em. Jaroslvskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1930. - XVI, 196 pp.
Angl.: At its last gasp : the Trotskyist opposition after the 15th party congress

IDN  09803         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Zaveršennyj krug
: (itogi frakcionnoj dejatel'nosti oppozicii za 1926 god) / Em. Jaroslavskij
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1926 (19/20) : pp. 3-27

Angl.: The Rubicon crossed : outcome of the opposition's factional activities in 1926

IDN  09804         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Zaveršennyj krug
/ E. Jaroslavskij. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1926. - 110 pp.

IDN  09805         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič:
Der Zersetzungsprozeß des Trotzkismus nach dem VI. Weltkongreß / E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (17) : pp. 348-349

Angl.: The process of disintegration of Trotskyism after the 6th world congress

IDN  09806         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Zur Frage der Einheit der KPSU
/ J.E. Jaroslawski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (112) : pp. 1897-1900

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: Concerning the question of the unity of the CPSU

IDN  09807         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Jaroslavskij, Emel'jan Michajlovič: Zur Verteidigung der Partei und der Parteidisziplin
/ J. Jaroslavskij. - [1-2]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (103) : pp. 2212-2215; 7.1927 (104): pp. 2236-2237

Orig.: V zaščitu partijnosti i partijnoj discipliny
Angl.: Concerning the defence of the party and of party discipline

IDN  09808         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kalinin, Michail Ivanovič: Doklad tov. M.I. Kalinina na IV kraevoj severo-kavkazskoj partkonferencii

In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1927 (274) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
Angl.: Report of comrade M.I. Kalinin to the 4th North-Caucasian regional party conference

IDN  09809         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kalinin, Michail Ivanovič: Krest'janstvo i oppozicija
/ M.I. Kalinin i F.D. Kretov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 61 pp. - (Krest'janam o rešenijach 15 s"ezda VKP(b) ; 4)
Angl.: The peasantry and the opposition

IDN  09810         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kalinin, Michail Ivanovič: Protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: (doklad na 4 kraevoj severokavkazskoj konferencii VKP(b) v nojabre 1927 g.) / M.I. Kalinin
In: Kalinin, M.I.: Stat'i i reči, 1919-1935. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 249-258

Orig.: Doklad tov. M.I. Kalinina na IV kraevoj severo-kavkazskoj partkonferencii
Angl.: Against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  09811         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kalinin, Michail Ivanovič: Za edinstvo i spločenie partijnych rjadov
: (vystuplenie na XV s"ezde VKP(b) po voprosu ob oppozicii, 18 dek. 1927 g.) / M.I. Kalinin
In: Kalinin, M.I.: Stat'i i reči, 1919-1935. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 266-268

First publ. with title "Reč' tov. Kalinina", in: Pravda (Moskva), 1927 (292)
Angl.: For the unity and consolidation of the party ranks

IDN  09812         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kalinin, Michail Ivanovič: Za edinstvo i spločenie partijnych rjadov
: reč' na XV s"ezde VKP(b) po voprosu ob oppozicii, 18 dek. 1927 g. / M.I. Kalinin
In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : pp. 394-396

First publ. with title "Reč' tov. Kalinina", in: Pravda (Moskva), 1927 (292)

IDN  09813         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
/ L. Kamenev
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.10=nr.281) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution? ; War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?
Angl.: Was Lenin really the leader of the proletariat and of the revolution?

IDN  09814         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
/ L. Kamenev
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Dec.10=nr.282) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution? ; War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?

IDN  09815         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: Kamenev, L.B.: Stat'i i reči, 1905-1925. 1. (Leningrad, 1925) : pp. 244-249

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution? ; War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?

IDN  09816         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 204-209

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution? ; War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?

IDN  09817         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
/ L. Kamenev
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution? ; War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?

IDN  09818         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution?
/ Kaménev
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (12) : pp. 746-750

Orig.: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
Other ed., versions, transl.: War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?
Angl.: Was Lenin really the leader of the proletariat and of the revolution?

IDN  09819         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninism or Trotskyism?
: (written version of the speech given on 18 Nov. 1924) / L. Kamenev
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925) : pp. 245-316

Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09820         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Léninisme ou trotskisme?
: rapport fait par Kaménev, le 18 oct. [sic!] à l'assemblée du Comité de Moscou ... - [1-2]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (5) : pp. 296-312; 1.1924/25 (6) : pp. 375-395

Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09821         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninismus oder Trotzkismus?
: Rede des Genossen Kamenew
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (158) : pp. 2139-2158

Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09822         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninismus oder Trotzkismus?
: (überarb. Fassung einer Rede am 19./21. Nov. [sic!] 1924) / Kamenew
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) : pp. 53-101

Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09823         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninismus oder Trotzkismus?
/ Kamenew
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 271-335

Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09824         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm czy trockizm?
/ L.B. Kamieniew. - Moskva, 1925
Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09825         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ doklad tov. L.B. Kameneva
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Nov.26=nr.270) : pp. 3-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09826         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 56-98

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09827         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L. Kamenev
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 3-70

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09828         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ doklad tov. L.B. Kameneva
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.26=nr.269) : pp. 3-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09829         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L. Kamenev
In: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm / pod red. L. Nikitina. (Kursk, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09830         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ L.B. Kamenev. - Char'kov : Izd-vo Proletarij, 1925. - 111 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09831         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
: (uroki partijnoj istorii) / L.B. Kamenev
In: Kamenev, L.B.: Stat'i i reči, 1905-1925. 1. (Leningrad, 1925) : pp. 188-243

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09832         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ L. Kamenev. - Simferopol' : Krymgosizdat, 1925. - 127 pp.
On cover: Protiv trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09833         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm?
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09834         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 47-111

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09835         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L. Kamenev
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 3-70

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09836         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L. Kamenev
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 126-189

Notes: 128
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09837         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Leninizm ili trockizm
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 441-505

Notes: 21
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?
On pp. 824-827 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  09838         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Partija i trockizm
: uroki partijnoj istorii / L. Kamenev. S pril. rezoljucii MK RKP ot 18/XI. 1924 g. - Leningrad [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1924. - 63 pp.
Angl.: The party and Trotskyism : lessons of party history

IDN  09839         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Partija i trockizm
: uroki partijnoj istorii / L. Kamenev. S pril. rezoljucii MK RKP ot 18/XI. 1924 g., predisl. Ol'minskogo, stat'i L. Kameneva i predisl. L. Trockogo k knigi "1917": "Uroki Oktjabrja". - 2., dop. izd. - Moskva : Izd-vo Proletarij, 1925. - 141 pp.

IDN  09840         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Partija i trockizm
/ L.B. Kamenev. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 78 pp.

IDN  09841         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Partija i trockizm
/ L.B. Kamenev
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 26-86

IDN  09842         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: Trotskyism or Leninism?
/ report by comrade L.B. Kamenev. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 199-259

Notes: 102
Orig.: Leninizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism? ; Léninisme ou trotskisme? ; Leninismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Leninizm czy trockizm?
Written version of speech given on Nov. 18, 1924

IDN  09843         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kamenev, Lev Borisovič: War Lenin wirklich der Führer des Proletariats und der Revolution?
/ L. Kamenew
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (166) : pp. 2285-2287

Orig.: Byl li Lenin dejstvitel'no voždem proletariata i revoljucii?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lénine était-il véritablement le chef du prolétariat et de la révolution?
Angl.: Was Lenin really the leader of the proletariat and of the revolution?

IDN  09844         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kirov, Sergej Mironovič: Oppozicionery predstanut pered XV s"ezdom vo vsej men'ševistsko-trockistskoj suščnosti
: (reč' na 12 partijnoj konferencii Vasileostrovskogo rajona 29 okt. 1927 goda) / S.M. Kirov
In: Kirov, S.M.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči (1912-1934). (Moskva, 1937) : pp. 214-219

IDN  09845         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kirov, Sergej Mironovič: Oppozicionery predstanut pered XV s"ezdom vo vsej men'ševistsko-trockistskoj suščnosti
/ S.M. Kirov
In: Kirov, S.M.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči (1912-1934). (Moskva, 1957) : pp. 443-448

IDN  09846         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kirov, Sergej Mironovič: Partija najdet sredstva protiv recidivov trockizma
/ S.M. Kirov
In: Kirov, S.M.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči (1912-1934). (Moskva, 1937) : pp. 173-192

Angl.: The party takes measures against the revival of Trotskyism

IDN  09847         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kirov, Sergej Mironovič: Partija najdet sredstva protiv recidivov trockizma
/ S.M. Kirov
In: Kirov, S.M.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči (1912-1934). (Moskva, 1957) : pp. 344-365

IDN  09848         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kirov, Sergej Mironovič: V upornoj bor'be s oppoziciej my dostigili polnogo leninskogo edinstva
: iz doklada o rabote Leningradskogo gubkoma VKP(b) na 14 gubernskoj konferencii, 27 jan. 1927 goda / S.M. Kirov
In: Kirov, S.M.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči (1912-1934). (Moskva, 1937) : pp. 193-202

Angl.: By persistent struggle against the opposition we achieved complete Leninist unity

IDN  09849         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kollontaj, Aleksandra Michajlovna:
Die Opposition und die Parteimasse / A. Kollontaj
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 591-594

Orig.: Oppozicija i partijnaja massa
Angl.: The opposition and the party masses

IDN  09850         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kollontaj, Aleksandra Michajlovna: Oppozicija i partijnaja massa
/ A. Kollontaj
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.31=nr.249) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Opposition und die Parteimasse
Angl.: The opposition and the party masses

IDN  09851         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna:
Das Buch Eastmans und das angebliche "Testament" Lenins / N. Krupskaia
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (124) : pp. 1796-1797

Orig.: V redakciju gazety "Sunday Worker"
Angl.: Eastman's book and the ostensible "testament" of Lenin

IDN  09852         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: K voprosu ob Urokach Oktjabrja
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.163=nr.286) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: The lessons of October ; The question of the Lessons of October ; Ueber die Lehren des Oktober

IDN  09853         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: K voprosu ob Urokach Oktjabrja
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 152-156

Other ed., versions, transl.: The lessons of October ; The question of the Lessons of October ; Ueber die Lehren des oktober

IDN  09854         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna:
The lessons of October / N. Krupskaya
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925)

Orig.: K voprosu ob Urokach Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: The question of the Lessons of October ; Ueber die Lehren des Oktober

IDN  09855         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Perchè la II Internazionale difende Trotski
/ Nadiedja Krupskaia
In: Il Complotto contro la rivoluzione russa. (Roma, 1945)

Orig.: Počemu II Internacional zaščiščaet Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Weshalb die II. Internationale Trotzki verteidigt
Angl.: Why the Second International defends Trotsky

IDN  09856         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Počemu II Internacional zaščiščaet Trockogo
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1936 (Sept.4=nr.244) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Perche la II Internazionale difende Trotski ; Weshalb die II. Internationale Trotzki verteidigt
Angl.: Why the II International defends Trotsky

IDN  09857         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna:
The question of the Lessons of October / N. Krupskaia. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 427-431

Notes: 6
Orig.: K voprosu ob Urokach Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Lessons of October ; Ueber die Lehren des Oktober
Dated Dec. 16, 1924

IDN  09858         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Ueber die Lehren des Oktober
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (3) : pp. 33-35

Orig.: K voprosu ob Urokach Oktjabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: The lessons of October ; The question of the Lessons of October

IDN  09859         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: V redakciju gazety "Sunday Worker"
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1925 (16) : pp. 71-73

Other ed., versions, transl.: Das Buch Eastmans und das angebliche "Testament" Lenins
Angl.: To the editorial board of the "Sunday Worker"

IDN  09860         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Krupskaja, Nadežda Konstantinovna: Weshalb die II. Internationale Trotzki verteidigt
/ N. Krupskaja
In: Rundschau über Politik, Wirtschaft und Arbeiterbewegung ‹Basel› 5.1936 (41) : pp. 1733-1734

Orig.: Počemu II Internacional zaščiščaet Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Perche la II Internazionale difende Trotski
Angl.: Why the II International defends Trotsky

IDN  09861         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Itogi oppozicii v RKP

In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1924 (7)

Angl.: The outcome of the opposition in the Russian CP

IDN  09862         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Itogi oppozicii v RKP
/ Otto Vil'gel'movič Kuusinen
In: Kuusinen, O.V.: Izbrannye proizvedenija. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 82-91

IDN  09863         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm:
A misleading description of the "German October" / O.W. Kuusinen
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925) : pp. 335-363

Orig.: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09864         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm:
Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober" / O.W. Kuusinen
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (161) : pp. 2199-2205

Orig.: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09865         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm:
Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober" / Kuusinen
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) : pp. 212-[228]

Orig.: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09866         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
: po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" t. Trockogo / O.V. Kuusinen. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1924. - 20 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09867         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
/ O. Kuusinen
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 170-192

Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09868         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
/ O.V. Kuusinen
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.30=nr.273) : pp. 5-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09869         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" t. Trockogo) / O. Kuusinen
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 374-394

Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09870         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
/ O. Kuusinen
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 170-192

Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09871         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
/ O. Kuusinen
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 270-291

Notes: 2
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"

IDN  09872         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm:
Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand" / O.-V. Kuusinen. - [1-2]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (11) : pp. 712-719; 1.1924/25 (12) : pp. 760-764

Orig.: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; An unsuccessful depiction of the 'German October' ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"

IDN  09873         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelm:
An unsuccessful depiction of the "German October" : (comrade Trotskyʿs "The Lessons of October") / O. Kuusinen. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 365-386

Notes: 50
Orig.: Neudavšeesja izobraženie "nemeckogo Oktjabrja"
Other ed., versions, transl.: A misleading description of the "German October" ; Eine mißglückte Schilderung des "deutschen Oktober"; Un tableau inexact de "l'octobre allemand"
Dated Nov. 30, 1924

IDN  09874         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Lenin, conspiratoriality, October
/ E. Kviring. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 607-618

Notes: 21
Orig.: Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'

IDN  09875         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'
/ Ė. Kviring
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 145-156

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin, conspiratoriality, October

IDN  09876         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'
/ Ė. Kviring
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 248-258

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin, conspiratoriality, October

IDN  09877         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'
/ Ė. Kviring
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 145-156

Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin, conspiratoriality, October

IDN  09878         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Lenin, zagovorščičestvo, Oktjabr'
/ Ė. Kviring
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 259-269

Notes: 12
Other ed., versions, transl.: Lenin, conspiratoriality, October

IDN  09879         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Kviring, Ėmmanuil Ionovič: Suščnost' trockizma
: doklad na plenume Doneckogo gubkoma 19/XI 1924 g. / Ė. Kviring
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 115-121

Angl.: The peril of Trotskyism

IDN  09880        L. D. Trockij : pro et contra   ... Main entry see within Chapter 1…  

IDN  09881         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič:
Une déformation des faits historiques : à propos de l'article du camarade Trotsky, publié sous le titre: "La révolution d'Octobre" dans son livre sur Lénine / D. Lebed
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (4) : pp. 226-229

Orig.: O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov
Other ed., versions, transl.: On the intolerable distortion of historical facts ; Eine unzulässige Entstellung historischer Tatsachen

IDN  09882         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov
: (po povodu stat'i tov. Trockogo "Perevorot") / D. Lebed'
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.15=no.260) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: Une déformation des faits historiques ; On the intolerable distortion of historical facts ; Eine unzulässige Entstellung historischer Tatsachen

IDN  09883         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov
/ D. Lebed'
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 259-264

Other ed., versions, transl.: Une déformation des faits historiques ; On the intolerable distortion of historical facts ; Eine unzulässige Entstellung historischer Tatsachen

IDN  09884         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: On the intolerable distortion of historical facts
: (on comrade Trotskyʿs article "The uprising") / D. Lebed'. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 169-175

Notes: 11
Orig.: O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Une déformation des faits historiques ; Eine unzulässisge Entstellung historischer Tatsachen
Dated Nov. 15, 1924

IDN  09885         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: Oppozicija i bor'ba s bjurokratizmom
/ D. Lebed'
In: Chozjajstvo i upravlenie ‹Moskva› 1927 (9/10) : pp. 3-12

Angl.: The opposition and the struggle against bureaucracy

IDN  09886         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič: "Predloženija" oppozicii po sovetskomu stroitel'stvu
/ D. Lebed'
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.2=nr.276) : p. 6

Angl.: "Proposals" of the opposition concerning Soviet reconstruction

IDN  09887         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lebed', Dmitrij Zacharovič:
Eine unzulässige Entstellung historischer Tatsachen : zum Artikel des Genossen Trotzki "Der Umsturz" / D. Lebedj
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (152) : pp. 2066-2068

Orig.: O nedopustimom iskaženii istoričeskich faktov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Une déformation des faits historiques; On the intolerable distortion of historical facts

IDN  09888         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Contra o trotskismo
/ Lénine. - Moscovo : Nóvosti, 1982. - 129 pp. - (Um grande legado político)
Angl.: Against Trotskyism

IDN  09889         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Contra o trotskismo, 1903-1924
/ trad. de Maria do Rosário Quintela [et al.]. - Lisboa : Ed. Estampa, 1977. - 338, 5 pp. - (Coleção Teoria ; 37)
Angl.: Against Trotskyism, 1903-24

IDN  09890         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Ešče raz o profsojuzach, o tekuščem momente i ob ošibkach tov. Trockogo i Bucharina
/ N. Lenin. - Krasnodar, 1921. - 29 pp.
Angl.: Once again on the trade unions, on the present situation and on the mistakes of comrades Trotsky and Bukharin

IDN  09891         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Ešče raz o profsojuzach, o tekuščem momente i ob ošibkach tov. Trockogo i Bucharina
/ N. Lenin. - Petrograd : Gosizdat, 1921. - 48 pp.

IDN  09892         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Gegen den rechten und linken Opportunismus und den Trotzkismus
/ W.I. Lenin. Zusammengest. von C. Lejteisen. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. Marxistische Blätter, 1974. - 651 pp.
ISBN 3-88012-272-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Protiv pravogo i levogo opportunizma i trockizma
Angl.: Against the right and left opportunism, against Trotskyism

IDN  09893         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Lenin o Trockom i trockizme
/ s predisl. M. Ol'minskogo. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1925. - 216 pp.
Angl.: Lenin on Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  09894         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Lenin o Trockom i trockizme
: iz istorii RKP(b) / [predisl. M. Ol'minskogo]. - Leningrad [etc.] : Gos. Izd-vo, 1925. - 177 pp.
Angl.: Lenin on Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  09895         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Lenin o Trockom i trockizme
: iz istorii RKP(b) / predisl. M.S. Ol'minskogo. - [2. izd.]. - Moskva : Novaja Moskva, 1925. - 222 pp. - (Biblioteka rabočego molodeži)
Angl.: Lenin on Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  09896         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Lenin o Trockom i trockizme
: iz istorii RKP(b) / predisl. M.S. Ol'minskogo. - 2. izd. [faks]. - Moskva : URSS, 2017. - 177 pp. - (Razmyšljaja o marksizme ; 142)
ISBN 978-5-9710-4765-0

Angl.: Lenin on Trotsky and Trotskyism

IDN  09897         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Lenin versus Trotsky and his followers
. - Moscow : Novosti Pr. Agency Publ. House, 1981. - 126 pp. - (The great legacy of Marxism-Leninism)

IDN  09898         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: O professional'nych sojuzach, o tekuščem momente i ob ošibke tov. Trockogo
: reč' na diskussionnom sobranii členov frakcii RKP 8-go Vserossijskogo s"ezda sovetov 30 dek. 1920 g. / N. Lenin. - Petrograd : Gosizdat, 1921. - 32 pp.
Angl.: On the trade unions, the present situation and comrade Trotsky's mistake

IDN  09899         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: O trockizmie, prawicowym i lewicowym "oportunizme"
: wybór / Włodzimierz Lenin. - Warszawa : Książka i Wiedra [etc.], 1987 [recte: 1988]. - 876 pp.
ISBN 83-05-11382-5

Angl.: On Trotskyism, right and left "opportunism"

IDN  09900         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Oikeisto- ja "vasemmisto"-opportunismia ja trotskilaisuutta vastaan
: kokoelma / V.I. Lenin. - 1-2. - Moskova : Edistys, [1974]. - 393, 436 pp. - (Tieteellisen sosialismin kirjasto)
Angl.: Against right and "left" opportunism and Trotskyism

IDN  09901         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Su Trotskij
/ pref. di Luciano Gruppi. - Roma : Ed. Riuniti, 1971. - XXV, 297 pp. - (Le Idee ; 63)
Angl.: On Trotsky

IDN  09902         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Sur le trotskisme
: extraits d'articles et discours, 1909-1921 / Lénine. Trad. du russe. - Paris : Ed. Gît-le-Coeur, [1969]. - 48 pp.
Angl.: About Trotskyism

IDN  09903         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Trotsky jugé par Lénine
. - Paris : Librairie de l'Humanité, 1925. - 102 pp.
Angl.: Trotsky jugded by Lenin

IDN  09904         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Trotzky julgado por Lenine
/ Vladimir Lenin. - Rio de Janeiro : Calvino, [s.d.]. - 156 pp.
Angl.: Trotsky assessed by Lenin

IDN  09905         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Über Trotzki
/ Lenin. Eingel. und zusammengest. von Josef Schleifstein und Johannes von Heiseler. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. Marxistische Blätter, 1969. - 208 pp. - (Marxistische Taschenbücher [ISSN 0173-4873])
Angl.: On Trotsky

IDN  09906         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ič: Über Trotzki
/ Lenin. Eingel. und zusammengest. von Josef Schleifstein und Johannes von Heiseler. - 2., unveränd. Aufl. - Frankfurt a.M. : Verl. Marxistische Blätter, 1970. - 208 pp. - (Marxistische Taschenbücher [ISSN 0173-4873])

IDN  09907         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič:
El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista / Dmitri Manuilski. - [Barcelona] : Europa-América, 1937. - 23 pp.
Orig.: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und trotzkistischen Reserven ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve
Angl.: The capitalist encirclement of the USSR and the Trotskyist danger

IDN  09908         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
. - Moskva : Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1937. - 15 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und trotzkistischen Reserven ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve ; El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista
Angl.: On the capitalist encirclement and the Trotskyist reserves

IDN  09909         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: Oppozicija na meždunarodnoj arene
/ D. Manuil'skij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.31=nr.249) : p. 6

Angl.: The opposition on the international arena

IDN  09910         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste
. - Paris : Bureau d'Editions, 1937. - 30 pp.
Orig.: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und trotzkistischen Reserven ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve ; El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista
Angl.: About the capitalist encirclement of the USSR and the Trotskyist danger

IDN  09911         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve
. - Zürich : Verl. Freie Schweiz, 1937. - 15 pp.
Orig.: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und die trotzkistischen Reserven ; El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista

IDN  09912         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und trotzkistischen Reserven
. - Moskau : Verlagsgenossenschaft Ausländischer Arbeiter in der UdSSR, 1937. - 15 pp.
Orig.: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve ; El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista
Angl.: About the capitalist encirclement and the Trotskyist reserves

IDN  09913         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Manuil'skij, Dmitrij Zachar'evič: Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung und trotzkistischen Reserven
. - Strasbourg : Ed. Prométhée, 1937. - 15 pp.
Orig.: O kapitalističeskom okruženii i trockistskich rezervach
Other ed., versions, transl.: Sur l'encerclement capitaliste de l'U.R.S.S. et le danger trotskiste ; Über die kapitalistische Umkreisung der Sowjetunion und die trotzkistische Reserve ; El cerco capitalista de la U.R.S.S. y el peligro trotzkista

IDN  09914         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Mežlauk, Valerian Ivanovič: Za leninskij režim v partii
/ V. Mežlauk
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.1=nr.224) : p. 1

Angl.: For the Leninist party regime

IDN  09915         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Auf zwei Fronten
/ W. Molotow
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 11.1930 (9/10) : pp. 484-505

Orig.: Na dva fronta
Angl.: At two fronts

IDN  09916         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič:
Les leçons du sobotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes. - Paris : Bureau d'Editions, 1937. - 91 pp.
Orig.: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten ; Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents ; Poučení ze zášjodnictví, diversí a špionáže japonských, německých a jiných trockistických agentů

IDN  09917         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič:
Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten. - Moskau : Verlagsgenossenschaft Ausländischer Arbeiter in der UdSSR, 1937. - 61 pp.
Orig.: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les leçons du sabotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes ; Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents ; Poucení ze záškodnictví, diversí a špionáže japonských, německých a jiných trockistických agentů

IDN  09918         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič:
Die Lehren des Trotzkismus : zum Buche des Genossen Trotzki "Über Lenin" / W. Molotow
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (164) : pp. 2243-2254

Orig.: Ob urokach trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: On the lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  09919         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents
. - Moscow : Cooperative Publ. Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R., 1937. - 63 pp.
Orig.: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les leçons du sabotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes ; Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten ; Poučení ze záškodnictví, diversí a špionáže japonských, německých i jiných trockistických agentů

IDN  09920         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Na dva fronta
/ V. Molotov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1930 (2) : pp. 7-26

Other ed., versions, transl.: Auf zwei Fronten
Angl.: At two fronts

IDN  09921         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Nakanune XV s"ezda VKP(b)
: (iz doklada tov. V. Molotova na Moskovskom aktive o rešenijach oktjabr'skogo plenuma CK i CKK 26 okt. 1927 goda)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.1=nr.250) : pp. 4-5

Angl.: On the eve of the 15th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  09922         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Ob urokach trockizma
: (po povodu knigi L. Trockogo "O Lenine") / stat'ja tov. V. Molotova
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.9=nr.280) : pp. 5-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus ; On the lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  09923         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Ob urokach trockizma
: (po povodu knigi L. Trockogo "O Lenine") / stat'ja tov. V. Molotova
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Dec.9=nr.281) : pp. 5-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus ; On the lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  09924         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Ob urokach trockizma
/ V. Molotov. - Leningrad [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 37 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus ; On the lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  09925         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Ob urokach trockizma
/ V. Molotov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 168-203

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus ; On the lessons of Trotskyism

IDN  09926         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Ob urokach trockizma
: (po povodu knigi L. Trockogo "O Lenine") / V.M. Molotov
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 541-577

Notes: 2
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus ; On the lessons of Trotskyism
On pp. 827-828 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  09927         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: On the lessons of Trotskyism
: (L. Trotsky's book 'Lenin') / V. Molotov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 387-420

Notes: 84
Orig.: Ob urokach trockizma
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Lehren des Trotzkismus
Dated Dec. 9, 1924

IDN  09928         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Poučení ze záškodnictví, diversí a špionáže japonských, německých a jiných trockistických agentů
. - Praha : Svoboda, 1951
Orig.: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les leçons du sabotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes ; Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten ; Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japan-German-Trotskyite agents

IDN  09929         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
/ V.M. Molotov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1937 (8) : pp. 12-45

Other ed., versions, transl.: Les leçons du sobotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes ; Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten ; Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents ; Pučení ze záškodnictví, diversí a špionáže japonských, německých i jiných trockistických agentů

IDN  09930         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Uroki vreditel'stva, diversii i špionaža japono-nemecko-trockistskich agentov
/ V.M. Molotov. - Moskva : Politizdat, 1937. - 68 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les leçons du sobotage et de l'espionage nippo-germano-trotskistes ; Die Lehren der Schädlingsarbeit, der Diversion und der Spionage der japanisch-deutsch-trotzkistischen Agenten ; Lessons of the wrecking, diversionist and espionage activities of the Japanese-German-Trotskyite agents ; Poučení ze záškodnictví, diversí a špionáže japónských, německých a jiných trockistických agentů

IDN  09931         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Za partiju
/ V. Molotov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 32 pp.
Angl.: For the party

IDN  09932         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Molotov, Vjačeslav Michajlovič: Zur Lage in der KP der Sowjetunion
: Rede [...] am 2. Okt. 1926 / W. Molotow
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (122) : pp. 2075-2081

Angl.: Concerning the situation of the CP of the Soviet Union

IDN  09933         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Ordžonikidze, Grigorij Konstantinovič: Doklad komissii po voprosu ob oppozicii na XV s"ezde VKP(b), 18 dek. 1927 g.
/ G.K. Ordžonikidze
In: Ordžonikidze, G.K.: Stat'i i reči. 2. (Moskva, 1957) : pp. 109-115

Orig.: O rabote komissii s"ezda po voprosam oppozicii
Angl.: Report of the commission on the question of the opposition to the 15th party congress

IDN  09934         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Ordžonikidze, Grigorij Konstantinovič: O rabote komissii s"ezda po voprosam oppozicii
/ doklad tov. Ordžonikidze
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.21=nr.292) : p. 4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Doklad komissii po voprosu ob oppozicii na XV s"ezde VKP(b), 18 dek. 1927 g.
Angl.: About the work of the party congress' commission on the question of the opposition

IDN  09935         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Ordžonikidze, Grigorij Konstantinovič: O rabote komissii s"ezda po voprosam oppozicii
: doklad na 15 s"ezde VKP(b), 18 dek. 1927 g. / G.K. Ordžonikidze
In: Ordžonikidze, G.K.: Izbrannye stat'i i reči, 1911-1937. (Moskva, 1939) : pp. 239-245

Other ed., versions, transl.: Doklad komissii po voprosu ob oppozicii na XV s"ezde VKP(b), 18 dek. 1927 g.

IDN  09936         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič: Bor'ba partii s trockistami i pravymi po voprosam gosudarstva i diktatury proletariata
/ E. Pašukanis
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1935 (7) : pp. 63-71

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf der Partei gegen die Trotzkisten und die Rechten in den Fragen des Staates und der Diktatur des Proletariats
Angl.: The party's struggle against the Trotskyists and the rightists regarding the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat

IDN  09937         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič: Diktatura proletariata i oppozicija
/ E. Pašukanis
In: Revoljucija prava ‹Moskva› 1928 (1) : pp. 5-14

Angl.: The dictatorship of the proletariat and the opposition

IDN  09938         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Pašukanis, Evgenij Bronislavovič:
Der Kampf der Partei gegen die Trotzkisten und die Rechten in den Fragen des Staates und der Diktatur des Proletariats / J. Paschukanis. - Engels : Deutscher Staatsverl., 1935. - 23 pp. - (Hilfsbibliothek für den Parteiunterricht ; 2)
Orig.: Bor'ba partii s trockistami i pravymi po voprosam gosudarstva i diktatury proletariata
Angl.: The struggle of the party against the Trotskyist and the Rightists regarding the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat

IDN  09939        Politbjuro i Lev Trockij   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09940        Politbjuro i Lev Trockij, 1922-1940 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  09941         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 3.1923 (53/56) : pp. 453-455

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09942         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges

In: Die Rote Armee. (Hamburg, 1923) : pp. 46-54

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09943         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges

In: Die Rote Armee. Nachdr. (Berlin, [ca. 1970]) : pp. 46-54

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09944         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges

In: Leo Trotzki 1879-1940 in den Augen von Zeitgenossen. (Hamburg, 1979) : pp. 96-102

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09945         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

In: Cuadernos C.E.I.P. "León Trotsky" ‹Buenos Aires› 2001 (2) : pp. 52-55

Notes: 11
Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución

IDN  09946         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire

In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 1947 (July/Aug.) : pp. 17-20

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09947         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire

In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1982 (12) : pp. 37-44

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09948         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory

In: Fourth International ‹New York, NY› 5.1944 (8=47) : pp. 239-241

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09949         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij

In: Radek, K.: Portrety i pamflety. (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 29-34

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09950         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij

In: Radek, K.: Portrety i pamflety. [Abridged reprint.] (Letchworth, 1979) : pp. 29-34

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09951         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij
/ K. Radek
In: Siluėty : političeskie portrety / A.V. Lunačarskij [et al.] (Moskva, 1991) : pp. 351-356

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09952         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij
/ K. Radek
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 327-333

Notes: 10
Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria
On pp. 806-808 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  09953         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1923 (March 14=nr.56) : p. 4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09954         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
L' organisateur de la victoire : Léon Trotsky
In: Bulletin communiste ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-381X] 1923 (20)

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09955         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
L' organisateur de la victoire
In: Quatrième Internationale ‹Paris; later: Montreuil etc.› [ISSN 0771-0569 - ISSN 0765-1740] 17.1959 (7) : pp. 16-19

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09956         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
The organiser of victory
In: Trockij, L.D.: Military writings. (New York, NY, 1969) : pp. 11-18

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09957         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
The organiser of victory
In: Trockij, L.D.: Military writings. 2. print. (New York, NY, 1971) : pp. 11-18

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09958         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
O organizador da vitoria
In: Vida e morte de Trotsky / P. Frank [et al.] (Lisboa, [1974]) : pp. 119-128

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución

IDN  09959         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
The organizer of victory
In: Fourth International / International Executive Committee of the Fourth International ‹Paris; later: London; later: Amsterdam; later: Paris› [ISSN 0429-2790] 1959 (7) : pp. 21-23

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09960         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Ot oppozicii v kloaku kontrrevoljucii
/ K. Radek
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1935 (3) : pp. 46-63

Notes: 20
Angl.: From the opposition to the cesspool of counter-revolution

IDN  09961         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Ot oppozicii v kloaku kontrrevoljucii
/ K. Radek
In: K istorii bol'ševistskoj partii. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 148-164

Notes: 20

IDN  09962         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Trockistsko-zinov'evskaja fašistskaja banda i ee getman : Trockij

In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 20.1936 (Aug.21=nr.194) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Faschistenbande und ihr Hetman Trotzki
Angl.: The Trotskyist-Zinovievist gang of fascists and its boss Trotsky

IDN  09963         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Trotsky : creador de la estrategia militar de la revolución

In: Trotsky. (Buenos Aires, 1969) : pp. 127-129

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria
Angl.: Trotsky : the creator of the military strategy of the revolution

IDN  09964         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Trotsky : creador de la estrategia militar de la revolución

In: El verdadero Trotsky. 2. ed., corr. y aumentada. (México, D.F., 1975) : pp. 153-155

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; Trotzky ; O organizador da vitoria ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09965         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
Die trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Faschistenbande und ihr Hetman Trotzki
In: Rundschau über Politik, Wirtschaft und Arbeiterbewegung ‹Basel› 5.1936 (39) : pp. 1636-1637

Orig.: Trockistsko-zinov'evskaja fašistskaja banda i ee getman : Trockij

IDN  09966         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl:
Die trotzkistisch-sinowjewistische Faschistenbande und ihr Hetman Trotzki
In: Rundschau über Politik, Wirtschaft und Arbeiterbewegung ‹Basel› 5.1936 (38) : pp. 1571-1572

Orig.: Trockistsko-zinov'evskaja fašistskaja banda i ee getman : Trockij
Angl.: The Trotskyist-Zinovievist gang of fascists and its boss Trotsky

IDN  09967         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Radek, Karl: Trotzky
/ Carlo Radek
In: Il Lavoratore ‹Trieste› 29.1923 (5322) : p. 1

Orig.: Lev Trockij : organizator pobedy
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leo Trotzki : der Organisator des Sieges ; Léon Trotsky : organisateur de la victoire ; Leon Trotsky : organiser of victory ; Lev Trockij ; L'organisateur de la victoire ; The organiser of victory ; O organizador da vitoria ; Trotsky : creador de la estrategía militar de la revolución ; León Trotsky : el organizador de la victoria

IDN  09968         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Ėkonomičeskie predskazanija oppozicii
: (iz doklada o plenume CK i CKK VKP(b) na sobranii moskovskogo aktiva 11 avg. 1927 g.) / A. Rykov
In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 293-297

Angl.: Economic forecasts of the opposition

IDN  09969         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič:
The new discussion / an article by com. A.I. Rykov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 570-575

Notes: 11
Orig.: Novaja diskussija
Dated Dec. 23, 1924

IDN  09970         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Novaja diskussija
/ A.I. Rykov
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Dec.28=nr.293) : p. 2

Other ed., versions, transl.: The new discussion

IDN  09971         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Novaja diskussija
/ A.I. Rykov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.23=nr.292) : p. 5

Other ed., versions, transl.: The new discussion

IDN  09972         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Novaja diskussija
/ A.I. Rykov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 3-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: The new discussion

IDN  09973         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: O novoj oppozicii
/ A. Rykov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 29 pp.
Angl.: On the New Opposition

IDN  09974         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Partija i oppozicionnyj blok
/ A.I. Rykov i N.I. Bucharin. S pril. rezoljucii i postanovlenij ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b), 14-23 ijulja 1926 g. [...]. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 146 pp.
Angl.: The party and the opposition bloc

IDN  09975         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Rykov, Aleksej Ivanovič: Za bol'ševistskoe edinstvo
: tri reči na 15 s"ezde VKP(b) / A.I. Rykov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928
Angl.: For Bolshevik unity : 3 speeches at the 15th party congress

IDN  09976         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Safarov, Georgij Ivanovič:
The autobiography of Trotskyism / G. Safarov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 485-513

Notes: 90
Orig.: Avtobiografija trockizma

IDN  09977         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Safarov, Georgij Ivanovič: Avtobiografija trockizma
: (vmesto predisl.) / G. Safarov
In: Trockij o Lenine i leninizme : sbornik materialov / pod red. G. Safarova. (Leningrad, 1925) : pp. 3-36

Other ed., versions, transl.: The autobiography of Trotskyism

IDN  09978         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Safarov, Georgij Ivanovič: Teorija permanentnoj revoljucii i trockizm
: (doklad, čitannyj 19 nojabrja 1924 g. v diskussionnom klube L.K.R.K.P.(b)) / G. Safarov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1924. - 30 pp. - (Za partiju, za leninizm)
Angl.: The theory of permanent revolution and Trotskyism

IDN  09979         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Safarov, Georgij Ivanovič: Trockizm ili leninizm?
/ G. Safarov. - Leningrad : Priboj, 1924. - 62 pp.
Angl.: Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  09980         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Safarov, Georgij Ivanovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ G. Safarov
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 136-191

IDN  09981         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre?
/ G. Sokolnikov
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (3) : pp. 139-146

Orig.: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
Other ed., versions, transl.: How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09982         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: How should the history of October be approached?
: (comrade Trotskyʿs "The Lessons of October") / G. Sokol'nikov. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 176-187

Notes: 17
Orig.: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?
Dated Nov. 19, 1924

IDN  09983         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" t. Trockogo) / G. Sokol'nikov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.19=nr.263) : pp. 2-3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09984         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
: (po povodu "Urokov Oktjabrja" t. Trockogo) / G. Sokol'nikov
In: Bol'ševik ‹Moskva› 1924 (14) : pp. 105-113

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09985         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 122-129

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09986         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 157-169

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09987         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 157-167

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09988         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09989         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 28-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09990         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 28-39

Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09991         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 292-304

Notes: 21
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached? ; Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?

IDN  09992         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Teorija t. Trockogo i praktika našej revoljucii
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 273-284

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Theorie des Genossen Trotzki und die Praxis unserer Revolution
Angl.: The theory of comrade Trotsky and the practice of our revolution

IDN  09993         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Teorija tov. Trockogo i praktika našej revoljucii
/ G. Sokol'nikov
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.31=no.297) : p. 5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Theorie des Genossen Trotzki und die Praxis unserer Revolution

IDN  09994         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič:
Die Theorie des Genossen Trotzki und die Praxis unserer Revolution / G. Sokolnikow
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (9) : pp. 102-105

Orig.: Teorija tov. Trockogo i praktika našej revoljucii
Angl.: Comrade Trotsky's theory and the practice of our revolution

IDN  09995         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Sokol'nikov, Grigorij Jakovlevič: Wie soll die Geschichte des Oktober behandelt werden?
: (anläßlich der "Lehren des Oktober" des Genossen Trotzki) / G. Sokolnikow
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (154) : pp. 2102-2106

Orig.: Kak podchodit' k istoriju Oktjabrja?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Comment aborder l'histoire d'Octobre? ; How Should the history of October be approached?

IDN  09996         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti
: rapport prés. à la 15. conférence du PC(b) de l'URSS le 1er nov. 1926 / J. Staline. - Paris : Ed. du Centenaire, 1974. - 142 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei
Angl.: Concerning the social-democratic deviation in our party

IDN  09997         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito
/ J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 9. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  09998         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS : tesi pres. alla 15 conferenza del PCR(b) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 7. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
Other ed., versions, transl.: The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.) ; Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)

IDN  09999         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo
: informe y discurso resumen ante el pleno del Partido Comunista (bolchevique) de la U.R.S.S., celebrado en los días 3 a 5 de marzo de 1937. - México, D.F. : Ed. Sociales, 1939. - 52 pp. - (Clásicos del marxismo)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen teer likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores
Angl.: How to liquidate Trotskyism

IDN  10000         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Contra el trotzkismo
: informe y discurso resumen ante el pleno del Partido Comunista (b) de la U.R.S.S., celebrado en los días 3 a 5 de marzo de 1937. - La Habana : Ed. Sociales, 1940. - 56 pp. - (Colección Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores
Angl.: Against Trotskyism

IDN  10001         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Defects in party work and measures for liquidating Trotskyite and other double-dealers
: report and speech in reply to debate at the plenum of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U., March 3-5, 1937. - Moscow : Cooperative Publ. Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R., 1937. - 44 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10002         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito : rapporto alla 15 conferenza del PC(b) dell'URSS (1° nov. 1926) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 7. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10003         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Discorso di chiusura del dibattito sul rapporto 'La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito'
: (3 nov. 1926) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 7. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Reply to the discussion [...] ; Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin [...] ; Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei" ; Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"
Angl.: Final remark to the debate on the report "The social-democratic deviation in our party"

IDN  10004         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Dokatilis'
/ [I.V. Stalin]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1929 (Jan.24=nr.19) : p. 1

Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Tätigkeit der illegalen trotzkistischen Organisationen
Angl.: They sank low

IDN  10005         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Dokatilis'
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 11. (Moskva, 1949) : pp. 313-317

Other ed., versions, transl.: So tief sind die gesunken ; They have sunk to the depths

IDN  10006         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Due particolarità della rivoluzione d'Ottobre ossia l'Ottobre e la teoria della rivoluzione 'permanente' di Trotski
/ J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 6. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: October and Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution ; Der Oktober und die Theorie der permanenten Revolution des Genossen Trotzki
Angl.: Two peculiarities of the October revolution, or, October and Trotsky's theory of "permanent" revolution

IDN  10007         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Los errores de Trotzki y la situación en la Unión soviética : los problemas de la edificación del socialismo y la oposición / I.V. Stalin. Trad. de Manuel Pumarega. - Madrid : Aguilar, [1929]. - 259 pp.
Angl.: Trotsky's errors and the situation in the Soviet Union

IDN  10008         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
: doklad i zaključitel'noe slovo na 7 rasširennom plenume Ispolnitel'nogo Komiteta Kommunističeskogo Internacionala, 7-13 dek. 1926 g. / I.V. Stalin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 189 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10009         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
/ I.V. Stalin. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 189 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10010         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii

In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 9. (Moskva, 1948) : pp. 3-151

Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10011         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1952. - 118 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10012         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Escritos sobre o trotskismo
: 1924-1937. - [Lisboa] : Ed. Pensamiento e Acção, 1975. - 77 pp. - (Coleção Documentos ; 2)
Angl.: Writings on Trotskyism

IDN  10013         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Fascismens trotskistiske agenter
/ J.V. Stalin. - København : Arbejderen, 1979. - 37 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over te tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores
Angl.: The Trotskyist agents of fascism

IDN  10014         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The fight against right and "ultra-left" deviations : 2 speeches delivered at a meeting of the Presidium of the E.C.C.I., Jan. 22, 1926 / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 8. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 1-10

Orig.: O bor'be s pravymi i "ul'tralevymi" uklonami

IDN  10015         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
La fisionomia politica dell'opposizione russa / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 10. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Političeskaja fizionomija russkoj oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: The political complexion of the Russian opposition ; Die politische Physiognomie der russischen Opposition

IDN  10016         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Gegen den Trotzkismus
: (Rede in der Vollversammlung der kommunistischen Fraktion des Zentralen Gewerkschaftsrates am 19. Nov. 1924) / Stalin
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) : pp. 160-178

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?
Angl.: Against Trotskyism

IDN  10017         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver
: beretning og slutord på SUKP(b)'s CK møde d. 3. og 5. marts 1937 om manglerne ved partiarbejdet og forholdsreglerne for at likvidere de trotskistiske og andre dobbeltspillere / J. Stalin. - København : Arbejderforl., 1937. - 45 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores
Angl.: The fight against the Trotskyist agents of fascism and the tasks of the party

IDN  10018         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei : bis hierher und nicht weiter! ; Rede, gehalten auf der 16. Moskauer Gouvernements-Parteikonferenz am 23. Nov. 1927 / J. Stalin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (117) : pp. 2613-2616

Orig.: Partija i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Die Partei und die Opposition ; Il partito e l'opposizione ; The party and the opposition
Angl.: The struggle between the opposition and the party

IDN  10019         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Leninism or Trotskyism
: [speech delivered] at the plenary meeting of the communist section of the Central Trade Union Council on Nov. 19, 1924 / Stalin
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925) : pp. 206-244

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10020         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
A luta contra Trotsky / Josef Stalin. Trad. de Miguel Costa Filho. - [Rio de Janeiro, 1933]. - 86 pp.
Angl.: The fight against Trotsky

IDN  10021         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Minha luta contra Trotsky
/ Josef Stalin. - [S.l.] : Mirante, [s.d.]. - 66 ppp.
Angl.: My fight against Trotsky

IDN  10022         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei
: Referat, gehalten am 7. Dez., [followed by] Schlußwort, 13. Dez. [1926] / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 9. (Berlin, 1953) : pp. 3-132

Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido
Angl.: Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party

IDN  10023         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O bor'be s pravymi i "ul'tralevymi" uklonami

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Febr.2=nr.26)

Other ed., versions, transl.: The fight against right and "ultra-left" deviations

IDN  10024         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O bor'be s pravymi i "ul'tralevymi" uklonami

In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 8. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 1-10

Other ed., versions, transl.: The fight against right and "ultra-left" deviations

IDN  10025         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O bor'be s pravymi i "ul'tralevymi" uklonami

In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 8. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 1-10

Other ed., versions, transl.: The fight against right and "ultra-left" deviations

IDN  10026         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O diskussii, o tov. Rafaile, o stat'jach tov. Preobraženskogo i Sapronova i o pis'me tov. Trockogo

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1923 (Dec.15=nr.285)

Angl.: About the discussion, about comrade Rafial, about the contributions of comrades Preobrazhensky and Sapronov and aboit the letter of comrade Trotsky

IDN  10027         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatcích stranické práce a opatřeních k likvidaci trockistických a jiných obojetníků
. - Praha : Svoboda, 1951 - (Malá knihovna marxismu-leninismu)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwer en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10028         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatcích stranické práce a opatřeních proti trockistickým a jiným licoměrnikům
. - Praha : Nedvěd, 1937 - (Malá socialistická knihovna)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwer en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10029         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty i merach likvidacii trockistskich i inych dvurušnikov
. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1937 (March 29=nr.87); 1937 (Apr.1=nr.90)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.
Angl.: About the defects in party work and measures for liquidating Trotskyist and other double-dealers

IDN  10030         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty i merach likvidacii trockistskich i inych dvurušnikov
. - Moskva : Partizdat, 1937. - 46 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.

IDN  10031         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty i merach likvidacii trockistskich i inych dvurušnikov
. - Moskva : Partizdat, 1938. - 27 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.

IDN  10032         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty i merach likvidacii trockistskich i inych dvurušnikov
. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1955. - 39 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.

IDN  10033         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
: doklad, zaključitel'noe slovo na XV Vsesojuznoj Konferencii VKP(b), 1-3 nojabrja 1926 g. i rezoljucija, prinjata konferenciej po dokladu / I.V. Stalin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 176 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10034         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
/ I.V. Stalin. - 2. izd. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 176 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10035         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 8. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 234-297

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10036         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
/ I.V. Stalin. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1951. - 103 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10037         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii
. - Warszawa : Ksiazka i wiedza, 1950. - 132 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10038         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: O trockizme
/ I. Stalin. - Moskva : Novaja Moskva, 1925. - 128 pp. - (Biblioteka raboče-krest'janskoj molodeži)
Angl.: On Trotskyism

IDN  10039         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicii
: stat'i i reči, 1921-1927 gg. / I. Stalin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 750 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: On the opposition
Angl.: On the opposition : essays and speeches, 1921-27

IDN  10040         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
: doklad tov. Stalina na utrennem zasedanii 1 nojabrja [1926]. - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Nov.5=nr.256) : pp. 3-4; 1926 (Nov.6=nr.257) : pp. 3-4

Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei
Angl.: On the opposition and the inner-party situation

IDN  10041         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
: tezisy tov. Stalina k 15 partkonferencii, odobrennye Politbjuro CK VKP(b)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Oct.26=nr.247) : p. 3

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS ; The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.) ; Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)

IDN  10042         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 8. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 214-233

Other ed., versions, transl.: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS ; The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.) ; Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)

IDN  10043         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: October and Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution
/ Joseph Stalin. - Sydney : Modern Publ., 1934. - 22 pp.
Orig.: Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Due particolarità della rivoluzione d'Ottobre ossia l'Ottobre e la teoria della rivoluzione 'permanente' di Trotski ; Der Oktober und die Theorie der permanenten Revolution des Genossen Trotzki

IDN  10044         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Dec.20=nr.290) : p. 5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Due particolarità della rivoluzione d'Ottobre ossia l'Ottobre e la teoria della rivoluzione 'permanente' di Trotski ; October and Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution ; Der Oktober und die Theorie der permanenten Revolution des Genossen Trotzki

IDN  10045         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo
/ I. Stalin
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 318-331

Other ed., versions, transl.: Due particolarità della rivoluzione d'Ottobre ossia l'Ottobre e la teoria della rivoluzione 'permanente' di Trotski ; October and Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution ; Der Oktober und die Theorie der permanenten Revolution des Genossen Trotzki

IDN  10046         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Der Oktober und die Theorie der permanenten Revolution des Genossen Trotzki / I. Stalin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (3) : pp. 29-33

Orig.: Oktjabr' i teorija permanentnoj revoljucii tov. Trockogo
Other ed., versions, transl.: Due particolarità della rivoluzione d'Ottobre ossia l'Ottobre e la teoria della rivoluzione 'permanente' di Trotski ; October and Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution

IDN  10047         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: On the opposition
: 1921-27 / J.V. Stalin. - Peking : Foreign Language Pr., 1974. - IX, 921 pp.
Orig.: Ob oppozicii

IDN  10048         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party
: report at the 7th Enlarged Plenum of the Executive Committee, Communist International, Dec. 7, 1926 / Iosif Stalin. - Moscow : Foreign Languages Publ. House, 1952. - 206 pp. - (Library of Marxist-Leninist classics)
Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10049         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party
/ J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 9. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 3-155

Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido

IDN  10050         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.) : theses for the 15th All Union Conference of the C.P.S.U.(B.), adopted by the conference and endorsed by the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 8. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 225-244

Orig.: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS ; Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)

IDN  10051         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Der Oppositionsblock und die Fragen der Revolution in der USSR / J. Stalin. - Hamburg [etc.] : Hoym, [ca. 1927]. - 262 pp.
Angl.: The opposition bloc and the problems of revolution in the USSR

IDN  10052         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 ( : pp. 2381-2407

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei
Angl.: The opposition bloc and the inner-party situation

IDN  10053         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 202-247

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; The social-democratic deviation in our party ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10054         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
L' opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi : sessione planaria comune del CC e della CCC del PC(b) dell'URSS (23 ott. 1927) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 10. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
Other ed., versions, transl.: The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10055         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Otvet oppozicii
/ I.V. Stalin i V.M. Molotov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 66 pp.
Angl.: Reply to the opposition

IDN  10056         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie van trotzkistische en andere dubbelhartige elementen
: referaat met slotwoord op het plenum van het Centraal-Comité der Communistische Partij van de Sowjet-Unie (Bolsjewiki), 3 tot 5 maart 1937 / J.W. Stalin. - Amsterdam : Amstel, 1937
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Defects in party work and measures for liquidating Trotskyite an other double-dealers ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10057         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die Partei und die Opposition : Rede auf der 16. Moskauer Gouvernementsparteikonferenz, 23. Nov. 1927 / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 10. (Berlin, 1953) : pp. 218-232

Orig.: Partija i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Il partito e l'opposizione ; The party and the opposition

IDN  10058         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Partija i oppozicija
: reč' tov. Stalina na Moskovskij gubernskoj partkonferencii, 23 nojabrja 1927 g.
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.24=nr.269)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Die Partei und die Opposition ; Il partito e l'opposizione ; The party and the opposition

IDN  10059         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Partija i oppozicija
/ I. Stalin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1928. - 26 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Die Partei und die Opposition ; Il partito e l'opposizione ; The party and the opposition

IDN  10060         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Partija i oppozicija
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 10. (Moskva, 1949) : pp. 252-269

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Die Partei und die Opposition ; Il partito e l'opposizione ; The party and the opposition

IDN  10061         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Il partito e l'opposizione : 16 conferenza di partito del governatorato di Mosca (23 nov. 1927) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 10. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Partija i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Die Partei und die Opposition ; The party and the opposition

IDN  10062         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The party and the opposition : speech delivered at the 16th Moscow Gubernia Party Conference, Nov. 23, 1927 / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 10. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 257-274

Orig.: Partija i oppozicija
Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Kampf zwischen der Opposition und der Partei ; Die Partei und die Opposition ; Il partito e l'opposizione

IDN  10063         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The political complexion of the Russian opposition : excerpt from a speech [...] / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 10. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 158-177

Orig.: Političeskaja fizionomija russkoj oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: La fisionomia politica dell'opposizione russa ; Die politische Physiognomie der russischen Opposition

IDN  10064         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Political report of the Central Committee, December 3 [1927]
/ J.V. Stalin. Report to the discussion on the political report of the Central Committee, Dec. 7
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 10. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 275-382

Orig.: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta, 3 dekabrja [1927]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Politischer Rechenschaftsbericht des Zentralkomitees, 3. Dezember [1927] ; Rapporto politico del CC al 15 congresso del PC(b) dell'URSS

IDN  10065         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskaja fizionomija russkoj oppozicii
: (iz reči tov. Stalina na ob"edinennom zasedanii prezidiuma IKKI i IKK 27 sent. 1927 g.) / I.V. Stalin
In: Kommunističeskij Internacional ‹Moskva› 1927 (41=115) : pp. 18-24

Other ed., versions, transl.: La fisionomia politica dell'opposizione russa ; The political complexion of the Russian opposition ; Die politische Physiognomie der russischen Opposition

IDN  10066         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta XV s"ezdu VKP(b)
: 3 dekabrja 1927 g. / I. Stalin. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1951. - 83 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees an den XV. Parteitag der KPdSU(B)
Angl.: Political report of the Central Committee to the 15th congress of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  10067         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta XV s"ezdu VKP(b)
: 3 dekabrja 1927 g. / I. Stalin. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1952. - 237 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees an den XV. Parteitag der KPdSU(B)

IDN  10068         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta, 3 dekabrja [1927]
/ I.V. Stalin. Zaključitel'noe slovo po političeskomu otčetu CK, 7 dekabrja / I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 10. (Moskva, 1949) : pp. 271-371

Other ed., versions, transl.: Political report of the Central Committee, December 3 [1927] ; Politischer Rechenschaftsbericht des Zentralkomitees, 3. Dezember [1927] ; Rapporto politico del CC al 15 congresso del PC(b) dell'URSS

IDN  10069         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die politische Physiognomie der russischen Opposition
In: Die Kommunistische Internationale ‹Moskau› 8.1927 (42) : pp. 2039-2047

Orig.: Političeskaja fizionomija russkoj oppozicii
Other ed., versions, transl.: La fisionomia politica dell'opposizione russa ; The political complexion of the Russian opposition

IDN  10070         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Politischer Bericht des Zentralkomitees an den XV. Parteitag der KPdSU(B)
: 3. Dez. 1927 / J.W. Stalin. - Berlin : Dietz, 1952. - 104 pp. - (Kleine Bücherei des Marxismus-Leninismus)
Orig.: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta XV s"ezdu VKP(b)
Angl.: Political report of the Central Committee to the 15th party congress of the CPSU

IDN  10071         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Politischer Rechenschaftsbericht des Zentralkomitees, 3. Dezember [1927]
/ J.W. Stalin. Schlußwort zum politischen Rechenschaftsbericht des ZK, 7. Dezember / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 10. (Berlin, 1953) : pp. 235-323

Orig.: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta, 3 dekabrja [1927]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Political report of the Central Committee, December 3 [1927] ; Rapporto politico del CC al 15 congresso del PC(b) dell'URSS

IDN  10072         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Rapporto politico del CC al 15 congresso del PC(b) dell'URSS
: (3 dic. 1927) / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 10. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Političeskij otčet Central'nogo Komiteta, 3 dekabrja [1927]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Political report of the Central Committee, December 3 [1927] ; Politischer Rechenschaftsbericht des Zentralkomitees, 3. Dezember [1927]
Angl.: Political report of the Central Committee at the 15th congress of the CPSU

IDN  10073         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung der kommunistischen Fraktion des Zentralen Gewerkschaftsrates am 19. Nov. 1924

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (158) : pp. 2159-2166

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?
Angl.: Comrade Stalin's speech at the plenary meeting of the communist faction of the Central Trade Union Council on Nov. 19, 1924

IDN  10074         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party"
: Nov. 3, 1926 / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 8. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 311-372

Orig.: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Discorso di chiusura [...] ; Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin [...] ; Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei" ; Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"

IDN  10075         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Revoljucija v Kitae i ošibki oppozicii
/ I. Stalin. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1927. - 55 pp.
Angl.: The revolution in China and the errors of the opposition

IDN  10076         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Revoljucija v Kitae i ošibki oppozicii
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 9. (Moskva, 1948) : pp. 282-312

IDN  10077         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin zur Diskussion über den Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (142) : pp. 2483-2496

Orig.: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Discorso di chiusura [...] ; Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party" ; Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei" ; Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"
Angl.: Concluding speech of comrade Stalin about the debate on the opposition bloc and the inner-party situation

IDN  10078         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei"
: 3. Nov. 1926 / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 8. (Berlin, 1952) : pp. 266-318

Orig.: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Discorso di chiusura [...] ; Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party" ; Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin [...] ; Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"

IDN  10079         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: So tief sind die gesunken
/ J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 11. (Berlin, 1954) : pp. 280-284

Orig.: Dokatilis'
Other ed., versions, transl.: They have sunk to the depths

IDN  10080         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores
: informe, pronunciado en el pleno del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de la URSS, el día 3 de marzo de 1937 ; contra los espías y saboteadores. - Barcelona : Europa-América, 1938. - 80 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter og partiets opgaver ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen teer likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.
Angl.: About the deficiencies in the party work ...

IDN  10081         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The social-democratic deviation in our party : report delivered at the 15th All-Union Conference of the C.P.S.U.(B.), Nov. 1, 1926. - Moscow : Foreign Language Publ. House, 1954. - 171 pp. - (Library of Marxist-Leninist classics)
Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10082         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The social-democratic deviation in our party / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 8. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 245-310

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei

IDN  10083         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Speech at the plenary meeting of the communist section of the Central Trade Union Council on November 19, 1924
/ I. Stalin
In: Zinov'ev, G.E.: Leninism or Trotskyism. (Chicago, Ill., 1925)

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10084         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die Tätigkeit der illegalen trotzkistischen Organisationen / [I.V. Stalin]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 9.1929 (9) : pp. 163-164

Orig.: Dokatilis'
Angl.: The activities of the illegal Trotskyist organisations

IDN  10085         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: They have sunk to the depths
/ J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 11. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 327-331

Orig.: Dokatilis'
Other ed., versions, transl.: So tief sind die gesunken

IDN  10086         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
: reč' tov. Stalina
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.2=nr.251) : pp. 4-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10087         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
/ I. Stalin. - Tiflis : Zakkniga, 1927. - 34 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10088         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
: reč' na zasedanii ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b), 23 oktjabrja 1927 g. / I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 10. (Moskva, 1949) : pp. 172-205

Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10089         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm czy leninizm?
/ J. Stalin. - Moskwa, 1925
Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10090         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
: (reč' tov. Stalina na plenume frakcii VCSPS, 19 nojabrja 1924 g.)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.26=nr.269) : pp. 6-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10091         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
: (reč' tov. Stalina na plenume frakcii VCSPS, 19 nojabrja 1924 g.)
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Nov.26=nr.270) : pp. 6-7

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10092         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm?
/ I. Stalin. - Moskva : Gosizdat, 1924. - 32 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10093         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I. Stalin
In: O literaturnom vystuplenii tov. Trockogo. (Artemovsk, 1924) : pp. 99-114

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10094         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I. Stalin
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 71-95

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10095         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I. Stalin
In: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm / pod red. L. Nikitina. (Kursk, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10096         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm?
/ I. Stalin. - Leningrad : Gosizdat, 1925. - 40 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10097         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I. Stalin
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 87-108

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10098         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ Stalin
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10099         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 112-136

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10100         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 6. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 324-357

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10101         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm
/ I. Stalin
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 71-95

Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10102         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trockizm ili leninizm?
/ I. Stalin
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 190-212

Notes: 40
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10103         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskisme ou léninisme?

In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (7) : pp. 449-463

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10104         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskismo o leninismo?
/ J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Opere complete. 6. (Roma, 1952)

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10105         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskismo o leninismo?
/ José Stalin. - Lima : Fondo de Cultura Popular, 1973. - 85 pp. - (Colección Fondo de Cultura Popular)
Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10106         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskismo ou leninismo?
/ I.V. Stalin. - Lisboa : Seara Vermelha, 1976. - 30 pp.
Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10107         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskyism or Leninism?
: speech delivered at the plenum of the communist group in the A.U.C.C.T.U., Nov. 19, 1924 / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 6. (Moscow etc., 1953) : pp. 338-373

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10108         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskyism or Leninism?
/ Joseph Stalin. - [London] : Association of Communist Workers, [ca. 1971]. - 33 pp.
Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?

IDN  10109         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotskyism or Leninism?
: speech to the plenum of the communist group in the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (VTsSPS), Nov. 19, 1924 / I. Stalin
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 260-282

Notes: 23
Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?
Based on the Engl. transl. publ. in Stalin, I.V.: Works, vol. 6, Moscow, 1953

IDN  10110         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
The Trotskyist opposition before and now : speech delivered at a meeting of the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the C.P.S.U.(B.), Oct. 23, 1927 / J.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Works. 10. (Moscow etc., 1954) : pp. 177-211

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10111         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Trotzkismus oder Leninismus?
: Rede auf dem Plenum der kommunistischen Fraktion des Zentralrats der Gewerkschaften der Sowjetunion, 19. Nov. 1924 / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 6. (Berlin, 1952) : pp. 290-319

Orig.: Trockizm ili leninizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Gegen den Trotzkismus ; Leninism or Trotskyism ; Rede des Genossen Stalin in der Vollversammlung [...] ; Speech at the plenary meeting [...] ; Trockizm czy leninizm? ; Trotskisme ou léninisme? ; Trotskismo o leninismo? ; Trotskismo ou leninismo? ; Trotskyism or Leninism?

IDN  10112         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 10. (Berlin, 1953) : pp. 150-179

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals

IDN  10113         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals : Rede, gehalten auf dem Oktober-Plenum des ZK und der ZKK der KPSU / J. Stalin
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (109) : pp. 2365-2372

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt

IDN  10114         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič:
Die trotzkistische Opposition jetzt und ehemals / J. Stalin
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 481-503

Orig.: Trockistskaja oppozicija prežde i teper'
Other ed., versions, transl.: L'opposizione trotskista ieri e oggi ; The Trotskyist opposition before and now ; Die trotzkistische Opposition früher und jetzt

IDN  10115         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)
: Thesen des Genossen Stalin zur 15. Parteikonferenz, gebilligt vom Politbüro des ZK der KPSU
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (129) : pp. 2211-2215

Orig.: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS ; The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.)

IDN  10116         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über den Oppositionsblock in der KPdSU(B)
/ J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 8. (Berlin, 1952) : pp. 192-208

Orig.: Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
Other ed., versions, transl.: Il blocco d'opposizione nel PC(b) dell'URSS ; The opposition bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.)

IDN  10117         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit
: Referat und Schlußwort ... gehalten auf dem Plenum des ZK der KPdSU(B) am 3. und 5.3. 1937 / J.W. Stalin. - Prag : Kreibich, 1937. - 37 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty i merach likvidacii trockistskich i inych dvurušnikov
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingeen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...] ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.
Angl.: On Trotskyism and on some questions of party work

IDN  10118         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
: Referat und Schlußwort auf dem Plenum des ZK der KPdSU(B), 3.-5.3.1937 / J.W. Stalin. - Moskau : Verlagsgenossenschaft Ausländischer Arbeiter in der UdSSR, 1937. - 49 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10119         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
/ J.W. Stalin. - Stuttgart : Das Neue Wort, 1952. - 50 pp. - (Kleine Bücherei des Marxismus-Leninismus)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partrijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10120         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
/ J.W. Stalin. - 2. Aufl. - Berlin : Dietz, 1954. - 51 pp. - (Kleine Bücherei des Marxismus-Leninismus)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijweerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10121         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
/ J. Stalin. - [Reprint]. - Münster : Vkt, 1971. - 50 pp. - (Texte der proletarischen Linie ; 6)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwer en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10122         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
/ J. Stalin. - [Reprint]. - [S.l., ca. 1974]. - 50 pp.
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10123         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit und die Maßnahmen zur Liquidierung der trotzkistischen und sonstigen Doppelzüngler
/ J. W. Stalin. - [Berlin] : Ernst-Thälmann-Verl., [2005]. - 40 pp. - (Marxistisch-leninistische Schriftenreihe für Geschichte, Politik, Ökonomie und Philosophie [ISSN 1861-2954] ; 44)
Orig.: O nedostatkach partijnoj raboty [...]
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de tekortkomingen van het partijwer en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R. ; Sobre las deficiencias del trabajo del partido y las medidas para acabar con los saboteadores trotskistas y demás saboteadores

IDN  10124         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei
: Referat auf der 15. Unionskonferenz der KPdSU(B), 1. Nov. 1926 / J.W. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Werke. 8. (Berlin, 1952) : pp. 209-265

Orig.: Ob oppozicii i vnutripartijnom položenii
Other ed., versions, transl.: O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii ; À propos de la déviation social-démocrate dans notre parti ; La deviazione social-democratica nel nostro partito ; O socjaldemokratycznym odchyleniu w naszej partii ; Der Oppositionsblock und die innerparteiliche Lage ; The social-democratic deviation in our party

IDN  10125         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Una vez más sobre la desviación social-democrata en nuestro partido
: informe ante el 7 pleno ampliado del C.E. de la I.C., 7 de dic. de 1926. - Moscú : Ed. en Lenguas Extranjeras, 1954. - 139 pp. - (Obras clásicas del marxismo-leninismo)
Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Ancora sulla deviazione socialdemocratica nel nostro partito ; Noch einmal über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei ; Once more on the social-democratic deviation in our party

IDN  10126         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Wrecking, espionage and terrorism in the U.S.S.R.
: speeches by M. Stalin at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, March 3 and 5, 1937. - London : The Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, 1937. - 36 pp.
Orig.: Ešče raz o social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii
Other ed., versions, transl.: Cómo liquidar al trotzkismo ; Contra el trotzkismo ; Defects in party work [...] ; Fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Kampen mod fascismens trotskistiske agenter ; Over de terkortkomingene van het partijwerk en de maatregelen ter likwidatie [...] ; Über den Trotzkismus und einige Fragen der Parteiarbeit ; Über die Mängel der Parteiarbeit [...]

IDN  10127         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"
: 3 nojabrja 1926 g. / I.V. Stalin
In: Stalin, I.V.: Sočinenija. 8. (Moskva, 1950) : pp. 298-356

Orig.: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja
Other ed., versions, transl.: Discorso di chiusura [...] ; Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party" ; Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin [...] ; Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei"
Angl.: Closing speech about the report "On the social-democratic deviation in our party"

IDN  10128         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič: Zaključitel'noe slovo tov. Stalina na zasedanii 3-go nojabrja

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Nov.12=nr.262) : pp. 3-5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Discorso di chiusura [...] ; Reply to the discussion on the report on "The social-democratic deviation in our party" ; Schlußwort des Genossen Stalin [...] ; Schlußwort zu dem Referat "Über die sozialdemokratische Abweichung in unserer Partei" ; Zaključitel'noe slovo po dokladu "O social-demokratičeskom uklone v našej partii"

IDN  10129         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Steckij, Aleksej Ivanovič: Kak novaja oppozicija prišla k trockizmu
/ A. Steckij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Aug.27=nr.196) : pp. 2-3

Angl.: How the New Opposition gets closer to Trotskyism

IDN  10130         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Steckij, Aleksej Ivanovič: Pjatnadcatyj s"ezd partii
/ A. Steckij
In: Krasnaja nov' ‹Moskva› 1928 (1) : pp. 131-149

Angl.: The fifteenth party congress

IDN  10131         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: O novoj oppozicii
: reč' na 14 s"ezde RKP(b) / M. Tomskij. - Leningrad : Gosizdat, 1925. - 34 pp.
Angl.: On the New Opposition

IDN  10132         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: O novoj oppozicii
/ M. Tomskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 34 pp.

IDN  10133         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: O novoj oppozicii
/ M. Tomskij. - Leningrad : Gosizdat, 1926. - 34 pp.

IDN  10134         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: O novoj oppozicii
/ M. Tomskij. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 32 pp.

IDN  10135         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič:
Die Parteidisziplin und die trotzkistische Opposition / M. Tomski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (117) : pp. 2626-2630

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: Party discipline and the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  10136         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič: Trockizm i rabočij vopros
/ M. Tomskij
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.29=nr.273) : p. 5

Other ed., versions, transl.: Der Trotzkismus und die Arbeiterfrage
Angl.: Trotskyism and the workers question

IDN  10137         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Tomskij, Michail Pavlovič:
Der Trotzkismus und die Arbeiterfrage / M. Tomski
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (120) : pp. 2719-2724

Orig.: Trockizm i rabočij vopros
Angl.: Trotskyism and the workers question

IDN  10138         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme?
/ G. Zinoviev. - [1-2]
In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (7) : pp. 464-471; 1.1924/25 (8) : pp. 529-543

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10139         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme?
/ G. Zinoviev
In: La Correspondance internationale ‹Paris› 1924 (81) : pp. 913-921

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10140         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolscevismo e trotskismo
/ Zinovief. - [Reprint]. - Milano : Feltrinelli, 1966. - 19 pp. - (Materiale per la preparazione congressuale ; 4)
Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10141         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?
: wohin die Linie des Trotzkismus führt / G. Sinowjew
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (160) : pp. 2183-2197

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10142         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?
: wohin die Linie des Trotzkismus führt / Sinowjew
In: Um den Oktober. (Hamburg, 1925) : pp. 102-137

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10143         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?
: (wohin jetzt die Linie des Trotzkismus führt) / G. Sinowjew
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 336-370

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10144         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / G. Zinov'ev
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1924 (Nov.30=nr.274) : pp. 5-8

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10145         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / Grigorij Zinov'ev. - Leningrad [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1924. - 39 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10146         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / G. Zinov'ev
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". (Leningrad, 1924) : pp. 96-144

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10147         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / G. Zinov'ev
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Nov.30=nr.273) : pp. 3-6

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10148         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
/ G. Zinov'ev
In: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm / pod red. L. Nikitina. (Kursk, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10149         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / Grigorij Zinov'ev. - Char'kov : Proletarij, 1925. - 66 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10150         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma / G. Zinov'ev. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1925. - 48 pp.
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10151         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm
: (kuda vedet teper' linija trockizma) / G. Zinov'ev
In: Za leninizm : sbornik statej. (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 109-151

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10152         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm
/ G. Zinov'ev
In: Za leninizm! (Moskva, 1925)

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10153         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm
/ G. Zinov'ev
In: Za leninizm, protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1925) : pp. 191-240

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10154         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
/ G. Zinov'ev
In: Ob "Urokach oktjabrja". Reprint (Geneva, 1976) : pp. 96-144

Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10155         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
/ G. Zinov'ev
In: Trockij, L.D.: Uroki Oktjabrja. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1991) : pp. 213-258

Notes: 30
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?

IDN  10156         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
: (fragmenty) / G.E. Zinov'ev
In: L. D. Trockij : pro et contra / otv. red. D.K. Bogatyrev, sost. A.V. Reznik. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2016) : pp. 506-540

Notes: 3
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme? ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus? ; Bolshevism or Trotskyism?
On p. 827 notes by A.V. Reznik

IDN  10157         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolshevism or Trotskyism?
: where the line of Trotskyism is leading / G. Zinoviev
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925) : pp. 148-205

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?

IDN  10158         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolshevism or Trotskyism?
/ G. Zinoviev
In: Zinov'ev, G.E.: Leninism or Trotskyism. (Chicago, Ill., 1925)

Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?

IDN  10159         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Bolshevism or Trotskyism?
: (where the Trotskyist line is leading) / G. Zinoviev. [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 322-364

Notes: 49
Orig.: Bol'ševizm ili trockizm?
Other ed., versions, transl.: Bolchevisme ou trotskisme ; Bolscevismo e trotskismo ; Bolschewismus oder Trotzkismus?
Dated Nov. 30, 1924

IDN  10160         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič:
Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti : rapport du camarade Zinoviev à la réunion du C.E. élargi de l'organisation communiste de Léningrad (15 déc.)
In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. (Paris, 1924) : pp. 24-52

Orig.: O bor'be za partiju
Other ed., versions, transl.: La lotta per il partito ; Über den Kampf um die Partei ; Über den Kampf in der Partei
Angl.: The natural limits of workers' democracy in our party

IDN  10161         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič:
Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti
In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. [Reprint.] (Milano, 1966) : pp. 24-52

Orig.: O bor'be za partiju
Other ed., versions, transl.: La lotta per il partito ; Über den Kampf um die Partei ; Über den Kampf in der Partei

IDN  10162         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič:
La lotta per il partito : relazione tenuto all'assemblea cittadina dei buro dei collettivi dell'organizzazione di Pietrogrado, 15 dic. 1923 / Gregorij Zinov'ev
In: Democrazia e centralismo. (Milano, 1978) : pp. 167-193

Orig.: O bor'be za partiju
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti ; Über den Kampf um die Partei ; Über den Kampf in der Partei
Angl.: The struggle for the party

IDN  10163         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: O bor'be za partiju
: (doklad tov. Zinov'eva na obščegorodskom sobranii bjuro kollektivov Petrogradskoj organizacii, 15 dek. [1923]). - [1-2]
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1923 (Dec.20=nr.289) : p. 4; 1923 (Dec.21=nr.290) : p. 4

Other ed., versions, transl.: Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti ; La lotta per il partito ; Über den Kampf um die Partei ; Über den Kampf in der Partei
Angl.: On the struggle for the party

IDN  10164         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: O trockizme
: stat'i, 1906-1916 gg. / G. Zinov'ev i L. Kamenev. - Moskva : Novaja Moskva, 1925. - 335 pp. - (Biblioteka rabočej molodeži)
Angl.: On Trotskyism : essays, 1906-16

IDN  10165         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Über den Kampf in der Partei
: Bericht auf der Stadtversammlung des Kollektivbüros der Petrograder Organisation am 15.12.1923 / G. Sinowjew
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 271-290

Orig.: O bor'be za partiju
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti ; La lotta per il partito ; Über den Kampf um die Partei
Angl.: About the struggle in the party

IDN  10166         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Über den Kampf um die Partei
: Bericht des Genossen Sinowjew auf der Stadtversammlung des Kollektivbüros der Petrograder Organisation vom 15. Dez. [1923]
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (8) : pp. 76-82

Orig.: O bor'be za partiju
Other ed., versions, transl.: Les limites naturelles de la démocratie ouvrière dans notre parti ; La lotta per il partito ; Über den Kampf in der Partei
Angl.: About the struggle for the party

IDN  10167         LLTB  Chapter  5.4
Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevič: Was ist Bolschewismus?
/ G. Sinowjew
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 321-327

Transl. from the Russ.
Angl.: What is Bolshevism?

LLTB Chapter  5.5

IDN  10168         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 1. (Moskva, 1932) : pp. 647-654

IDN  10169         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 1. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 778-785

IDN  10170         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 507-515

IDN  10171         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] On the results of the discussion and on petty bourgeois deviation in our party

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 209-212

IDN  10172         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Resolution "On the results of the discussion and on the petty bourgeois deviation in the party"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 236-245

IDN  10173         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Résolution sur la démocratie ouvrière et les tendances petites-bourgeoises dans le P.C.R.

In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. (Paris, 1924) : pp. 218-231

IDN  10174         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Résolution sur la démocratie ouvrière et les tendances petites-bourgeoises dans le P.C.R.

In: Le Parti bolchévik restera bolchévik. [Reprint.] (Milano, 1966) : pp. 218-231

IDN  10175         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija "Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii"
: (prinjata vsemi golosami protiv 2-ch)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1924 (Jan.19=nr.16) : pp. 5-6

IDN  10176         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija "Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii"
: (prinjato vsemi protiv 3)
In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 202-211

IDN  10177         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija "Ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii"

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 216-225

IDN  10178         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija XIII konferencii RKP(b) ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Chrestomatija po istorii KPSS. 2. (Moskva, 1962) : pp. 356-364

IDN  10179         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija XIII partkonferencii ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / Trinadcatyj s"ezd Rossijskoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (Bol'ševikov). (Moskva, 1924) : pp. 725-733

IDN  10180         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija XIII partkonferencii RKP, podverždennaja XIII s"ezdom Rossijskoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (b), ob itogach diskussii i o melkoburžuaznom uklone v partii

In: Rykov, A.I.: Stat'i i reči. 3. (Moskva etc., 1929) : pp. 413-420

IDN  10181         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Sui resultati della discussione e sulla deviazione piccolo-borghese nel partito

In: Democrazia e centralismo. (Milano, 1978) : pp. 227-239

IDN  10182         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Über die Ergebnisse der Diskussion und über die kleinbürgerlichen Tendenzen in der RKP

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (14) : pp. 148-150

IDN  10183         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-01-18, 13th Party Conference of the CPSU] Über die Ergebnisse der Diskussion und über die kleinbürgerlichen Tendenzen in der RKP

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 1. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 427-435

IDN  10184         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-06-27, 5th Comintern Congress] Resolution des 5. WK der KI zur russischen Frage

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 190-191

IDN  10185         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-06-27, 5th Comintern Congress] Resolution on the Russian question

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 313-315

IDN  10186         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-06-27, 5th Comintern Congress] Resolution zur russischen Frage

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 4.1924 (125) : pp. 1665-1668

IDN  10187         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1924-06-27, 5th Comintern Congress] Rezoljucija po "russkomu" voprosu

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 297-299

IDN  10188         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU]
The errors of Trotskyism : resolution of the Central Committee of the R.C.P. on the action of comrade Trotsky [...]
In: The Errors of Trotskyism. (London, 1925) : pp. 378-392

IDN  10189         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O vystuplenii tov. Trockogo

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 142-149

IDN  10190         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Resolution of the plenums of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the Central Control Commission on the actions of comrade Trotsky
: 17 January 1925 (adopted by a majority of all members of the CC with two against and all members of the CCC with one abstention / [Transl. from the Russ. by F.C. Corney]
In: Trotsky's challenge : the 'literary discussion' of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik revolution / transl., ann., and introd. by F.C. Corney. (Leiden [etc.], [2015]) : pp. 586-594

Notes: 3

IDN  10191         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Resolution "On comrade Trotsky's actions"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 246-255

IDN  10192         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Résolution sur l'intervention de Trotsky

In: Cahiers du bolchevisme ‹Paris› [ISSN 1149-8277] 1.1924/25 (12) : pp. 753-759

IDN  10193         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Resolution zur Haltung des Genossen Trotzki

In: Die Internationale : Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus ‹Berlin; Leipzig; later: Prag› 8.1925 (2) : pp. 78-84

IDN  10194         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii t. Trockogo

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : pp. 90-97

IDN  10195         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii tov. Trockogo
: prinjataja plenumami CK RKP(B) i CKK 17 janvarja 1925 g.
In: Izvestija ‹Moskva› 1925 (Jan.20=nr.16) : p. 2

IDN  10196         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii tov. Trockogo
: prinjataja plenumami CK RKP(B) i CKK 17 janvarja 1925 g.
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1925 (Jan.20=nr.16) : p. 3

IDN  10197         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii Trockogo

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 1. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 913-921

IDN  10198         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii Trockogo

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 211-221

IDN  10199         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii Trockogo

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 225-235

IDN  10200         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Wortlaut der Resolution zur Haltung des Genossen Trotzki

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 5.1925 (18) : pp. 218-221

IDN  10201         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-01-17, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Wortlaut der Resolution zur Haltung des Genossen Trotzki

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 2. (Berlin, 1975) : pp. 480-489

IDN  10202         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-04-06, 5th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija o diskussii v RKP(b)

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 299-300

IDN  10203         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-04-06, 5th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija po dokladu o diskussii v RKP(b)

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / Rasširennyj plenum Ispolkoma Kommunističeskogo Internacionala (21 marta - 6 aprelja 1925 g.) (Moskva etc., 1925) : pp. 546-547

IDN  10204         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1925-04-06, 5th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija po dokladu o diskussii v RKP(b)

In: Tezisy i rezoljucii / Rasširennyj plenum Ispolkoma Kominterna (21 marta - 6 aprelja 1925 g.) (Moskva etc., 1925) : p. 45

IDN  10205         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Beschluß des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPdSU in der Sache des Genossen Laschewitsch und anderer Genossen und über die Einheit der Partei

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (99) : pp. 1600-1603

IDN  10206         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Beschluß des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPdSU in der Sache des Genossen Laschewitsch und anderer Genossen und über die Einheit der Partei

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 98-106

IDN  10207         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] On the affair of comrade Lashevich and others and on party unity

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 286-288

IDN  10208         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 160-166

IDN  10209         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : pp. 144-150

IDN  10210         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 227-234

IDN  10211         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu t. Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : pp. 261-266

IDN  10212         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu t. Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 5., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 114-118

IDN  10213         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Po delu tov. Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 345-351

IDN  10214         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-07-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Rezoljucija ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b) po delu t. Laševiča i dr. i o edinstve partii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (July 25=nr.169) : p. 3

IDN  10215         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU]
Die Beschlüsse des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPdSU
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (128) : p. 2202

IDN  10216         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU]
Die Beschlüsse des Vereinigten Plenums des ZK und der ZKK der KPdSU
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : p. 188

IDN  10217         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O vnutripartijnom položenii v svjazi s frakcionnoj rabotoj i narušeniem partijnoj discipliny so storony rjada členov CK

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : p. 158

IDN  10218         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] On the situation in the party as a result of factional activity and the violation of party discipline by a number of Central Committee members

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 289-290

IDN  10219         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie plenuma o vnutripartijnom položenii v svjazi s frakcionnoj rabotoj i narušeniem partijnoj discipliny so storony rjada členov CK

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 170-171

IDN  10220         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie plenuma o vnutripartijnom položenii v svjazi s frakcionnoj rabotoj i narušeniem partijnoj discipliny so storony rjada členov CK

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 234-235

IDN  10221         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie plenuma o vnutripartijnom položenii v svjazi s frakcionnoj rabotoj i narušeniem partijnoj discipliny so storony rjada členov CK

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : p. 238

IDN  10222         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie plenuma o vnutripartijnom položenii v svjazi s frakcionnoj rabotoj i narušeniem partijnoj discipliny so storony rjada členov CK

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 360-361

IDN  10223         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Resolution "On the situation in the party in connection with the factional activities and violation of party discipline by some CC members"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 258-259

IDN  10224         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Nov.13=nr.263) : p. 7

IDN  10225         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / XV konferencija Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (b). (Moskva etc., 1927) : pp. 811-822

IDN  10226         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : pp. 310-319

IDN  10227         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)
: (po dokladu t. Stalina)
In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 5., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 154-161

IDN  10228         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 209-220

IDN  10229         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : pp. 167-178

IDN  10230         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ob oppozicionnom bloke v VKP(b)

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 401-412

IDN  10231         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] On the opposition bloc in the VKP(b)

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 291-301

IDN  10232         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Resolution "On the opposition bloc in the CPSU(B)"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 259-272

IDN  10233         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija "Ob oppozicionnom boke v VKP(b)"
: (po dokladu tov. Stalina)
In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 236-249

IDN  10234         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Rezoljucija "Ob oppozicionnom boke v VKP(b)"
: (po dokladu tov. Stalina)
In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 239-252

IDN  10235         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ueber den Oppositionsblock der KPSU

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (16) : pp. 337-341

IDN  10236         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-11-03, 15th Party Conference of the CPSU] Ueber den Oppositionsblock der KPSU

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 4. (Berlin, 1976) : pp. 388-400

IDN  10237         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-12-15, 7th Plenum of the ECCI] Resolution zur russischen Frage

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (16) : p. 337

IDN  10238         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-12-15, 7th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija po "russkomu" voprosu
/ rasširennyj plenum IKKI
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1926 (Dec.16=nr.291) : p. 1

IDN  10239         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1926-12-15, 7th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija po "russkomu" voprosu

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 300-303

IDN  10240         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-05-30, 8th Plenum of the ECCI] Extracts from the resolution of the Eighth ECCI Plenum on the speeches of comrades Trotsky and Vuyovich

In: The Communist International, 1919-1943 / [ed.:] J. Degras. 2. (London etc., 1960) : pp. 374-377

IDN  10241         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-05-30, 8th Plenum of the ECCI] O vystuplenijach Trockogo i Vujoviča na plenume IKKI

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 303-309

IDN  10242         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-05-30, 8th Plenum of the ECCI] On the statements of Trotsky and Vuyovich at a plenary meeting of the ECCI

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 316-322

IDN  10243         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-05-30, 8th Plenum of the ECCI] Resolution des Plenums des EKKI über das Auftreten der Genossen Trotzki und Wujowitsch auf der Plenarsitzung des EKKI

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 114-119

IDN  10244         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-05-30, 8th Plenum of the ECCI] Rezoljucija o vystuplenii tt. Trockogo i Vujoviča na plenarnom zasedanii IKKI

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (May 31=nr.121) : p. 4

IDN  10245         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-06-24, CCC of the CPSU] Beschluß des Präsidiums der ZKK der KPSU in der Angelegenheit der Disziplinbrüche der Genossen Trotzki und Sinowjew

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 71.1927 (66) : pp. 1402-1403

IDN  10246         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-06-24, CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie Prezidiuma CKK CKP(b) ot 24 ijunja 1927 g. po povodu narušenija partijnoj discipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (June 26=nr.142) : p. 3

IDN  10247         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-06-24, CCC of the CPSU] Postanovlenie Prezidiuma CKK CKP(b) ot 24/VI-27 g. po povodu narušenija partdiscipliny tt. Trockim i Zinov'evym

In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 405-408

IDN  10248         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partdiscipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. 470-478

IDN  10249         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Aug.10=nr.180) : pp. 5-6

IDN  10250         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : pp. 362-368

IDN  10251         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 5., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 195-199

IDN  10252         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny tt. Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 492-499

IDN  10253         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 267-274

IDN  10254         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : pp. 205-211

IDN  10255         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 250-257

IDN  10256         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] O narušenii partijnoj discipliny Zinov'evym i Trockim

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 252-260

IDN  10257         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Resolution "On violations of party discipline by Zinoviev and Trotsky"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 272-280

IDN  10258         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Ueber die Verletzung der Parteidisziplin durch die Genossen Sinowjew und Trotzki

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (83) : pp. 1811-1913

IDN  10259         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-08-09, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU] Ueber die Verletzung der Parteidisziplin durch die Genossen Sinowjew und Trotzki

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 284-291

IDN  10260         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-13, CCC of the CPSU]
Der Ausschluß der Fraktionellen und Desorganisatoren aus den Reihen der Leninschen Partei
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (102) : pp. 2187-2188

IDN  10261         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-13, CCC of the CPSU]
Der Ausschluß der Fraktionellen und Desorganisatoren aus den Reihen der Leninschen Partei
In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : p. 476

IDN  10262         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-13, CCC of the CPSU] Isključenie frakcionerov-dezorganizatorov iz rjadov leninskoj partii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.13=nr.234) : p. 2

IDN  10263         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the discussion ..."] Decision "On the discussion"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 280-281

IDN  10264         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the discussion ..."] O diskussii

In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : pp. V-VI

IDN  10265         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the discussion ..."] O diskussii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.25=nr.244) : p. 5

IDN  10266         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the discussion ..."] O diskussii

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : p. 258

IDN  10267         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Beschluß des Vereinigten Plenums über den Ausschluß Trotzkis und Sinowjews aus dem ZK

In: Die Linke Opposition in der Sowjetunion, 1923-1928 / hrsg. u. eingel. von U. Wolter. 5. (Berlin, 1977) : pp. 529-531

IDN  10268         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Decision "On the expulsion of Zinoviev and Trotsky from the CC CPSU(B)"

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 281-282

IDN  10269         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."]
Die Genossen Trotzki und Sinowjew aus dem ZK der KPSU ausgeschlossen
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (104) : pp. 2234-2235

IDN  10270         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii tt. Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Partija protiv oppozicii. (Moskva, 1927) : p. 575

IDN  10271         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii tt. Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Oct.25=nr.244) : p. 5

IDN  10272         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii tt. Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : p. 400

IDN  10273         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii tt. Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 5., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1936) : p. 225

IDN  10274         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii tt. Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : p. 542

IDN  10275         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : p. 311

IDN  10276         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : p. 259

IDN  10277         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Ob isključenii Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 261-262

IDN  10278         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] On the expulsion of comrades Zinoviev and Trotsky from the Central Committee of the VKP(b)

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : p. 306

IDN  10279         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-10-23, Joint Plenum of the CC and CCC of the CPSU, "On the expulsion ..."] Postanovlenie oktjabr'skogo ob"edinennogo plenuma CK i CKK VKP(b) 1927 goda ob isključenii Zinov'eva i Trockogo iz CK VKP(b)

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : p. 218

IDN  10280         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-11-14, CC and CCC of the CPSU] Ob antipartijnych vystuplenijach liderov oppozicii
/ Central'naja Kontrol'naja Komissija VKP(b) ; Central'nyj Komitet VKP(b)
In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.15=nr.261)

IDN  10281         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-11-14, CC and CCC of the CPSU] Ob antipartijnych vystuplenijach liderov oppozicii
/ Central'naja Kontrol'naja Komissija VKP(b) ; Central'nyj Komitet VKP(b)
In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 3. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 545-547

IDN  10282         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-11-14, CC and CCC of the CPSU] On the inner-party statements of the leaders of the opposition

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 307-308

IDN  10283         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-11-23, ECCI] Resolution des Präsidiums des EKKI zur Frage der Opposition in der KPSU

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (117) : p. 2633

IDN  10284         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-11-23, ECCI] Rezoljucija prezidiuma IKKI po voprosu ob oppozicii v VKP(b) ot 23 nojabrja 1927 g.

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Nov.27=nr.272) : p. 3

IDN  10285         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / XV s"ezd Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (b). (Moskva etc., 1928) : pp. 1317-1319

IDN  10286         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Rezoljucii i postanovlenija XV s"ezda VKP(b). (Moskva etc., 1929) : pp. 120-125

IDN  10287         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK (1898-1932). 4., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1933) : pp. 448-451

IDN  10288         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Vsesojuznaja Kommunističeskaja Partija (B) v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 5., ispr. i dop. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1936) : pp. 264-266

IDN  10289         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 7. izd. 2. (Moskva, 1953) : pp. 368-370

IDN  10290         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Bor'ba KPSS za socialističeskuju industrializaciju strany i podgotovku splošnoj kollektivizacii sel'skogo chozjajstva. (Moskva, 1960) : pp. 263-266

IDN  10291         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Chrestomatija po istorii KPSS. 2. (Moskva, 1962) : pp. 447-450

IDN  10292         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Chrestomatija po istorii KPSS. 1. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 426-428

IDN  10293         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Trockizm, vrag leninizma / sost.: B.S. Vlasov. (Moskva, 1968) : pp. 262-265

IDN  10294         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 265-268

IDN  10295         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Ob oppozicii

In: Kommunističeskaja Partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijach i rešenijach s"ezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK. 8., dop. i ispr. izd. 4. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 70-73

IDN  10296         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] On the opposition

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 285-288

IDN  10297         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] On the opposition

In: Resolutions and decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / gen. ed.: R.H. McNeal. 2. (Toronto, Ont. etc., 1974) : pp. 335-337

Slightly abridged

IDN  10298         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Resolution des 15. Parteitages der KPdSU(B) über die Opposition

In: Protokoll / 15. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion. (Hamburg, 1928) : pp. 302-304

IDN  10299         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Resolution des 15. Parteitages der KPSU über die Opposition

In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 7.1927 (126) : pp. 2957-2958

IDN  10300         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Rezoljucija komissii XV s"ezda VKP(b) ob oppozicii

In: Stenografičeskij otčet / XV s"ezd Vsesojuznoj Kommunističeskoj Partii (b). (Moskva etc., 1928) : pp. 1245-1247

IDN  10301         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1927-12-18, 15th Party Congress of the CPSU] Rezoljucija XV s"ezda VKP(b) ob oppozicii

In: Pravda ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0233-4275] 1927 (Dec.19=nr.291) : p. 3

IDN  10302         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1928-02-??, 9th Plenum of the ECCI] O trockistskoj oppozicii

In: Bor'ba V.I. Lenina i Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv trockizma. (Moskva, 1970) : pp. 309-314

IDN  10303         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1928-02-??, 9th Plenum of the ECCI] On the Trotskyite opposition

In: Against Trotskyism. (Moscow, 1972) : pp. 322-327

IDN  10304         LLTB  Chapter  5.5
[Resolution, 1928-02-??, 9th Plenum of the ECCI] Resolution on the Trotskyist opposition

In: Braun, P.: At the parting of the ways. (London, [1928])

LLTB Chapter  5.6

IDN  10305         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Alajkina, Vera Ivanovna: Komsomol Ukraïny - virnyj pomičnyk partiï u borot'bi proty troc'kizmu, za zmicnennja sojuzu robitnykiv i seljan
: (1926-1927 rr.) / V.I. Alajkina
In: V. I. Lenin i rozrobka problemy sojuzu robitničogo klasu i seljanstva. (Odesa, 1971)

Angl.: The Ukrainian Komsomol - a genuine ally of the party in the struggle against Trotskyism and for the consolidation of the alliance of the workers and peasants

IDN  10306         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Anaškin, Aleksandr Pavlovič: Učastie Kontrol'nych Komissij Zapadnoj Sibiri v bor'be protiv antipartijnogo trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka (1926-1928 gg.)
/ A.P. Anaškin
In: Rukovodstvo partijnych organizacij obščestvenno-političeskoj žizn'ju Sibiri. (Tomsk, 1983) : pp. 31-38

Angl.: The participation of the Western Siberian Control Commission in the struggle against the anti-party Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-28)

IDN  10307         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Antonov, Pavel Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba KP Ukrainy za general'nuju liniju partii protiv trockistov i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok v 1921-1927 gg.
. - 228 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1973
Angl.: The struggle of the CP of the Ukraine for the party's general line and against the Trotskyists and other anti-Leninist groupings, 1921-1927

IDN  10308         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Antonov, Pavel Aleksandrovič: Bor'ba KP Ukrainy za general'nuju liniju partii protiv trockistov i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok v 1921-1927 gg.
. - 42 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1973

IDN  10309         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bachtin, Michail Ivanovič: Nižgorodskaja partorganizacija v bor'be s trockizmom v gody socialističeskoj industrializacii
. - 556 pp.
Gor'kij, Gor'kovskij Gosudarstvennj Pedagogičeskij Inst., Diss., 1943
Bibliogr.: pp. 549-555
Angl.: The Nizhny Novgorod party organization in struggle against Trotskyism during the years of socialist industrialization

IDN  10310         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bačyns'kyj, Petro Pavlovyč: Borot'ba KP Ukraïny proty troc'kizmu, za jednist' rjadiv partiï
: (1918-1927 rr.) / P. Bačyns'kyj ; O. Borodin. - Kyïv : Politvidav Ukraïny, 1968. - 186 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of the Ukrainian CP against Trotskyism and for the unity of the party

IDN  10311         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bačyns'kyj, Petro Pavlovyč: Borot'ba KP(b)U proty troc'kists'koï reviziï leninizmu v 1924-1925 rr.
/ P.P. Bačyns'kyj ; M.A. Konovalov
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 9.1965 (2) : pp. 15-31

Notes: 60
Angl.: The struggle of the Ukrainian CP against the Trotskyist revision of Leninism in the years 1924-25

IDN  10312         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bačyns'kyj, Petro Pavlovyč: Borot'ba KP(b)U proty troc'kizmu na počatku 20-ch rokiv
/ P. Bačyns'kyj ; M.A. Konovalov
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 8.1964 (4) : pp. 15-27

Angl.: The struggle of the Ukrainian CP against Trotskyism at the beginning of the 1920s

IDN  10313         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bagdasarjan, Ovannes Minaevič: Bor'ba za edinstvo KPSS, 1920-1930 gg.
: (po materialam KP Armenii) / O.M. Bagdasarjan. - Erevan : Ajpetrat, 1964. - 189 pp.
Notes: 224
Angl.: The struggle for unity of the CPSU, 1920-30

IDN  10314         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bakulin, Vladimir Ivanovič: "Apparat razladilsja i razlagaetsja"
: chod i itogi bor'by levoj oppozicii za vnutripartijnuju demokratiju v vjatskoj gubernii (osen' 1923-vesna 1924 godov) = "The party apparatus has broken down and is deteriorating" : the development and results of the struggle of the left opposition for intra-party democracy in Vyatka province (fall 1923 - spring 1924) / V.I. Bakulin
In: Novyj istoričeskij vestnik = The New Historical Bulletin ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2072-9286] 2017 (3=53) : pp. 96-115

Notes: 67
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10315         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ban'ko, Ivan Nikitovič: Kompartija Ukrainy v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii" i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka po voprosam socialističeskogo stroitel'stva
: (1925-1927 gg.). - 229 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Diss., 1979
Angl.: The CP of the Ukraine in struggle against the "New Opposition" and the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc regarding socialist reconstruction (1925-27)

IDN  10316         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ban'ko, Ivan Nikitovič: Kompartija Ukrainy v bor'be protiv "novoj oppozicii" i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka po voprosam socialističeskogo stroitel'stva
: (1925-1927 gg.). - 21 pp.
Kiev, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. T.G. Sevčenko, Avtoref. diss., 1979
Bibliogr.: p. 21

IDN  10317         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Barajev, V.M.: Partijni orhanizaciï promyslovych pidprijemstv Ukraïny v borot'bi proty troc'kists'ko-zinov'jevs'koho bloku
: (1926-1927 rr.) / V.M. Barajev ; V.A. Hrečenko
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 1982 (6=255) : pp. 108-116

Notes: 47
Angl.: The party organizations of industrial enterprises of the Ukraine in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  10318         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Baranov, Andrej Vladimirovič: Trockistskaja oppozicija kak projavlenie levoradikal'nogo protesta v 1926-1929 gg.
: (na primere Juga Rossii) / A.V. Baranov
In: Gumanitarnye i juridičeskie issledovanija ‹Stravropol'› [ISSN 2409-1030] 2018 (4) : pp. 8-15

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition as manifestation of left-radical protest in 1926-1929 : (by the example of South Russia)

IDN  10319         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Baranov, Andrej Vladimirovič: "Trockistskaja" oppozicija v kontekste konsolidacii partijno-gosudarstvennoj ėlity na Juge Rossii (1923-1924 gg.)
/ A.V. Baranov
In: Gumanitarnye i juridičeskie issledovanija ‹Stravropol'› [ISSN 2409-1030] 2019 (1) : pp. 34-41

Bibliogr.: pp. 39-41
Notes: 5
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The "Trotskyist" opposition in the context of the consolidation of the party-state elite in the South of Russia (1923-1924)

IDN  10320         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Demonstracija oppozicii v Leningrade 7 nojabrja 1927 g.
= Left Opposition demonstration in Leningrad, the 7th of November, 1927 / D.A. Barinov
In: Rossija v global'nom mire = Russia in the Global World ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2304-9472] 2021 (20=43) : pp. 63-76

Bibliogr.: pp. 74-76
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10321        Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Gruppy levoj oppozicii v Leningrade 1930-1932 gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10322         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Leningradskaja oppozicija 1925-1926 gg. i vysšaja škola
= Leningrad opposition in 1925-1926 and higher school / D.A. Barinov
In: Istorija povsednevnosti = History of Everyday Life ‹Sankt Peterburg› [ISSN 2542-2375] 2021 (2=18) : pp. 81-100

Bibliogr.: pp. 96-100
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10323        Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Levaja oppozicija v Leningradskom universitete   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10324         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Partijnaja diskussija 1923-1924 gg. i vysšaja škola Petrograda
/ D.A. Barinov
In: Učenye zapiski Orlovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Gumanitarnye i socialnye nauki ‹Orel› [ISSN 1998-2720] 2023 (2=99) : pp. 25-31

Angl.: The intra-party discussion of 1923-1924 and the Petrograd high school

IDN  10325        Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Put' v oppoziciju : pričiny studenčeskogo protesta v Leningrade 1920-ch gg.   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10326         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Barinov, Dmitrij Andreevič: Studenty v kommunističeskom podpol'e Leningrada (1928-1929)
= Students in the communist underground of Leningrad (1928-1929) / D.A. Barinov
In: Vestnik Marijskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija "istoričeskie nauki, juridičeskie nauki" = Vestnik of the Mari State University : Chapter History, Law ‹Ioškar-Ola› [ISSN 2411-3522] 8.2022 (1=29) : pp. 16-28

Bibliogr.: pp. 26-28
Notes: 54
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10327         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bas'kov, Petr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba kommunistov Char'kova protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnoj oppozicii (1926-1927 gg.)
/ P.G. Bas'kov
In: Trudy Char'kovskogo Inžerno-Stroitel'nogo Instituta ‹Char'kov› [ISSN 0451-8004] 22.1962 : pp. 24-39

Angl.: The struggle of the Kharkov communists against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party opposition (1926-27)

IDN  10328         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bazanov, Michail Aleksandrovič: Samoubijstvo Borisa Jakovleviča El'kina
: odin iz ėpisodov bor'by s levoj oppoziciej v g. Čeljabinske (1927 g.) [Electronic resource] / M.A. Bazanov
In: Magistra vitae : ėlektronnyj žurnal po istoričeskim naukam i archeologii [Electronic journal] ‹Čeljabinsk› [ISSN 2542-0275] 2018 (2) : pp. 46-63 (411 KB)

Bibliogr.: p. 62
Notes: 118
On pp. 49-61: Kollekcija dokumentov po delu samoubijstve B.Ja. El'kina (1927 g.)
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Dec. 10, 2018
Angl.: The suicide of Boris Yakovlevich Yelkin : one of the episodes of the struggle with the Left Opposition in Chelyabinsk (1927)

IDN  10329         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Beljalov, Umar Beljalovič: Iz istorii bor'by partijnoj organizacii Tatarii protiv trockistov, pravych opportunistov i nacional-uklonistov v pervye gody industrializacii respubliki (1926-1932 gg.)
/ U.B. Beljalov
In: Itogovaja naučnaja aspirantskaja konferencija / Kazanskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet ‹Kazan'› [ISSN 0453-4344] 1964(1966) : pp. 3-13

Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the Tatar party organizations against Trotskyists, right opportunists, and national deviationists during the first years of the industrialization of the republic (1926-32)

IDN  10330         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Berezovskaja, L.V.: Sibirskie partijnye žurnaly v bor'be s trockizmom (1923-1924 gg.)

In: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta : Serija 11, Žurnalistika ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0579-949X] 28.1973 (2) : pp. 23-30

Notes: 35
Angl.: The Siberian party journals in the struggle against Trotskyism (1923-24)

IDN  10331         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Black, Clayton: Party crisis and the factory shop floor
: Krasnyj Putilovets and the Leningrad Opposition, 1925-26
In: Europe-Asia Studies ‹Abingdon etc.› [ISSN 0966-8136] 46.1994 (1) : pp. 107-126

IDN  10332        Black, Clayton: Regionalism or clientalism?   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10333         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bor'ba moskovskich bol'ševikov za partiju, protiv likvidatorov, otzovistov i trockistov

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS, 1883-1965. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 120-131

Notes: 14
Angl.: The struggle of the Moscow Bolsheviks for the party, against liquidationists, opportunists and Trotskyists

IDN  10334         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Bor'ba moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii protiv "levych kommunistov" po voprosam vojny i mira

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS, 1883-1965. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 302-306

Notes: 5
Angl.: The struggle of the Moscow party organization against "left communists" regarding war and peace

IDN  10335         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Božič, G.N.: Istoričeskij opyt bor'by Kontrol'nych Komissij KP(b)U protiv trockizma v 1923-1930 gg.
/ G.N. Božič ; T.V. Eršova
In: Naučnye trudy po istorii KPSS ‹Kiev› [ISSN 0136-4928] 1985 (137) : pp. 93-101

Angl.: Historical experience of the struggle of the Control Commission of the Ukrainian CP against Trotskyism 1923-30

IDN  10336         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Breusova, L.A.: Kommunističeskaja Partija Turkmenistana v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927 gg.)

In: Izvestija Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoj SSR : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Ašchabad› 1973 (3) : pp. 7-12

Notes: 30
With Engl. summary
Angl.: The Communist Party of Turkmenistan in the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition (1925-27)

IDN  10337         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Breusova, L.A.: Kommunisty turkmenskoj partijnoj organizacii v bor'be protiv trockizma (1921-1924 gg.)
/ L. Breusova
In: Voprosy istorii Kommunističeskoj Partii Turkmenistana (Ašchabad, 1972) : pp. 15-31

Notes: 45
Angl.: The communists of the Turkmenistan party organization in struggle against Trotskyism (1921-24)

IDN  10338         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Černyšov, A.L.: Rol' sibirskich partijnych žurnalov v razoblačenii antileninskoj suščnosti trockizma i ego idejno-političeskom razgrome (1926-1927)

In: KPSS v bor'be za osuščestvlenie leninskogo plana postroenija socializma. (Novosibirsk, 1977) : pp. 79-88

Notes: 27
Angl.: The role of the Siberian party journals in exposing the anti-Leninist peril of Trotskyism and its ideological and political smashing (1926-27)

IDN  10339         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Chryskov, Michail Vasil'evič: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927 gg)
. - 363 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Diss., 1967
Angl.: The Moscow party organization in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition (1925-27)

IDN  10340         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Chryskov, Michail Vasil'evič: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii (1925-1927 gg)
. - 25 pp.
Moskva, Akad. Obšč. Nauk pri CK KPSS, Avtoref. diss., 1967

IDN  10341         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Čuprynnikov, Sergej Alekseevič: Profsojuzy v političeskoj bor'be 1930-ch gg.
: ot trockistskoj "integracii v mirovuju ėkonomiku" k stalinskoj "samostojatel'noj ėkonomičeskoj edinice" = Trade unions in political struggle of 1930s : from Trotsky's "integration into the world economy" to Stalin's "independent economic entity"
In: Istoričeskaja i social'no-obrazovatel'naja mysl' = Historical and Social-Educational Ideas ‹Krasnodar› [ISSN 2075-9908] 9.2017 (5,1) : pp.121-126

Notes: 10
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10342         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Diskussija i vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskich organizacijach Sibiri
: nojabr' 1919 g. - dekabr' 1929 g.. - 574 pp.
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1997
Angl.: Discussion and inner-party struggle within the Bolshevik organizations of Siberia

IDN  10343         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Diskussija i vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v bol'ševistskich organizacijach Sibiri
: nojabr' 1919 g. - dekabr' 1929 g.. - 32 pp.
Novosibirsk, Novosibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1997
Bibliogr.: pp. 30-32

IDN  10344         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: "Novyj kurs" Trockogo i vnutripartijnaja diskussija v Sibiri
/ V.V. Demidov
In: Obščestvenno-političeskaja žizn' Sibiri XX vek. 1. (Novosibirsk, 1994) : pp. 92-104

Notes: 21
Angl.: Trotsky's "New Course" and the inner-party discussion in Siberia

IDN  10345         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Demidov, Valerij Viktorovič: Političeskaja bor'ba i oppozicija v Sibiri, 1922-1929
/ V.V. Demidov. Otv. red.: V.S. Poznanskij. - Novosibirsk : Izd-vo Sibirskogo Kadrovogo Centra, 1994. - 162 pp.
Angl.: Political struggle and the opposition in Siberia, 1922-29

IDN  10346         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Drap, I.P.: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij v Baškirii protiv trockizma, za leninskoe edinstvo partii
: (1921-1925 gody)
In: Partija v bor'be za social'no-ėkonomičeskie preobrazovanija v Baškirii. (Ufa, 1968) : pp. 11-29

Table of contents: p.13 Za leninskuju platformu v diskussii o profsojuzach -- p.19 Bor'ba protiv trockizma v diskussii 1923-1924 godov -- p.25 Protiv trockistskoj revizii leninizma v 1924-1925 gody
Notes: 56
Angl.: The struggle of the Bashkirian party organizations against Trotskyism and for the Leninist unity of the party (1921-25)

IDN  10347         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Džibladze, Dmitrij Nestorovič: Bol'ševiki Zakavkaz'ja v bor'be s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom
/ D.N. Džibladze. - Tbilisi : Izd-vo CK KP Gruzii, 1973. - 69 pp.
Angl.: The Bolsheviks of Transcaucasia in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10348         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Džugur'janc, Suren Nikogosovič: Iz istorii bor'by s "levym" i pravym opportunizmom v Čečeno-Ingušskoj partorganizacii (1926-1932 gody)
/ S.N. Džugurjanc
In: Iz istorii klassovoj bor'by v Čečeno-Ingušetii v period socialističeskogo preobrazovanija narodnogo chozjajstva (1917-1937 gody). (Groznyj, 1979) : pp. 71-93

Angl.: From the history of the struggle against "left" and right opportunism in the Checheno-Ingush party organization (1926-32)

IDN  10349         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Evdokimenko, Georgij Savvič: Iz istorii bor'by s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom na Gomel'ščine
/ G.S. Savvič
In: Voprosy istorii : mežvuzovskij sbornik ‹Minsk› [ISSN 0134-9678] 3.1976 : pp. 61-71

Notes: 36
Angl.: On the history of the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc in the Gomel region

IDN  10350         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ferdman, E.L.: Partijnoe rukovodstvo pečat'ju Leningrada v period razgroma "novoj oppozicii"

In: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, jazyk, literatura [partly: Serija istorii, jazyka i literatury] ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0024-0842] 1971 (2) : pp. 25-33

Notes: 65
Angl.: The party control of the Leningrad press in the period of the smashing of the "New Opposition"

IDN  10351         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Fokin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič: Levaja oppozicija na Urale posle 1927
: plany i sud'by [Electronic resource] / A.A. Fokin ; V.V. šabalin
In: Istoričeskij žurnal : naučnye issledovanija = History Magazine : researches [Electronic journal] ‹Moskva› [ISSN 2454-0609] 2019 (6=37) : pp. 88-94 (80 KB)

Notes: 15
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed June 20, 2020
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the Urals after 1927

IDN  10352         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Fomin, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Bor'ba kommunistov Dal'nego Vostoka protiv storonnikov trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka v 1926-1927 gg.
/ V.N. Fomin
In: Učenye zapiski / Dal'nevostočnyj Gosudarstvennyj Universitet ‹Vladivostok› [ISSN 0507-1968] 1972 (37) : pp. 58-68

Notes: 35
Angl.: The struggle of the communists of the Far East against the supporters of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc in 1926-27

IDN  10353         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Gandilov, Seifaddin Tagli: Partijnaja organizacija Azerbajdžana - vernaja opora leninskoj partii v bor'be protiv trockizma i pravogo opportunizma
/ S.T. Gandilov
In: Aktual'nye voprosy istorii Kommunističeskoj Partii Azerbajdžana. (Baku, 1981) : pp. 3-26

Angl.: The party organization of Azerbaijan, a reliable pillar of the Leninist party in its struggle against Trotskyism and right opportunism

IDN  10354         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Gejt, M.A.: Bor'ba s trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppoziciej po voprosam partijnogo stroitel'stva na Urale

In: Iz istorii stroitel'stva socializma i kommunizma. (Sverdlovsk, 1974) : pp. 32-46

Notes: 47
Angl.: The struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition regarding party building in the Ural region

IDN  10355         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Gluško, Anatolij Kirillovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Srednego i Nižnego Povolž'ja protiv trockizma v 1923-1927 gg.
. - 210 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1984
Bibliogr.: pp. 189-210
Angl.: The struggle of the party organizations of the Middle and Lower Volga region against Trotskyism, 1923-1927

IDN  10356         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Gluško, Anatolij Kirillovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Srednego i Nižnego Povolž'ja protiv trockizma v 1923-1927 gg.
. - 25 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1984

IDN  10357         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Gorestov, M.A.: Dejatel'nost' partijnych kontrol'nych komissij po preodoleniju trockistskoj oppozicii v partorganizacijach Sibiri, po ich ozdorovleniju i ukrepleniju v 1923-1925 gg.

In: Stroitel'stvo kommunizma i tvorčeskaja aktivnost' mass. (Krasnojarsk, 1970) : pp. 60-97

Notes: 119
Angl.: Activities of the party's control commissions for defeating the Trotskyist opposition in the party organizations of Siberia, for their recuperation and consolidation in the years 1923-25

IDN  10358         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Grigor'ev, V.P.: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be za ukreplenie edinstva partijnych rjadov i razgrom trockizma (1921-1927 gg.)
/ V.P. Grigor'ev ; G.A. Taranenko ; M.V. Chryskov
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 11.1967 (2) : pp. 118-127

Notes: 111
Angl.: The Moscow party organization in struggle for the consolidation of the unity of the party ranks and the smashing of Trotskyism (1921-27)

IDN  10359         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Guzarov, Vladimir Nikolaevič: Bor'ba sekretarja Tomskogo Gubernskogo Komiteta RKP(b) V.S. Kalašnikova protiv trockizma (1923-1924 gg.)
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Istorija = Tomsk State University Journal of History ‹Tomsk› [ISSN 1998-8613] 2012 (4=20) : pp. 157-160

Angl.: The struggle of the secretary of the Tomsk Provincial Committee of the RCP(B), V.S. Kalashnikov, against Trotskyism (1923-24)

IDN  10360        Halfin, Igal: The demonization of the opposition   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10361         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Hincks, Darron: Support for the opposition in Moscow in the party discussion of 1923-1924

In: Soviet Studies ‹Oxford; later: Glasgow› [ISSN 0038-5859] 44.1992 (1) : pp. 137-151

Notes: 37

IDN  10362         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Partijno-radjans'ka presa Ukraïny - bojova zbroja partiï u borot'bi proty troc'kists'ko-zinov'jevs'koho bloku
: (1926-1927 gg.) / V.A. Hrečenko ; O.V. Kyryčenko
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 1986 (8=305) : pp. 90-97

Notes: 45
Angl.: The Ukrainian party press - a powerful weapon of the party in its struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10363         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Rol' partijno-sovetskoj pečati v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: (1926-1927 gg.) ; (na materialach partijnoj organizacii Ukrainy) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 236 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Kand. diss., 1981
Angl.: The role of the Soviet party press in the party's struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10364         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Hrečenko, Volodymyr Anatolijovyč: Rol' partijno-sovetskoj pečati v bor'be partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
: (1926-1927 gg.) ; (na materialach partijnoj organizacii Ukrainy) / Vladimir Anatol'evič Grečenko. - 24 pp.
Kiev, Kievskij Univ. im. Tarasa Sevčenko, Avtoref. kand. diss., 1981

IDN  10365         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ignat'ev, Viktor Leonidovič: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija bol'ševikov v bor'be protiv "levych kommunistov" i trockistov v period Bresta
/ V. Ignat'ev
In: Istoričeskij žurnal ‹Moskva› 9.1939 (9) : pp. 76-86

Notes: 15
Angl.: The Moscow party organization of the Bolsheviks in struggle against the "left communists" and Trotskyists in the Brest period

IDN  10366         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Bor'ba protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ [V.M. Ivanov ; V.V. Gerbač]
In: Očerki istorii leningradskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Leningrad, 1968) : pp. 294-300

Notes: 12
Angl.: The struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  10367         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Bor'ba s trockistami v 1923 godu
/ [V.M. Ivanov]
In: Očerki istorii leningradskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Leningrad, 1968) : pp. 231-234

Notes: 2
Angl.: The struggle against the Trotskyists in 1923

IDN  10368         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Iz istorii bor'by partii protiv "levogo" opportunizma
: leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii v 1925-1927 gg. / V.M. Ivanov. - Leningrad : Lenizdat, 1965. - 278 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.15 Partija i leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v koncu vosstanovitel'nogo perioda -- p.41 Vozniknovenie "novoj oppozicii" i načalo bor'by partii za ee razgrom -- p.57 Obostrenie vnutripartijnoj bor'by osen'ju 1925 goda -- p.101 Razoblačenie na s"ezde antipartijnoj suščnosti "novoj oppozicii" -- p.155 Okončatel'nyj razgrom antipartijnoj zinov'evskoj gruppirovki v Leningrade -- p.201 Preodolenie posledstvij frakcionnoj dejatel'nosti "novoj oppozicii" v Leningrade -- p.219 Vozniknovenie ob"edinennogo trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka i ego pervye poraženija -- p.248 Leningradskie kommunisty - aktivnye učastniki razgroma trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii -- p.275 Zaključenie
Notes: 588
Angl.: From the history of the party's struggle against "left" opportunism : the Leningrad party organization in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition, 1925-27

IDN  10369         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Kommunističeskaja Partija v bor'be za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov v konce vosstanovitel'nogo perioda (1924-1925 gg.)
. - 19 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1959
Angl.: The Communist Party in struggle for the unity of its ranks at the end of the reconstruction period (1924-25)

IDN  10370         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockizma (1923-1927 gg.)

Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Diss., 1970
Angl.: The Leningrad party organization in struggle against Trotskyism (1923-27)

IDN  10371         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leningradskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockizma (1923-1927 gg.)
. - 32 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.A. Ždanova, Avtoref. diss., 1970

IDN  10372         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Leningradskie kommunisty : aktivnye učastniki razgroma antipartijnoj zinov'evskoj gruppirovki v Leningrade

In: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, jazyk, literatura [partly: Serija istorii, jazyka i literatury] ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0024-0842] 12.1957 (20) : pp. 122-134

Notes: 35
With Engl. summary
Angl.: The Leningrad communists - active participants in the smashing of the anti-party Zinovievist group in Leningrad

IDN  10373         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Ivanov, Vsevolod Michajlovič: Vozniknovenie i razgrom antipartijnoj "novoj oppozicii"
/ [V.M. Ivanov]
In: Očerki istorii leningradskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Leningrad, 1968) : pp. 272-282

Notes: 21
Angl.: Genesis and disintegration of the anti-party "New Opposition"

IDN  10374         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Jamkovyj, A.A.: Borot'ba partijnych orhanizacij proty antylenins'kych uhrupovan' v Donbasi
: (1921-1925 rr.)
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 1974 (10) : pp. 66-72

Notes: 20
Angl.: The struggle of the party organization against anti-Leninist groups in the Donbas

IDN  10375         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Jaroš, Dmitrij Vasil'evič: Partijnoe prosveščenie - aktivnoe sredstvo v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
: (na materialach Kompartii Ukrainy) / D.V. Jaroš
In: Naučnye trudy po istorii KPSS ‹Kiev› [ISSN 0136-4928] 1985 (137) : pp. 107-113

Angl.: Party instruction - an active device in the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10376         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Juldašev, Chalil Juldaševič: Rol' Kompartii Uzbekistana v razgrome trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka
/ Ch. Juldašev. - Taškent : Uzbekistan, 1979. - 194 pp.
Angl.: The role of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan in the smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10377         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Jurasov, Ivan Nikolaevič: Bor'ba Sibbjuro CK RKP(b) protiv trockizma (1923-1924 gg.)
/ I.N. Jurasov
In: Iz istorii Zapadnoj Sibiri. (Novosibirsk, 1969) : pp. 108-126

Notes: 49
Angl.: The struggle of the Siberian Bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian CP against Trotskyism (1923-24)

IDN  10378         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Jurov, Grigorij Fedorovič: Bor'ba Sibirskoj kraevoj partorganizacii za idejnoe i organizacionnoe edinstvo svoich rjadov v 1925-1930 gg.
/ G.F. Jurov. - Novosibirsk, 1969. - 54 pp.
Angl.: The struggle of the Siberian regional party organization for ideological and organizational unity of its ranks, 1925-30

IDN  10379         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kachiani, Michail Ivanovič: Partija i trockistsko-uklonistskaja oppozicija v Gruzii
/ Mich. Kachiani. - Tiflis : Gosizdat Gruzii, 1927. - 56 pp.
Angl.: The party and the Trotskyist-deviationist opposition in Georgia [Georgian SSR, Soviet Union]

IDN  10380         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Karčevskaja, M.: Kirov v bor'be s zinov'evsko-trockistskoj oppoziciej

In: Bor'ba klassov ‹Moskva› 5.1936 (7/8) : pp. 205-213

Angl.: Kirov in struggle against the Zinovievist-Trotskyist opposition

IDN  10381         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Karčevskaja, M.: Tov. Kirov v bor'be s trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppoziciej

In: Partijnaja učeba ‹Leningrad› 1935 (22) : pp. 34-42

IDN  10382         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Klimov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Bor'ba bol'ševikov severo-zapadnoj oblasti protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg.
/ Ju.N. Klimov
In: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv pravogo i "levogo" opportunizma (1909-1930) / pod red. L.I. Bystrovoj. (Kalinin, 1978) : pp. 92-113

Angl.: The struggle of the Bolsheviks of the Northwestern districts against Trotskyism, 1923-24

IDN  10383         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Klimov, Jurij Nikolaevič: Razgrom gruppy "novoj oppozicii" v murmanskoj gubernskoj organizacii VKP(b)
: (iz istorii bor'by za pobedu socializma v SSSR) / Ju.N. Klimov
In: Učenye zapiski Karel'skogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogičeskogo Instituta ‹Petrozavodsk› [ISSN 0480-2276] 30.1967 : pp. 297-320

Notes: 31
Angl.: The smashing of the "New Opposition" group in the Murmansk district organization of the Allunion Communist Party

IDN  10384         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kočarli, Tofik Kasumovič: Bor'ba kommunistov Azerbajdžana protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka (1926-1927 gg.)
/ T.K. Kočarli
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 7.1963 (5) : pp. 53-65

Notes: 65
Angl.: The struggle of the communists of Azerbaijan against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  10385         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kolomijčenko, Ivan Ivanovič: Borot'ba Komunistyčnoï Partiï Ukraïny proty troc'kists'ko-zinov'jevs'koho antypartijnoho bloku
: (1926-1927 rr.) / I.I. Kolomijčenko
In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 8.1964 (6) : pp. 26-38

Notes: 56
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party of the Ukraine against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  10386         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kommunističeskaja Partija Ukrainy v bor'be za osuščestvlenie leninskich idej stroitel'stva socializma i kommunizma
: sbornik naučnych statej i soobščenij. - Dnepropetrovsk, 1973. - 224 pp.
Angl.: The Communist Party of the Ukraine in struggle for the realization of Lenin's idea of building socialism and communism

IDN  10387         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kornijčuk, A.V.: Z istoriï borot'by partijnych orhanizacij Ukraïny proty troc'kists'ko-zinov'jevs'koho bloku

In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 17.1973 (11=152) : pp. 15-24

Notes: 36
Angl.: To the history of the struggle of the Ukrainian party organization against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10388         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kozlov, Valerij Nikitovič: Za partijnuju principial'nost' pečati
: iz istorii bor'by partii s trockizmom v 1923 g. ; (po materialam Vjatskoj gubernii) / V.N. Kozlov
In: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii Sovetskogo Sojuza protiv opportunizma i nacionalizma. (Leningrad, 1978) : pp. 118-124

Notes: 24
Angl.: For the loyalty of the press to the party's principles : from the history of the party's struggle against Trotskyism in 1923

IDN  10389         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Koz'min, I.: Oppozicija v Sibiri
. - Novosibirsk : Sibkrajkom VKP(b), 1927. - 20 pp.
Angl.: The opposition in Siberia

IDN  10390         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Krasil'nikov, Sergej Aleksandrovič: Trotsky's henchmen in Siberian province during 1920s
/ S.A. Krasil'nikov ; V.I. Shyshkin. - 6 pp.
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki - Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal, March 26-29, 1990

IDN  10391         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kruglova, Tatjana Aleksandrovna: Leninskij prizyv v Komsomol i usilenie idejno-vospitatel'noj raboty komsomolskoj organizacii Urala (1924-1927)
/ T.A. Kruglova
In: Iz istorii partijnych organizacij Urala. (Perm', 1966) : pp. 91-112

Angl.: The Lenin enrolment in the Komsomol and the intensification of the ideological and educational work of the Komsomol organizations of the Ural region (1924-27)

IDN  10392         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv trockizma pri perechode ot vojny k mirnomu socialističeskomu stroitel'stvu (nojabr' 1920 - fevral' 1921)
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Partijnye organizacii Urala v bor'be za pobedu Oktjabr'skoj revoljucii i osuščestvlenie leninskogo plana socialističeskogo stroitel'stva. (Sverdlovsk, 1976) : pp. 62-72

Notes: 46
Angl.: The struggle of the Ural party organizations against Trotskyism during the transition from war to peaceful socialist reconstruction (Nov. 1920 - Febr. 1921)

IDN  10393         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv trockizma v period vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva
: (1921-1925 gg.) / V.M. Kružinov. - 209 pp.
Sverdlovsk, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1977
Angl.: The struggle of the Ural party organizations against Trotskyism in the period of reconstruction of the national economy (1921-25)

IDN  10394         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv trockizma v period vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva
: (1921-1925 gg.) / V.M. Kružinov. - 24 pp.
Sverdlovsk, Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1977

IDN  10395         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Istoriki Urala serediny 1950 - serediny 1980-ch godov o političeskich konfliktach v bol'ševistskoj partii v pervye gody sovetskoj vlasti
= Ural historians (the 1950s up to the 1980s) telling about political conflicts in the Bolshevik party in the early years of the Soviet system / V.M. Kružinov
In: Vestnik Tjumenskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta ‹Tjumen'› [ISSN 1562-2983] 2014 (2) : pp. 112-119

Bibliogr.: pp. 118-119
Notes: 16
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10396         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Iz istorii bor'by partijnych organizacij Sibiri i Urala protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka v 1926 godu
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Klassovaja bor'ba v Sibiri v perechodnyj period. (Tjumen', 1987) : pp. 61-72

Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the Siberian and Ural party organizations against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc in 1926

IDN  10397         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: "Kommunističeskie liberaly" i partijnye konservatory v diskussii 1923 načala 1924 gg. na Urale
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Tjumenskij istoričeskij sbornik ‹Tjumen'› 1998 (2) : pp. 84-96

Angl.: "Communist liberals" and party conservatives in the discussions from 1923 to early 1924 in the Ural region

IDN  10398         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: "Novyj kurs" L. D. Trockogo i bol'ševistskaja ėlita Urala
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Vestnik Tjumenskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta ‹Tjumen'› [ISSN 1562-2983] 2013 (2) : pp. 113-120

Notes: 16
Other ed., versions, transl.: "Novyj kurs" of L. D. Trotsky and the Bolshevik elite of the Urals
With summary

IDN  10399         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: "Novyj kurs" of L. D. Trotsky and the Bolshevik elite of the Urals
/ V.M. Kruzhinov
In: Tyumen State University Herald ‹Tyumen› [ISSN 2307-6445] 2013 (2) : pp. 93-99

Notes: 18
Orig.: "Novyj kurs" L. D. Trockogo i bol'ševistskaja ėlita Urala
With summary

IDN  10400         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Oppozicija na Urale
: na materialach diskussii 1923-načala 1924 gg. / V.M. Kružinov
In: Ural v prošlom i nastojaščem / red.koll. V.V. Alekseev [et al.] 1. (Ekaterinburg, 1998) : pp. 442-444

Angl.: The opposition in the Ural

IDN  10401         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Partijnye organizacii Urala v bor'be protiv trockistskoj revizii leninizma v konce 1924 - načale 1925 g.
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Ideologičeskaja rabota partijnych organizacij v period stroitel'stva socializma i kommunizma. (Tjumen', 1981) : pp. 53-60

Angl.: The Ural party organizations in struggle against the Trotskyist revision of Leninism, end of 1924 - beginning of 1925

IDN  10402         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Pis'mo L.D. Trockogo "Novyj kurs" i čeljabinskaja oppozicija
= L. D. Trotsky's letter "The New course" and the opposition of Chelyabinsk / V.M. Kruzhinov
In: Naučnoe mnenie ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2222-4378] 2014 (9) : pp. 55-58

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10403         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty na Urale v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti
: problemy teorii i istoriografii / V.M. Kružinov. - Tjumen' : Vektor Buk, 2005. - 90 pp.
ISBN 5-88131-433-6

Angl.: Political conflicts in the Ural region during the first decade of Soviet power

IDN  10404         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti
: (na materialach Urala) / V.M. Kružinov. - Tjumen' : Tjumenskij Gos. Univ., 2000. - 231 pp.
ISBN 5-88081-199-9

Bibliogr.: pp. 206-230
Angl.: Political conflicts during the first decade of Soviet power

IDN  10405         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti
: (na materialach Urala). - 368 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 2001

IDN  10406         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Političeskie konflikty v pervoe desjatiletie sovetskoj vlasti
: (na materialach Urala). - 32 pp.
Tjumen', Tjumenskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 2001
Angl.: Political conflicts during the first decade of Soviet power

IDN  10407         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kružinov, Valerij Michajlovič: Ural'skaja oblastnaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be protiv trockizma, za idejnoe i organizacionnoe edinstvo svoich rjadov v diskussii 1923 - načala 1924 gg.
/ V.M. Kružinov
In: Idejno-političeskoe i organizacionnoe ukreplenie partijnych organizacij Zapadnoj Sibiri v period stroitel'stva socializma i kommunizma. (Tjumen', 1984) : pp. 29-36

Angl.: The Ural district party organization in struggle against Trotskyism, for the ideological and organizational unity of its ranks in the discussion 1923-24

IDN  10408         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kulikov, Ėduard Alekseevič: Diskussija 1923 goda po partstroitel'stvu na stranicach central'noj pečati i v Tomskoj gubernskoj partorganizacii
/ Ė.A. Kulikov
In: Partijnye organizacii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka : istorija i sovremennost' / pod. red. V.A. Demeškina. (Tomsk, 1991) : pp. 106-122

Notes: 40
Angl.: The 1923 debate about party building in the pages of the central press and in the Tomsk ragional party organization

IDN  10409         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kulikov, Viktor Michajlovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala za edinstvo partii v 1926-1927 gg.
/ V.M. Kulikov
In: Iz istorii Urala. (Sverdlovsk, 1960) : pp. 341-349

Angl.: The struggle of the Ural party organizations for the unity of the party, 1926-27

IDN  10410         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kulikov, Viktor Michajlovič: Bor'ba s trockizmom na Urale posle XV s"ezda VKP(b) (1928-1930 gg.)
/ V.M. Kulikov ; N.F. Plotnikov
In: Klassovaja bor'ba na Urale (1917-1932 gody). (Sverdlovsk, 1974) : pp. 105-119

Notes: 66
Angl.: The struggle against Trotskyism in the Ural region after the 15th congress of the Allunion Communist Party (1928-30)

IDN  10411         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Kuznecov, Jurij Sergeevič: Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii Turkmenistana za leninskoe edinstvo svoich rjadov
: (razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii) / Ju.S. Kuznecov
In: Izvestija Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoj SSR : Serija obščestvennych nauk ‹Ašchabad› 1960 (3) : pp. 70-78

Notes: 23
Abridged Engl. version see author's "Trotskyism in Turkmenistan"
Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the CP of Turkmenistan for the Leninist unity of its ranks

IDN  10412         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Leningradskaja organizacija i XIV s"ezd
: sbornik materialov i dokumentov. - Moskva [etc.] : Gosizdat, 1926. - 199 pp.
Angl.: The Leningrad party organization and the 14th congress

IDN  10413         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Levčuk, A.G.: Bor'ba Char'kovskoj gorodskoj partijnoj organizacii protiv trockistov i "rabočej oppozicii", za leninskuju platformu v period diskussii o profsojuzach
: (nojabr' 1920 - mart 1921 g.)
In: Učenye zapiski / Char'kovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A.M. Gor'kogo ‹Char'kov› 1963 (139) : pp. 110-119

Notes: 45
Angl.: The struggle of the Kharkov City party organization against the Trotskyists and the "workers' opposition", for the Leninist platform in the period of the trade union debate (Nov. 1920 - March 1921)

IDN  10414         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Levčuk, A.G.: Bor'ba Char'kovskoj partijnoj organizacii protiv trockistov vo vremja obščepartijnoj diskussii v konce 1923 goda

In: Vestnik Char'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija KPSS ‹Char'kov› [ISSN 0320-829X] 1964 (1) : pp. 15-19

Angl.: The struggle of the Kharkov party organization against Trotskyism during the general party discussion at the end of 1923

IDN  10415         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Litvinenko, Vitalij Fedoseevič: Kommunisty Donbassa v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka (1926-1927 gg.)
/ V.F. Litvinenko ; I.N. Ban'ko
In: KP Ukrainy - boevoj otrjad velikoj partii Lenina. (Kiev, 1978) : pp. 73-81

Angl.: The communists of Donbas in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  10416         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Macyna, A.D.: Char'kovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be za general'nuju liniju partii i ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov (1926-1927 gg.)

In: Učenye zapiski / Char'kovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A.M. Gor'kogo ‹Char'kov› 1962 (128) : pp. 58-74

Angl.: The Kharkov party organization in struggle for the general line of the party and for the consolidation of the unity of its ranks (1926-27)

IDN  10417         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Makovkin, D.D.: Iz istorii bor'by partijnych organizacij Južnogo Urala s trockizmom v 1926-1927 godach

In: Kommunističeskie organizacii Urala v bor'be za osuščestvlenie industrializacii i dal'nejšee razvitie promyšlennosti. (Čeljabinsk, 1962) : pp. 3-60

Angl.: On the history of the struggle of the Southern Ural party organizations against Trotskyism in 1926-27

IDN  10418         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Maksimova, Lidija Pavlovna: Iz istorii bor'by Komsomola Belorussii s trockizmom
/ L.P. Maksimova. - Minsk, 1979. - 29 pp.
Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the Belarussian Komsomol against Trotskyism

IDN  10419         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Maksimova, Lidija Pavlovna: Ložnye druz'ja" molodeži
: (iz istorii bor'by Kompartii i Komsomola Belorussii s trockizmom za molodež') / L.P. Maksimova. - Minsk : Znanie, 1988. - 26 pp.
Bibliogr.: pp. 25-26
Angl.: False friends of the youth

IDN  10420         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Malyšev, Anatolij Vasil'evič: Novgorodskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be za edinstvo svoich rjadov (1921-1925 gg.)
/ A.V. Malyšev
In: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, jazyk, literatura [partly: Serija istorii, jazyka i literatury] ‹Leningrad› [ISSN 0024-0842] 1974 (4) : pp. 38-45

Notes: 28
With Engl. summary
Angl.: The Novgorod party organization in struggle for the unity of its ranks (1921-25)

IDN  10421         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Mancaeva, Tatjana Borisovna: O tak nazyvaemoj kontrrevoljucionnoj trockistsko-zinov'evskoj buržuazno-nacionalističeskoj organizacii v Kalmyckoj ASSR
/ T.B. Mancaeva
In: Vestnik Tambovskogo Universiteta : Serija Gumanitarnye nauki ‹Tambov› [ISSN 1810-0201] 2009 (12=80) : pp. 370-373

Notes: 2
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: About the so-called counter-revolutionary Trotskyist-Zinovievist bourgeois-nationalist organization in Kalmykian ASSR

IDN  10422         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Markijanov, Boris Kirillovič: Bor'ba KP(b)B protiv trockistov i zinov'evcev, pravogo uklona (1926-1929 gg.)
/ B. Markijanov
In: Markijanov, B.K.: Ukreplenie edinstva rjadov Kommunističeskoj Partii Belorussii (1921-1937 gg.) (Minsk, 1970) : pp. 110-195

Notes: 226
Angl.: The struggle of the Belorussian CP against Trotskyists, Zinovievists, and the right deviation (1926-29)

IDN  10423         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Markijanov, Boris Kirillovič: Razgrom trockistov v KP(b)B v period profsojuznoj diskussii
/ B.K. Markijanov
In: Markijanov, B.K.: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii Belorussii za ukreplenie edinstva svoich rjadov v 1921-1925 gg. (Minsk, 1961) : pp. 48-60

Notes: 24
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyists in the CP of Belorussia in the period of the trade union debate

IDN  10424         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Mit'kin, Nikolaj Andreevič: Moskovskie bol'ševiki v bor'be protiv likvidatorov, otzovistov, trockistov
/ [N.A. Mit'kin]
In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS. 1. (Moskva, 1979) : pp. 225-239

Notes: 45
Angl.: The Moscow Bolsheviks in struggle against liquidationists and Trotskyists

IDN  10425         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Mogila, N.L.: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Sibiri protiv trockizma (1925-1927)

In: KPSS v bor'be za osuščestvlenie leninskogo plana postroenija socializma. (Novosibirsk, 1977) : pp. 36-78

Notes: 117
Angl.: The struggle of the Siberian party organizations against Trotskyism (1925-27)

IDN  10426         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Morozova, Tat'jana Igorevna: Trockistskaja oppozicija v predstavlenijach partijnogo rukovodstva Sibiri
/ T.I. Morozova
In: Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta : Serija Istoričeskie nauki ‹Omsk› [ISSN 2312-1300] 2016 (4=12) : pp. 55-62

Notes: 39
Angl.: The Trotskyist opposition as seen by the party leadership of Siberia

IDN  10427         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Moskovskie bol'ševiki v bor'be s pravym i "levym" opportunizmom
: 1921-1929 gg. / [naučnyj red.: A.N. Ponomarev]. - Moskva : Moskovskij Rabočij, 1969. - 319 pp.
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.7 Bor'ba protiv trockistskich i drugich antileninskich gruppirovok -- p.114 Razoblačenie antileninskoj platformy "novoj oppozicii" -- p.152 Rol' moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii v razgrome trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka -- p.237 V bor'be s pravym uklonom -- p.317 Zaključenie
Notes: 630
Angl.: The Moscow Bolcheviks in struggle against right and "left" opportunism

IDN  10428         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Musaev, S.V.: Rol' CKK KP Azerbajdžana v razgrome trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka

In: Aktual'nye voprosy istorii Kommunističeskoj Partii Azerbajdžana. (Baku, 1981) : pp. 27-38

Angl.: The role of the Central Control Commission of the CP of Azerbaijan in the smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  10429         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Načalo socialističeskoj industrializacii, v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS, 1883-1965. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 420-428

Notes: 10
Angl.: The beginning of socialist industrialization, in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition

IDN  10430         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Nadtočeev, Valerij Dosifeevič: Iz istorii bor'by s trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppoziciej v moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii
/ V.D. Nadtočeev
In: Voprosy istorii KPSS ‹Moskva› [ISSN 0320-8907] 1971 (11) : pp. 54-63

Notes: 52
Angl.: On the history of the struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition in the Moscow party organization

IDN  10431         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Nagajcev, N.I.: Moskovskaja partijnaja organizacija v bor'be s antipartijnym trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom (1926-1927 gg.)

In: Voprosy partijnogo rukovodstva kommunističeskim vospitaniem trudjaščichsja. 2. (Moskva, 1975) : pp. 175-193

Angl.: The Moscow party organization in struggle against the anti-party Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1926-27)

IDN  10432         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Die Niederlage der Opposition in Leningrad
In: Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz ‹Berlin; Wien› 6.1926 (125) : pp. 2146-2147

Angl.: The defeat of the opposition in Leningrad

IDN  10433         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Nirenburg, Jakov Leonidovič: Bor'ba partijnych organizacij Urala protiv antileninskogo vystuplenija Trockogo v konce 1924 - načale 1925 g.
/ Ja.L. Nirenburg ; V.V. Fel'dman
In: Partijnoe rukovodstvo vospitaniem trudjaščichsja Urala v period stroitel'stva socializma. (Sverdlovsk, 1982) : pp. 33-39

Angl.: The struggle of the Ural party organizations against the anti-Leninist appearance of Trotsky, end of 1924 - beginning of 1925

IDN  10434        Nisonger, Thomas Evans: The Leningrad opposition of 1925-1926 in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10435         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Oganesjan, G.E.: Iz istorii bor'by Kompartii Armenii protiv trockizma (ijul' 1927 g. - janvar' 1928 g.)

In: Voprosy istorii KPSS : mežvusovskij sbornik naučnych trudov. 2. (Erevan, 1980) : pp. 139-158

Angl.: On the history of the struggle of the Armenian Communist Party against Trotskyism (July 1927 - Jan. 1928)

IDN  10436         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Bor'ba partorganizacii Srednej Azii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom i pravym uklonom (1926-1932 gody)
. - 208 pp.
Taškent, Taškentskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. V.I. Lenina, Diss., 1983
Bibliogr.: pp. 186-208
Angl.: The struggle of the Middle Asian party organization against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc and the rightist deviation

IDN  10437         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Bor'ba partorganizacii Srednej Azii s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom i pravym uklonom (1926-1932 gody)
. - 24 pp.
Taškent, Taškentskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. V.I. Lenina, Avtoref. diss., 1983

IDN  10438         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Iz istorii bor'by partorganizacij Srednej Azii s trockizmom
/ T.V. Okunskaja
In: Vozrastajuščaja rol' partijnych organizacij v socialističeskom i kommunističeskom stroitel'stve. (Taškent, 1980) : pp. 26-32

Angl.: On the history of the struggle of the Central Asian party organizations against Trotskyism

IDN  10439         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna:
L' opposition en Asie Centrale dans les années vingt / Tatiana Vladimirovna Otsunskaya [sic!]
In: Cahiers Léon Trotsky ‹Various places› [ISSN 0181-0790] 1994 (53) : pp. 63-70

Notes: 20
Angl.: The opposition in Central Asia during the 1920s

IDN  10440         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna:
The party opposition in Central Asia in 1925-27 / Tania Okunskaya
In: The Journal of Symposium '90 ‹London› [ISSN 0966-6869] 1.1992 (1) : pp. 53-56

Notes: 5
Paper originally submitted to the 2nd Symposium '90 International Conference, Athens, Oct. 22-27, 1991

IDN  10441         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Okunskaja, Tatjana Vladimirovna: Taškentskaja partorganizacija v bor'be s trockistsko-zinov'evskim blokom
/ T.V. Okunskaja. - Taškent, 1979. - 24 pp.
Angl.: The Tashkent party organization in struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc

IDN  10442         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Oppozicija polučaet otpor

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Moskva, 1983) : pp. 262-267

Notes: 6
Angl.: The opposition is given the brush-off

IDN  10443         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Osipov, Vladimir Pavlovič: Učastie bol'ševikov Kasachstana v bor'be partii protiv "novoj" oppozicii i trockistsko-zinov'evskogo bloka (1925-1928)
/ V.P. Osipov ; P.I. Tibekin
In: Voprosy istorii Kompartii Kasachstana ‹Alma-Ata› [ISSN 0201-4181] 1984 (17) : pp. 50-66

Notes: 42
Angl.: The participation of the Kazakhstan Bolsheviks in the party's struggle against the "New" Opposition and the Trotskyist-Zinovievist bloc (1925-28)

IDN  10444         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Pervye uspechi v vosstanovlenii narodnogo chozjajstva, bor'ba s trockistskoj oppoziciej

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS, 1883-1965. (Moskva, 1966) : pp. 392-407

Notes: 12
Angl.: Early sucesses in raising the national economy [and] struggle against the Trotskyist opposition

IDN  10445         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Plotnikov, Nikandr Filimonovič: Idejno-organizacionnoe poraženie trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii na Urale v period partijnoj diskussii 1927 goda
/ N.F. Plotnikov
In: Voprosy razvitija socialističeskogo obščestva. (Sverdlovsk, 1971)

Angl.: The ideological and organizational defeat of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition in the Ural region in the period of the party discussion, 1927

IDN  10446         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Prokof'eva, Elena Jur'evna: Iz istorii bor'by s oppoziciej v partijnach organizacijach sovetskoj provincii v 1925-1926 gg.
: "delo gruppy Nečaeva" v Belgorodskom uezdnom komitete VKP(b) Kurskoj gubernii / E.Ju. Prokof'eva. - [1-3]
In: Naučnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Serija Istorija, politologija, ėkonomika, informatika ‹Belgorod› [ISSN 1990-5327] 2012 (7=126) : pp. 199-215; 2012 (13=132) : pp. 146-153; 2012 (19=138) : pp.130-134

Notes: 62
With Engl. and Russ. abstracts
Angl.: From the history of the fight with the underground opposition in the party organizations of the Soviet province in 1925-26 : "the case of the Nechaev group" in the Belgorod Committee of the Kursk Province

IDN  10447         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Pšegods'kyj, Semen Vasil'evič: Komsomol Ukrainy - aktivnyj pomoščnik Kommunističeskoj Partii v bor'be s trockizmom i v osuščestvlenii plana socialističeskogo stroitel'stva (1923-1927 gg.)
. - 31 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoref. diss., 1972

IDN  10448         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Pšegods'kyj, Semen Vasil'evič: Komsomol Ukrainy - aktivnyj pomoščnik Kommunističeskoj Partii v bor'be s trockizmom i v osuščestvlenii plana socialističeskogo stroitel'stva (1923-1927 gg.)
. - 205 pp.
Doneck, Doneckij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Diss., 1972
Angl.: The Ukrainian Komsomol - an active ally of the Communist Party in its struggle against Trotskyism and for the realisation of the plan for socialist construction (1923-27)

IDN  10449         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Pšegods'kyj, Semen Vasil'evič: Vysvitlennja molodižnoju presoju URSR borot'by proty troc'kizmu (1923-1927 rr.)

In: Ukraïns'kyj istoryčnyj žurnal ‹Kyïv› [ISSN 0130-5247] 17.1973 (11=152) : pp. 102-104

Notes: 8
Angl.: The description of the struggle against Trotskyism (1923-27) in the youth press of the Ukraine

IDN  10450         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Političeskie praktiki bol'ševistskoj organizacii Leningrada v diskussijach 1921 i 1925
. - 210 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Diss., 2020
Angl.: The political practice of the Leningrad party organization in the debates of 1921 and 1925

IDN  10451         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Rakov, Timofej Nikolaevič: Političeskie praktiki bol'ševistskoj organizacii Leningrada v diskussijach 1921 i 1925
. - 20 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Inst. Istorii Rossijskoj Akad. Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2020

IDN  10452         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Razgrom trockistsko-zinov'evskoj oppozicii

In: Očerki istorii moskovskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Moskva, 1983) : pp. 305-311

Notes: 11
Angl.: The smashing of the Trotskyist-Zinovievist opposition

IDN  10453        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: K istorii "trockistskoj" oppozicii "nizov"   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10454        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924 gg   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10455         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: "Naša oppozicija dovol'no ručnaja..."?
: (k istorii vnutripartijnych konfliktov v Permi v 1923-1924 godach)
In: Konstruiruja "sovetskoe"? : materialy naučnoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov (25 aprelja 2009 goda, Sankt-Peterburg). (Sankt-Peterburg, 2009) : pp. 56-60

Paper originally submitted to the Naučnaja Konferencija Studentov i Aspirantov, Sankt-Peterburg, Apr. 25, 2009

IDN  10456         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: "Ne vynosit' ssory iz izby"
: k istorii vnutripartijnoj diskussii bol'ševikov v dekabre 1923 - janvare 1924 gg.
In: Rossija i mir v konce XIX - načale XX veka / red. koll.: D.V. Bubnov [et al.] 2. (Perm', 2009) : pp. 111-115

Notes: 11
Paper originally submitted to the Vtoraja Vserossijskaja Naučnaja Konferencija Molodych Učenych, Aspirantov i Studentov, Perm', Febr. 5-9, 2009
Angl.: "Don't air your dirty linen in public" : to the history of the Bolsheviks' debate during Dec. 1923 - Jan. 1924

IDN  10457         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Oppozicija 1923 goda v RKP(b) po materialam Permi
/ A.V. Reznik
In: Vestnik Permskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta : Istorija ‹Perm'› [ISSN 2219-3111] 2011 (2=16) : pp. 109-119

Notes: 33
Angl.: The 1923 opposition in the RCP(B) on Perm material

IDN  10458        Reznik, Aleksandr Valer'evič: Trockizm i levaja oppozicija v RKP(B) v 1923-1924   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…  

IDN  10459         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Romanov, Valentin Viktorovič: Bor'ba Dal'nevostočnoj partijnoj organizacii protiv trockizma v period diskussii
: 1923-1924 gg. / V.V. Romanov
In: Voprosy istorii Dal'nego Vostoka ‹Chabarovsk› [ISSN 0320-6777] 2.1972 : pp. 91-98

Notes: 39
Angl.: The struggle of the Far Eastern party organizations against Trotskyism in the period of discussion, 1923-24

IDN  10460         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v Ural'skoj oblasti, 1927-1930 gg
. - 24 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Avtoreferat diss., 2000
Director of thesis: O.L. Lejbovič

IDN  10461         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Levaja oppozicija v Ural'skoj oblasti, 1927-1930 gg
. - 245 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 2000
Table of contents: Vvedenie - Levaja oppozicija v SSSR posle XV s"ezda VKP(b) (Osnovnye vnutripartijnye gruppirovoki do i posle XV s"ezda VKP(b) - Ssylka kak laboratorija političeskoj mysli: neprimirimye - Ssylka kak laboratorija političeskoj mysli: primirency) - Političeskaja dejatel'nost' bol'ševikov-lenincev v Ural'skoj oblasti (Političeskaja situacija v Ural'skoj oblasti pered XV s"ezdom VKP(b) - Genezis nelegal'nych grupp i organizacij bol'ševikov-lenincev na Urale - Partijnye učreždenija protiv oppozicii - Političeskaja dejatel'nost' bol'ševikov-lenincev v ural'skoj ssylke)
Director of thesis: O.L. Lejbovič
Angl.: The Left Opposition in the Ural region, 1927-30

IDN  10462         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Ot diskussij k podpol'ju
: očerk istorii levoj oppozicii v g. Permi (1927-1928 gg.)
In: Gody terrora : kniga pamjati žertv političeskich repressij. Č. 6, t. 4. (Perm', 2012) : pp. 161-182

Notes: 36
Angl.: From discussion to underground

IDN  10463         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Partijnye instituty i levaja oppozicija posle XV s"ezda VK?(b) (na primere Ural'skoj oblasti)
= Party institutions and Left Opposition after The XV congress of the CPSU(B) (the case of the Ural region) / V.V. Šabalin
In: PolitBook ‹Čeboksary› [ISSN 2227-1538] 2018 (1) : pp. 79-92

Notes: 33
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10464         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Pejzaž posle bitvy : iz istorii levoj oppozicii na Urale
. - Perm' : OCNIT Perm'skogo Gos. Techn. Univ., 2003. - 169 pp.
Angl.: Landscape after the battle : from the history of the Left Opposition in the Urals

IDN  10465         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: "P'janaja oppozicija"
: (iz istorii levooppozicionnogo dviženija na Urale) / V.V. Šabalin
In: I Astaf'evskie Čtenija / red. G. Panteleeva. (Perm', 2003) : pp. 68-73

Paper submitted to the I Astaf'evskie Čtenija, Perm', May 17-18, 2002
Angl.: "The drunken opposition"

IDN  10466         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šabalin, Vladislav Valer'evič: Podpol'naja organizacija permskich "bol'ševikov-lenincev" (1928 g.)

In: Učenye zapiski Gumanitarnogo Fakulteta ‹Perm'› 2000 (1) : pp. 72-85

Angl.: The underground organization of the "Bolsheviks-Leninists" in Perm (1928)

IDN  10467         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Saidov, P.: Iz istorii bor'by Kommunističeskoj Partii Uzbekistana protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka (1925-1927 gg.)

In: Iz istorii socialističeskogo i kommunističeskogo stroitel'stva v Uzbekistane. (Samarkand, 1972) : pp. 37-48

Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the Uzbek CP against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc (1925-27)

IDN  10468         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Sannikov, Vasilij Alekseevič: Partijnye kontrol'nye organy kak instrument bor'by s oppoziciej v Moskve v 1920-e gody

In: Istoričeskaja i social'no-obrazovatel'naja mysl' = Historical and Social-Educational Ideas ‹Krasnodar› [ISSN 2075-9908] 8.2016 (3,1) : pp. 63-67

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Party control bodies as a tool in the fight against the opposition in Moscow in the 1920s

IDN  10469         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Šiškin, Vladimir Ivanovič: Trotsky and the Left Opposition in Siberia
/ Vladimir Shishkin
Unpubl. ms.
Paper submitted to the International Conference Trotsky after 50 Years, Aberdeen, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1990

IDN  10470         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Sizych, I.A.: Iz istorii bor'by Sibir'skoj partijnoj organizacii s trockistami v 1926-1929 godach

In: Velikij Oktjabr' i Vostočnaja Sibir'. (Irkutsk, 1968) : pp. 141-146

Notes: 7
Angl.: From the history of the struggle of the Siberian party organizations against Trotskyism in 1926-29

IDN  10471         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Sloin, Andrew:
The politics of crisis : economy, ethnicity, and Trotskyism in Belorussia
In: Kritika : explorations in Russian and Eurasian history ‹Bloomington, Ind.› [ISSN 1531-023x] 15.2014 (1) : pp. 51-76

Notes: 117

IDN  10472         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Sloin, Andrew:
The politics of crisis : economy, ethnicity, and Trotskyism
In: Sloin, A.: The Jewish revolution in Belorussia. (Bloomington, Ind., 2017) : pp. 181-208

IDN  10473         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Iniciativnye gruppy i vnutripartijnaja oppozicija
: slučaj Leningradskogo Gornogo Instituta (1925-1939 gg.) [Electronic resource] / A.Ju. Stefanenko
In: Učenye zapiski Novgorodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta = Memoirs of NovSU [Electronic journal] ‹Novgorod› [ISSN 2411-7951] 2021 (4=37) : pp. 397-401 (604 KB)

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Accessed Dec. 22, 2023
Angl.: Initiative groups and intraparty opposition : the case of the Leningrad Mining Institute (1925-1939)

IDN  10474         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: K istorii oppozicii na fabrike "Rabotnica" : gruppa A.S. Alimova
/ A.Ju. Stefanenko
In: Rossija na perelome : vojny, revoljucii, reformy / otv. sost. A.A. Ivanov. (Sankt-Peterburg, 2018) : pp. 230-241

With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: The history of the opposition in "Rabotnitsa" factory : A.S. Alimov's group

IDN  10475         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningrade, 1926-1933 gg
. - 277 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Institut Istorii Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Diss., 2021
Table of contents: p.3 Vvedenie -- p.10 Istoriografija i istočnikovedenie vnutripartijnoj bor'by v Leningrade -- p.39 Teoretičeskie i praktičeskie osnovy dejatel'nosti vnutripartijnych gruppirovok oppozicii -- p.135 Metody bor'by storonnikov CK RKB(b)-VKP(b) s oppozicionnymi gruppami -- p.222 Zaključenie -- p.228 Spisok sokraščenij -- p.231 Spisok istočnikov i literatury
Bibliogr.: pp. 231-277
Notes: 1,118
Director of thesis: Kirill Anatal'evič Boldovskij
Angl.: Intraparty struggle in Leningrad, 1926-1933

IDN  10476         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningrade, 1926-1933 gg
. - 26 pp.
Sankt-Peterburg, Sankt-Peterburgskij Institut Istorii Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Avtoref. diss., 2021
Director of thesis: Kirill Anatal'evič Boldovskij
Angl.: Intraparty struggle in Leningrad, 1926-1933

IDN  10477         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Vnutripartijnaja bor'ba v Leningradskoj organizacii VKP(b) (1926-1928 gg.)
: struktura i praktiki dejatel'nosti oppozicionnych grupp
In: Peterburgskij istoričeskij žurnal ‹Sankt-Peterburg› [ISSN 2311-603X] 2020 (4=28) : pp. 21-35

Notes: 89
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Intraparty struggle in the Leningrad party organization (1926-1928) : the structure and the practices of oppositionists' groups

IDN  10478         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stefanenko, Aleksandr Jur'evič: Ženščiny v zinov'evskoj oppozicii v Leningrade
: prosopografičeskoe issledovanie / A.Ju. Stefanenko
In: Izvestija Samarskogo Naučnogo Centra Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk ‹Samara› [ISSN 1990-5378] 20.2018 (3) : pp. 84-91

Notes: 80
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts
Angl.: Women in the Zinovievist opposition in Leningrad : a prosopographic study

IDN  10479         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Stepičev, Ivan Sergeevič: Bor'ba KPSS s trockistsko-zinov'evskim antipartijnym blokom v 1926-1927 gg.
: (po materialam Irkutskoj partijnoj organizacii) / I.S. Stepičev
In: Iz istorii partijnych organizacij Vostočnoj Sibiri. (Irkutsk, 1962) : pp. 3-27

Notes: 39
Angl.: The struggle of the CPSU against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc in 1926-27 : based on materials of the Irkutsk party organization

IDN  10480         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Sturua, Dėvi Georgievič: CKK-RKI Gruzii v bor'be protiv trockistskoj oppozicii
/ D. Sturua
In: Sturua, D.G.: V bor'be za edinstvo rjadov partii. (Tbilisi, 1972) : pp. 120-186

Notes: 162

IDN  10481         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Suslov, Andrej Borisovič: Bor'ba ural'skich organizacij RKP (b) s melkoburžuaznym gruppami i tečenijami v 1919-1927 gg.
. - 15 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Avtoref. diss., 1989
Bibliogr.: p. 15

IDN  10482         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Suslov, Andrej Borisovič: Bor'ba ural'skich organizacij RKP (b) s melkoburžuaznymi gruppami i tečenijami v 1919-1927 gg.
. - 229 pp.
Perm', Perm'skij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. A.M. Gor'kogo, Diss., 1989
Angl.: The struggle of the Ural party organizations against petty-bourgeois groups and tendencies 1919-27

IDN  10483         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Suslov, Andrej Borisovič: Mežpartijnaja i vnutripartijnaja bor'ba na Urale v 1921-1929 godach
/ A.B. Suslov
In: Stranicy istorii Urala : sbornik statej i informacionnych materialov. 1. (Perm', 1993) : pp. 23-30

Notes: 13
Angl.: Inter- and inner-party struggle in the Ural region during 1921-29

IDN  10484         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Suzdal'ceva, V.: Bor'ba s zinov'evcami i trockistami v Leningrade (1925-1927 gody)

In: Bor'ba klassov ‹Moskva› 6.1936 (9) : pp. 11-25

Angl.: The struggle against the Zinovievists and Trotskyists in Leningrad (1925-27)

IDN  10485         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Švedov, Michail Ivanovič: Bor'ba moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg.
: (na materialach partijnych organizacij vuzov goroda) / M.I. Švedov
In: Iz istorii bor'by KPSS za pobedu socializma i kommunizma. 2. (Moskva, 1972) : pp. 198-219

Notes: 81
Angl.: The struggle of the Moscow party organization against Trotskyism in 1923-24

IDN  10486         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Tabackij, Aleksandr Danilovič: Partijnaja pečat' Dal'nego Vostoka v bor'be protiv trockizma v 1922-1928 gg
. - 16 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Avtoref. diss., 1989

IDN  10487         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Tabackij, Aleksandr Danilovič: Partijnaja pečat' Dal'nego Vostoka v bor'be protiv trockizma v 1922-1928 gg
. - 196 pp.
Leningrad, Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Inst. im. A.I. Gercena, Diss., 1989
Angl.: The party press of the Far East in struggle against Trotskyism 1922-1928

IDN  10488         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Takala, Irina: "Love live comrade Trotskii!"
: the discourse on the intra-party opposition in the documents of the OGPU
In: Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue canadienne-américain d'études slaves ‹Bakersfield, Cal.; [later:] Leiden› [ISSN 0090-8290] 53.2019 (1/2) : pp. 121-148

Table of contents: p. 121 Abstract [Engl.], annotacija [Russ.] -- p.122 [Introd.] -- p.124 Obraz partijnoj oppozicii v central'nych svodkach OGPU -- p.135 Karel'skij primer -- p.147 Vmesto zaključenija
Notes: 98
"This article analyzes the discussion of the internal party opposition found in documents of the [...] GPU of Karelia for the period 1924-1929" [from the Engl. abstract]
Title and sub-title in Engl., but text of the article in Russ. language. With Engl. and Russ. abstracts

IDN  10489         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Bor'ba Moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii za ukreplenie edinstva i spločenie partijnych rjadov v period meždu X i XIII s"ezdami RKP(B)
. - 321 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Diss., 1967
Angl.: The struggle of the Moscow party organization for the unity and consolidation of its ranks in the period between the Xth and XIIIth party congress of the RCP(B)

IDN  10490         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Bor'ba Moskovskoj partijnoj organizacii za ukreplenie edinstva i spločenie partijnych rjadov v period meždu X i XIII s"ezdami RKP(B)
. - 28 pp.
Moskva, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Avtoref. diss., 1967

IDN  10491         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Taranenko, Georgij Andreevič: Rol' moskovskoj organizacii RKP(b) v razgrome antileninskich gruppirovok v period diskussii o profsojuzach
/ G.A. Taranenko
In: Stranicy velikogo puti. (Moskva, 1967) : pp. 83-95

Angl.: The role of the Moscow party organization of the Russian PC in the smashing of the anti-Leninist groups in the period of the trade union debate

IDN  10492         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Timkin, Jurij Nikolaevič: Zapach frakcionnosti : levaja oppozicija v Vjatskoj gubernskoj organizacii RKP(b) v 1923-1924 gg.
= The smell of factionalism : Left Opposition in the Vyatka provincial organization of the Bolshevik Party in 1923-1924 / Ju. N. Temkin
In: Vestnik RUDN : Serija Istorija Rossii = RUDN Journal of Russian History ‹Moskva› [ISSN 1681-8695 - ISSN 0869-8732 - ISSN 2312-8674] 20.2021 (1) : pp. 108-124

Bibliogr.: pp. 123-124
Notes: 76
With Russ. and Engl. abstracts

IDN  10493         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Titov, Aleksandr Grigor'evič: Bor'ba Kommunističeskoj Partii protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka
/ A.G. Titov
In: Iz istorii partijnych organizacij Verchnego Povolž'ja. 1. (Jaroslavl', 1966) : pp. 3-63

Notes: 138
Angl.: The struggle of the Communist Party against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc

IDN  10494         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Toidze, Levan Malchazovič: Kompartija Gruzii v bor'be za leninizm
: dejatel'nost' kommunistov respubliki po idejno-političeskomu razgromu trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka i pravogo uklona (1926-1930 gg.). - 236 pp.
Tbilisi, Inst. po Istorii Partii pri CK KP Gruzii, Diss., 1974
Bibliogr.: p. 234
Angl.: The CP of Georgia [USSR] in struggle for Leninism

IDN  10495         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Tyškilov, Petr Petrovič: Bor'ba Burjatskoj partijnoj organizacii protiv trockizma v 1923-1924 gg.
: leninskij prizyv v partiju / P.P. Tyškilov
In: Učenye zapiski / Burjatskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Institut im. Dorži Banzarova ‹Ulan-Udė› 1961 (23) : pp. 29-41

Notes: 7
Angl.: The struggle of the Buryat party organization against Trotskyism 1923-24

IDN  10496         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Uspechi vosstanovlenija narodnogo chozjajstva, razgrom "novoj oppozicii"

In: Očerki istorii leningradskoj organizacii KPSS. 2. (Leningrad, 1980) : pp. 139-156

Notes: 33
Angl.: Achievements in building-up the national economy, smashing of the "New Opposition"

IDN  10497         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Vavilin, I.: Bor'ba protiv "novoj oppozicii" v leningradskoj organizacii bol'ševikov

In: Krasnaja letopis' ‹Leningrad› 1934 (1=58) : pp. 18-34

Angl.: The struggle against the "New Opposition" in the Leningrad organization of the Bolsheviks

IDN  10498         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Vernost' leninizmu
: iz istorii bor'by s trockizmom v dagestanskoj partijnoj organizacii v period diskussii, 1923-1924 g.
In: Sovetskij Dagestan ‹Machačkala› [ISSN 0132-120X] 1969 (1) : pp. 10-17

Angl.: Loyalty to Leninism : on the history of the struggle against Trotskyism in the Dagestan party organization during the period of discussion, 1923-24

IDN  10499         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Vladimircev, Vladimir Ivanovič: Iz istorii bor'by partijnoj organizacii Urala protiv "novoj oppozicii"
/ V.I. Vladimircev ; N.F. Plotnikov
In: Rukovodjaščaja rol' partijnych organizacij Urala v stroitel'stve socializma. (Sverdlovsk, 1976) : pp. 25-39

Notes: 40
Angl.: On the history of the struggle of the Ural party organization against the "New Opposition"

IDN  10500         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Vojšnis, V.Ė.: Partijnaja organizacija Dal'nevostočnogo kraja - vernaja opora CK VKP(b) v bor'be protiv trockistsko-zinov'evskogo antipartijnogo bloka (1926-1927 gg.)

In: Iz istorii Dal'nego Vostoka. (Chabarovsk, 1976) : pp. 97-147

Notes: 7
Angl.: The Far Eastern regional party organization - a reliable supporter of the Central Committee of the Allunion Communist Party in its struggle against the Trotskyist-Zinovievist anti-party bloc (1926-27)

IDN  10501         LLTB  Chapter  5.6
Volkov, Vladimir: Iz istorii levoj oppozicii na Južnom Urale
/ V. Volkov
In: Rabočij-internacionalist ‹Čeljabinsk› 1994 (3) : pp. 3-14

Angl.: On the history of the Left Opposition in the Southern Ural region

IDN  10502        Zolotarev, V.A.: K istorii učastija Komsomola Sibiri v bor'be Kommunističeskoj Partii za leninizm, protiv trockizma (1924-1925 gg.)   ... Main entry see within Chapter 5…